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Is this even possible? Does someone want to try it?


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In a previous version of KSP, someone put a chute on a kerbal and put him in orbit, then he came down through the atmosphere and deployed his chute. He landed safely.

NOW... he would probably burn up in the atmosphere. Squad are killjoys! :)

SO, I wonder if this is possible.

Launch a kerbal into orbit with a chute and then re-enter him..... while he is standing on a heat shield.

Will he make it? You tell me, try it and post a pic, or its not true. :)

I'd do it but I'm not clever enough.

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I think the shape of it is the biggest problem... It's literally a pancake flying through at 2 Km/s. If it was a nosecone, that would be different, but since the center of mass and lift on a heatshield are in the exact same spot while it's flat, it would be immeasurably sensitive to rotation by any amount of force. If it were slipping sideways through the atmosphere, then it would be stable, as the angular drag on the back of the heatshield provides yaw stability through the airstream, though that will decrease along with airspeed.

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I reckon it would be more like a Frisbee.

Someone needs to actually do this and report back.

I don't know how to attach a chute to a kerbal but I might sacrifice one without a chute to see if this is possible.

However, I'd need a way to keep the poor fool anchored to the heat shield.

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I think possibly a heat shield with some reaction wheels, some batteries, and a chair has a chance.

A very poor chance, as the Kerbal would probably go poof from heat even if you did manage to keep him out of the flames.

Maybe some radiators?

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I think possibly a heat shield with some reaction wheels, some batteries, and a chair has a chance.

A very poor chance, as the Kerbal would probably go poof from heat even if you did manage to keep him out of the flames.

Maybe some radiators?

Don't need reaction wheels or radiators. you do need the command chair though, the heat shield won't occlude the Kerbal if they are a separate vessel. hanging onto ladders won't work.


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Honestly, I doubt you'd need the heat shield *or* the parachute. Kerbals are resilient little buggers.



*edit* Or not...

I just tried it and Jeb overheated and blew up at 65km.

Edited by GoSlash27
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I don't know about these recent versions, but I once (I think version 1.0) had to emergency deorbit a Kerbal.

He splashed down in the ocean and was unharmed. I did use the EVA-pack and gave as much retro-thrust as possible.

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He made it through the full deployment of the drogue chutes, and partial deployment of the main. After that I got bored and reverted rather than waiting for him to crawl all the way top the ocean. Far too much chute for a tiny craft. No reason he shouldn't have survived.

Less fortunate kerbals show that they will not survive re-entry heating if unprotected as of 1.0.4

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Honestly, I doubt you'd need the heat shield *or* the parachute. Kerbals are resilient little buggers.

While I haven't done this heatshield/parachute thing yet, I have tried to deorbit a Kerbal in 1.0.2 without anything to help. And ... yeah he done gone poof.

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I once left a ship with a kerbal (chute was demolished by an internal collision) in a height of perhaps 2000m over water. I used jetpacks to breake and indeed the kerbal survived. I think this was in version 1.02. So it might be possible to survive with only a heat shield and no chute?

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That is truly a sight to behold. There's not torque on that thing!? How'd you stay straight through descent?

The heat shields are aerodynamically stable in the appropriate direction. Not entirely realistic.

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Not as impressive as sal_vagers but I also had to try this.

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The truth is, they didn't even get warm and the heatshield only burned 2 ablator. I think it's so light and draggy, it slows down easily.

Totally worth it to see the big 4 riding a dinner plate though.


Edited by severedsolo
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OMG... not only is it possible, but severedsolo even had his Kerbal fool smiling!!! :)

This could be used as an el cheapo rescue craft if you ever needed it.

I'll have to re-think another challenge along these lines to see exactly what they can survive.

Here's one, I don't think many would try it, but I'll put it out there...

(you can resize the heat shield to protect the payload)

Attach a small air plane to the heat shield and when safe enough, but not landed, discard the heat shield and fly to the runway... or heck, just land anywhere you can.

Somehow, I think that is one challenge that none of us can accomplish, but I'm willing to give it a go.

FYI, this thread is actually a very good way to teach new players to what is possible or not possible in the game, and encouraging them to try the ridiculous or impossible ideas out because to know the minimum needed to build a return craft would give them encouragement and confidence... people like me. :)

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