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Make your own engine

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So many people, including myself, have bothered editing the functionality of at least 1 engine before. I designed a multi-mode turbojet that could run using condensed air, effectively having the same fuel efficiency. I had to explain it in the description though...

Anyway, I thought it was cool being able to essentially create a whole new engine, and I figure:

Why not let us all make our own engines? I'd imagine it'd be a daunting task for something like this, especially since so many things could go wrong, but I have some restrictive ideas:

-Each engine model is selected from a library of prepared models, as well as textures, but the user may upload his/her own model.

--If user does upload his/her original engine model, then a custom texture is required.

-The player must select X out of (X+R) options. Say, he/she selects fuel type. This would limit the options further.

--Isp and combustion pressure have a limited range depending on the engine size, fuel type, and engine modules.

---If liquid fuel is selected, then you can choose what the Isp and combustion pressure [Vac or Atm] would be, then the game would automatically calculate thrust, and temperature.

If LFO is selected, basically the same options. If Xenon is selected, then you can choose what the Isp would be, then the game would automatically calculate thrust and power consumption would be.

I don't really know what could be done for monopropellant, but I'm sure you could come up with something. The same could be said for solid fuel.

Next you could decide whether or not it is a multimode engine, and run through the previous process again for the secondary mode.

After all that, optionally you could be given the opportunity to test your engine for tweaking purposes. Not really required, and I guess a calculator would substitute, but it'd be interesting nonetheless.

I wasn't really sure to suggest this here or the addons, but I figured here would be better. What do you all think? Any other ideas?

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Interesting, but imo it would be easier to first make tank-builder.

Give us few different alloys to choose from (with different heat resistance and mass), ability to create custom shapes and what fuel it should hold.

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I would be very interested if an idea such as this could be implemented in game.

I would love to be able to mod the game myself but simply don't have the knowledge needed and as such I rely on the fantastic work of the modding community. Something like this would at least give me a faint hint of control of game content myself.

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  Darnok said:
Interesting, but imo it would be easier to first make tank-builder.

Give us few different alloys to choose from (with different heat resistance and mass), ability to create custom shapes and what fuel it should hold.

Not a bad idea! Quite good, in fact. Maybe like a built in application for 3D modelling and texturing, as well as the prepared ones. Maybe if these two worked together, maybe even something to let you make new fuels.



Cost per unit


Flow mode

Transfer method

If it's tweakable


- - - Updated - - -

  gmiddlemass said:
I would be very interested if an idea such as this could be implemented in game.

I would love to be able to mod the game myself but simply don't have the knowledge needed and as such I rely on the fantastic work of the modding community. Something like this would at least give me a faint hint of control of game content myself.

Really? I could give you a few pointers. What exactly are you trying to modify? Part functions, in game multipliers, any of that good stuff?

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I would like some engine tweakables -

Throttle: "no" or "min% max%" weight increases for a throttle, more so if it allows control below ~10% or above ~70%

Start: once, twice, up to 10, unlimited - increases in weight.

Bell: atmospheric/vacuum/unoptimised: affects ISP

Vector: none, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10%, affects weight and ISP

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I've been thinking this would be a great idea for a while. The way I see it you have the following criteria.



Isp (Vac)

Isp (Atm)


Fuel type

Radial Size

Each of these criteria could be controlled with slider bars. Scientific advances could lead to a greater range in the sliders. The cost of the engine would be determined by its stats, to avoid making any engines too OP.

If this was a node at the end of the tech tree it would work fairly well, as it would provide a need for science after the end of the tech tree has been reached. It would work similarly to the "Future Tech" Technology in Civilization, although it may be better if you could specify what research you wanted to do e.g. "Ultra-High Thrust Engines", "Superlightweight Materials" etc.

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If planets and moons wouldn't be on rails - at this point I would suggest building mega-mining station feeding fuel to that single monster engine pushing Gilly on a collision course with Kerbin:


ps. that screenshot somehow reminds me of Stargate SG-1 - the mission where they prevented mega-asteroid hitting the earth

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  Azimech said:
I agree with the concept!

Building engines is awesome. That's why I invented the KSP turboshaft engine.

Well... that's a ton of wheels you got goin' on...

Nonetheless, so glad you're on board. It may not happen anytime soon, if ever, but who knows? ​For all we know, some modder might come in and steal it.

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