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Why the hate towards x64?


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1) 32-bit supported mod, with an annoying workaround to get it to work in 64 bits that if you do it you'd better shut up about any problems you encounter.

You know what I don't like? When I freely admit to being a KSP Win64 user (having used the Unfixer tool) and being forever tainted as 'annoying' or 'irrelevant'. Since switching to Win64 (because, with the amount of mods I want to use, OpenGL is sorely needed but breaks TextureReplacer reflections - Win64 doesn't have that problem. I have like 8GB RAM and a meh CPU on this laptop anyway, reflections are literally the only benefit I gain from Win64), I have not once reported a bug to ferram4 at all or any other modder without first verifying on x86. I know Win64 is unstable, the fact I had to hack it means I'm dabbling in things that ought not be dabbled into. But it makes me sad that the actions of other idiots tars me with the same brush. I recently had a bug with InterstellarFlightSwitch - first thing I did? Switch to x86 (even though none of the mods involved are specifically against Win64) and minimal mods for testing.

5thHorseman, you say I have that choice of number 1, of not reporting bugs when using Win64, but the reality is that I don't. Because if I report a bug and have admitted in the past that I use Win64 KSP, I'm assumed to also be a moron that doesn't actually check things. So I have to say 'yes I use Win64 KSP normally, but this was on x86 because I'm not stupid' and even then, I can sense the judgement.

Just makes me sad, is all. Half the time, I don't bother posting something because I'm worried it'll just be ignored as another 'stupid Win64 nonsense 'bug' report'. Ah well. What does it really matter, in the grand scheme of things.. I stay quiet, bugs will still get reported by other users and fixed, I get locked out of one of my favourite mods, I lose interest in a video game and end up sad that the chuffing asset loader was stupid enough to kick off this whole thing :/

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5thHorseman, you say I have that choice of number 1, of not reporting bugs when using Win64, but the reality is that I don't. Because if I report a bug and have admitted in the past that I use Win64 KSP, I'm assumed to also be a moron that doesn't actually check things. So I have to say 'yes I use Win64 KSP normally, but this was on x86 because I'm not stupid' and even then, I can sense the judgement.

I'm not a modder* but if I was and anybody came into my thread and stated it that way, I'd probably rep them for being so thoughtful as to go to all that work to follow my testing requirements. And then thank them publicly as well to make sure others saw how great it was to go to that extra work.

*unless you count those little modman configs I made and that drill I hacked together from others' work. Which I don't.

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Does nothing ever get locked around here? What is the purpose of this thread? This is still productive? How is win 64 not just not another banned topic? What benefit to the community is there to have threads like this?

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5thHorseman, you say I have that choice of number 1, of not reporting bugs when using Win64, but the reality is that I don't. Because if I report a bug and have admitted in the past that I use Win64 KSP, I'm assumed to also be a moron that doesn't actually check things. So I have to say 'yes I use Win64 KSP normally, but this was on x86 because I'm not stupid' and even then, I can sense the judgement.

Ok, that's fair. If I ever do this chap, PM me and tell me to pack it in. Just for the record, I use Win64 KSP and reproduce bugs in 32bit before reporting them and don't expect to be judged. You're one of the honest ones.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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Does nothing ever get locked around here? What is the purpose of this thread? This is still productive? How is win 64 not just not another banned topic? What benefit to the community is there to have threads like this?

In order:

We lock threads as required, but we try not to where possible.

The purpose of this thread seems to be to discuss the Win64 version of KSP and the support of mods on it.

Opinions vary on what is productive, I suspect many of our newer members were not familiar with the story of Win64 support and why modders took the somewhat drastic measure of blocking their mods from working.

Why would Win64 be a banned topic? It's not against any of our community rules in and of itself, and we're not in the business of banning topics just because some don't like them.

Some players want to run the Win64 workaround. Some modders want to block their mods from working there. A thread where they talk to each other (civilly, one hopes) about their perspectives is far from useless and may help them reach common ground of understanding.

As always, if you don't like a thread you are free to not read it.

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Renegade, your personal theory is in fact totally correct. Unity 4.x has a known bug where D3D9 on PC (and, sadly, the OSX/OpenGL version too) keep a shadow copy of all textures in system RAM even after they've been uploaded to VRAM, even if you explicitly tell Unity not to (as KSP does).

The Windows OpenGL client does not have that bug. That's why you get ram savings, and why adding more parts barely increases ram footprint.


Would there be any way possible to work around this (without using OpenGL) or is this an unfixable bug with Unity? aka Unity not us :^)

Edited by mythbusters844
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Would there be any way possible to work around this (without using OpenGL) or is this an unfixable bug with Unity? Unity not us :^)

I would guess that this may not be an issue with the newer version of Unity. I would hope this would be the case anyway.

As far as mods and W64KSP, each mod maker is completely within their rights to not allow their mod to run on a hacked version of KSP. It causes headaches for them that they could well do without which are not their fault.

Myself I have made the choice to run 64 bit and just not use those mods. Stock has come a long way towards having better chutes and atmosphere and I don`t miss them as much as I would have before although the game would be better with them of course.

I find, at least on my install, that I suffer far less crashes with 64 bit than 32 bit although the reason for crashes has changed. It used to always be an out of memory crash reliably after 20 minutes of play and now it is due to running a hacked version but the frequency of crashing is around 10% of what it was. Sometimes I run for many hours faultlessly.

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