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Windows 64 bit community workaround


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Edit: no luck. I have been tinkering with the 3 compatible versions (for 1.0+) so far built by ferram4 and all behave the same way: the numbers about external forces (pressure, temperature, etc.) work fine, but those that should be calculated by FAR (elevation, drag, reynold, etc) are all 0 or NaN. As far as I can tell, the voxel model is not built, as all SPH procedures (simulate and so on) are irresponsive, I click the buttons and nothing happens.

FAR seems still a bit buggy, but unrelated to 64/32 bit (for me at least).

I removed FAR after experiencing some weird behavior in flight (in 64 bit as well as in my parallel 32 bit install without AVP/KSPRC). I had random debris spawning every few seconds around my ship, and sometimes there was no drag while falling through the atmosphere, even with deployed parachutes. Deleting FAR solved this behavior, or maybe it's the chutes light plugin, idk.

I don't have the time right now to reproduce it and write a bug report, I think I wait until the next FAR release before I install it again.

It definitely was loaded properly, I needed roughly 800-1000 less deltaV to get in LKO.

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FAR seems still a bit buggy, but unrelated to 64/32 bit (for me at least).

I removed FAR after experiencing some weird behavior in flight (in 64 bit as well as in my parallel 32 bit install without AVP/KSPRC). I had random debris spawning every few seconds around my ship, and sometimes there was no drag while falling through the atmosphere, even with deployed parachutes. Deleting FAR solved this behavior, or maybe it's the chutes light plugin, idk.

I don't have the time right now to reproduce it and write a bug report, I think I wait until the next FAR release before I install it again.

It definitely was loaded properly, I needed roughly 800-1000 less deltaV to get in LKO.

I just tested and found FAR for me acts like there is no atmosphere on Kerbin. Just a basic starter rocket: command pod, flea SRB, mk16 parachute. The rocket went up to about 15km high and by the time it started going back down it kept accelerating faster and faster regardless of atmosphere density. When I deployed the chute, it did NOTHING to slow down and Jeb plowed into the ground at about 550m/s.

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I just tested and found FAR for me acts like there is no atmosphere on Kerbin. Just a basic starter rocket: command pod, flea SRB, mk16 parachute. The rocket went up to about 15km high and by the time it started going back down it kept accelerating faster and faster regardless of atmosphere density. When I deployed the chute, it did NOTHING to slow down and Jeb plowed into the ground at about 550m/s.

Did you "unfix" FAR? That sounds like you just ran it without doing anything to it, as seen here:

I had posted that earlier in this thread. Also: "We detected your video might be shaky. Would you like us to stabilize it?

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Let's see, I've tried to break this game as hard as I can with my modlist, as it normally destroys KSP in 32bit. I installed my normal 37 mods(about 20 are major parts packs), added EVE and Astronomer's Visual Pack on HIGHEST settings, put in all the major engine/fuel tank packs, put in AIES with patches, added Outer Planets Mod, Kopernicus, Kerbal Galaxy, and some other planetary system(xD), and the game STILL WOULDN'T DIE. Still ran between 45 and 75fps constant, never dipped below 43fps at all, even with 400-650 part ships, and ran fantastic will everything on highest settings. This works better than squad's 64bit port could ever dream of! Well done!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh god works like a dream in 1.0.2!! Only bug I have is the fire effects when switching screens but that's nothing! I think it runs better than .90 and .25 combined!! Going to do some heavy testing right now! :-) Thanks man!!

I call that weird fire effect bug Kraken's Art, and I love it. The shapes you get sometimes can look like people or things; something really neat to look at while the game is loading your ship! :)

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Sometimes when the space center displays incorrect building levels, it also prevents me from actually clicking on any of them, all the rest of the buttons are working, I just can't enter any buildings. Changing save games didn't help.

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does anyone else have issues with realfuels? I'm using all the dependencies, recommended and suggested mods of realism overhaul, and I'd have ram crashes if i wouldn't use the 64bit version, but reafuels is completely broken. it shows me a tank utilization of -1%, tells me it can't find the tank types, doesn't show the UI, and has the normal tank contents. any idea how to fix this?

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I've been testing this workaround for a couple of weeks now and all I can do is thank you. It worked like a charm! Only one "crash-like" incident to report on the first day or so, the rest of the time it ran pretty smoothly. I'm playing the game at almost maximum graphics quality (I have low FPS, though :( ), with about 60 mods installed:

