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[1.11.x] AmpYear Main & Reserve Power Manager (v1.5.9.0) 22nd Feb 2021


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  On 6/14/2017 at 4:07 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Seems to be the same here.

Early career, no matter which solar panel I attach, they're not recognized as power producing parts.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1uegosfcdwcyh0/2017-06-14-2 KSP.log.zip?dl=1



  On 6/15/2017 at 7:54 PM, Atmoz said:

Same here, no power prod on my ship


This is an issue with Kopernicus, as pointed out above. One of the more recent versions of Kopernicus altered all solar panels from ModuleDeployableSolarPanel to KopernicusSolarPanel so they could handle multiple light sources correctly. @JPLRepo has stated that this has been fixed in one of the more recent builds, but it doesn't look like it has been updated just yet.

If you're using the stock solar system or systems with 1 sun, you should just be able to comment out lines 16 to 19 in Kopernicus\Config\SolarPanels.cfg until JPLRepo pushes the update through.

Edited by LemonSkin
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Hi. I have the weirdest bug going on and I can't seem to fix it.

for some reason, Amp Year is killing my command modules.

this has started recently and i've been having a hard time narrowing it down. all the installing, and uninstalling 50+ mods and loading the game. you probably know this better that me, takes an awful long time. but i finally found it to be amp year.

anyway, I though it could be a version problem, with the 1.3 update and all. so I reverted to 1.4.4 because its listed as 1.2.2 compatible, and I am running because of mods. still no command pods. I have no clue as to how this is happening. that is too bad because I love amp year, its one of my prime mods because of its usefulness.

anyway, I wont bother you with logs or stuff like that. I just wanted you to know this was happening and wonder if you have an easy fix already. if not, nevermind. i'll just stop using your cool mod until the other mods i like catch up with 1.3, at least enough to make me want to update.

thanks a lot for the mod though. its awesome and gave me lots of good insights on power calculation for my ships for a while. and power reserve has saved me quite a few times as well. 



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  On 6/16/2017 at 5:21 AM, Kuldaralagh said:

Hi. I have the weirdest bug going on and I can't seem to fix it.

for some reason, Amp Year is killing my command modules.

this has started recently and i've been having a hard time narrowing it down. all the installing, and uninstalling 50+ mods and loading the game. you probably know this better that me, takes an awful long time. but i finally found it to be amp year.

anyway, I though it could be a version problem, with the 1.3 update and all. so I reverted to 1.4.4 because its listed as 1.2.2 compatible, and I am running because of mods. still no command pods. I have no clue as to how this is happening. that is too bad because I love amp year, its one of my prime mods because of its usefulness.

anyway, I wont bother you with logs or stuff like that. I just wanted you to know this was happening and wonder if you have an easy fix already. if not, nevermind. i'll just stop using your cool mod until the other mods i like catch up with 1.3, at least enough to make me want to update.

thanks a lot for the mod though. its awesome and gave me lots of good insights on power calculation for my ships for a while. and power reserve has saved me quite a few times as well. 




You say you are using 1.2.2 for mods. Are you using Real Fuels or RO by chance?
There was a bug with 1.4.4 and those mods.
You can fix it if that is the case my replacing the content of the file \GameData\REPOSoftTech\AmpYear\MMConfigAmpYear.cfg with the following:

  Reveal hidden contents


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  On 6/16/2017 at 9:00 AM, JPLRepo said:

You say you are using 1.2.2 for mods. Are you using Real Fuels or RO by chance?
There was a bug with 1.4.4 and those mods.
You can fix it if that is the case my replacing the content of the file \GameData\REPOSoftTech\AmpYear\MMConfigAmpYear.cfg with the following:

  Reveal hidden contents



I´ll give it a shot


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V Release for KSP 1.3. See OP for linls.
Includes NEW ability to highlight any or all power production or consumption parts on your vessel in the SPH/VAB and Flight.
Fully Localization ready (no translations yet, but volunteers welcome!)
Fix for Kopernicus Solar Panels for those that use Kopernicus.
Re-added support for USI LS and MKS - courtesy of Ormira.

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  On 6/18/2017 at 1:07 AM, JPLRepo said:

V Release for KSP 1.3. See OP for linls.
Includes NEW ability to highlight any or all power production or consumption parts on your vessel in the SPH/VAB and Flight.
Fully Localization ready (no translations yet, but volunteers welcome!)
Fix for Kopernicus Solar Panels for those that use Kopernicus.
Re-added support for USI LS and MKS - courtesy of Ormira.


Hey @JPLRepo, the latest update causes insane log spam in the VAB. I've raised the issue with more details on GitHub. It has caused my output_log to bloat to around 50MB, so I'm not really able to upload it or pastebin it anywhere.

EDIT: As an aside, do you know if AmpYear interferes with DynamicBatteryStorage that was included in the most recent update of Near Future? That seems to generate a decent number of log entries, but there aren't any errors associated with it.

Edited by LemonSkin
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  On 6/17/2017 at 6:19 PM, Kuldaralagh said:

I´ll give it a shot



I read thru your suggestion now. and realized, no I dont use RO. I tried, but my machine cant handle that. takes forever to load. so I gave up on my RSS RO adventure. just went back to kerbin and well...

your suggestion is exactly what i have in that file.

anyway, thanks for trying to help me. 

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  On 6/18/2017 at 12:04 PM, LemonSkin said:

Hey @JPLRepo, the latest update causes insane log spam in the VAB. I've raised the issue with more details on GitHub. It has caused my output_log to bloat to around 50MB, so I'm not really able to upload it or pastebin it anywhere.

EDIT: As an aside, do you know if AmpYear interferes with DynamicBatteryStorage that was included in the most recent update of Near Future? That seems to generate a decent number of log entries, but there aren't any errors associated with it.


