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KSP 1.0 The best ksp yet


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I know theres alot of people who dont like the new update but Im not one of them. I LOVE it. I love the new challenges that the areo puts on designing and launching rockets, I love the re-entry heat (I have it cranked to 120%), I love the new resource system... I just don't find any of it lacking. I do think theres some balance issues with the rocket engines but I know that kind of stuff will be worked out by squad over time.

So thanks squad for the best KSP yet.

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I suspect 90% of forum user agree but there is just that 10% who make themselves heard.

I love it too, it will be even better with updated mods (as it has been for all versions)

- Sam

A lot of the people complaining about certain things (myself included) wholeheartedly agree that if these comparitavely small things are fixed, 1.0 will be a massive triumph. I expect this to occur around 1.1.

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I'll sign onto that claim as well. Definitely still room for improvement, but every time this game drags me back in with a new update, it's better than ever. I am really looking forward to getting far enough in my new career try out the new resource system.

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Well, TBH I think that the OP is confusing two things: believing that 1.0.x is the best KSP so far in full experience angle has nothing to do directly wth believing that in some parts 1.0.x might be objectively worse than previous versions. As for a example, while my opinion is that 1.0 is by far the best KSP I ever played, IMHO the UI in 1.0.x is objectively worse than in 0.90, even if because there are more menus scattered around in nonsensical places and worse, intel that should be upfront and easy to reach is tucked into the dev toolbar, in the same standing that the cheats menu. And those beliefs are not contradictory ;)

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Well, I can definitely agree that it's the best release to date. A bit rough with the emergency patches, but it didn't feel as bad as 0.24's patches did.

Funny thing to mention the engines - I'd say they're a lot better balanced than they ever were historically (although there's still some oddities like the ant and aerospike).

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Well, I have to say yes. I am working on a KSP universe in the Fan Fiction area and this new version will create interesting problems to overcome.

The whole reentry problem for example. I am testing to see what designs work. Not sure my old SSTO will survive but stuff happens...

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I'm really enjoying it, even though I'm not yet used to all the changes. I feel like it's already forced me to become a better pilot, but things also now behave more as I would expect them too, which is actually making it easier for me design a stable rocket, or fly a plane. With the in game resource system seeming to be a good replacement to the Kethane mod I was using, the only thing I am really sour about right now is losing the docking cam mod. I can dock without it, but it's not as fun or awesome :(

Without all the translation and alignment data, I can't set up the glide well enough to watch from another ship or on EVA like I used too.

Still, the game just keeps getting better and better, and I can't argue with that.

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Still needs a bit of tweaking, but I completely agree. Best stock experience so far by a long shot.

I agree as well. 1.0 had a problem where deployed parachutes wouldn't burn up and heatshields affected the center of pressure but not the center of mass, causing flipping. And there might have been a few minor balance issues. Minor things considering the fact that the memory leaks seemed gone and we had a more realistic aerodynamics system, etc.

Then in 1.0.2 (I didn't get the chance to install 1.0.1 before 1.0.2 came out, so I missed out on that one), the parachutes and heatshields are fixed, but now the balance is wonky enough that heatshields aren't necessary. The worst part about it is that we got a memory leak mixed in there. So mostly minor bugs mixed in with balancing. I'm having fun, haven't gotten frustrated by any of the bugs except the memory leak.

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