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Everything posted by Padrone

  1. I just ran across this while looking for something else. Downloaded and installed. Thanks for this very helpful mod, I second JadeOfMaar's comment! One less set of things to correct after starting a new save.
  2. Greetings to the brain trust here. I have failed after several hours of labor to crack how a particular type of patch gets done. I'm hoping someone can find a moment to offer some help other than check the help threads, etc. (Believe me, part of why I'm hours into this is going thru the various wiki/thread help offerings. I'm just unable to understand how to apply the information to my case) The code is in an existing mod, and it botches up the ISP on a number of engines. I want to patch it back to working. The (abbreviated) MM Code I'm trying to patch: The issue is the key = 4 in the atmosphere curve for the engine module and the entries for key = 3 in the upgrades. From what I can tell they're messing with the ISP so badly that the engine consumes thousands of units of fuel in a split second. What I'm trying to do is remove the key = 4 in atmosphere curve of the engine, and the two key= 3 entries in their respective upgrade atmosphereCurve blocks. I'm guessing the atmosphereCurve used to be something other than 0 = vacuum, 1 = Kerbin sea level. I was able to cobble a patch that removes the engines atmosphereCurve and re-adds it, but that's rather inelegant. And I'm just unable to get 'inside' the atmosphereCurve segments in the upgrades. I wish to learn to patch it the right way. TIA!
  3. @SpaceFace545 Have you looked at the mod "Janitor's Closet"? Because it allows you to filter the normal display of parts to a mod (or multiple mods), I find it to be superior to using the manufacturer's tab, particularly for mods with huge part counts like BDB.
  4. Hey @linuxgurugamer! I know you have all the spare time in the world.tm Have you given any thought to including 'tags' in the Check types, like 'name' and 'title' are? I'm trying to fine tune a few things, such as the 'Structural/Girders' category. I'm also experimenting with creating a structure for station parts. Both of which would be more achievable if we could additionally use tags.
  5. I fired up a pared down game (1.12.3) and it seems to be working fine. I like to combine this and Kerbal Foundries tracks for mobile drilling rigs and large transport vehicles. I'd forgotten about this mod, it's back in the mix now. Thanks for the nudge!
  6. I see where the ability of TR to remove helmets automatically upon spawning was removed back in 3.6. Does anyone know of a patch that would restore a kerbal deploying on Kerbin's surface without their helmet?
  7. A question for the experts regarding using MM to apply patches to many parts, using MechJeb as the example: Which would most help minimize loading times to add MechJeb to command capable parts in a HIGHLY modded game? 1) A single patch file that changes all files that need changing, using @PART[*]. (I.E. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]|!@MODULE[MechJebCore]]:NEEDS[MechJeb2]) 2) A patch file for each mod, specifying each command capable part in that mod? (I.E. @PART[xxxx|yyyy|zzzz]:HAS[!MODULE[MechJebCore}]:NEEDS[Squad&MechJeb2]) 3) A single CFG file for each part calling out the part? (I.E. @PART[xxxx]:HAS[!MODULE[MechJebCore}]:NEEDS[Squad&MechJeb2] Or some other permutation? Background, I'm writing a system that takes apart the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and parses out / stores data about the parts. Part of the system contains a file with all the desired changes I want to patch. (I.E. a line in the file will say to change the title to something, and to change the required tech. Another line might change a category on another part) This system can then generate patch files that never forget any change once noted in the system, and never have a 'fat-fingers' moment.
  8. My WB engines don't have any issues with thrust in my current test environment, but that one doesn't have Community Fixes. Just now I took a fresh copy of the virgin steam setup, added Community Fixes, Module Manager DLL and Coatl. (Coatl includes Firespitter and DMagicScienceAnimate). I started a sandbox game. I had no issue with my canary (a Coatl engine / CA-MER-R4-D "Dominique"). I started a career game and cheated my way to research Precision Propulsion, which is where my canary is. It had the correct ISP numbers listed in the VAB. My theory the zero to barely registering ISP is a confluence between Community Fixes and another mod. I'm still plugging away at that.
