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[1.12.X] Orbital Survey Plus v2.3.6


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Orbital Survey Plus



Recent Update Detailed Notes / Thoughts

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Does the insta-scanning capability of the M700 Survey Scanner keep you awake at night? Are you thirsty for more realism but uninterested in complex add-ons that ignore or replace the rest of the stock resource system or add lots of parts? You might be in luck! Orbital Survey Plus is a light-weight mod that provides you with a more realistic and intuitive way to perform surveys with the survey scanner while still using the rest of the stock resource system. Gone are the arbitrary inclination requirements and instant full-body witchcraft resource reveals! The M700 will now only reveal resource data for terrain it has passed over and scanned.

How It Works

After deploying the M700 Survey Scanner and pressing the "start survey" button, survey of the current body will begin. As long as altitude conditions are met (which are the same as stock behavior) the scan will progress, gathering resource information for the terrain under the vessel and draining electric charge. There are no other specific orbit requirements besides current altitude. As the scan progresses, survey data is accumulated, which can be transmitted back to the KSC.

As soon as you transmit your first batch of survey data the stock resource overlay becomes unlocked. When you toggle the resource overlay, you will notice that regions that haven't been scanned and transmitted will be shrouded. As your vessel gathers more data as it passes over terrain, the resource overlay will become revealed for those regions after that data is transmitted.

[Science] Not only does transmitting survey data back to the KSC reveal planetary overlays, it also yields science!

[Biome Overlay] This mod adds a biome overlay toolbar button to go along with the stock resource overlay. The biome overlay will be shrouded in the same way for regions that haven't been scanned and transmitted by the survey scanner.

[Background Scanning] Once you get your scanner going, feel free to leave it and launch more ships! Scans will progress in the background, so there's no need to stick around and time warp.

[Settings] Many of the features of OSP can be tweaked or toggled through the KSP game settings menu. For example, if you're just here for the biome overlay, the advanced surveying feature can be disabled.


Download Current Version - 2.3.6 compatible with KSP 1.4.X through KSP 1.12.X

Spacedock  |  Curse

*ModuleManager included and required


Source code available here on Bitbucket.



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Video! (Thanks KottabosGames!)



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Known Bugs

- At the highest time warp speed scan lines can start to zig-zag

- Entering the map view can swap the biome overlay with the resource overlay sometimes

- Attempting to tweak the Scan Autocomplete Threshold in the options will peg the value to 0% or 100% (workaround: change it manually in the persistent file)


btn_donate_SM.gif I primarily built this mod for me, so I don't expect anything. But if you like it and you're the tipping type, feel free.

Edited by Wheffle
reflect compatiblity with 1.12.X
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  forsaken1111 said:
I like it! Does the scan progress take some power over time as well?

Thanks! It does not take power at the moment, though I imagine that would be easy to add.


Just threw together a quick update, gave the scanner electric charge consumption (tweakable in the settings config file).

Edited by Wheffle
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  Andrewmacor said:
Can you make it to be more than one orbit, maybe 5, to make it closer to reality but not really?

Check out the "settings.cfg" file in the "OrbitalSurveyPlus" folder. The first value in there called "orbitsToScan" represents how many orbits it takes to do a full scan, which you can alter to your liking. If you do change it to something like 5, let me know how it goes! I haven't tested it on any higher number than 2. If it acts wonky I'll be sure to hotfix it.

  Fraz86 said:
Is this registered in CKAN? If so, under what name?

It's not currently, but I'll look into it!


Got the process started for getting this mod on CKAN. If I did it right, it should be registered as "OrbitalSurveyPlus" soon.

Edited by Wheffle
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Updated to 1.2

It shouldn't break previous saves, but I can't promise anything. Just make sure to clear out all of the old files before installing the new ones.

Biome overlay is now available! (without using the cheat menu!)


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Woo! Very nice, you beat ScanSat to displaying biomes in map view.

Along those lines, do you think it might be in scope to implement some sort of fog-of-war for planets that have not been scanned? Basically a forced map overlay that is a blurry version of the regular texture?

Also, do you think you could split out the number of orbits required to display biome view vs. resources in the cfg?

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I love it!

Wonderful first mod!

I had a few issues with installed mods so I can't test this out (doing a fresh install now),

...but Nertea has a mod called Near Future Solar

In it, he's got a 4 panel curved solar array that might fit on the reverse of the M700.

If not you could probably use TweakScale on the panels.

But you could also maybe add this to your mod if he allows it.