  • Animate Emissive Module (ModuleAnimateEmissive v1.3)
  • Astronomer's Pack - Clouds - High (AstronomersPack-Clouds-High Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack - Distant Object Enhancement config (AstronomersPack-DistantObjectEnhancement Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack - PlanetShine configuration (AstronomersPack-PlanetShine Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Atmospheric Scattering (AstronomersPack-AtmosphericScattering Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Auroras - 4K (recommended) (AstronomersPack-Auroras-4K Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Clouds for Eve & Jool - 4K (recommended) (AstronomersPack-Eve-Jool-Clouds-4K Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Sandstorms and Surface Dust (AstronomersPack-Sandstorms Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Snow (AstronomersPack-Snow Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Pack: Surface Glow (AstronomersPack-SurfaceGlow Interstellar.V2)
  • Astronomer's Visual Pack (AstronomersPack Interstellar.V2)
  • Atmospheric Sound Enhancement (AtmosphericSoundEnhancement 2.2)
  • Aviation Lights (AviationLights 3.7)
  • Chatterer (Chatterer 0.9.5)
  • Coherent Contracts (CoherentContracts 1.02)
  • Collision FX (CollisionFX 3.2)
  • Contract Configurator (ContractConfigurator 1.4.1)
  • Contract Pack: RemoteTech (ContractConfigurator-RemoteTech 1.1.4)
  • Contract Window + (ContractsWindowPlus 5.2)
  • Crowd Sourced Science (CrowdSourcedScience v3.0)
  • Distant Object Enhancement (DistantObject v1.5.5)
  • Docking Port Alignment Indicator (DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 6.2)
  • Engine Lighting (EngineLighting 1.3.5)
  • Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 7-4)
  • EVA Parachutes (VNG-Parachute 1.2)
  • Firespitter (Firespitter v7.1.3)
  • Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.1.3)
  • Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.1.3)
  • Flight Manager for Reusable Stages [FMRS] (FMRS 1.0.00)
  • Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Core Pack (IR-Model-Rework-Core v01b)
  • Infernal Robotics Model Rework - Expansion Pack (IR-Model-Rework-Expansion v01b)
  • KAP Pack 1 - Early Tech (KAP 2.2)
  • KashCorp Shared Assets (KashCorpSA 2.2)
  • Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (KAX) (KerbalAircraftExpansion v2.5.1.repackage0)
  • Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.3.2.1)
  • Kerbal Attachment System (KAS 0.5.2)
  • Kerbal Construction Time (KerbalConstructionTime 1.1.7)
  • Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
  • Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.1.5)
  • Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV) - Exploded (Orthographic) ship view (KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4-1.0)
  • KW Rocketry (KWRocketry 2.7)
  • LightsOut (LightsOut 0.1.3)
  • Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics (InfernalRobotics v0.21.2)
  • Module Manager (ModuleManager 2.6.5)
  • PlanetShine (PlanetShine
  • RasterPropMonitor (RasterPropMonitor v0.20.0)
  • RasterPropMonitor Core (RasterPropMonitor-Core v0.20.0)
  • RCS Sounds (RCSSounds 4.3)
  • RemoteTech (RemoteTech 1.6.5)
  • Rover Wheel Sounds (RoverWheelSounds 1.2)
  • Rovers And Roadsters (RoversAndRoadsters 0.6)
  • SafeChute (SafeChute v1.7)
  • StageRecovery (StageRecovery 1.5.6)
  • Station Science (StationScience 1.5)
  • TAC Fuel Balancer (TacFuelBalancer v2.5.1)
  • TAC Life Support (TACLS v0.11.1.20)
  • TAC Life Support (TACLS) - stock config (TACLS-Config-Stock v0.11.1.20)
  • Toolbar (Toolbar 1.7.9)
  • TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.1)
  • Vanguard Technologies Core (VNG-Plugin 0.7.2)
  • Vessel Viewer (VesselView 0.71)
  • Water Sounds (WaterSounds 1.1)

Haven't had time to test them all, but none has given me problems so far (correlated with x64 version). The only issues I'm struggling with are the

Kraken's Art
(thank you!), the right-clicking, the context menus and the building-updater lounge that decides to strike every time I leave the Tracking Station...
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Did anyone manage to get working ferram aeropsace mod. I did the unfix thing but still do not work. It load tools in vab but do not calculate anything, atmosphere do not produce drag.I had to delete it to play properly.

I feel like cheating without ferrams mod.

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Did anyone manage to get working ferram aeropsace mod. I did the unfix thing but still do not work.

Yeah, I installed it yesterday using CKAN and applied the Unfixer. The first aircraft I launched instantly tore apart when I broke the sound barrier.

Are you sure the Unfixer is doing its thing properly?

UPDATE: FAR didn't work out right for me after all...the aerodynamics in flight look good but the flight data is all wrong and the VAB worked only the first time...

Edited by morgadoster7
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Has anyone used Kerbal Construction Time successfully? I started getting crashes and I'm not sure if it is a mod, or if I did something wrong... Or maybe my "fixed" DLLs are screwy or something.

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I've been looking around the web and can't find an easy, lightweight way to decompile, modify, then recompile a plugin's dll. I want to modify the .dll myself so I can get mods like Procedural Parts to work. Anyone know how to do this?

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Well if you install Unity (needed for the DLL/EXE in this work around) it comes with MonoDevelop. You can use that to create a project, add the .cs files, add references (KSP DLLs usually), make your changes and compile it.

Make sure you edit the output settings to be .net3.5 though.

