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"promised" endgame-content?

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So, one day it struck me:

I remember reading somewhere that Squad talked about implementing endgame-content in the game around version 1.0.

Having sped-read through the last 20 Devnotes I couldn't find the statement anymore.

It's not more than half a year ago, that the idea was voiced by Squad.

Does anyone know more about it? Or is it already in place, but not found (unlikely)?

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If that is what he is referring to, he took it out of context. By endgame, that was meant "late career" (which in 2013 barely existed). They were talking about designing stuff that was only accessible at the late stages, not that there was an end-game condition. One could argue the ISRU is end-game content (which by the way was started around that time and postponed), so to answer the original question is you have it already.

Edited by Alshain
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Well, I don't like having my KSP end on me at any point, but it wouldn't be impossible to have some sort of epic mother of all missions to complete.

One that once you've finished it leaves you hanging with the feeling: Wow! That was awesome!

I hate to bring up that game again, but MineCraft has something similar, "win" the game, but you can still keep on playing.

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Well, I don't like having my KSP end on me at any point, but it wouldn't be impossible to have some sort of epic mother of all missions to complete.

One that once you've finished it leaves you hanging with the feeling: Wow! That was awesome!

I hate to bring up that game again, but MineCraft has something similar, "win" the game, but you can still keep on playing.

Just to clarify, he is talking about end-game content, not an end condition (I mis-read that at first too)

As I mentioned, I'm pretty sure that end-game content they were referring to was the cancelled and now revived resources mining.

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I don't remember Squad making any specific promises, but I wouldn't mind if Squad added some endgame content, possibly some kind of story/campaign mode. I think I remember hearing secondhand that NovaSilisko made some comments a long time ago (at least two years) about some kind of big overarching mission involving the anomalies, but I haven't heard anything recently other than people commenting/discussing on the forums.

Edit: From looking at the other comment I may have misread your post as well. Resource mining is basically the current endgame due to the difficulty of setting up a mining infrastructure. I wouldn't mind if they added some more endgame parts as well similar to what MKS/OKS, KSPI and Near Future Propulsion provide.

Edited by Lord Aurelius
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Resource mining was an early idea for a late-game mechanic.

(Looks at KSP 1.0 drills and converter)

Well, it looks like Squad came through, aero and female Kebals were things Squad wanted to get in for 1.0 as well, but as is usual with any developer all things are subject to change.

Now, if you have some proof of "promised" endgame-content that'd be interesting.

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End-game mission: place a minimum 100 megaton vessel (may include asteroids) on a Kerbol escape trajectory along the given vector. ������

Swap out 100 megaton vessel with "vessel capable of re-starting the Kerbal race in a remote system" and that's basically what I was thinking :P

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Ah, I have found an article from HarvesteR talking about implementing an, what he describes as, end-game mechanic: Deep Space Refueling.


Coupled with the resource gathering, that's exactly what we have today!

I guess that is what got stuck in my head.

Chalk this one up as a: My bad!

I'm not that far yet in my Career-game, but I'm still looking forward to unlocking it.

And if I ever get bored in the end (if ever) I'll take a look at the above-mentioned mods.

The linked eurogamer-article was also an interesting read btw.

Thanks for the input guys!

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I'm always down for more content. I would buy a kerbals kolonization expansion today if I could. Especially if included a habitable world in another solar system, ftl drives, and habitat and greenhouse modules. I would pay 40$ for all that.

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I'm always down for more content. I would buy a kerbals kolonization expansion today if I could. Especially if included a habitable world in another solar system, ftl drives, and habitat and greenhouse modules. I would pay 40$ for all that.

Agreed. As long as its not another 'Skyrim Horse Armor' I do not mind paying for quality content. However it better feel like an expansion instead of an update, because as the article points out there is a difference ;)

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Either as late game/end game content or a future expansion pack, I would LOVE if SQUAD implemented "exo-kerbal system" content and ability.

Even if we don't get "explore a galaxy", it would be whicked cool if another solar system was added at a good distance with maybe a drive technology or two to get there. Maybe a gate system. Build a gate on an orbit in the Kerbal system and one in the other system and then you can jump between them. Gotta slow boat it to the other solar system. Or you can build gates within the kerbal system.

Set it up so it'll take a LOT to build a gate and take a lot of resources for the gate to operate as well as that "shipping the components to build the gate" mechanic and I think that could be a really cool very late game mechanic.

Plus other solar system to explore.

Maybe it can be a binary system. With a ringed planet.

I mean, if I am getting requests in, I might as well make them grandiose.

Also optional and difficulty adjustable life support would be real nice. Then we could also have cool modules like air tanks, air scrubbers, hydroponics that can infinitely support a kerbal, etc. Maybe the options could be off, easy (depletion 1/4 rate), normal (depletion 1/1), hard (depletion 2/1) and very hard (depletion 2/1 AND life support is used when not focused on the vessel).

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Here is an older quote about the shelved original plan for ISRU, which refers to "end-game content" - (but does not mention any specific ideas) ;)

I'm not worried about KSP going the cheap DLC route, they answered that in the recent reddit AmA. They don't like it.

A paid expansion (and they have no plans as of yet) should contain significant amounts of new stuff.

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