This way the M700 comes stock with "starter" panels.

Also, I'd have to agree on the "orbits to scan"

5 seems more realistic than 2.

Great work on your first mod!

+1 rep...keep it up!


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Thanks for all the support! It's been a lot of fun putting this together, and it's been fun playing with it. I'm glad others are getting some enjoyment out of it also.

  curiousepic said:
Woo! Very nice, you beat ScanSat to displaying biomes in map view.

To tell you the truth, getting the biome overlay working was stinking easy with the new stock resource overlay system. The KSP team did a great job making it general-purpose and easy to hook into.

I expect ScanSat is taking longer because, among other countless reasons (that mod is CRAZY complex and very impressive), they aren't going to be displaying a full overlay all the time. They have to chop it up to only reveal what portions of the planet you've scanned. Me, I'm just yanking the biome map texture from the framework (which it hands over freely) and throwing it at the overlay system (which it happily accepts).

  curiousepic said:
Along those lines, do you think it might be in scope to implement some sort of fog-of-war for planets that have not been scanned? Basically a forced map overlay that is a blurry version of the regular texture?

Also, do you think you could split out the number of orbits required to display biome view vs. resources in the cfg?

Hmmm... it would be interesting to limit planet detail a bit at least until you've entered its SOI at least once. I'll toy with that idea a bit. As far as decoupling the biome overlay unlock with the resource overlay unlock, I'm not sure that'll be a huge priority just yet. My goal was to extend the stock orbital surveyor as seamlessly as I could, and decoupling those overlay unlocks would mean separating one or both from the stock "this-planet-has-been-scanned" system, which would complicated things a bit. I'll keep it in mind, though.

  iDisOrder said:
Nertea has a mod called Near Future Solar

In it, he's got a 4 panel curved solar array that might fit on the reverse of the M700.

If not you could probably use TweakScale on the panels.

But you could also maybe add this to your mod if he allows it.

This way the M700 comes stock with "starter" panels.

I love the near future technology packs. I also have zero experience with modeling and part creation. :P I'm just a simple programmer.

  iDisOrder said:
Also, I'd have to agree on the "orbits to scan" 5 seems more realistic than 2.

I get the feeling everyone has wildly different ideas for what is "realistic enough" for them, which is why I left it configurable. Again, I haven't tried it at very high numbers (5+), so I encourage you to try it and report back if there's anything wonky with it. I might change the default value in the future based on continued feedback.

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  Wheffle said:
I get the feeling everyone has wildly different ideas for what is "realistic enough" for them, which is why I left it configurable. Again, I haven't tried it at very high numbers (5+), so I encourage you to try it and report back if there's anything wonky with it. I might change the default value in the future based on continued feedback.

I wrote that before I DLed it and then saw you changed the default from 2 to 5.

Then I started thinking I'd try 10 orbits to scan.

I'll let you know how it works out when I run it

  Wheffle said:
I'm just a simple programmer.


you, simple?

Last time I programmed anything was BASIC on a TRS-80

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  Wheffle said:
Hmmm... it would be interesting to limit planet detail a bit at least until you've entered its SOI at least once. I'll toy with that idea a bit.

Awesome. It would be great for new planet packs like OPM, and my own fantasy of creating a planet pack and not providing (detailed) images of the locations so players can feel like true explorers! I assume ScanSat intends to implement something like this eventually, but it would also be nice to have it available in this more lightweight mod (but scope creep yadda yadda).

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  curiousepic said:
Awesome. It would be great for new planet packs like OPM, and my own fantasy of creating a planet pack and not providing (detailed) images of the locations so players can feel like true explorers! I assume ScanSat intends to implement something like this eventually, but it would also be nice to have it available in this more lightweight mod (but scope creep yadda yadda).


Based on my installed mods list I seem to be leaning more towards a realistic approach.

With the exception of some mods until I feel a bit more comfortable knowing what I'm doing like FAR and TAC.

I"m not saying this is a bad idea, to each his own

but I'm thinking if you were to send a satellite to a body you'd expect a full, accurate report on it before venturing out.

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  stardestroyer said:
Hi Wheffle, this is an awesome mod!

Can I ask if it is possible to add an anomaly layer?


I don't currently have any concrete plans for adding more overlays, but I have been experimenting with modifying overlay textures and importing my own. I've run into a few weird hitches having to do with unfamiliarity with Unity, but who knows! If it gets asked for enough and I feel like it's a good fit, there's no reason it won't happen in the future.

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