  9. I'll just toss in the fact that I'm going through all my mods trying to figure out why several engines in Coatl Aerospace (nee Probes Plus) are fine by themselves, but when tossed into my heavily modded game, show up with an ISP of 0.001. I thought it was just a quirk of my ~200 mods in some combination, but now that I see I'm not alone.... I noticed this about 2-3 weeks ago. It's late, so I'll look through my WB engines tomorrow and report back what I find.
  10. Edited: I was watching TV and just now had a brain flash. Long story short, I checked the MM cache file, and something is messing up my EVE_Clouds node. At least now I know what I'm looking for.
  11. PSA, the issue of missing "%packedVolumeLimit = ..." is also found in: the cockpit [Ares-Cockpit] from TM4KSP the Starwatcher command part [Knes_Command_K-CEV] from Knes the StarRider cockpit [Knes_Command_K-IXV] from Knes
  12. @serg.bloimFrom what I could tell from my testing, if you have Custom Barn Kit installed it overrides all the configuration work done by AGE. (Either using the in-game settings or directly editing the .CFG file for AGE. (\Diazo\AGExt\AGExt.settings) And the default behavior of CustomBarnKit is to emulate default behavior. It needs to be patched with MM to change that. To allow my Career games to have use of AGE's majic from the git-go, here's what I have in a MM patch in my GameData directory: // Allows Action Groups Extended to be fully used from the start. // Author: KSP Forums user Padrone @CUSTOMBARNKIT:NEEDS[CUSTOMBARNKIT]:AFTER[CUSTOMBARNKIT] { @VAB { @actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1 @actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1 } @SPH { @actionGroupsStockUnlock = 1 @actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 1 } }
  13. Recently downloaded this and I'm liking the parts. I'd like to point out that in the 50PC.cfg file in Passengercabins, the TweakScale node has the line "defaultScale = 5.0" twice. I only mention it because Tweakscale had a hissy-fit about double definitions and issued an end of the world warning about my save games. I removed one of the two lines and Tweakscale regained its composure. I'm at 183 mods, so Tweakscale may well be kinda leary about running in my environment.
  14. Saved me from typing up similar sentiments. Thank you, and thanks to @stupid_chris for this mod and keeping it alive!
  15. I've been trying for a while to do this, but I am missing something basic. I'm trying to remove all the default textures from Procedural Parts so that I can use my own .CFG to rename/reorder them, adding a few texture packs I've pulled together. (I.E. when I get done, all the texture names will be in a standardized format and will be in alphabetic order). This is the first part of the .CFG file from Procedural Parts, where the textures are defined. STRETCHYTANKTEXTURES { name = Default Original { //by Ancient Gammoner sides { // Snipped lines for brevity } ends { texture = ProceduralParts/Parts/ends } } // Many repeats of the above section for the different textures follow Since these aren't a part or a module, I'm flummoxed at how to get to these entries with my own .CFG file. Can someone set me on the trail for the syntax for removing all these texture entries? TIA!
  16. I remember these! Thank you for bringing them up to date. Any chance you're already working on updating the nodes on his Low Profile Hubs?
  17. PSA: Seems to work fine in 1.6.1 You don't need this very often, if ever. But if you do, BOY does it save time!
  18. @kurgut, have you got an "EVAvisor" DDS or PNG file in your ..\Gamedata\TextureReplacer\Default folder? If you do, you'll also need to patch it in. Here's what's in my ZZ_CustomSettings.cfg file in ..\Gamedata\TextureReplacer\ (ZZ_Custom... makes sure it's loaded last, therefore isn't overridden by any other settings) The settings set the color of the visor. If you don't have a EVAvisor file, just search for "EVAvisor.dds" in this topic, there's a number to choose from. The basic differences are just how transparent they are. Try a few to see what looks best to you. Here's what this setup looks like.
