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[1.1.2] Take Command - Launch Kerbals in External Command Seats [v1.4.1 - May 6, 2016]


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Take Command

Take Command enhances the External Command Seat so you can now assign crew to it from within the VAB/SPH just like any other command module. Just add one or more command seats to your ship, assign crew as usual, and launch! Your Kerbal crew will automatically spawn and jump into their assigned seats.






Support Requests


  • TouhouTorpedo for giving me idea. Unfortunately his SeatFixer mod is no longer available so I've done my best to recreate it based on the original description.
  • Nifty255 for his great assortment of YouTube modding tutorials.
  • Sarbian for ModuleManager
  • Everyone in the KSP development forums who have posted helpful links and code samples.

1.4.1 (2016/05/06)
- recompiled for KSP 1.1.2
- updated ModuleManager to 2.6.24

1.4 (2016/04/24)
- recompiled for KSP 1.1
- updated ModuleManager to 2.6.23

1.3 (2015/12/06)
- now allows spawning Kerbals into command seats after launch (i.e. on a crew transfer)

1.2.1 (2015/11/14)

- recompiled for KSP 1.0.5
- updated to ModuleManager 2.6.13

1.2 (2015/09/04)

- fixes compatibility issue with Action Groups Extended (and likely other mods as well)
- updated to use ModuleManager 2.6.8

1.1.4 (2015/06/23)

- recompiled for KSP 1.0.3/1.0.4
- updated to latest version of ModuleManager

1.1.3 (2015/05/21)

- fixes compatibility issue with Kerbal Inventory System (KIS)
- fixes compatibility issue with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KJR)

1.1.2 (2015/05/15)

- modified MM config to add ":FOR[TakeCommand]" as suggested by [B]Uzric[/B]
- now available through CKAN!

1.1.1 (2015/05/12)

- tweaked MM config to remove ":final" tag
- module is now just disabled after processing is complete instead of being removed from the part

1.1 (2015/05/12)

- fixed "No Control" warning
- ModuleManager is now required for more reliable PartModule manipulation (latest version is included in release package)
- general code cleanup and commenting

1.0 (2015/05/10)

- initial release


Edited by seanmcdougall
Release version 1.4.1
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Version 1.1 is now available via KerbalStuff and Curse (I'm working on getting it added to CKAN as well). The "No Control" warning will no longer come up when launching (well, unless you actually do try to launch a vessel without any control sources). Enjoy!

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Hey Yemo - what should I be using instead? I'll admit I should have read the ModuleManager documentation more closely before using random snippets of code I found online :blush: This is my first mod so I welcome any suggestions for improvements!

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As far as I can see, you can just scrap the ":Final" part.

If you replace your config with this one, it also adds your module to the Kerbonov and USI Exploration rover seats:

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

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Version 1.1.1 is now up, which removes the ":final" tag in the MM config and makes a few internal changes that should improve stability (not that I've had any reports of issues yet). Normally I stick to stock parts, but I downloaded the Kerbonov and USI Exploration packs (and their dependencies) from CKAN to try them out with my mod. Initial tests were promising - I was able to crew the new seats from the VAB/SPH just like the stock seat without any immediate problems. However I did encounter some random lockups when trying to subsequently EVA a seated Kerbal from a seat. I'll have to do some more tests to figure out if it's actually a problem with my mod, one of the others I installed, or the stock game itself.

In the meantime, if you're feeling adventurous you can replace TakeCommand.cfg with this new config to make all command seats crewable (stock or otherwise):

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

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Actually, the MM rule post says you should add a :FOR[TakeCommand] at the end (where the :FINAL was), instead of leaving it blank.

This is to ensure further :AFTER[TakeCommand] and :BEFORE[TakeCommand] work as intended with your own patches.

Good mod, by the way. Downloading now.

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Thanks for the info - so it should be something like this instead?

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

or in the general case:

CrewCapacity = 1
name = TakeCommand
minimumCrew = 1

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Well for me works partially, sometimes it doesn't spawn any Kerbal, but I can control the vehicle anyways. Although most of the time it does spawn a Kerbal, but its not sitting and you've got to switch from the "vessel" to the Kerbal, right click on sit and board. But I have a heavly modded set up so who knows what's causing conflict... I dont complain because it still do the job though.

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Version 1.1.2 is now up, which includes the MM config change suggested by @Uzric. I also managed to muddle my way through the CKAN submission process, so it's now available there as well.

@eodh - Try out this version and see if the new MM config makes any difference. If you still run into weird behavior, please send me your KSP.log and I'll see if it's anything I'm able to fix.

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i installed the mod. when i use the commandseat, load the game no kerbal wil be attached to the seat.

could use some help for this.

the first version worked. after the update no more kerbals are attached

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A variant of this mod would be something I have been seekinf for a VERY long ti

Have you ever built a ship with multiple command pods like an Apollo style ship? But ksp decides to auto crew the one man lander and not the three mand command ship and you realize your command vessel is empty after you have spent 10 minutes getting to orbit and then have to revert and put crew in the ship. Or the other case where you build a probe core control rescue ship and you realize you forgot to take crew out before launching and spend 20 minutes rendezvousing only to realize you have no place to put the stranded kerbal?

Would it be possible to make a version of this mode where you can select which command pod is the default pod that ksp loads crew into? Or select all the pods you want crewed and which pods you DO NOT want crewed?

If something like this is possilbe I am sure you would make a lot of players very happy, especially me.

Edited by ctbram
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Using your mod in combination with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement causes the Kerbal to die upon leaving the seat. It looks like it's because the Kerbal is clipped into the seat slightly, which also causes some intense wobble when leaving the seat.

I know this isn't exactly your problem, but KJR is quite popular, and I have to choose between your mod and KJR, I'm afraid I'll be going with KJR.

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Version 1.1.3 is now up on Kerbalstuff and Curse (and CKAN as soon as it updates) This version fixes a compatibility issue with Kerbal Inventory System (KIS) reported by eodh as well as an issue with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (KJR) reported by Hellrespawn.

- - - Updated - - -

@ctbram - sounds like an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it's something I can tackle right now. Maybe try posting it in the add-on request forum?

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