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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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And so it was' date=' [s']Jebe Larrysue Kerman, the first Kerbal on the MoonMun. He stood in front of his gigantic space ship, that was not compensating for anything, as his little brother Bob Rob watched from the television, not getting as much attention! The camera he set up took several pictures. He was even on the cover of Teen Face Magazine. And then there was Mr. Feldrik, who taught him in school, who was so mad he died of anger when he realized that he was wrong to give JeLarrysue all Fs. He then...

...and there she was' date=' using a laser gun to inscribe "[s']CidrikGalvin and ValentinaMarrysue Kerman Forever" on the surface of Jool.

When Bill found both of those books in high school, he managed to get Jeb and Val to do his english homework by means of blackmail.

So, like, Kenlie isn't alone.

Edited by GregroxMun
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Probodobodyne always gave vague warnings of probe sentience... Maybe the Jool or Dres missions will feature probes as characters.

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Dres mission? What Dres mission? And what's Dres, anyway, I never heard of it. Is it in a mod or something? /QUOTE]


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Janny and Kathra kerman look like clones.

They ALL look like clones to us.

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Dres mission should be a B-plot for a future story, where the total and complete lack of interestingness of Dres is emphasized, until something very strange happens to the Dres crew that leads back into the main story.

Put Kenlie on the Dres mission. Yeah.

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They ALL look like clones to us.

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Dres mission should be a B-plot for a future story, where the total and complete lack of interestingness of Dres is emphasized, until something very strange happens to the Dres crew that leads back into the main story.

Put Kenlie on the Dres mission. Yeah.

Right, it'll be Kenlie, Gregmore, Newdun, and the two science kerbelles. None of them have a distinctive dialect or an orange suit, and there's be only two different speech balloon colors among the five of them. And I'll do the whole thing without character portraits so you'll just have to guess who's speaking based on which end of the Brutalist-designed ship the words are coming out of. Fun galore!

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They ALL look like clones to us.

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I know, but I mean look at them!


Same position, same facial expression, same haircut.

Do they ever laugh, become scared or tilt their heads like other kerbals? :confused::confused:

Edited by Thegamer211
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Kenlie should be on the Jool mission, he deserves it, unless the Dres mission is more exciting, you could call it Dres: Aster among many!

Geddit? Aster? A star? Asteroid? Nevermind.

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I know, but I mean look at them!


Same position, same facial expression, same haircut.

Do they ever laugh, become scared or tilt their heads? :confused::confused:

It's like the terminator, T-800 disguises as the guys foster parents and kills them.

"ya foster kerbals are dead."

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Do they ever laugh, become scared or tilt their heads like other kerbals? :confused::confused:

You're right, they do react pretty similarly. Well, I can use that :)



Things are just about where I want them to be now around Kerbin. I should be able to land the Gliido (or try to) next game session, and after that we'll get back to the main story. Currently 20 days from planar correction burns for Eve...

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Good grief, is Kenlie making a collection of cringy tropes ? :D

And yeah, those Lookies are Evil! Evil, I say ... :P

P.S So it is now official that lil'Enzie was part of the Duna mission ? That patch is not the fake version Jeb and co gave him ( it only has 4 kerbals , unlike the fake one that had 5 :D )

Edited by r_rolo1
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I love how distracted Kenlie is by Martystu and his exploits.

I'm sure you would never get distracted by thinking about your writing when you should be doing something else. :)

At least Kenlie did actually get the patch out of that encounter with Jeb and Bill.

Happy landings!

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Good grief, is Kenlie making a collection of cringy tropes ? :D


P.S So it is now official that lil'Enzie was part of the Duna mission ? That patch is not the fake version Jeb and co gave him ( it only has 4 kerbals , unlike the fake one that had 5 :D )

I'm pretty much going down the bad fanfiction trope list and checking them off, so yeah :) and sorry, that is the fake--it's just too small to see well. I copied it in from the "soooo cool" panel.

I'm sure you would never get distracted by thinking about your writing when you should be doing something else. :)

It's a level worse than that, I'm thinking about writing Kenlie's writing when I should be playing KSP instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing!

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In universe character death by author, lolwut......

Then again, unless unless Kenlies fan-fic universe has a life support mod, his character won't actually die from lack of oxygen or freezing to death.

Edited by smjjames
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