  19. I'm not seeing anything major that would stop usage of this in 1.6.1. My only complaint so far is the documented 'BaseYear' function doesn't seem to work.
  20. @The Spac NOTE! If you want to edit a configuration file to remove the glows around the moons, you'll find the instructions below. BACK UP the file someplace safe BEFORE you start to edit it. That way you can repair any accidentally induced issues. Skills necessary for this are the ability to navigate the folders inside the game directory and the skill to use a text editor to edit the contents of a text file. (Do not use a word processor, unless you laughed at that statement because you know how to use a word processor to get around the problem.) In ..\GameData\AstronomersVisualPack\EVE\ there is a file named "glow.cfg" If you open that file up with a text editor you will see it contains a number of blocks of text, each starting with "OBJECT". Each of the OBJECTS represents a celestial body. That body is on the first line, where it says "name = <bodyname>-glow" Find each <bodyname> you don't want to have this glow/atmosphere on, and comment out the block of text. To do that, put two two slashes in the front of the OBJECT line, and every line after that until the line just above the next OBJECT. (That last line should just be a "}" character. Save said file and restart KSP. You should find a nice set of airless moons now inhabiting your solar system. The spoiler below shows Dres losing its glow.
  21. Sorry, I'm late to the renaming party. PMS - Pointless Motions Squashed. Hmm, something seems wrong with this name. NMQ - Needless Motions Quiesced. Nah, no need to make some folks grab a dictionary. UMB! - Unneeded Motions Begone! Sounds too much like something you'd spray on the rocket before liftoff. Seriously, tho... I think "Intelligent Controllers" is kinda generic. How's "AECS Motion Suppressor" (Aerobrake, Engine and Control Surface Motion Suppressor) Not nearly as snazzy, but it is a bit more descriptive.
  22. @Tidal Stream Thanks for keeping this one alive! FYI: I'm using it in my (Not yet launched) 1.6.1 career, and so far I've noticed nothing odd. I do have a question, tho. Is there some way to have any added in textures be listed alphabetically with the ones from PP itself? I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do it with the large number of texture-sets I've pulled together. But no matter what I do all the default ones get listed as a group together first. Then my added in ones show up as an alphabetic group. I went so far as to copy SSTextures.cfg to my mod's directory, and then rename the original one to .NOTCFG so it wouldn't work. The default textures still show up in a group in the VAB before I get to the one's I've added in. When I also install the new "Basic Procedural Textures" mod, (Thanks, @Tyko) these show up mixed in with the one's I've included, all alphabetically. But they're all still after the default textures group. It's like the original textures have some sort of gold ticket to move to the front of the line!
  23. I am trying to cut down on the number of mods I've amassed as I crank up for a 1.6.1. game. @linuxgurugamer, you are NOT HELPING! Seriously, tho... thanks for picking this up with an eye towards those hotel contracts. I tried building a hotel prototype, but wasn't happy with the looks of it.
  24. Ok, I thought I'd share some half-arsed results from my preliminary 1.6.1 testbed. This was done in a lightly (~50 mods or so) environment. Tomorrow I'll test in a clean environment. It appears the mod works fine if neither USI or WB is installed. I was able to print a single item, move focus away during the print, and return to a printed item in my KIS container. There was previously reported bug where single items being printed would get stuck and not complete if the workshop lost focus. The work around was to print two items, then come back when the first one was finished (according to the alarm). You'd then cancel the queued item and the one being printed would then complete in a hurry. This bug appears to be still present if the USI Constellation is installed. I need to test further, I didn't look to see if the bug was present if only WB was installed. Or if both are present. Auto-generated 'printing is finished' KAC alarms appear to be always for a Vessel ID that no longer exists. Yes, Virginia, the vessel still exists. I'll do some serious testing Tue night in a clean environment and post my results, if no one beats me to the punch.
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