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[WIP] Never Enuff Dakka:- A BDArmory expansion [Release 3]

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Because you can never have enough guns.

This is an add-on to the amazing BDArmory, which you can find here:


Kerbal Foundries is recommended:


This expansion is currently WIP so don't come here expecting stability. If you find bugs please let me know.

Release 3 updates:

-Added Bofors mk4b 40mm Autocannon

-Added Falcon unmanned turret

Release 2 updates:

-Added FV101 Scorpion chassis

-Added FV101 Scorpion turrets, 76mm and 90mm versions

-Added Oto Melara 76mm Naval Autocannon

-Leviathan turret now consumes electricity

-Various tweaks

-Removed Kerbab

Currently contains:

L131 AS-90 155mm Howitzer


A 155mm Howitzer, explosive fun.

FV107 Scimitar turret. 30mm RARDEN


30mm RARDEN Autocannon mounted on a FV101 Scorpion turret

FV4201 Chieftain turret (Tank hull included)


120mm Rifled gun. Tank body included as a separate part, might be glitchy.

FV4034 Challenger II Turret (Tank hull included)


120mm Rifled gun. Tank body included as a separate part, might be glitchy.

HT-10 Leviathan Railgun


Horrendously overpowered

KV-2 Glorious Tower of Stalin 152mm Derpgun


Warning, firing this gun may literally rip a hole in reality.

Many thanks to berggeit for the KV-2's model.

FV101 Scorpion 76mm and 90mm turrets (Chassis included)





Oto Melara 76mm Naval Autocannon:


120 rounds per minute... 'nuff said

Bofors mk4b 40mm Autocannon:


Uses 30mm Ammo, go figure.

Falcon unmanned turret:


120mm Smoothbore cannon.

Download link (Release 3):




Edited by PrototypeTheta
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The railgun comes from an entirely seperate mod - one for Minecraft, actually - and yes, it can punch holes in reality. Not quite as reality-warping as the Derpcannon, but it can still blap things like mad.

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Looks absolutely beatiful. I'm trying it out.

But already from screenshots, I wish to request a double barreled version of the FV4201 Chieftain turret.

Because that hull immediately makes me think of a Mammoth Tank. For some reason.

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I'd be ecstatic if we had a Mammy Tank from C&C Renegade; twin Rocket pods and dual 120mm cannons... Simply unstoppable.

Also you misspelled BDArmory with BDArmoury

I only bring this up because when you drag the files into gamedata you'll have two folders and not one.

Edited by Dilin
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I'd be ecstatic if we had a Mammy Tank from C&C Renegade; twin Rocket pods and dual 120mm cannons... Simply unstoppable.

Also you misspelled BDArmory with BDArmoury

I only bring this up because when you drag the files into gamedata you'll have two folders and not one.

Ah, thanks for pointing it out, I knew the title of the thread was wrong (damn Americans and your funny spelling) but I didn't realise the folder itself was named wrong.

I'll be updating soon anyway, turns out my scale was off so I'm just revising everything quickly, I'll make sure to fix that, in the meantime so long as you have BDArmoury installed it shouldn't cause an issue.

As for the Mammoth... Well I don't have one of those... But I do have one of these...


Why settle for 120mm when you can have 280mm?

Actually I did some test fires with the railgun and it just bounces off of the VAB and SPH.

I cannot work out what causes this, I've had shots bounce straight back at me during testing, quite funny but a bit of a pain in the backside.

Edited by PrototypeTheta
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Ah, thanks for pointing it out, I knew the title of the thread was wrong (damn Americans and your funny spelling) but I didn't realise the folder itself was named wrong.

I'll be updating soon anyway, turns out my scale was off so I'm just revising everything quickly, I'll make sure to fix that, in the meantime so long as you have BDArmoury installed it shouldn't cause an issue.

As for the Mammoth... Well I don't have one of those... But I do have one of these...


Why settle for 120mm when you can have 280mm?

I cannot work out what causes this, I've had shots bounce straight back at me during testing, quite funny but a bit of a pain in the backside.

