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3 things I've done that the next user hasn't


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I'm pretty sure I have, when I was a kid.

I have indeed taken the train.  Chicago to Kansas City.

I flew on a plane, once.  When I was 12, as part of the Aviation Merit Badge.  I even got to control it as we flew over my house.  I have not been in the air since.




I've been up in the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

I've driven for more than 12 hours straight.

I've had to perform CPR.

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I haven't almost drowned, I don't think. Haven't thrown scissors at anyone, and I am not a lifeguard, although one of my best friends is.


I have built a Rube Goldberg machine of about 50 steps in length.

I have licked my elbow (and I still can).

I had my friends accidentally leave me on a mountaintop in Switzerland.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, No and Maybe...


I have :

Finished a Jool 5

Become a Weeb

Dipped onto the Sungrazer zone (Below 1000 Megameters, or 1 Million Kilometers) and returned safely.

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