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Raidernick's Historical Rockets, Probes and Stations


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Love the US probes pack but had a couple questions on how they are supposed to operate. I have a couple questions regarding the Pioneer probes. The Pioneer 0/1/2 probes have both a normal solid fuel engine as well as the decoupling retro rockets. How would this have been used in real life if the probe has no attitude control? What sequence would they be fired in? I also used the Pioneer 6/7/8/9 probes which have a small store of Nitrogen in the probe body as well as a single RCS port. I can't seem to use the RCS for any useful attitude control, what was this used for on the original probe or perhaps this changed with RSS/RO? Great mod!

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Hi. I have 2 minor issues with the Molniya probe, The first is that it seems to lack any antenna, not a big issue, I can add an extra. The other problem is that the block L can not be restarted, it has several ignitions, but only enough TEATEB to ignite once and I can't get to orbit without using it a bit. To get it to work I have to edit the save file and re-add the TEATEB and then it works like a charm and gets to a good molniya orbit at once. BTW this is with RSS installed.

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Pioneer 0-2 were spin stabilized and the retro rockets were intended for final boost into Lunar orbit, the top one to later insert it into orbit. Historically all 3 were failures and I know on my end I have only succeeded once in I don't want to comment on how many tries.

- - - Updated - - -

Check to see that you have the Soviet_Probes_RT.cfg installed or in the correct place, that should resolve the Molniya antennae issue. Also I believe you should be able to modify the TEATB levels in the VAB through the RF GUI.

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NathanKell, (re: Pioneer 6-9?) I've not had much success researching that either. Other than finding they were also spin stabilized, possibly the RCS was used for the spin up? "The spacecraft is spin-stabilized at approximately 60 rpm, with the spin axis perpendicular to the ecliptic plane." I'll dig around some more after RL things are complete.

I completely agree with JJ on the Surveyor it is wonderfully modeled and will be a joy to land.

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  NathanKell said:
Any part mod is compatible with RSS. RSS doesn't touch parts.

If you meant "Does RO include patches for these?" then the answer is yes.

It might be a bit off-topic, but since someone brought that and you answered... I'm new to RSS and Realism Overhaul, but I installed them yesterday, and figured I'd try the good old Soyuz ASTP with it. Plus I've read here that it's supported by RO, so why not.

However, turns out it seems not to be scaled properly to RSS, in terms of power. The TWR is so low it barely lifts off, I can't ascend properly. The ship is pre-built so it's obviously not a building error, I probably did something wrong with mod installations instead. Is it patched by RO only for stock solar system? Are there different configurations for RO patches when using RSS?

Edited by Korb Biakustra
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Well, now I have to update some stuff. I Can't wait to get all of these when 1.1 rolls over. It just lags a bit when it comes to gameplay due to detail even with ATM. Also how do you get the sunshade on Skylab?

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Ok, I recently discovered a bug in the Proton. Here's a pick that best show's what I am being shown in the VAB. What keeps happening, right at gravity turn, the rocket suddenly flips out uncontrollably and eventually crashes.


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I've been trying to recreate the pioneer missions but having an issue with spin stabilization. How do you keep the probe spinning or with no RCS reorient the probe to make a proper retro burn????

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  Lazy8 said:
I've been trying to recreate the pioneer missions but having an issue with spin stabilization. How do you keep the probe spinning or with no RCS reorient the probe to make a proper retro burn????

if you watch some of Felbourn's Alexandria series, he tells you that they used counterweights to keep it spinning using Newton's laws. By the sound of the problem, it seems like you are having the "on rails" problem in which, when you go into time warp, the satellite stops its rotation. I believe there is a mod that prevents this from happening, but I can't remember what it's called or even if it's up to date.

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  Sampa said:
if you watch some of Felbourn's Alexandria series, he tells you that they used counterweights to keep it spinning using Newton's laws. By the sound of the problem, it seems like you are having the "on rails" problem in which, when you go into time warp, the satellite stops its rotation. I believe there is a mod that prevents this from happening, but I can't remember what it's called or even if it's up to date.

It's called Persistent Rotation, and it works with 1.04.

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