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Windows 64 bit community workaround


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On 29/2/2016 at 11:24 PM, NathanKell said:

@atomontage um...did you miss the part where our #1 priority for the last year has been moving to Unity 5? :) (You know, the one that has fixed many Windows/OSX 64bit issues). No guarantees, but as the dev notes have stated many times, we're all doing our work in the 64bit editor and it's been stable so far.

This is great to hear :)

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Hi there,

Been trying this up on windows for the first time in a long long time since my linux drive is going kookoo and I'm awaiting a new SSD. Very impressed with the results of unity 4 64b on windows so far compared to what it was 2 or 3 years ago. Very promising for  what's coming up with KSP on unity 5 for windows.

Anyways I do have a question, I have noticed my solar panels and radiators suddenly missing their textures sometimes. They do reappear if I toggle them. I am very unsure if it is due to the 64b client, since I did change a few mods since I played on the 32 bit official client.... But it wasn't happening then. Anyways if you have noticed this also let me know :)

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I tried following those steps and ended up with this unity error. "Switching to resolution 154x0 failed, trying lower one
All resolution switches have failed
Screen: could not switch resolution (154x0 fs=0 hz=0)"

Does anybody know what is causing that error and how to resolve it?

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Running 64bit career for a while now (91 mods), no crashes or freezes during gameplay. (crashes during startup sometimes tho)
Only issue is the annoying building bug which I use the reset mod for, and sometimes need to edit the save in order to upgrade to max lvl buildings. 6GB+ ram usage.

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3 hours ago, Jim123 said:

i really could use help with this im so clueless of what any of that stuff means i have unity ksp and id really like it to work but i have no clue also i dont use steam for ksp



Be more specific.. What's the part you don't understand? What "any of that stuff"?

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Best tutorial Ever! :) My game has been crashing like mad cause to mods. This work around fixes it. I can now play how long I want even alt-tab x numbers of times and still not crash! Thank you! :) I used this like long time ago also since I always take small breaks and play game to chill here and there ..  I play this game since mid 2014 :) This tutorial helped me lot of times. So thank you Again. :)

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Hello there,


Tired of low perfs and frequent CTD due to loading screens memory leaks, I tried this 64 bits workaround. And yes, it is wonderful, could charge loads of mods and graphic enhancements, that's great. But instead of CTDs, I've got freezes (the game just don't respond anymore, I don't have any repot created in the game folder).

At first, it was in career mode. Game freezes when KAC slowing time warp. Then the game freezes when my vessel touch the ground, 8 times on 10. I thought for a time it was Contract Configurator, who is incompatible with this workaround, so I remove it. But the game kept freezing. So I tried a new, fresh install and remove most of my mods, only keeping graphical and utility ones. I went to sandbox for testing, so didn't install any career mod. It works fine for almost a week, and today, freezes again.

I really don't understand what could possibly go wrong. I know this workaround isn't perfect and some mods don't like at all, and I don't blame mods, but I haven't found any information on that type of freezing. Does anybody have experienced the same ? For the time warp freezing I presume I could uninstall KAC (don't use it so much now, I prefer the MechJeb Warp Helper module), but for the freezing when touching ground, I have absolutly no idea what mod could do that.

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I'm having an odd 64bit problem. I've recently added another 8GB (bringing me up to 16) of RAM, so naturally I've decided to add all the mods, but now I've found that either the game crashes on loading OOM style, freezes on loading or doesn't seem to load everything installed, while only making it to about 6gb of usage, even though it was at that before adding another crap-ton of mods. Have any of you experienced this problem? I'm not running any form of Open-GL, as I wouldn't have thought I need it anymore, so I was wondering if there is a solution

Thanks :) 

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On 3/6/2016 at 4:40 AM, Sukha said:

Running 64bit career for a while now (91 mods), no crashes or freezes during gameplay. (crashes during startup sometimes tho)
Only issue is the annoying building bug which I use the reset mod for, and sometimes need to edit the save in order to upgrade to max lvl buildings. 6GB+ ram usage.

I think there's a mod for that called FacilityReset.

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OpenGL does not work at all at best, at least with OpenGL 4.0 on my machine.

Rather, try using -force-d3d11 as a command argument. It will further reduce memory usage when used with mods like Advanced Texture Management or TextureReplacer.

It may have been shown to decrease stability of your KSP install, but remember, I am not taking responsibility for loss of SCIENCE due to the misuse of the -force-d3d11 argument to reduce memory usage.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm following the tutorial, but downloading unity from the website gave me version 5.3.4, will that still work? or is KSP still using an older version of unity?


edit: it gave me an error saying "KSP_DATA should be in the same folder as KSP.exe"

Edited by caitiemew
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2 hours ago, parachutingturtle said:

You still need the old unity (4.6.4 I think). KSP 1.1 will update to Unity 5.x

and I found where to download the older version on unity's website via googling "unity 4.6.4". heh, derp.

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On 4/2/2016 at 7:26 PM, caitiemew said:

I'm following the tutorial, but downloading unity from the website gave me version 5.3.4, will that still work? or is KSP still using an older version of unity?

On Unity website, at downloads, right side is Archive downloads. Thats gives a list of all versions of Unity, including 5.2.4.

On 4/2/2016 at 9:32 PM, parachutingturtle said:

You still need the old unity (4.6.4 I think). KSP 1.1 will update to Unity 5.x

KSP 1.1 works with unity 5.2.4. Made this workaround yesterday. Looks like it works. Have not tested game stability yet, but looks promising!


Edited by BeTePaH
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Hi Folks

Been using 64x on 1.0.4 for months now, with great success.

Decided it was time to update 1.0.5... but when I try to start it I get an error that says the KSP_Data folder can't be found, even though it's right there...


Edited by gmcr70
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