Perhaps inquire with BD about it?

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I wonder if there is anyway to make the Leviathan drain 1000 electriccharge per shot...

I literally just figured out how to do that. It would certainly balance the fast fire rate.

I've also got a Laser based variant of the Lev turret, think I might be able to make something like a pulse laser...

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I literally just figured out how to do that. It would certainly balance the fast fire rate.

I've also got a Laser based variant of the Lev turret, think I might be able to make something like a pulse laser...

Personally I think any sci if weapons (near future far future etc) should be a seperate download as they really aren't balanced with the rest of the weapons in the base mod and expansions

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Right now there's not really enough to warrant a seperate package, I've got a few more sci-fi weapons to port, but even then there will only be a handful, and most of them are going to find best use on board capital ships rather than tanks.

If I end up with enough sci-fi content I'll probably end up splitting the pack up, but while there's only a handful it's not worth the bother. I do intent to make more sci-fi though, but it could be a while until it warrant it's own download.

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Ah, thanks for pointing it out, I knew the title of the thread was wrong (damn Americans and your funny spelling) but I didn't realise the folder itself was named wrong.

I'll be updating soon anyway, turns out my scale was off so I'm just revising everything quickly, I'll make sure to fix that, in the meantime so long as you have BDArmoury installed it shouldn't cause an issue.

As for the Mammoth... Well I don't have one of those... But I do have one of these...


Why settle for 120mm when you can have 280mm?

I cannot work out what causes this, I've had shots bounce straight back at me during testing, quite funny but a bit of a pain in the backside.

Good, thank you.

Well, as long as it has two barrels, it is cool.

(What I really was asking for is a Chieftain, as is now, but with twin barrels.)

As it is known, the state of enough dakka is a physical impossibility. Moar dakka is always welcomed.

On the subject of railguns, what are the possibilities of a plasma gun? I realized we can make hover tanks. And then plasma guns are a nescesity!

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Good, thank you.

Well, as long as it has two barrels, it is cool.

(What I really was asking for is a Chieftain, as is now, but with twin barrels.)

As it is known, the state of enough dakka is a physical impossibility. Moar dakka is always welcomed.

On the subject of railguns, what are the possibilities of a plasma gun? I realized we can make hover tanks. And then plasma guns are a nescesity!

I could sit here and rant for an hour or longer about how ridiculous a "plasma weapon" is but I don't want to waste everyone's time. Suffice to say NO technology exists or is even theorized to exist to create a usable plasma weapon except for having a magnetic field contain it from the weapon to the target but magnets don't do that very well so that's pretty much impossible also so no plasma weapons!

Lasers masers particle accelerators etc that's all fully doable (specifically lasers and neutral particle beams) but plasma is no use for anything but cutting steel a few inches away.

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Very cool! Do you have any pulse laser/ electromagnetic accelerator weapons (coil guns/ railguns) for aircraft mounts as a cannon?

I was planning to do a fixed mount pulse laser for starfighter type craft, a fixed railgun wouldn't be too difficult.

Good, thank you.

Well, as long as it has two barrels, it is cool.

(What I really was asking for is a Chieftain, as is now, but with twin barrels.)

As it is known, the state of enough dakka is a physical impossibility. Moar dakka is always welcomed.

On the subject of railguns, what are the possibilities of a plasma gun? I realized we can make hover tanks. And then plasma guns are a nescesity!

Plasma should work, just change the colour of the bullet and make it look really big. I do have a plasma turret but it's rather ugly, I think I'd make another model for that one.

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I was planning to do a fixed mount pulse laser for starfighter type craft, a fixed railgun wouldn't be too difficult.

Plasma should work, just change the colour of the bullet and make it look really big. I do have a plasma turret but it's rather ugly, I think I'd make another model for that one.

I approve of the first dakka but not the plasma dakka for reasons of violation of reality. It will have to go to therapy if you add plasma weapons you know!

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I can't get tank treads to work if my life depended on it, any chance we can get full on premade bodies with built in treads, or can someone upload .crafts of these with wheels.

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