I'll take a look into those. Thanks.

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Latest version fixed the "you have no power generating parts" for my 1.3.0 build with Remotetech but now it computes insane amount of EC required for dark-side transit.  I will add smoe screen shot below....


You can see the Sat has 4810 EC and at 1600km orbit of Kerbin Ampyear is saying I will need 11403 EC?  But I put this sat in a 1600km orbit and did a full rotation with everything deployed (antenna's dishes, lights...) and it made the darkside transition with over 30% EC remaining?  I have built this same sat before and I know 4810EC is plenty of EC.  I thought maybe they changed the EC consumption of the dishes or something but apparently not as it makes it through the darkside transition using less then 70% of the 4810 EC on board.

To build this with 11403 EC would require two and a half time the batteries I have on it now and the thing would be rediculous.  

So unlessI am reading something wrong it looks like the dark side power consumption calculations are off.  Once again it might be a result of a mod like remotetech changing the power consumption for the dishes and omni's.  So there might need to be an adjustment made to support RT.  Not sure if the RT author can do anything at his end to fix it.  Or once again maybe I am just reading something wrong.

Let me know if you'd like logs or if there is anything else I can provide to clarify things more.





UPDATE:  It appears there might be something wrong with the power drain calculation.  

I did the math and at 1600km orbit the darktime transition is roughly 959.5 seconds and if the power consumption is in fact 11.89EC / sec I'd need 11408.5EC.  However, That satellite in actual orbit at 1600km is only using 3367EC apparently, which is only 3.51EC/s ??


Each dish requires 0.82EC/sec

The omni uses 0.60/sec

The probecore says 1.5/min = 0.025/sec


So the total for the dishes + omni + probe is  -> 3.085 EC/sec which seems to agree with the rough 3.51 EC/sec I am observing on the actual probe.


UPDATE 2.  OKay SOLVED.  I looked at parts and it's adding the 8.737 EC / sec of the electric propulsion system as if it was on all the time.  DERP

I simply had to turn off including it in the ampyear calcs and bingo I get 3022 EC needed for darkside transit and a surplus of 1868 which is exactly what I am seeing.


Sorry for the false alarm.



Edited by ctbram
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This reminds me of the idea that parts which not always use (or produce) EC but only during short times should be treated as a special category.

A one-click-for-all button to exclude these parts from calculation would be another neat addition.

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I'm working on a patch to make AmpYear's reserve batteries use Ven's Stock Part revamp models with a customized texture if it's detected. I'm making the capacity light on the 100 and 400 batteries blue (Ven's is green) and the bands on the 1K blue (Ven's is gold, stock-alike).

Would you be interested in including it in AmpYear when I finish it or should I release it myself?

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  On 5/19/2017 at 9:23 PM, Gordon Dry said:

A little bit old to reply but for real, why should AmpYear close the panels when the electric charge is near to zero?

That does not make any sense to me neither.


btw (oh no, it's more like that, it's major):

For three days now I fiddle around finding the mod that is triggering this bad issue:

PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartResourceDefinitionList.get_Item (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartResourceLibrary.GetDefinition (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.GetPartCostsAndMass (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost, System.Single& dryMass, System.Single& fuelMass) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.SanitizePartCosts (.AvailablePart aP, .ConfigNode partNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator62.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

on many parts - mostly pods or cockpits or reentry modules of any kind.

These parts are NOT available in game then.

I removed many mods to get rid off it, then I moved mods back in one after the other until the issue reappeared.

To quickly test if the issue is back or not I just had to load the game until the main menu and then open the file PartDatabase.cfg and search for the phrase "mk1pod" inside of it.
If it's there, everything is okay.

If it's not there, the bug is back.

So I did two runs - one with AmpYear still in GameData and one without it.

I placed the logs and cache files of both runs into a .zip and here it is:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uj5s0ev54px291u/2017-05-19-2 KSP (AmpYear - PartCompiler_Cannot compile part).log.zip?dl=1

So, AmpYear is the culprit.

I have to do further tests if IONRCS and DeepFreeze trigger the same issues, because I removed them first - hoping that I can have AmpYear stay in at least...


@Gordon DryHey bro, did you find a solution for this? I was reading it and it is the same issue I am having with AY. pods gone. I have quit using AY for now. 

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I have some issues with AmpYear.


(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

6/20/2017 9:50:35 PM,AmpYear,Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AY.AYController.SubsystemUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at AY.AYController.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

6/20/2017 9:50:35 PM,AmpYear,Failure in AYSubSystem Processing



here`s the full log:



Edited by Cheesecake
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As someone else mentioned I too am experiencing problems with EC generation showing 0 despite using multiple stock solar panels, however, I am not using Kopernicus. At any rate here is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zltlytte4oenesz/output_log.txt?dl=0

Additional info: the Ampyear version is from CKAN and I am running KSP 1.2.2...so, I don't know if that might be the issue or not. Any help would be amazing, thanks!


Edit: Now with pi! 


Edited by Kaboose
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  On 6/24/2017 at 12:19 AM, Kaboose said:

As someone else mentioned I too am experiencing problems with EC generation showing 0 despite using multiple stock solar panels, however, I am not using Kopernicus. At any rate here is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zltlytte4oenesz/output_log.txt?dl=0

Additional info: the Ampyear version is from CKAN and I am running KSP 1.2.2...so, I don't know if that might be the issue or not. Any help would be amazing, thanks!


Edit: Now with pi! 



It would be amazing. But sorry. I don't support old versions. I can barely support current versions.

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  On 6/24/2017 at 1:26 AM, JPLRepo said:

It would be amazing. But sorry. I don't support old versions. I can barely support current versions.


Ah no worries mate, good on you for keeping things going though. So just to check the issue is because I am running an older version of KSP?


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