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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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At least Kenlie looks happy, glad to see he wasn't too badly shaken by his ordeal. :D

Nope, Kenlie's fine. And this interlude will be all about him!




I don't mean to leave you hanging at the end, but I ran out of time to do the next page before work. That lime speech balloon belongs to Wehrford, the Micarooni Station chief.

What's really going on in the save is that I'm transferring crews back from various orbital and surface bases in the Kerbin system. For one thing I have indeed run out of pilots, and for another I expect that in 1.1 Kerbal life support resources will become finite (and even if they don't I will likely install RoverDude's NOMS mod before the next big mission) It wouldn't do to have everyone on Mun and Minmus suddenly go hungry, so they're coming home.

Edited by Kuzzter
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@Kuzzter: Funny you should mention the fifth seat. While the Mk3 cockpit is rated for 4 kerbals, the internal model actually has spots for six:


Also, with your permission, I'd like to include the first page of Eve: Order Zero and Duna, Ore Bust as images on a tablet for an internal view I'm creating for the Buffalo Crew Hab:


If I can make it work, I will wire up a prop that takes you to their respective threads when you click on the tablet pc prop. :)

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Umm is that RAPIERS on the untested Gliido that now has 2 engines instead of 3?

Are they better than the Whipsplash?

Also why is squad adding extra seats to some stuff? Like the science lab, it has capacity for 6 crew(3 floors) I think.

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Umm is that RAPIERS on the untested Gliido that now has 2 engines instead of 3?

Yes those are RAPIERS. They are not as efficient as the Whiplash and have lower thrust at medium Mach numbers, but will keep thrusting well several kilometers higher than the Whiplash before flaming out.

I was as surprised as anyone that the new Gliido made orbit first time out. Taking off the third engine made balance a lot easier; I just had to learn to fly a smarter profile to compensate for the reduced thrust. Fully fueled it has a vacuum dV of over 3.4 km/s, so pending a successful landing I think Kerbfleet has a new workhorse for Kerbin-Mun-Minmus service. Only trouble is the docking port needs to move forward, I could not nose into the dock at Micarooni and had to "angle park". Dream is for Micarooni to be able to comfortably manage multiple Gliidos as well as other visiting craft.

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There are even mods to enable those seats.

The 6 seat mk3 capsule: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/235281-seat-mk3-cockpit and 6 crew lab:http://kspmods.net/6-crew-science-lab-mod/

Why are they modelled in the capsules then?

My guess (for why they are modelled but not enabled) is that the spaceplane parts already outclass rocket parts in terms of crew capacity per ton. The Mk3 cockpit masses 3.5t (not counting mono) and carries four, while the Mk1-2 pod masses half a ton more and carries only three. The Mk2 inline cockpit carries two Kerbals at half a ton less than the Mk2 lander can, and despite its lower weight the cockpit has a much higher crash tolerance. Allowing 6 Kerbals in the Mk3 cockpit would be over the top.

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My guess is that the spaceplane parts already outclass rocket parts in terms of crew capacity per ton. The Mk3 cockpit masses 3.5t (not counting mono) and carries four, while the Mk1-2 pod masses half a ton more and carries only three. The Mk2 inline cockpit carries two Kerbals at half a ton less than the Mk2 lander can, and despite its lower weight the cockpit has a much higher crash tolerance. Allowing 6 Kerbals in the Mk3 cockpit would be over the top.

I didn't realize how OP it would be than other crew parts.

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"Strudel for everyone!"

Whoops, I spelled it wrong--I suppose I could just blame it on Kenlie though. :)

Seconded. He is probably the most entertaining character of the series.

Glad you're liking him, he deserves a break of some kind after everything I've put him through. Someone has already correctly identified the inspiration (other than real, terrible fanfic) for Kenlie's story-- here's the link to the 1939 original. Fun Kuzzter fact: it was one of the pieces I used to read for speech competitions in high school.

ETA: ...though whereas Walter Mitty is daydreaming about being an action hero while on an errand to buy puppy biscuits, Kenlie is daydreaming about a difficult mission in a state-of-the-art spaceplane while flying a difficult mission in a state-of-the-art spaceplane. Kerbals be cray cray.

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Thanks again for allowing me to use the first page of your graphic novels! Here's what it looks like inside the cab:


I don't yet know how to make the screen clickable, but once I do, it will fire up a browser and go to the first page on this thread. :)

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