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[Abandoned] Multi-monitor screen space


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The plan for this mod is to extend the usable screen space for KSP over multiple monitors while keeping the view focused on a single monitor (as it is now). This extended screen space initially allows for information displays and the like to be shifted out of the main view to reduce clutter. Once the base features are working properly in all scenes, the idea would be to add some extra view utilities of it's own (most importantly in my mind, map view whether in part or in full for the flight scene. After that, possibly an alternate part select UI for the editor)


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License is GPLv3

Known Issues

  • Exit button for astronaut complex disappears and the overlay cannot be closed
  • Editor Scenes are significantly distorted
  • Some UI elements are not correctly relocated or relocated at all
Edited by Crzyrndm
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Except it isn't. This is a single instance of KSP being rendered across two monitors (and then limited back to one because it generally looks terrible, hence the need for the mod). That is two instances of KSP on separate monitors communicating with each other.

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  Crzyrndm said:
Not an issue, although I wonder why you'd want to?
KSP doesn't need 21:9, it's made to go in 16:9 or lower. You just get huge star-field or terrain at the edge and the action in the middle still. A permanent map view seems more attractive if it's possible, the star-field and terrain for me isn't KSP's best feature :) If I could choose to give say 1/3 to the map and not 1/2 well that would be the icing on the cake.
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  Darren9 said:
If I could choose to give say 1/3 to the map and not 1/2 well that would be the icing on the cake.

The render position and width are totally configurable (or will be once I have it loading a settings file, but the variables are there). The only reason I can't add only half a screen locally is the window position shifts to center itself between my monitors and I haven't got around to doing anything about it yet

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Update: Things are looking very promising. If I could just do something about the distortion KSP adds in the editor scenes things would be going extremely well

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Todo List:

Flight Scene: Done (Note: I purposefully left the app launcher in the top right corner. Keeps it out of the way)

Map View: Done

Editor Scenes: Currently suffering some heavy distortion, but is useable (and it's so nice to have a place to put the FAR window...)

Space Centre: Done

Space Centre Overlays: Haven't got to them yet

Tracking Station: Done

Main Menu Scene: Done

Loading Scene: Done

Edited by Crzyrndm
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  linuxgurugamer said:
I have 4 monitors in a 2x2 config.

One of my top monitors is a different size and resolution. Would this be a problem?

  cheech420now said:
I have 4 Screens in a 3x1 if you need testing done.

I'm just using -popupwindow and a custom resolution in the settings.cfg to set KSP over multiple monitors so you can test how well that works yourself. At this stage, all the plugin is doing is changing where things render on that full resolution because as usual for dual monitors, everything gets split around the edge which just doesn't work.

It will not be difficult to extend the current process to do vertical shifting and resizing so I don't anticipate any extra issues with your set-ups once I add support for that.

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  Crzyrndm said:
I'm just using -popupwindow and a custom resolution in the settings.cfg to set KSP over multiple monitors so you can test how well that works yourself. At this stage, all the plugin is doing is changing where things render on that full resolution because as usual for dual monitors, everything gets split around the edge which just doesn't work.

It will not be difficult to extend the current process to do vertical shifting and resizing so I don't anticipate any extra issues with your set-ups once I add support for that.

Hmmm. So what this means is that streaming and capture software will see it all as a single window.

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  linuxgurugamer said:
Hmmm. So what this means is that streaming and capture software will see it all as a single window.

Running KSP with multi screens is already a performance hit, I have a triple monitor setup: 2 left monitors (1 portrait, 1 landscape) are run with a Nvidia GTXsomething (I can't remember the model), and the right monitor is run off the Intel graphics. Basically my xorg.conf uses the 'nvidia' linux driver for the left two and the 'intel' driver for the right. Running in this mode unfortunately doesn't let me use __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS. I should probably invest in a pair of video cards so I can just use only the nvidia driver. Either way I see much better frame rate and physics processing speed using 1 monitor with the threaded opt.; i.e. the mission time numbers are mostly always green instead of yellow indicating the physics is able to run in real time.

Uh, so in summary I guess I could have just said "you'll need a fairly beefy machine to run multi-monitor KSP while streaming or recording."

This mod looks like a great step in a new direction in regards to multi-monitor KSP though, I like it.

Currently we have:

-KSP on one screen while using Telemachus in a browser on another screen to display info and controls.

-One KSP instance on one screen showing flight view with an ENTIRE other instance of KSP showing the map view syncing across their persistent.sfs files.

-KSP on one screen while using telnet to kOS in a terminal on another screen to display info and send commands.

