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Ussari Space Program! A highly [unstable] modded 64K career from behind the iron kertain!

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Greetings, Comrades! Tonight, we open with fourth and final launch of grand program to throw stuff at interplanetary wall and see what sticks! Vagabond 6 rockets into sky!



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Here, let us celebrate with quaffs of rare vintage absolutely not laced with memory-wiping chemicals!

Drink harder, Comrades!

That's better.

Me? Oh, no, I do not drink you see, softens the mind...




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  On 7/11/2016 at 4:55 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Vagabond 4 has passed only 880 meters from surface at over 13 kilometers per second!




Knowing how imprecise the physics engine is, I'm amazed it didn't accelerate to something near the speed of light before exploding needlessly after colliding with the launch pad over Moho. Wait, what were we talking about? I don't remember any probe missions to Moho....

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  On 7/11/2016 at 5:06 AM, Cydonian Monk said:



Knowing how imprecise the physics engine is, I'm amazed it didn't accelerate to something near the speed of light before exploding needlessly after colliding with the launch pad over Moho. Wait, what were we talking about? I don't remember any probe missions to Moho....


I had my finger on F9, saw the hill coming up fast, figured, "eh, what the flarp, maybe I'll get lucky." Wish I'd have been recording, definitely a 'blink and you miss it' moment. I'm almost positive it was actually even closer.

Actually, I'm amazed I got to Moho at all. Anything I send there usually goes horribly, horribly wrong or the orbit spontaneously changes to miss the encounter, even on rails. Moho is cursed, I tell you. Empirical evidence be darned!

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  On 7/11/2016 at 5:06 AM, Cydonian Monk said:



Knowing how imprecise the physics engine is, I'm amazed it didn't accelerate to something near the speed of light before exploding needlessly after colliding with the launch pad over Moho. Wait, what were we talking about? I don't remember any probe missions to Moho....


So, at 13 km/sec on Moho, if you were standing on a hill-top it would travel horizon to horizon in less than a second-  I think your shutter speeds on those cameras probably crammed 3000 meters of ground into 10m/pixel.  :)   Nice Quality!   ( :wink: )

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Greetings, Comrades!

Today we have, Ussari Space Program, Not like a Purple but more of a PURPLE edition!

Fresh off success of launching five interplanetary space probes and well into celebratory carousing from seemingly endless supply of surplus rocket fuel, someone reminded brilliant Ussari engineers that transfer window to Eve was also rapidly approaching!

Absolutely not running around in panic and occasionally knocking each other over, clever engineers retrieve backup assembly of ill-fated BORSCHT 1 probe from dark corner in back of VAB. Once thoroughly dusted off and cleared of rats equipped with low-cost self-replicating biological experiment, unit is strapped to not-at-all hastily scraped together transfer buss just in time to make launch window!




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First, Gilly Explorer must perform series of complex orbital maneuvers to match path of tiny moon. First maneuver, is circularizing to 54,000kms.



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With just over three kilometers per second remaining on probe, brilliant Ussari engineers now face interesting choice. To move probe across moonlet's surface, gathering moderate amount of science from meager instruments on board, or attempt to return probe to Kerbin in glorious historical but more or less useless achievement! 



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What is up with Eves atmosphere? is that a scaling issue?

Is that Gilly lander actually sat on the antenna? How? I thought they just penetrate the surface ... don't they?

I think your choice to have massive long build times with KCT has paid off massivly for you, you are burning through the days getting all these transfer windows, wheras I am building my rockets much faster which means I am still in my first Kerbin year, haven't even had an Eve transfer at all yet. What is the date for you now btw?

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  On 7/17/2016 at 11:27 PM, Shania_L said:

What is up with Eves atmosphere? is that a scaling issue?

Is that Gilly lander actually sat on the antenna? How? I thought they just penetrate the surface ... don't they?

I think your choice to have massive long build times with KCT has paid off massivly for you, you are burning through the days getting all these transfer windows, wheras I am building my rockets much faster which means I am still in my first Kerbin year, haven't even had an Eve transfer at all yet. What is the date for you now btw?


