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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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The temperature gauges appear when a part/asteroid/Kerbal exceeds 50% of its maxTemp. The upper 1/2 of the way to maxTemp is divided into quarters and displayed on the gauge as green, bronze, orange, and red in order of increasing severity. Thus, the lower the item's maxTemp, the sooner its gauge appears, and the sooner its gauge goes red compared to other items in the vicinity. Kerbals are the least heat-tolerant items present on Eve and the ambient surface temperature is > 1/2 a Kerbal's maxTemp, so Kerbals get a gauge but nothing else.

At Moho, it's the same way. An EVA Kerbal will have a bronze-colored gauge (about 1/2 full, meaning at 3/4 of the Kerbal's maxTemp) while only the most sensitive of rocket parts (usually science instruments, probe cores, etc.) will have gauges, too.

True. And on Ablate, they die in 27 seconds. Definitively less than 30. Their maximum temperature is 800 K, IIRC.

Sadly, one Kerbal can not screw a radiator on another Kerbal. :)

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Ah, that explains it--so theoretically if Bob were to go walkabout, he might not melt. Well, we'll see..

Yup. If there is no game process actively generating additional heat, then everything reaches thermal equilibrium at whatever the ambient temperature of that place is. Even if you've got radiators, because the radiators themselves ultimately reach ambient temperature and can do no more. So, an EVA Kerbal on Moho will quickly get a bronze temperature gauge. But there it will remain no matter how long the Kerbal stays outside, because that's just a reflection of the ambient temperature which isn't changing.

Sadly, one Kerbal can not screw a radiator on another Kerbal. :)

Have you tried this to make sure? :D

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And because technically he would be "the Venetian" since eve is the Venus analogue. If he were trapped on Duna, then your point would stand. :P
And I can't call it "The Evian" or, well, bottled water. Which I bet Bob would like to have right around now.

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The Martian anyone?

well, except Bob dosn't have a truckload of leftover eqiipment for him to use.

Objects on the surface of Eve presently include Bob, his capsule and flag, whatever is left of the Dipperkraft, and the probe that landed earlier. None of them have motive power and besides I do not have KAS installed.

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Have you tried this to make sure? :D

Someone has to--For Science!

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Bob walks for hours, depressed, looking for a nice place to park his butt down for the final sleep......

.....but in the distance he see's what looks like a old cargo container.

He walks closer, closer, and it's all rusted up, and what's left of some power packs, tattered solar panels are still working, albeit barely.

He enters, and a lone Kerbal, in a tattered spacesuit looks up with a evil maniacal grin, and says:

"You? I never forget a face.

Bob Kerman.

I never thought I'd see you again. You never bothered to check up on me, or my crew. You left us here to die!"

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Bob walks for hours, depressed, looking for a nice place to park his butt down for the final sleep......

Or else Kerbfleet leaves Bob there for a very long time...Bob who, you remember, considers himself some sort of "superior intellect", and is clearly some sort of genetically engineered superkerbal because orange suit. Years later, Clauselle has risen through the ranks and is first officer on the mission that finally lands on Eve...but Evil Bob's plan fails right there, because no one has ever managed to find a Kerbal's earhole. See, we could go either way with this.

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...and by the by people, since it was a couple of pages ago I'll say it again: please refrain from attempting to figure out in the thread where I am going based on movies etc I might be parodying. In-universe speculation is fine but I'd like to not have any big moments pre-revealed in the thread. So in general I will not respond to such out-of-universe meta speculation--but Bob as Khan is so ridiculous within my Kerbalverse that I can have fun with it :)

If you must speculate based on knowledge of parody material, please write it on the back of a 500-fund note and send it to Mortimer, care of this station.

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Or else Kerbfleet leaves Bob there for a very long time...Bob who, you remember, considers himself some sort of "superior intellect", and is clearly some sort of genetically engineered superkerbal because orange suit. Years later, Clauselle has risen through the ranks and is first officer on the mission that finally lands on Eve...but Evil Bob's plan fails right there, because no one has ever managed to find a Kerbal's earhole. See, we could go either way with this.

Once again - "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Kuzzter again." - sigh.

Thanks! :)

Happy landings!

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Ah, the sweet agony of anticipation. Sprinkled with a touch of light surprise.

How will the 'Red Rock One' crew take the news? What happened to Tedus? Does Bob like the colour purple?

Stay tuned to this thread until Kuzzter decides to end our collective suffering.

Happy landings!

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I'm looking forward to see the the rescue mission. Granted, Eve is half as easy to get away from than before, but still a pain in the ass.
Not that I'm saying there is going to be a rescue mission, mind you, but the trouble these days seems to be getting a ship that's big enough to ascend down in one un-burnt piece.

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Lemme geuss...Tedus was killed by going outside the 2 km radius around a ship in atmosphere?

Wouldn't that be awful? But IIRC the physics radius is now 22.5km. Nope, if Tedus died, he died fair and square. Behind the scenes--I ejected the pod at about 8000m to make sure I could pop the 'chute, then switch back to Tedus and attempt a landing.

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Can't wait for more pages :kiss: #PrayForTedus

Ha! Love the tag :)

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Stay tuned to this thread until Kuzzter decides to end our collective suffering.

And that will happen... well, let me just say you might wanna "spread some rep around" before this afternoon. :D

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liek if u cri everytim

1 rep = 1 prayer

I like your Kerbal universe thing, because everyone has a different idea on it, you are all "asterisks dont even mean that what do they mean nobody knows where babby kerbs come from kerbals dont get smoochy" whilst other people might have completely opposite ideas, and definately ideas not alike any of the things we have come up with, it's bloomin insane if you take the few seconds to think about it. Again, love the work, I've been wanting to do one of these mission report story things for a while now but I'm pretty bad at it because I can't be bothered to launch a rocket most of the time nevermind go places, but Career mode made me really launch crafts, so I might plan a mission to, IDK Minmus, but enough about me, SHUT UP AND TAKE MY REP..

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Not that I'm saying there is going to be a rescue mission, mind you, but the trouble these days seems to be getting a ship that's big enough to ascend down in one un-burnt piece.

But you simply must. ;_;

Wouldn't that be awful? But IIRC the physics radius is now 22.5km. Nope, if Tedus died, he died fair and square. Behind the scenes--I ejected the pod at about 8000m to make sure I could pop the 'chute, then switch back to Tedus and attempt a landing.

The radius is still 2.2 km, but "something" happens at 22.5, too.

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