This new option looks very promising!

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  mikes3ds said:
How about multipuple cameras? (IVA one screen, Overview one screen,Map one screen) I would be super happy if it went this far.

If someone (myself or otherwise) works out how to construct those views, then sure.

  linuxgurugamer said:
Hmmm. So what this means is that streaming and capture software will see it all as a single window.

Yes, and as far as I can tell, that's a good thing (cutting down is relatively easy, displaying multiple windows is generally a pain)

  frencrs said:
-KSP on one screen while using Telemachus in a browser on another screen to display info and controls.

-One KSP instance on one screen showing flight view with an ENTIRE other instance of KSP showing the map view syncing across their persistent.sfs files.

-KSP on one screen while using telnet to kOS in a terminal on another screen to display info and send commands.

And the advantage over every single one of these is being able to place mod UI's in any position because the single instance of KSP is drawing everything as one window. No messy communications, no performance cost for running multiple instances, just the game with some blacked out areas to either side. I still don't know why this hasn't been tried before...

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And a test build for people to play with

Important Notes

  • Enter any of the minor buildings in the space centre and you probably won't be able to get out without closing KSP. That is the RnD, astronaut complex, and administration buildings (editors, tracking station, runway, or launchpad are fine)
  • The view in the editor gets all squished up and I haven't been able to work out what's causing it. Everything works, it just looks terrible
  • The view is hardcoded to scale back to a 1920 pixel wide view located on the far left side. This will change once I get to adding a settings file, but I have bigger fish to fry atm
  • No vertical shifting or scaling implemented

To use:

  • If your total screen space is <= 1920px wide, stop right now. This isn't going to do anything helpful for you
  • If your current KSP resolution is > 1920px wide, you can just drop it in to GameData and see the effect
  • To get KSP to render over multiple views, it needs to be windowed (or -popupwindow) and you have to manually set SCREEN_RESOLUTION_WIDTH in settings.cfg to the width you want KSP to occupy

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  frencrs said:
Running KSP with multi screens is already a performance hit, I have a triple monitor setup: 2 left monitors (1 portrait, 1 landscape) are run with a Nvidia GTXsomething (I can't remember the model), and the right monitor is run off the Intel graphics. Basically my xorg.conf uses the 'nvidia' linux driver for the left two and the 'intel' driver for the right. Running in this mode unfortunately doesn't let me use __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS. I should probably invest in a pair of video cards so I can just use only the nvidia driver. Either way I see much better frame rate and physics processing speed using 1 monitor with the threaded opt.; i.e. the mission time numbers are mostly always green instead of yellow indicating the physics is able to run in real time.

Uh, so in summary I guess I could have just said "you'll need a fairly beefy machine to run multi-monitor KSP while streaming or recording."

This mod looks like a great step in a new direction in regards to multi-monitor KSP though, I like it.

Currently we have:

-KSP on one screen while using Telemachus in a browser on another screen to display info and controls.

-One KSP instance on one screen showing flight view with an ENTIRE other instance of KSP showing the map view syncing across their persistent.sfs files.

-KSP on one screen while using telnet to kOS in a terminal on another screen to display info and send commands.

This new option looks very promising!

Sorry, I think you are very wrong!

Don't blame KSP for your problem with using two different video cards & drivers.

I would guess that on ANY os, using two different sets of drivers at the same time would cause problems.


- - - Updated - - -

Well, I just tried it, and am getting an error from Windows saying that it couldn't change resolution.

I think I may need to change the nVidia settings to make them all look like one large display

Edit: Looks like it is an OpenGL error, it starts up when I don't use that.

This could be a problem, since I need opengl to run.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I wish it worked for me, but it doesn't (maybe because I have odd 1280x1024 monitors) I miss the days of FS2k4 where I could move the extra windows off to the 2nd monitor. Of course, those were actual "windows" windows. Not graphical elements of the games GUI...

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I'm unable to reproduce the OpenGL issue. Are you sure it was running a windowed or borderless windowed instance, that error sounds like something that would pop up if the resolution was too high in fullscreen (check that KSP runs before you drop the .dll in)? Did it generate any logs?


That may be my fault, I know I had some issues with that earlier today. I just uploaded a few more fixes, mind trying it again from the same link

Latest version also includes the capability for reading a settings file for when you don't want the 1920x1080 view port (although not all the UI changes follow that properly yet)

- - - Updated - - -


Addition of a settings file should let you atleast try it. I can't promise it'll work completely adequately yet though...

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