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[1.8+] Custom Barn Kit 1.1.20 (19 October 2019) - Parachute Included


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6 hours ago, AccidentalDisassembly said:

I am playing in 1.11.1/2 and do not have this issue at all; perhaps it's some interaction with another mod? I've had no such problem even with various planet packs that use CBK differently (add more or fewer levels of DSN, different strategies, etc.)

I was able to replicate the issue until i reinstalled KSP,, might have been something unique to a broken install on my end or something

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  • 3 months later...

I see at least 2 bug with KSP 1.12.1 and this mod installed:

- In a Sandbox game, I was unable to launch a big vessel because limitation of my fully upgraded Launch Pad

- In a Sandbox game, I was unable to create maneuver nodes after I unfocused and focused again some vessel

In any case a make any change in the configuration files.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve seen 3 bugs,

1: the VAB turned into lvl 1 vab in science mode only happened once)

2: focus/unfocus on vessel causes inability to make manuvers,

3: sometimes focus/unfocus on vessel causes inability to leave vessel 

all of these were encountered in science mode

Edited by DaBakonAder
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Ok you know what? Im going to try to make a patch later today to fix these bugs, however it will only work in science and sandbox since the way Im going to do it is by removing all building levels and making the only level the max level. (It’ll only work on games without building level changes, it will be OPM compatible)


And Here It Is: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2amqicgx4knheqw/AABpYdKlNnm6sXHES6vjchHIa?dl=0


Edit: Added the link to the file

dont use the mod its broke

Edited by DaBakonAder
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  • 1 month later...

Confirming the overall bug that affects the upgraded buildings to act as not upgraded at all, in all the game modes that do not need the mechanics (so Sandbox and Science mode).

As I have yet to start a whole Career mode, I would like to ask to the fellow kerbonauts if the same behaviour is also present in this mode (... once reached the max levele, the building not acting accordingly) just to figure out if I could, eventually, use it in that mode alone (I was thinking to make a replicated game install, with CBK, ONLY for when I play Career).

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone know how CustomBarnKit interacts with the new kerbal hiring cost formula in KSP 1.12? The new cost progression is a welcome change as hiring costs inflate much more slowly rather than immediately spiraling out of control. But I haven't seen any discussion of how hiring costs are now calculated, and whether it's compatible with the variables that are set up CustomBarnKit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there! I'm not sure this topic is the right place, so if you know a better one, please let me know.

I see a strange behavior of Action Groups and VAB upgrades. But it also applies to stock game(v1.12.3), I checked it with no mods. 
My observations from stock game:

VAB lvl1 you cannot use ActionGroups since menu is not there.
VAB lvl2 It says you can only use basic ActionGroups. As I remember when I played a couple years back, it means you can only use groups like gear, brakes, light, etc. But now when I select a part, I can assign custom groups 1-0 as well. Custom groups work fine in flight.
VAB lvl3 it says you can use  custom groups and it works like in lvl2.

I am posting it here, cause I installed Custom Barn Kit for my unkerballed start career. And as I remember, action groups were available from the very lvl1(SPH).

Am I doing smth wrong? What is the expected availability of ActionGroups in stock and modded game?

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  • 5 months later...

@serg.bloimFrom what I could tell from my testing, if you have Custom Barn Kit installed it overrides all the configuration work done by AGE.  (Either using the in-game settings or directly editing the .CFG file for AGE. (\Diazo\AGExt\AGExt.settings)

And the default behavior of CustomBarnKit is to emulate default behavior.  It needs to be patched with MM to change that.

To allow my Career games to have use of AGE's majic from the git-go, here's what I have in a MM patch in my GameData directory:

// Allows Action Groups Extended to be fully used from the start.
// Author: KSP Forums user Padrone

		@actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1
		@actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1
		@actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1
		@actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1


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  • 6 months later...

Sorry to necro but I had a question concerning a mechanic that may or may not be available via CBK. I would like the tracking station to only be available (or at the very least unlock) after a certain science amount has been accumulated. I have a few levels added to my tracking station to increase the DSN levels to points where OPM will eventually be encompassed by a max level TS (I use GU as well, so I may add an insane unlock minimum in order to amplify my signal enough to reach the closest galaxy if possible or a set of relay satellites close to Pols orbit). Preferably, since I gimp my finances in career mode (or they increase much faster than I can use them), I would like to only allow certain TS upgrades unlock based off either a science level gate or just a sink for x amount of science to unlock the level. I haven't seen this implemented in other mods so I doubt this is possible, but figured I'd ask and maybe get some advice on alternatives to make the idea work (very open to suggestions). That said, I was wondering what the "DSNScienceCurve" key was about? I searched through the forum and on google but couldn't find much.

Thanks all!

*Edit* I was wondering that maybe it's possible to gate-keep the TS upgrade based on Research facility level? I thought maybe you could use an MM patch that "unlocks" the TS 4+ building upgrades after the Research building level has reached certain upgrade levels (like an MM patch where you'd place @CUSTOMBARNKIT[*]:HAS[@RESEARCH[levels > 3] or something like that that then adds in the @TRACKING MM patch pass)? The syntax is likely off since I'm typing this off the top of my head but don't know how much of the CBK patch can be edited.

Edited by shoe7ess
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  • 2 years later...

EDIT: I got it to work as intended.


I'm trying to make a personal MM patch that enables seeing encounters (craft with Mun for example) possible with Level 1 Mission Control and Tracking Station. I'm starting to suspect it it not possible with just CBK (no other mods).  I've tried adjusting the settings, but just cant seem to get it to work.

Just as an example I've tried to the following:



        @unlockedFlightPlanning = 1
        @patchesAheadLimit = 1, 2, 4


I've messed around with just about all the settings I can think of.  I realize that CBK doesn't really modify this particular in game mechanic, but since it allows modification of similar settings (patched conics unlock level etc) maybe I could get it to work.


Edited by Stratickus
Fixed Problem
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