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[1.1.2] Super 100 Shooting Star & Super 67 Little Star Command Pods.


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I am giving this ownership of this mod to @zer0Kerbal.

[1.0.5] Super 100 Shooting Star & Super 67 Little Star Command Pods.


Super 100 Shooting Star

3.75m Command pod capable of accommodating a crew of six.

This contains a 3.75m Command pod with IVA, a modified 3.75m heat shield with custom texture and fairing.

The command pod has 8 retrorockets that can be used as LES and propulsive-landing.

IVA requires Raster Prop Monitor to work.



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Super 67 Little Star

2.5 meter Command pod capable of accommodating a crew of three.

This contains a 2.5 Command pod, a modified 2.5 heat shield with custom texture and fairing.

The command pod has 4 retrorockets that can be used as LES and propulsive-landing.

This uses MK.1-2 Pod stock IVA. I won't make an IVA anytime soon.


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Change Log:


Fixed license issue (Hopefully);

Added cfg files for non Raster Prop Monitor IVA.


Fixed location of Airlock and Ladder transforms;

Changed MODEL MULTI PARTICLE transform to smokepoint instead of thrustTransform;

Reduced Liquid Fuel max amount.


Fixed some cfg and file name issues;

Engines now have two modes: High thrust low ISP Launch Escape mode, and low thrust high ISP Descend mode (Default);

Heatshields now decouple.

Balacing Tweeks


Capsule wrong orientation fixed

Balance Tweaks

Removed lights animation from the super 100


No Changes, should work with KSP 1.1 fine.




Kerbal Stuff: Gone

CURSE: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/super-100-shooting-star-super-67-little-star

SpaceDock: http://spacedock.info/mod/249/Super%20100%20Shooting%20Star%20%26%20Super%2067%20Little%20Star



Edited by RaptorHunterMz
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Wow I like that. Are the retro motors solids that require a suicide burn for landing or are they like super dracos?

I recommend you make the textures more stock-alike.

I don't. Why? I don't understand why so many people say this. Why must everything look similar? Is diversity not better?

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That looks interesting! Finally a less RAM eating Taurus HCV alternative. I recommend you make the windows bigger and the textures more stock-alike.

The small windows are probably more realistic. In space they aren't much good. That being said, I'm a fan of big windows in the game. Overall, though, I really like this.

I have been trying to get BobCat and Dragon01's American Pack Orion working properly - I fixed the nodes on the capsule and dock, but the modified RPM keeps having visual problems. With this mod I feel like I can ditch the Orion.

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That's a beautiful pod.

Before adding the download links back in, you'll need some fixes to the license(s):

  • Add the license to the download itself. Put it in the zip.
  • Have only one license, or specify when each license can be used. Currently you have:
    • CC-BY-4.0 in the OP
    • GPL v3 on Kerbal Stuff
    • "Custom License" on Curse

I think the licenses issue is fixed.

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I think found a bug. The internal compartment is rotated 180. In other words, if I have the pod parallel to the ground with the windows up and go to IVA, the ground appears above me instead of below me. From the outside it looks fine, but from inside looking out everything is inverted.

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engines are shutdown but there's smoke effects. how do I stop this from happening? saw the answer a few days ago somewhere in the forums but cant find it now. I think it was something about changing the config.

transformName = thrustTransform , im supposed to change the "thrustTransform" to something else but I don't remember.can someone help? I might be wrong cause I cant remember and I cant find the post that provided the solution.

Edited by techstepman
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Am I the only one that has Kerbals coming out of the bottom of the craft when making them go EVA? And I literally mean at the bottom of the craft


The box represents an estimate of where they are coming out of when they go EVA.

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