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Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]

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@ CptRichardson;Ah, so more turbobooster Ramjet then. That would be much more usable than what i tried; I was going off of theorized real world stats, so activation at ~1750m/s, TWR ~2, ISP of ~1000, which meant I found myself needing to use ESTOCs on rocket mode to get up to speed, and at that point, why not just continue to use the ESTOCs?

With the emissives constantly emitting, are you trying to stick more than one particle emitter in your FX? I discovered that things like shock diamonds have to be their own FX, and then you use a FXMultiparticle module to combine them when the engine is running.

@Cuky; Yeah, I figured it would be something like that, considering the size of mk2 wings. Heh, now I'm going to have to throw in some mk3 wing segments as well...

I basically copied the ESTOC part file and have been modifying it. Why bother building a whole new file, after all? Reuse code. *sigh* Might have to.

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@ CptRichardson; mk3 hubs I can do. T & X hubs are easy; With the size of the mk3 hull, 3-axis hums should also be viable

@Nothalogh; Wouldn't the engines flameout from lack of intake air at 45km?

@davidy12; I should have some OMS stuff done in the next day or so. Shuttle engines I'm going to pass on given the addition of a stock SSME part in KSP version 1.1

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@ CptRichardson; mk3 hubs I can do. T & X hubs are easy; With the size of the mk3 hull, 3-axis hums should also be viable

@Nothalogh; Wouldn't the engines flameout from lack of intake air at 45km?

@davidy12; I should have some OMS stuff done in the next day or so. Shuttle engines I'm going to pass on given the addition of a stock SSME part in KSP version 1.1

Operation of a scramjet is velocity dependent, thus the higher it goes the higher it's minimum velocity becomes.

So yeah, at 40km you'd better be doing at least 1.8km/s, and fly a shallow ascent to keep your ballistic losses low.

For a good look at scramjets, go look at 8bitsblu's mod, he got them pretty damn perfect

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Mk3 hulls are getting a new cockpit:


Currently WIP; I'm not sold on the size of the windows, TBH, but the IVA concept I have calls for them - it should be far more interesting conceptually than the standard aircraft control deck style IVA. Also debating whether or not I should add some Shuttle style +pitch/yaw RCS thrusters to the nose.

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Mk3 hulls are getting a new cockpit:


Currently WIP; I'm not sold on the size of the windows, TBH, but the IVA concept I have calls for them - it should be far more interesting conceptually than the standard aircraft control deck style IVA. Also debating whether or not I should add some Shuttle style +pitch/yaw RCS thrusters to the nose.

Yes to the thrusters, but I think it needs to be longer, currently it will have hideous performance in FAR

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@ CptRichardson; mk3 hubs I can do. T & X hubs are easy; With the size of the mk3 hull, 3-axis hums should also be viable

I was thinking of a T-hub where the intersecting hull line is on the top of the hull, thus letting me hook a Mk2 vertically off of an X-hub instead of horizontally.

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@Nothalogh;It would round out the mk2 intakes available, I'll add them to the list

@CptRichardson; Time to change the thread title again....


I'll get to the Y-Wing eventually. Progress on SW stuff is slowly coming along, but at this point the truth is it's taken a back seat to getting the mk3 stuff ready for an initial release. And yes, the Twin Ion Engine there makes the noise. :D


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@Nothalogh;It would round out the mk2 intakes available, I'll add them to the list

@CptRichardson; Time to change the thread title again....


I'll get to the Y-Wing eventually. Progress on SW stuff is slowly coming along, but at this point the truth is it's taken a back seat to getting the mk3 stuff ready for an initial release. And yes, the Twin Ion Engine there makes the noise. :D




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Yep. Double-sided, too. Or at least thats the intention, since KSP doesn't seem to like double sided solar panels. I modeled them to have the same dimensions and attach points as the standard wing boards, to make them compatible with standard multi-part wing construction. So, yes, I fully expect to see them integrated into or used as (space)plane wings.

On an unrelated note, I should have a ver 1.0 Mk3 Expansion release up in the next few days. It won't have everything people have requested, but that's more to wanting to get a release version out that I can later build off of, instead of trying to include everything on the first go.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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Yep. Double-sided, too. Or at least thats the intention, since KSP doesn't seem to like double sided solar panels. I modeled them to have the same dimensions and attach points as the standard wing boards, to make them compatible with standard multi-part wing construction. So, yes, I fully expect to see them integrated into or used as (space)plane wings.

On an unrelated note, I should have a ver 1.0 Mk3 Expansion release up in the next few days. It won't have everything people have requested, but that's more to wanting to get a release version out that I can later build off of, instead of trying to include everything on the first go.

That's plenty-fine. Haven't had time to work on the MAACE for a bit, but I'm planning on doing some more work shortly. Still thinking of a few things to stick onto the 'might be cool if' pile, like larger and slightly thicker Mk2 type wings with wet-wing capabilities.

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In patches/Mk2X_NTJ_decay.cfg:

'@PART[M2X_AtomicJet]' has no needs attached for whatever mod it is for.

In any event, would it be possible for you to add a:


I have added FOR[] fields that will prevent conflicts if you can do that.

Also, for the MFT patch, could you change the NEEDS[modularFuelTanks] to NEEDS[modularFuelTanks|RealFuels]?

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