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Must say i love the new exhaust animations

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Oh yeah, I love that stuff. At one point i just aborted my rocket launch and vtol'd my rocket around launch pad and vab to watch the effects. Also starting and landing on other planets feels very different now, there is just something less static about the rocket engines whirling up all the dust.

There is also the little side-effect of making it very easy to judge your altitude above ground.

Edited by Temeter
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  parameciumkid said:
It kills my framerate, but is totally worth it xD

They are pretty, but the framerate effect is regrettable. I've got into the habit of aiming my camera skywards during launches just to speed things up.

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I also really like them, makes launches and powered landings look so much better (and I don't find they impact frame rate too much).

The only thing about them that I don't like is there are several instances of a solid unchanging shape (a sprite I guess) that float about. Because there are several of them and they are identical it looks rather odd.

I circled a few of them in this pic;


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  katateochi said:
I also really like them, makes launches and powered landings look so much better (and I don't find they impact frame rate too much).

The only thing about them that I don't like is there are several instances of a solid unchanging shape (a sprite I guess) that float about. Because there are several of them and they are identical it looks rather odd.

I circled a few of them in this pic;


They look like ghosts... maybe the lost souls of Kerbals past, floating around the launchpad wishing new voyagers a safe trip? ;) lol

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I love the new effects, they should've been implemented a long time ago. It is a bit of a framerate killer, though, but only if you're on an older machine.

  LordFerret said:
They look like ghosts... maybe the lost souls of Kerbals past, floating around the launchpad wishing new voyagers a safe trip? ;) lol

Wow, that's dark... o.O

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Guys, guys you got it wrong. The engines don't make the launch pad effect. They just moved the KSP toilets under the pad. The smoke is just it flushing and other gasses....

If it was the engines, we would have seen the effects before! :sticktongue:

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When I first read about this feature, I was rather disappointed (Harvesters long overdue feature), thinking it was completely useless/unneeded.

Now that I am playing with it in the game, it's one of my favorite things!

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  LordFerret said:
They look like ghosts... maybe the lost souls of Kerbals past, floating around the launchpad wishing new voyagers a safe trip? ;) lol

The EVA report at the launch pad does say there's a green goo everywhere. Maybe that particular smoke is what happens when the goo vaporizes.

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While the launch plume effect looks great! In the back of my mind I was thinking that they were fixing the weird angle the smoke from the rocket exhaust takes during gravity turns.

Sort of like this...

Please disregard the periods (blasted kerning)

Flame <<<<<<< [Rocket

..................... O







Shouldn't it be more like?...

Flame............. O <<<<<<< [Rocket







It's really noticeable on the SLS engines. Sorry it's the OCD kicking in :D

Edited by Landge
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  InfectedGrowth said:
Really? I haven't experienced any noticeable change in framerate form the new smoke fx. I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't slideshow my game.

In 1.0.2 craft start to lag in the atmosphere at 300 parts for me, takes 500+ parts for me to start lagging in 0.90

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  Roflcopterkklol said:
In 1.0.2 craft start to lag in the atmosphere at 300 parts for me, takes 500+ parts for me to start lagging in 0.90

I don't think we need to worry to much about that, Unity 5 might well be an absolute gamechanger when it comes to physics performance.

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