I haven't the foggiest idea what this atmospheric kerfufflery is. :blink:

For all I know, it's a one-time thing that will never happen again, wouldn't be the first one. This save is so buggy I'm constantly amazed it runs as well as it does. My last Eve landing attempt didn't get far enough to judge from that, either. I think another, far more simple mission will be in the works. With a healthy tweak to Deadly Reentry's G damage settings. :huh:

Yup, the lander is sitting on the antennas, bit hard to tell from the angle. Wasn't sure if it would work either, especially with 6.4 scale's rather... indecisive surface. Plus, it gets all the good TV stations like that. :D

I think the transfer windows just "randomly" clumped up like that. I'm on year 4, day 234, and that's with 24-hour days too. My build times came waaaay down with enough investment and economies of scale. All my lifters use the same set of parts (for now) so they can be pumped out in just a few days, plus the KI-3 boosters recover for two ready cores for the next flight. That, and I'm not afraid to throw ridiculous amounts of funds at the build times to shorten them. The Ussari space program is, rather ironically, practically rolling in dough right now. And also, funds. Not sure why dough, really, but they've learned not to ask questions. :P

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  On 7/17/2016 at 10:31 PM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Initial data returns indicated that large portion of Eve's atmosphere is... missing. Yes, missing. There is band of hard vacuum between 100km altitude and 80km altitude.


Egad, that's a weird one.  Remind me not to experiment with resized solar systems :)


  On 7/17/2016 at 10:44 PM, CatastrophicFailure said:

It appears the rocks here on Gilly are... very strange.


But quite attractive.  Try breaking off some small chunks and bringing them home.  I'm sure they'd sell.  A rock like that would go perfectly in a 1970s living room :)


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  On 7/18/2016 at 3:15 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:


For all I know, it's a one-time thing that will never happen again, wouldn't be the first one. This save is so buggy I'm constantly amazed it runs as well as it does. My last Eve landing attempt didn't get far enough to judge from that, either. I think another, far more simple mission will be in the works. With a healthy tweak to Deadly Reentry's G damage settings. :huh:


...This disappoints Zur Proletariat.  Here you have magnificent opportunity to prove Ussari superiority, and instead you invoke witchcraft to alter reality.  tsk-tsk.


( :) ... use retro rocket insanity.  defeat Eve! )

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  On 7/19/2016 at 11:14 PM, GarrisonChisholm said:

...This disappoints Zur Proletariat.  Here you have magnificent opportunity to prove Ussari superiority, and instead you invoke witchcraft to alter reality.  tsk-tsk.


( :) ... use retro rocket insanity.  defeat Eve! )


Well in all fairness, the Galileo probe into Jupiter's atmosphere hit something like 112 g's during entry, I figure 50 or 60 is pretty reasonable for something not alive. Mostly solid hunks of metal are generally pretty squish-tolerant. :0.0:

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Greetings, Comrades!

Today, after many weeks in cold, lonely depths of deepest space, Vagabond 5 finally enters theoretical vicinity of diminutive planetlet of Dres!

Just there, below left solar panel...




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Massing at over 65 tonnes, we... still have absolutely no idea how to put thing in space.

But this is glorious Ussari Space Program, we will not be stymied by such minor details!




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  On 7/25/2016 at 6:24 PM, insert_name said:

It looks like the loss of comrade political officer has had a rather negative effect on ussari pr


Timelines have gotten a bit skeejawed now. For those following Whispers, Everything after this post goes on after Valentina's, er, triumphant return from the KSC, between Acts II & III, so any rumors of his demise are greatly... premature. :wink: Also, new episode coming up shortly!

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Greetings, Comrades!

Today we have Ussari Space Program, Little-on-the-Side Edition!

But first, deep in space, with communication delay now over 20 minutes, Vagabond 3 makes first course correction, putting it on initial intercept with tiny frozen world of Eeloo in 1 year, 149 days.





Now, Comrades, we launch first entirely-new lifter since early days of space program! Behold, Urugan-A!




