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[1.12.x] Docking Sounds!! v2.1.13 (1/30/2023)


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Love the mod, it's really helping soundify my KSP install. What with RCS sounds, rover sounds and Chatterer, it's all feeling a bit more complete.

I've put sound effects from Star Wars into my install; mainly because I find the "thooomph" of Darth Vader's helmet going on to be very comical.

Anyway, thanks for making this thing, it's a cool mod.

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A sound mod?

Must go into my gamedata folder, I don't see many of these anyone! Congratulations!

There is also this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114618-0-90-ShipEffects-Sound-Mod-Dynamic-Sound-Effects-v0-2-6-Alarm-System-in-DEV!

It adds ship stress, g-loading, turbulence, and docking sounds... even though it is designed for .90 it still works great in 1.0.2. Be advised though that you'd have to change a value in the config in order for the sounds to play in external camera mode.

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lol again one of those why isnt that stock

Yeah its annoying how the devs go out of there way to add some features the we didnt even know we needed, Yet they completely ignore some of the easiest and most demanded features! :mad:

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Alright, I,ll look into that. Did your nearby craft have docking ports? I suspect the backpack is triggering the docking event and I,ll have to find a way to verify what triggered the event. Right now the code will (I believe) assume that the trigger was a docking port docking to another and not a backpack "docking" to a kerbal. :) I bet the claw does it to an asteroid too...

Well if you could give the claw its own sound effect, that'd be nice. Heck, if you would go as far as giving each of the stock ports a different sound (with the current one a default of sorts for any mod docking ports), I think that'd be pretty awesome.

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Nice mod, have some rep.

Two things:

First, you left out a colon in the URL for this forum thread. You have the following on Kerbalstuff.com:


Second, do you think you could get this added to CKAN? It's a fairly simple mod, and would make life easier to keep updated.

Other than that, thanks for a nice simple mod.


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I dont understand the 4 knocking sounds after the main sound..

Think of it as some small mechanism pulling two large masses together. It will act like a pump, pulling a little at a time.

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Well if you could give the claw its own sound effect, that'd be nice....

Yeah, we'd have to do some foley and find some good machinery sounds, I'm thinking it needs a good thump and some sort of rock crushing sound mixed with rusty hinges and some pneumatic hisses.

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This mod is getting great!

I have a suggestions to the docking sound, though... I think it should be more muffled and it should have some pneumatic hisses (much like the undocking sound), but it should not have so much of those clamp sounds (the docking port doesn't seem to have them...).

So, I made some editing and I am using this new one. I don't expect you to use it, but I think you could get an idea of what I mean, so here it is: docking sound suggestion.

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Well if you could give the claw its own sound effect, that'd be nice. Heck, if you would go as far as giving each of the stock ports a different sound (with the current one a default of sorts for any mod docking ports), I think that'd be pretty awesome.
You can change the sounds? I'm going to have lots of fun!

I'd welcome any offerings for actual sounds, I did make it so that you can spec a sound for any port and it will override the mod's default. See the readme for details.


Nice mod, have some rep.

Two things:

First, you left out a colon in the URL for this forum thread. You have the following on Kerbalstuff.com:


Second, do you think you could get this added to CKAN? It's a fairly simple mod, and would make life easier to keep updated.

Other than that, thanks for a nice simple mod.


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Think of it as some small mechanism pulling two large masses together. It will act like a pump, pulling a little at a time.

Fixed the link, and it is on CKAN, or I should say I selected it when I made the mod entry at KerbalStuff.

Yeah, we'd have to do some foley and find some good machinery sounds, I'm thinking it needs a good thump and some sort of rock crushing sound mixed with rusty hinges and some pneumatic hisses.

And that would only apply if you were grabbing an asteroid.... you can "grab" other spacecraft too....

This mod is getting great!

I have a suggestions to the docking sound, though... I think it should be more muffled and it should have some pneumatic hisses (much like the undocking sound), but it should not have so much of those clamp sounds (the docking port doesn't seem to have them...).

So, I made some editing and I am using this new one. I don't expect you to use it, but I think you could get an idea of what I mean, so here it is: docking sound suggestion.

