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Don't take away my revert option mid flight!!


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Two typical accidents combining for a whopping catastrophe. I accidently went to the KSC during a mission by mis-clicking, then I accidently hit the spacebar, triggering the wrong stage and stranding my big expensive mission in orbit. Evening ruined.

If you can't let me keep my revert, DON'T let me go back the KSC! At least warn me! I'm not ready at all for hard mode. Don't force it on me.

The spacebar thing happens to me every mission at least once. In the past I could revert. I need to move that staging key somewhere else where it doesn't get bumped. That's critical stuff.

I'm soooo MAD. Those guys will be up there for years. I haven't had success in orbital rendezvous and it's too time consuming for my schedule to rescue them.

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And that is why I F5 a lot.

I once had a station in orbit I decided to dock with. Started burn way too late, smashed through the station and accidentaly F5'd.

And that was a sad day.

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The spacebar thing happens to me every mission at least once.

I don't know if you're aware of this, so my apologies if it sounds like I'm lecturing, but there is a stage lock function. ALT+L -- very handy for preventing the bump of failure.

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There is fine line between when you should and should not ask a user if they are sure.

Good: Are you sure you want to overwrite the craft file you created with the same name 3 months ago and forgot that was what you called it?

Bad: Are you sure you want to go to the space center even though you just clicked the button telling me you wanted to go to the space center? Are really sure? Are you really really really sure?

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I am with the OP on this one. It bothers me that the revert option gets greyed out upon leaving focus.

However, comma...

I can see why the devs did it this way. If you store the revert states for one flight indefinitely, you would have to do it for *all* flights, indefinitely. That storage adds up! Especially when you have ongoing flights that can last for years in-game (bases, stations, and grand tours). It gets even *more* complicated when you have vessels docking! e.g. what do you think should happen if vessel A docks with vessel B, and you revert? Does it revert to vessel A's starting point, or vessel B's?

Ultimately, they way they've done it requires the player to be more strategic with their launches. I believe the revert option is mainly for those startup "oops" moments that you have, like "oops, I forgot a parachute" or "oops, I didn't activate SAS and now my command module is being pitched towards the VAB at high velocity". If you get to the point where you are getting twitchy about unforseen accidents ruining your mission, you really should quicksave. At least in that case you *know* you have a backup.

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I am with the OP on this one. It bothers me that the revert option gets greyed out upon leaving focus.

However, comma...

I can see why the devs did it this way. If you store the revert states for one flight indefinitely, you would have to do it for *all* flights, indefinitely. That storage adds up! Especially when you have ongoing flights that can last for years in-game (bases, stations, and grand tours). It gets even *more* complicated when you have vessels docking! e.g. what do you think should happen if vessel A docks with vessel B, and you revert? Does it revert to vessel A's starting point, or vessel B's?

Ultimately, they way they've done it requires the player to be more strategic with their launches. I believe the revert option is mainly for those startup "oops" moments that you have, like "oops, I forgot a parachute" or "oops, I didn't activate SAS and now my command module is being pitched towards the VAB at high velocity". If you get to the point where you are getting twitchy about unforseen accidents ruining your mission, you really should quicksave. At least in that case you *know* you have a backup.

I initially thought like OP during the beta days but eventually ended up with your line of thinking a long time ago when I realized it's more of a technical limitation rather than something that was intentionally left in.

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Alt-F5 will drop a named save that you can go back to at any time.

This. I use a long string of named saves for every mission, all named with a unique per-mission 3 letter identifier then what's happening (xxx Launch, xxx Duna Intercept, etc). This keeps the list of ALT-F9 loads easily sortable, and ensures I can revert not just to launch but to specific points in the mission.

I never revert legitimately failed missions, as I enjoy rescuing lost kerbals and facing the consequences of poor planning, however I learned long ago that silly mistakes and bugs happen. Accidental staging, kraken attacks, etc. I've accidentally hit Z instead of X when I needed to end a delicate low power burn, for example. And more than once, I've F5'd after something bad happens. Named saves allow me to go back to a good point, and not have to entirely redo missions.

- - - Updated - - -

I don't know if you're aware of this, so my apologies if it sounds like I'm lecturing, but there is a stage lock function. ALT+L -- very handy for preventing the bump of failure.

Hey, that's news to me. Thanks for that =)

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I used to hit the space bar and accidentally stage all the time. Then I learned about alt-L and locked the staging all the time. But after more and more and more hours playing, I just stopped hitting the spacebar. I hardly ever use alt-L anymore, and it's very, very rare that I accidentally stage.

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Yeah, I strongly recommend doing what I do and when launching a major mission, quicksave on the launch pad just in case the game steals your revert. Using the game's designed and intended quicksave feature isn't cheating anyway.

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I'm a manic game saver... I'm upto 63 game saves and I'm still exploring the mun.

not only that, but also I've made a .bat file that backs-up my persistent and quicksave files in a separate folder so whenever I start ksp the most important saves get stored somewhere :D

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Happy ending! I woke up in the middle of the night last night and saved them with the 'get out and push' method. My engineer was along for the ride for his first flight experience, and while the pilot stabilized the craft he pushed. Really, this craft was designed to enter the atmosphere burning retro, as I don't have the large abelator yet. The engine was the thing I cast off on accident while in orbit.:huh: Nonetheless, the craft survived reentry!

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I don't know if you're aware of this, so my apologies if it sounds like I'm lecturing, but there is a stage lock function. ALT+L -- very handy for preventing the bump of failure.

Stage lock and caps-lock for fine controls are great assets for sure.

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If you autosave, does that also eliminate the option to revert? Reverting is good when the problem is your rocket design, and really that's almost always the problem.

Yes, if you quickload or return the space center, the ability to revert is lost.

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