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PS4 Announcement Discussion


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What original post? Where on the official forum is this post?


EDIT: @ Regex : LOL im sure we wont end up with a console style GUI in KSP..... why would you port the game to console, then re-port it back to PC :P

Skyrim was developed for consoles, then lazily ported to PC's :P

Edited by rabidninjawombat
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Thanks KasperVLD for the post.

Guys if you read some of Max's orginal post, this is not going to delay future patches. A seperate team is working on it. Not to mention Maxmaps has said, that having this other team working on the console port has actually sped up the process of porting to unity 5.

From the front page news.

Why should we believe Max? He's not on the technical side, he's on the business side.

I like Max, but talk is cheap.

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Why should we believe Max? He's not on the technical side, he's on the business side.

I like Max, but talk is cheap.

Maybe because he works face to face , everyday with said technical people. :P

His job is communications, to communicate (in a easy non-technical way) What the devs let him know about. Its not like he makes all this stuff up out of the blue :P

It's probably on Reddit... we have an Oficiall forum.. but a lot of important info about KSP is posted only on Reddit...

I linked it at the top of this page (from the forums :P)

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Maybe because he works face to face , everyday with said technical people. :P

His job is communications, to communicate (in a easy non-technical way) What the devs let him know about. Its not like he makes all this stuff up out of the blue :P

Umm, that's KasperVld's job as CM. Max is producer and chief business deal guy. Unless KasperVld is CM on the forums and Max is CM everywhere else. (read: Reddit)

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I'm honestly not sure what to think.

Has anyone actually asked approximately when said release will be? I know development on it has started, but I can't find any sort of information on it (given, I haven't read the entirety of either of the threads here).


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I still have a bad feeling about this...

Squad could easily avoid these confrontations with the community by actually posting the information with the announcement! It would literally take seconds to provide a link. Heck if I was community manager for the game I would link everything to everything else.

It's absolute madness. They must simply not understand how the forum works..

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I'm honestly not sure what to think.

Has anyone actually asked approximately when said release will be? I know development on it has started, but I can't find any sort of information on it (given, I haven't read the entirety of either of the threads here).


Allegedly Sony announced at E3 that KSP will be coming to the PS4 in 2016, but that's an anecdote of an anecdote.

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I'm honestly not sure what to think.

Has anyone actually asked approximately when said release will be? I know development on it has started, but I can't find any sort of information on it (given, I haven't read the entirety of either of the threads here).


There was a link that said 2016, hold up, I'll find it.



Edited by Starwhip
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I'm honestly not sure what to think.

Has anyone actually asked approximately when said release will be? I know development on it has started, but I can't find any sort of information on it (given, I haven't read the entirety of either of the threads here).


I haven't seen anything stating a release date, but I would expect it to be released when the other AAA titles are generally released. Also, is this the segment of the community that requested KSP4PS4?

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Umm, that's KasperVld's job as CM. Max is producer and chief business deal guy. Unless KasperVld is CM on the forums and Max is CM everywhere else. (read: Reddit)

I'm actually not the community manager, we don't have one at the moment. Max's job crosses producer and PR, so you can safely trust any development information that comes from him :)

Has anyone actually asked approximately when said release will be?


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Oh man, I just remembered, how will science gathering function on the console? k_cheesy.gifk_cheesy.gifk_cheesy.gif

God, this is going to be a nightmare. There's no reason to have two UI codebases most of the time so I really hope Squad splits the codebase in the appropriate places for PC and console because console controls are literally cancer for mouse and keyboard players.

Edited by KasperVld
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Oh man, I just remembered, how will science gathering function on the console? :D :D :D

God, this is going to be a nightmare. There's no reason to have two UI codebases most of the time so I really hope Squad splits the codebase in the appropriate places for PC and console because console controls are literally cancer for mouse and keyboard players.

Uhh, what about action groups!!! They don't have a spare 10 buttons on a controller! A scroll menu would be difficult to use if you need to activate the action groups quickly.

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xbox recently announced all mods for pc fallout 4 will be available to play and share on xbox one. So why not ps4 and ksp?

it wasnt ALL mods :) its some mods, that apparently have to go through an approval/vetting process before appearing on a console. (though they said they wont be too heavy handed on the process, and will let Xbox users break their saves if they want :P)

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Controllers can chord and sequence button presses to duplicate the PC inputs. And there's no need to remove PC shortcuts from the PC version. Mu announced the UI for v1.1 on Unity 5 was getting an overhaul, thanks to new tools in Unity 5. I think there will have to be fly-out scrolling lists like in Skyrim, for things like selecting and setting up Action Groups on PS4. But, Squad would not dump keyboard shortcuts on PC, just because there's a fancy new UI.

Maxmaps said it in the FAQ: two versions.

...in general the two will remain separate versions of the game, much like the educational version TeacherGaming works on
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I think there will have to be fly-out scrolling lists like in Skyrim, for things like selecting and setting up Action Groups on PS4
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. It's going to be utterly terrible.
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…Also they've been great to work with as well, as Unity 5 was something both studios could work on at the same time and it really, really increased the speed at which we progressed through that project…

Max, Kasp -

Could you clarify this a little? Does that mean "…increased the speed of the U5 transition effort" (due to many-hands-make-light-work") or does it mean "…increased the speed of the PS4 port" (due to "we-only-have-to-do-stuff-once")?

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Max, Kasp -

Could you clarify this a little? Does that mean "…increased the speed of the U5 transition effort" (due to many-hands-make-light-work") or does it mean "…increased the speed of the PS4 port" (due to "we-only-have-to-do-stuff-once")?

When Unity 5 came out it was pretty much clear to us that KSP would eventually have to be ported to it, because of the many, many improvements it offers for the game. Now that work has started on the PS4 port we have a second team that works with us to port the game to this new version of Unity, which speeds things up significantly.

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The company they are choosing to work with is a interesting choice. I find it funny how Max writes that they have shown time and time again their ability to port.. But to my knowledge Squad hasn't worked with them?

Anyway, if this gets KSP more funds and speeds along the Unity 5.1 upgrade then it can't help but be good. I just have a lot of reservations on the timing of this and am skeptical on how well the game will even work on a PS4 considering the performance issues on high powered PCs... Oh and building a ship with a controller? Shudders...

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