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[Windows] KSP won't "accept" Joystick axes

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Same problem here, CH Products flightsitck, throttle and pedals. Devices do not enumerate properly in the config no matter what I do (direct, mapped, different USB ports, etc). Works great in 0.90 and in all other games. All buttons work, but axes are hosed!

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I can also report serious problems with a fresh install of KSP 1.0.2. My setup is a TM Hotas Warthog (with FSSB R3 Mod) and Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals. When using the FSSB R3 my problem is the following:

  SHaFT7 said:
I can map the pitch and yaw to the axis and it maps correctly, but in game it won't do anything. All of the mapped buttons on the joystick work fine.

Also when setting the axis the popup window recognizes "Joystick Axis 1" as input. After saving it's showed as "JoystickAxis 1".

When using the warthog module (original board inside the FSSB) everything is working fine. This is however not ideal since the FSSB board allows me to do more with the stick.

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Same problem here; I've tried my T.Flight Hotas X and X52 Pro, both have this issue with the input screen becoming grey'd and locked when trying to bind any of the axes. Funnily enough, I can bind the axes of my DS4 using DS4Tool (DS4 to XInput Mapper 1.2.2) with no problems - only my joysticks have this issue. At least I know it's a problem with the game now and not my machine - fingers crossed for a quick fix.

Log dump, in case it helps:

[LOG 10:57:45.531] Joystick Names:

0: T.Flight Hotas X

[EXC 10:57:47.984] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,System.Int32].get_Item (System.String key)

InputDevices.GetDeviceIndex (System.String deviceName)

AxisBinding_Single.Load (.ConfigNode node)

AxisBinding.Load (.ConfigNode node)

InputSettings.ListenToAxis (.AxisBinding target, Boolean primary, System.String actionName)

InputSettings.DrawAxisBinding (System.String name, .AxisBinding axisRef)

InputSettings.drawInputPage ( page)

InputSettings.DrawSettings ()

SettingsScreen.draw (Int32 d)

UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

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Well, for what it's worth, I'm having this same problem with Joystick Pitch Axis (oddly, roll and yaw recognize fine). The whole selection box just greys out when I try and assign pitch. I could have sworn this worked fine in 1.0.

I've tried my Logitech F710 wireless pad and also my Thrustmaster Warthog/CH Pedals setup.

I also seem to be having the graphics settings reset as well as the ASK me EVERY time if I want to send anonymous game progress to SQUAD. Something is definitely screwy.

Please advise Squad, thanks... would REALLY like to be able to use joysticks or gamepads again.

EDIT: This is with a bone stock, no mods, Steam installed and verified install on Windows 8.1. All controllers I mentioned work fine in Windows and all other games.

Edited by be77solo
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Same problem for me. I can map my Saitek Throttle Quadrant to the throttle, but no luck mapping my Logitecht 940 stick to the rotation. Nothing happens and everything greyes out in the end.

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Same here. Was working fine until a few days ago, then the mappings for my Logitech Extreme 3D Pro suddenly became unset.

Played without it for a couple of days, but finally decided to remap. Only since then has the graphics (and some other things as well) been resetting as well.

I can go in, remap and reconfigure, then restart, and everything seems to be fine. But next load, it's all gone again.

Going to do a little troubleshooting of the configuration file. Will post back if I find anything.

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Ok ... so not that helpful, I know, but maybe it helps point someone in the right direction.

When the prompt appears asking to send data (where did this come from by the way, and how do you turn it off?) the configuration file is as it was set.

As soon as you select an option, the config file gets reset to, what appears to be, default values. Up until you click to close that box, the config file is correct.

Having said that, if you close and re-open KSP, the settings in the cfg file are ignored. I take this to mean that the configuration is stored somewhere else one it is taken in initially. If so, where does it live, and does IT need to be removed to reset the configuration?

But as I said, it doesn't help with the joystick issue. *sigh*

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  • 2 weeks later...

same issue here, my ps3 like controller worked fine before 1.0.x - now trying to select pitch axis and the settings window grays out, and cannot select anything else, definitely an issue with KSP as I can move versions to 0.90 in the same drive and directory (no AV running) and replicate the issue in 1.0.2

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  be77solo said:
Well, for what it's worth, I'm having this same problem with Joystick Pitch Axis (oddly, roll and yaw recognize fine). The whole selection box just greys out when I try and assign pitch. I could have sworn this worked fine in 1.0.

I've tried my Logitech F710 wireless pad and also my Thrustmaster Warthog/CH Pedals setup.

I also seem to be having the graphics settings reset as well as the ASK me EVERY time if I want to send anonymous game progress to SQUAD. Something is definitely screwy.

Please advise Squad, thanks... would REALLY like to be able to use joysticks or gamepads again.

EDIT: This is with a bone stock, no mods, Steam installed and verified install on Windows 8.1. All controllers I mentioned work fine in Windows and all other games.

I'm having the same exact issue. hooked up the stick this afternoon, closed the game an hour or so later. I opened KSP later in the evening and now my joystick doesn't work. Eventually got all axis working but the pitch. Now the screen stays grayed out. W-in-T-actual-F over?

