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Wat's your worst Ksp 1.0 glitch?


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  astecarmyman said:
here's mine


there was actually four solar systems at one point on screen. It was scary.


Oh my! I think you may have a possible haunting on your hands, that looks like a ghost to me! :D

The only bug I have really had to struggle with, is the memory leak. I am now using DMagic's temperature gauge killer mod though, so it's not as bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My most hated glitch is that glitch that makes your ground bases spring up into the air and rip themselves apart when you switch to them. It happens when you use KAS pipes to attach all the different modules of your base together but I'm sure it can be replicated with stock parts. I haven't tried to make a ground base in 1.0 yet but I'm 99% sure the problem is still there, because when I docked my refuelling rover to my interplanetary ship, it sprung up a few centimetres.

I just wanna make cool ground bases, man.

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Before version 1.0 i hardly had any kraken encounters. But now. ... my ships freeze and lock up after i get out of time warp all the time. They won't turn and won't change in velocity when i fire up the engines, although the engines are spitting fire like trogdor the burninator. . It happens Like every 5-10 minutes flying in space (it's not a power issue ) . A restart "solves" the problem temporarily. Doing a grand tour was a great challenge before 1.0, but now it's even more challenging: the game is testing my patience skills while i restart the game.. XP

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  Bev7787 said:
My game constantly crashes on 1.0.2. Also my rockets flip. I should make a video on that

You should. I bet if I could see you launching a ship I could tell you why it's flipping.

The crashing, not so much. But if you upload a post-crash output_log.txt somewhere and post on the modded or unmodded (depending on how you play) help boards someone may be able to tell you why. I'm assuming you know about the heat gui memory leak and are not using it.

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On landings when climbing down the ladder, if I let go of the ladder close to the ground, sometimes my Kerbal ends up falling through the ground, disappearing, and dying. It's happened on Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus.

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The worst so far for me was when I was landing on laythe.

Somehow 3 of the 6 parachutes on my ship, all attached with symmetry, were inside the utility bay and refused to deploy. I had to open the service bay and manually deploy them.

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Early Game, two person rocket, Landed on Kerbin and I take Val and the other Kerbal out to do eva science stuff.

Recover the other Kerbal and leave Val and the Rocket to be recovered, except as I enter tracking, I can't find Val.

Recover the Rocket and check the Astronaut building and she is listed as K.I.A., uhm, I have "missing, not killed" on in this game.

In the save file, at the end of her mission log, she has the stuff from the mission, but it ends with # killed and then she entered another glitch mission, where she was killed too, the game really wanted her dead.

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Crashes and memory leaks. It's absurd if compared to 0.90. I love THIS GAME. But SOMETIMES the development of the game is like 10 steps forward and 7 steps back.

Edited by includao
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this one is easy,

I cannot consistently launch a rocket into orbit.

even when I get one into orbit if I change the payload, fuel ect ect the drag/atmosphere effects makes it uncontrollable forcing me to custom design every rocket to every payload.

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  Tobyz28 said:
#1 Constant Crashes from memory leaks :(. Had a plane saved in orbit that needed to be landed... (the last of my crew was on it) on re-entry game would fall on its face every single time :T

#2 Imaginary Terrain landing on Bop (or maybe it was Pol?) ... was approaching the ground, a couple KM from the ground WHAM Ship explodes in mid air from a collision with invisible terrain. Reloaded from an F5, WhAM roughly the same place. 3rd try, descended REALLY slow and managed to land.

#3 VAB went bonkers. Designed a fancy dancy rocket (quite a lot of time in it) did some undo/redo combination... couldnt click on parts properly... hit save on the ship - all buttons greyed out :( Closed KSP, loaded my ship and it was buggy as hell(wouldnt let me click anything, shows all parts out of the staging on the right (even though they were solid in the VAB), had to start from scratch again.

Ran into so many more glitches, unbalances etc... been playing KSP since almost the very start, never seen it this buggy... I hope squad has a good vacation and comes back going bonkers on polishing the game for a month or 3....

I haven't had memory related crashes, but I play on linux and things are more stable here memory wise. I did had #3 happen to me in a 0.90 save, I had to revert to an older save as I was having many different glitches occurring after the inital borking.

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Probably the two worst bugs I've encountered are nullrefs in the VAB, and one weird bug I've never encountered before. Sometimes, without rhyme or reason, certain parts will become fixed points in space. I first discovered this with my Ike biome hopper. Whenever I timewarped, the probe core would become locked in place relative to the surface (while still somehow showing non-zero surface velocity??). Unfortunately, I still had a contract to complete, so I spent close to an hour in non-timewarped suborbital hops. Really makes you appreciate how long spaceflight takes.

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I was playing in 1.0.2 and trying to dock, when suddenly when switching out of map view, most of my ship suddenly exploded. I couldn't see kerbin anymore. I wasn't moving either. After switching back to map view, I realized the solar system no longer existed. There were some random parts nearby floating in space (that it didn't say was debree in the map view) that I haven't even unlocked with science with (ex. gigantor solar panel, the big ladders, etc)

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