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Well if you install Unity (needed for the DLL/EXE in this work around) it comes with MonoDevelop. You can use that to create a project, add the .cs files, add references (KSP DLLs usually), make your changes and compile it.

Make sure you edit the output settings to be .net3.5 though.

Ahh thanks I'll try that with Unity. But I have a feeling I know why Procedural parts/realfuels etc. doesn't work in 64 bit. It's not because it's disabled, but jrodriguez, the guy who developed the unfixer explained it like this:

Contract configurator not working right now even with unfixer.

Hi Schpulke. I already mentioned before that the unfixer is not going to do magic :)

I'm going to try to explain my self. Modders use different libraries from KSP, from Unity, etc. Some instructions directly or indirectly used by developers work fine on x86 but they don't on x64 platforms.

Most part of the mods even those the modders have decided to block the x64 platform, work fine with x64. But some of them have issues (e.g FAR with Drag curve charts, voxels debug..etc. Tweakscale with the scale of some pods, etc)

Is there any way to fix these issues? I'm not a modder but I'm a Software Engineer working with C# for the last seven years. I'm guessing that if there are alternative methods, instructions within the APIs to achieve the same results but that actually are compatible with x64 then it could be fixed, otherwise...I don't think so

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Yeah, sadly some things just aren't going to be usable. The hard part is spending all the time discovering what works and what doesn't.

I actually took Procedural Parts out as I have the whole Interstellar Fuel switch thingy installed (comes with a Near Future pack). It works close enough to PP for me.

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I actually think that the continued issues with mods that have had their win64 disabling removed is simply proof that, contrary to popular belief and the desires of people in this thread, win64 KSP has not gotten more stable with the hacked 1.0.x version, only less stable. That is because all of the mods that are being claimed to be incompatible with win64 for actual code reasons (FAR, PP, RealFuels, RealChutes, etc.) have worked perfectly fine in previous official versions of KSP when the win64-lock code is removed; much of the code in FAR that is being accused of causing the issues hasn't been updated for over a year, well before 0.24 and the first official win64 version (where FAR worked perfectly fine, I might add, all it took was the 4 GB memory limits being exceeded and all of a sudden funky things happen).

So either the win64 unfixer is borked and it's doing a terrible job of removing the one or two lines of code that it needs to, or win64 is so broken with this hacked version that previously usable mods can't be, even after the win64 locking code is remove. Now, since the win64 locking code hasn't changed since 0.25, the unfixer shouldn't have changed in that time, so the sudden fact that there builds leaves us with only one conclusion: the 1.0.x win64 hack is far, far less stable than even the disaster that was 0.24's win64 build.

Now, if that's not the case, one of you rebuilding any of these mods from the source against the win64 hack binaries and with the locking code removed should be sufficient to make the mods work and prove that win64 is as stable as you claim. However, all evidence up until now (including the vast majority of this thread) indicates that this is exactly the same thing that we've seen with the first 0.23.5 win64 community hack; it has very serious issues that make it highly unstable, but those issues are blamed on mods (again); were it to be made an official win64 build again, those issues would persist, and rather than the issues being blamed on Unity / KSP, it would be thrown at modders (again). So if it's not as broken as it seems, and the stability claims aren't just marketing to try and convince Squad to put win64 back into production, you would be best served by trying to prove that it is more stable rather than trying to ascribe all the issues to mods that worked perfectly fine when win64 builds were first released.

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I think ferram has a point. If the windows 64-bit 1.0.2 version of the game was stable, it would be released, like it was for other operating systems. Moreover, the problem lies not within the mods and, to be sure, most of us aren't claiming it does.

You can't say a boat has the problem of not flying, because the boat wasn't made to fly in the first place. In the same way, it is surprising that most mods DO work with this "hack", since they weren't made with that in mind.


I played the last official 64 bit release (.25 maybe?) and it was as stable as 32 bit, though I was using few or none mods at the time. So, is this workaround stable? YES, running 6 GB of RAM max. with 60 (functional) mods and not a single crash. Is it as stable as .25 x64 was? NO. Do my favourite mods work in this version? Maybe not, you must test it. Is it worth using this? OF COURSE, why not?

Anyway, we don't need to promote it, we don't need to prove it is stable (it effectively isn't release stable), because Squad will eventually make it so, either with this engine or a different/better one. We also shouldn't report issues with mods in this version to their developers - we would be drawing their attention from the real problems. But no reason not to enjoy this as much as you can, if it works for you.

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I just noticed that TAC Life Support doesn't have its button available in Toolbar anymore since using x64. Does anyone else have this issue? The mod itself seems to be working. The TAC Life Support items are still available to add to the ship. But no interface button, which is kind of important for estimating how many days worth of food you've got on board.

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I just noticed that TAC Life Support doesn't have its button available in Toolbar anymore since using x64. Does anyone else have this issue? The mod itself seems to be working. The TAC Life Support items are still available to add to the ship. But no interface button, which is kind of important for estimating how many days worth of food you've got on board.

TAC Life Support's DLL get a 0 bite size file if used with the 64bit fixer.

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