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Hey guys, I have an old Saitek Cyborg Evo force that I think was experiencing a number of the same problems mentioned in this thread - specifically concerning throttle and twist axes not being recognized, though I suspect it would likely fix other issues as well.

It's a workaround, not a true fix, but I can confirm that it works very well.

The solution involves setting up a virtual joystick (that can either be used entirely, or alongside your native joystick), and then using a re-mapper to get the axes/buttons that aren't recognized by Kerbal mapped to that virtual joystick.

In my instance, only the twist and throttle axes refused to work, so I only mapped those two to the virtual joystick and rely on the native mappings for the rest. Essentially the game thinks that I have two joysticks plugged in, and once set up everything can be mapped in game in the usual fashion.

I'm not the best with instructions, so I did a quick search and found the write-up with directions listed at the link below. I'm not exactly sure if it's the same discussion that I originally used to get myself set up, but after reading through it looks correct. It should get you set up with both of the programs necessary to fix the issues.


Once set up, the virtual joystick should stay put and never have to be fiddled with again, though there is the slight inconvenience of needing to open/make sure the re-mapper is running before starting Kerbal.

One last VERY important reminder - once you've set up your bindings in game, always make sure that your control device is plugged in and recognized before starting Kerbal, otherwise the game will clear all of the config prefs and you'll have to set them up again (note-this does not apply to UJR thankfully, just the hardware). You'll know that this happened when the game re-asks you if you want to submit your log information to help with development upon start-up.

If this does happen, all is not lost: Ctrl-Alt-Dlt-ing out of the game and shutting it down through the control panel will make sure your settings aren't overwritten (as they save when exiting using the in-game "Quit" button).

Ok, I think that should do it - my frustration with not being able to get my joystick to work in the early days of my KSP career almost made me shelve the game in frustration before I ever got started, and what a tragedy that would have been. Hopefully these tips can help get others over that hump so that they can spend less time getting their hardware to work and more time exploding their first few rockets.

Edited by Aurorunner
Accidentally quoted the response to another quote rather than the quote I wanted, and just bolded reminder for emphasis.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same problems, so it is clearly affecting a wide range of hardware. I have an old Saitek Cyborg 2000, old but it worked in previous versions of KSP.

I can get the Axis Binding menu to detect the joystick axis, but hitting 'Assign' produces no response at all, regardless of how many times I clear the assignment. 'Cancel' is the only button that responds. Occassionally (very often) the whole menu just greys out when selecting the primary pitch axis.

I have tried deleting the settings.cfg file, reinstalling KSP and rebooting.

This is a crippling bug that makes the game unplayable as controlling the craft using a basic stick is a core part of the game!

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This seriously needs to be hotfixed. I've tested this extensively and here's what I know:

-I have three controllers, a HOTAS Cougar, a Logitech PS3/USB Pad, and a Logitech G13. The G13 comes up with no name, ie "Joystick 1" and is the only one affected. I suspect this is related.

-Attempting to bind an axis which is unbound or bound to a working pad brings up the binding pop-up

-The pop-up detects the axis correctly

-Canceling the pop-up at any point prior to clicking accept leaves everything working as it was

-Clicking accept does not close the popup

-Canceling the pop-up after clicking accept causes any further attempt to bind that axis to grey out the screen as though the pop-up had appeared, but it does not appear

-Attempting to bind the axis by editing the config file causes the stats tracking request to show up on game start as though the settings had been nuked, but the axis binding menu still grays out without showing the popup

Edit: Yeah, I think it's related to stick names. This shows up when the screen goes grey:

[EXC 12:32:26.483] KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,System.Int32].get_Item (System.String key)

InputDevices.GetDeviceIndex (System.String deviceName)

AxisBinding_Single.Load (.ConfigNode node)

AxisBinding.Load (.ConfigNode node)

InputSettings.ListenToAxis (.AxisBinding target, Boolean primary, System.String actionName)

InputSettings.DrawAxisBinding (System.String name, .AxisBinding axisRef)

InputSettings.drawInputPage ( page)

InputSettings.DrawSettings ()

SettingsScreen.draw (Int32 d)

UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style)

That should be more than enough for your bug hunters to track this down. Please don't make this wait for a major release!

Edited by Rocket Taco
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  Grande Rojo said:
Same problem here, CH Products flightsitck, throttle and pedals. Devices do not enumerate properly in the config no matter what I do (direct, mapped, different USB ports, etc). Works great in 0.90 and in all other games. All buttons work, but axes are hosed!

Likewise. I can, however, say the problem is intermittent. Sometimes when I fire up KSP it works just fine; sometimes axes don't work. If I work out what provokes it, I'll update here.

ETA: I think there are two problems being documented here. One is the people who get issues when they try to bind axes; one is those of us who can bind axes but nothing happens.

ETA redux: I am fairly sure the axes respond OK if I fiddle with one of them as KSP starts. Worth trying that?

Edited by damerell
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