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Mk3 Expansion - [KSP 1.12x] Version 1.6 [10/5/21]

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The 1.7.01 dev prerelease update features new intake curves and tweaked fuel and intake atm consumption to address this, both should be able start when the craft they're mounted on is static

On a more Science! note, since they were requested, and I was curious, I experimented around with a shrouded docking port that would allow only a particular alignment when docking to another shrouded docking port, but would still work as normal with the standard Clamp-O-Tron:


Yay for HackGravity, it makes testing these things so much easier than in an actual orbit.


Some alignment issues; perfectly aligned +/- ~1 degree isn't bad for a first try at a shrouded docking port

Tests were... mostly successful; the ports would not allow a grossly misaligned (e.g. >10-15 deg) craft to dock, but since the docking code apparently plays weirdly with colliders, it allowed slippage of a few degrees to occur. That said, I think they would prove to be useful in a number of ways..


Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02.01.2016 at 0:11 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

I experimented around with a shrouded docking port that would allow only a particular alignment when docking to another shrouded docking port, but would still work as normal with the standard Clamp-O-Tron:


Very interesting! :)

Also if you give us hollow Mk2 shroud (without docking port) and with a decoupler (where docking node is) - this could be used to cover engine section of light Mk2 shuttles on launch and reentry! :)



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After some time away from working on KSP stuff (Thanks, Steam Winter Sale...), I'm back and made some progress on Mk3 stuff - have some WIP advanced engines:



@ZobrAA: Because it seemed to work somewhat better, the docking port itself has been removed, and the part is now a alternate form for the existing engine shroud, so it could be used in the way you describe.

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Spent some time looking at real-world NTR stats and those of the Lv-N to scale the numbers to something appropriate for a Mk3 NTR; fairly happy with how it turned out.2tiGHHQ.png

it still has the anemic thrust and TWR of a nuclear engine, but is big enough that even a low TWR is still able to lift some payload; with some careful rocket construction and piloting it can serve as a upper stage motor as well as a spaceplane engine

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1 hour ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

Spent some time looking at real-world NTR stats and those of the Lv-N to scale the numbers to something appropriate for a Mk3 NTR; fairly happy with how it turned out.2tiGHHQ.png

it still has the anemic thrust and TWR of a nuclear engine, but is big enough that even a low TWR is still able to lift some payload; with some careful rocket construction and piloting it can serve as a upper stage motor as well as a spaceplane engine

What stats (thrust, mass) did you settle on?

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Got the mk3 nuclear jet in game, functionality is the same as the mk2 version (functions in any atmosphere, optional nuclear decay patch)0Pru8v2.png

Next update will happen when KSP 1.1 does Expect the new engines, docking ports, symmetry fixes for the chines/saddle tanks, possibly one or two other things.

@TruthQuark: The mk3 nuclear rocket's stats at present are 13.5 tons, 400 KN thrust, for a TWR of 3.02.

@Kerbas_ad_astra: Sure, that would be a good thing to add. Consider it done.

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Got halfway through texturing the turbojet when I suddenly got sidetracked and ended up with these instead. Behold the whimsy of the Muse; looks like I'm doing a mining mod at some point.




1.25 and 2.5 meter stack mounted drills for when you need Ore, and need it now.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, i just had an idea that fits in with the MK2 parts...
I've been looking for large IR joints (something 1.25 or MK2 that's really sturdy) and haven't found anything. thought maybe this might be cup of tea.

Ideally they would be really stiff and have a lot of torque, something that no IR joint seems to have -_- something you can mount WINGS and ENGINES to!

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J/K parts as in OPT stuff? K. Yeon would be the person to talk to for those. As for IR integration, not going to happen; M2X has several third party dependencies already, I really don't want to add another. However, you might try asking for a IR wing hinge in the IR thread and see if they would add one on their end.

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these parts look awesome! one suggestion- thought of adding interstellar support for the nuclear parts? not only for the mk3 parts but for parts from your mk2 mod aswell? for the nuclear ramjets it shouldnt bee too hard, i think, just remove the engine module, and add in a interstellar reactor part module, and thermal turboramjet partmodule, or something? you can look at the original interstellar parts and there stats too see how its done, too make it easier. oh and for the nerva, the pluto engine, its the same reactor part module, but a thermal nozzle instead. 

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10 hours ago, 123nick said:

these parts look awesome! one suggestion- thought of adding interstellar support for the nuclear parts? not only for the mk3 parts but for parts from your mk2 mod aswell? for the nuclear ramjets it shouldnt bee too hard, i think, just remove the engine module, and add in a interstellar reactor part module, and thermal turboramjet partmodule, or something? you can look at the original interstellar parts and there stats too see how its done, too make it easier. oh and for the nerva, the pluto engine, its the same reactor part module, but a thermal nozzle instead. 

That's me!


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On 11/13/2015 at 2:13 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Rho-Mu 34; .... Chines should be placed in radial, not mirror symmetry if the attach nodes are being used. .....

Is there any way to change that, cause i've tried to use radial sym but it snaps back to mirror when i move them to something that was not placed in radial sym, which is annoying cause im trying to place them on wings and the second piece always flips. 

No other part i have came across gives me this issue in any other mod, so i don't understand why these are so special.

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I like that shrouded docking port, but I was wondering if it would be possible to have a "slim" Mk2 docking port as well? I like doing a lot of orbital construction (Getting sections up into orbit, then piecing them together), and with most of the other parts, the Clamp-o-trons work perfectly for that. But sadly, with the Mk2 parts, not so much. Sure, there are ways to do it, but it's not "pretty" and looks like a hack-job.

Just as a visual of what I'm talking about, I pieced together a "SC-01 RCS Stability Control Module" from your Mk2 Expansion pack and a "Common Birthing Mechanism (Active)" from the "CxAerospace" mod. (Drove myself up the wall trying to get the offset right so there wouldn't be a space between the two docked pieces with a setup like this. Couldn't do it.)


And with an Active/Passive setup, the guidance fins would help with alignment.

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The main reasoning behind the shrouded docking port was a non-gendered port that could force specific alignments when docking. Those flanges I see in the picture, I'm guessing those are the guidance fins? Much more compact and elegant than the clunky cowling I went with. Yes, I think the mk2 docking port is going to get slimmed down somewhat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/02/2016 at 7:26 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

After some Fallout 4 related inactivity, I'm back, and managed to make some progress on Mk3 IVA stuff -  WIP Mk3-2 Cockpit IVA:k110EdP.png

Still needs some model/texture tweaks, and finalizing prop placement.

This is the most beautiful command bridge I have seen.

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I'mmmm back! 


Anyway, finally got around to testing the latest version, and found an annoying hole in spacecraft design.  Namely, I've built myself the most unholy and kerbal answer to the Dreamchaser (namely, sandwhiching a teeny-weeny Mk2 plane between two gigantic rockets to offset that whole pesky 'uneven thrust' thing, and I found on reentry that the basic jet engines... don't really cut it. Well, I say 'teeny weeny', but that really means 20 tons empty. Granted, she flies like a dream and is nearly stock-only save for a few parts from you (OMS pods, cockpit, big and teeny-weeny tricoupler), but... it's still kind of annoying to try and build a craft that will do better than 'brick' when flying back to the runway after successful orbital maneuvers. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am having a little request for a new part. An integrated ore converter. As of now, I have to stash the 125-converter inside the cargo bay. This converter weighs a lot and is also way too powerful for a couple of Jr-drills. A new converter that is perhaps 1/4 of the efficieny would have been perfect for SSTOs and planes.



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