Sound added to OP. I'd argue they DO have clamps, they are the tiny black rectangles on the rim of the port's lip. Google APAS docking ports and you'll see their hard dock clamps look almost exactly like that.

Hey I think I know this sound!

is it from an walking AT-AT? :D

No, it's literally 2 railroad cars coupling - however, it's quite possible that Lucas ALSO used railroad cars coupling as part of his AT-AT sound fx :)

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Sound added to OP. I'd argue they DO have clamps, they are the tiny black rectangles on the rim of the port's lip. Google APAS docking ports and you'll see their hard dock clamps look almost exactly like that.

I googled it and you have a point. But, I still think those clamp sounds are a bit too loud... ;)

Anyway, thanks for this mod (and for accepting my suggestion!

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oky dokes, my 2 cents worth. Its these little mods that make up the big picture.

I decided to throw abcouple of my own docking sounds together...maybe with ablittle bit of a stock-a-like feel?

Not ment to sound real as humans know it. More how kerbals know it :D


Added to OP

In other news, BUGREPORT.

While this seems to work fine in 1.0.3, while I was testing I found the following:

Dock two craft at point A, hear their sound at point A

Dock two more craft at point B, hear the sounds of the ports of point A AT point A... So I had two pairs of rovers about 1km apart on the KSC grounds and after I docked the first 2 and heard their sounds as expected I "went" to the other two. When I docked the 2nd pair which had a different sound attached, I heard the sounds of the first 2 waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off in the distance. Oooops.

So until I squash that bug, I won't be releasing an "official" 1.0.3 version - however you can keep using the 1.0.2 version in 1.0.3 and it should work as well as it did before.

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the sounds aren't really in harmony with the rest of the in-game's sound, needs to be a bit more subtle and muted as the sound will primarily be traveling through the solid surfaces of the craft rather than the air (or lack of) around the craft, which is how it sounds now

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Am I the only one who now finds myself docking multiple times unnecessarily just to hear those sounds?

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the sounds aren't really in harmony with the rest of the in-game's sound, needs to be a bit more subtle and muted as the sound will primarily be traveling through the solid surfaces of the craft rather than the air (or lack of) around the craft, which is how it sounds now

Firstly, the Stock Clamp-O-Trons seem to attach via magnets unlike irl. But, don't argue with cool stuff!

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the sounds aren't really in harmony with the rest of the in-game's sound, needs to be a bit more subtle and muted as the sound will primarily be traveling through the solid surfaces of the craft rather than the air (or lack of) around the craft, which is how it sounds now

Firstly, the Stock Clamp-O-Trons seem to attach via magnets unlike irl. But, don't argue with cool stuff! And anyway, the engines make sounds in a vacuum in KSP, so why wouldn't docking ports?

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1.2 is out.

  • Compatible with 1.0.4
  • Has optional flag within the cfg for IVA only sounds (NOTE that in a suitably dense atmosphere, you will STILL hear the sounds externally)
  • Fixed bug where sounds didn't always come from the ports being docked.
  • *Slightly* lowered the volume of the docking sound (if you don't like it, there are alternatives in the Original Post)
  • Included an example folder with sounds and cfg to illustrate how to add custom sounds (which are also now working correctly)


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just on the whole interior exterior sound thing...

I created my docking sounds as though you are sitting in the pilots seat inside the capsule. I tend to do as much docking from the pilot seat as possible.

I just imagine all these steam punky clunks and bangs going of as docking happens...specially in the kerbalverse!

now all I need is some hydraulic contraption to shake my chair as the docking ports contact :D

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How you go go about having the large docking port having its own custom sound? MM configs look confusing to make lol. Wanted the large docking port to have the op's sound and the others to have bigfatfetus softer sound.

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Evil! There is no sound in space, and there are no docking sounds in space either!

Well, there may be no sounds in vacuum but you can hear any vibrations propagating trough the hull.

I guess that sounds depending on the air pressure could be muffled and then gone in the outside view while there are still a lot of sounds that would be very cool in the IVA, like sounds of docking, impacting other object in space, hull creaking or groaning on different stress(it could be particularly unsettling sounds when entire craft is shaking/wobbling itself apart) and hardware like fans or such.

Edited by karolus10
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