Urugan-A is cut bleeding edge of modern technology, and first use of highly-efficient hydrogen/oxygen engines as primary stage of launch vehicle! Here, rocket immediately nudges sideways to clear launch derricks! Absolutely planned, intentional maneuver!




Just after clearing launch towers, Urugan-A executes 150-degree spin, rolling onto back for gravity turn, continuing path of launch "nudge." Engines soon throttle down passing through Max-Q




Main engines burn efficient Hydrolox mixture, but stalwart kerosene/oxygen liquid-fueled boosters are used for initial impulse! These are not clunky built-under-license-from-Foreigners technology of old, no! Griffon-XX single-chamber, quad-nozzle layout is brand new design only slightly based on older Reliant model! Go at throttle-up!




Urugan-A climbs higher and higher shrouded in burning sheath of red-hot plasma! Engines now throttle to maintain steady 3-G acceleration.




T+2:10, 65km altitude, 29km downrange, booster shutdown and separation!




Separation is successful, and boosters will fall back to destructive landing on Kerbin (sorry again about hut, random peasant! You really should move! What? They won't let you move? Oh, er, that is most awkward... glory to the Union!) Initial design analysis predicts boosters are too heavy for recovery by parachute, but brilliant Ussari engineers are even now working on proposals for automated powered recovery in future!




And now you will say to me, "Comrade, why is put payload on side of rocket?" We put payload on side of rocket... we put payload on side of rocket, and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because this... we do not speak of!




You see, Ivan, when put payload on side of rocket, is much closer to launch pad!


Here we see arrangement of four high-gimballing hydrolox-powered Vector engines, that will boost stack to final apoapsis. Also visible are pair of hydrazine orbital maneuvering engines on Interim Propulsion Stage. They will be used for final orbital insertion as Vector cannot be restarted and IPS carries no cryogenic fuel of its own... for now.




Core stage fuel is depleted and separation is successful! Core will fall back to destructive re-entry while payload is boosted to stable orbit.




Fairing separation reveals mission package! Urugan-A will set more records as first nuclear-powered spacecraft, and first landing on Duna!




IPS provides final impulse to 180km parking orbit. Future developments will allow for fully restartable cryogenic transfer stage!





IPS then de-orbits self and falls harmlessly into ocean. Mostly. Sorry about boat, random fisherkerb! Swim, good fisherkerb! Swim harder!

That's better.





Nine days later, after thorough on-orbit checkout, Urugan-A mission payload ignites pair of ammonia-fueled nuclear thermal engines for 3500m/s burn to Duna, details of which will follow in next installment of Glorious Ussari Space Program!




Spoiler: OOC is serious business

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Ok, tell me the truth, was this supposed to be a tall rocket, but it fell over in the VAB and you just gaffa taped it all together where the pieces fell?

It is singlehandedly the most beautful and most heath-robinson dragging a magnet through a scrapyard, kind of creation I have ever seen flying ... it just looks soo wrong, it shouldn't fly ... and yet it does.

Also, ammonia, interesting choice, I shall await your explaination in the next episode :)

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  On 8/1/2016 at 4:32 PM, insert_name said:

Yeah I never got an asymmetric lifter working, let alone the first time


Vectors make ALL the difference. It's a shame dtobi's gimbal mod is no longer around, either.

  On 8/1/2016 at 7:43 PM, Shania_L said:

Ok, tell me the truth, was this supposed to be a tall rocket, but it fell over in the VAB and you just gaffa taped it all together where the pieces fell?

It is singlehandedly the most beautful and most heath-robinson dragging a magnet through a scrapyard, kind of creation I have ever seen flying ... it just looks soo wrong, it shouldn't fly ... and yet it does.

Also, ammonia, interesting choice, I shall await your explaination in the next episode :)


Funny you should phrase it like that, since my inspiration was actually mounted upside-down as well, just like it had fallen over. It didn't turn out so well.

I'll have to put together a video showing how disturbingly straight it flies for something so beautifully ugly. There's lots of headroom left, pretty sure I can push the payload to 100 tonnes without too much trouble. Now all I need is a 100 tonne payload. <_<

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