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"Eve: Order Zero" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (POSTLUDE COMPLETE...bet you didn't see THAT coming.)

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Kenlie, the Clo-I mean (twin?) Kerbelles and that guy who was on a Munbase for three years would be a good combo for a mission, the Kerbelles are very unique, Kenlie is, well, Kenlie and the Munbase guy kind of reminds me of Dilsby, he could be a great commander!

I think kuzzter has something on his mind:

You're right, they do react pretty similarly. Well, I can use that :)

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I think kuzzter has something on his mind:

It was a bit subtle, but I already did it :) Remember, you can never tell which kind of lookie is looking at your story... until it's too late!

I'm glad these minor characters are working for you guys, though there is no way I can fit them all in a future story and do it justice. Remember, classic Star Trek works with about seven 'bridge' characters--take your pick between [Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov] or [Picard, Ryker, Troi, Data, Worf, Crusher, LaForge]

So far we've seen the following characters developed to some extent:

Command Pilots--Val, Dilsby

Pilots--Jeb, Tedus, Kenlie, Gregmore, Newdun

Engineers--Bill, Clauselle

Scientists--Bob, Lisa, Melbe, Kathna, Janny

That's fourteen--twice the magic number. I'll have to make the final selection based on practicalities as much as anything else--how many billets I have for a given specialty, skill levels, visual/speech differentiation, etc.

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I'm glad these minor characters are working for you guys, though there is no way I can fit them all in a future story and do it justice. Remember, classic Star Trek works with about seven 'bridge' characters--take your pick between [Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov] or [Picard, Ryker, Troi, Data, Worf, Crusher, LaForge]

Not forgetting Sisko, Kira, Bashir, O'Brien, Worf (again), Dax and Odo. ;) Archer and co were a decent enough ensemble too :)

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Did I spell her name wrong or something? Seven actors get
billing, and Marina Sirtis is one of them.

Sorry. I was just making a bit of a joke. It was a subtle, weak, and probably inappropriate reference to another list of seven things from an old comedian, one of which didn't even belong on the list. And that relates also to the Troi character.

Happy landings in any case.

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Sorry. I was just making a bit of a joke. It was a subtle, weak, and probably inappropriate reference to another list of seven things from an old comedian, one of which didn't even belong on the list. And that relates also to the Troi character

oh no worries, I just didn't catch the reference. George Carlin maybe? :)

- - - Updated - - -

Is chapter 4 next? Or 5?


Read all of Chapter 1 and the Interlude Here

Read all of Chapter 2 Here

Read all of Chapter 3 Here

Read all of Chapter 4 Here

Read all of Chapter 5 Here

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Troi sounds like it could be a snack. "New Nabisco Troi! ...corn troi, cheese troi, tater troi!".

Well, I think she was once a cellular peptide cake. Now THAT was a bizarre episode.

Great job Kuzzter! Too bad I still can't rep you...

BTW, what does ETA mean (aside from Estimated Time of Arrival)? You used it sometimes replying to people...

Thank you! It means "Edited To Add", I didn't know what it meant either before I started on the Forum :)

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Well, I think she was once a cellular peptide cake.

With mint frosting. Maybe she was on Minmus?

I just finished Duna Ore Bust and caught up on Eve: Order Zero. You, sir, are amazing and I can't wait for more.

No, really. I can't wait. That means post it.


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Someone needs to compile these little bits of kerb-fiction and make it into a full story.



Just for that, this should be the only update you guys get today!

No, really. I can't wait. That means post it. Now.

Oh, all right then.




So is this one of the known wheel bugs? Because it seems like it should be. Either that or I somehow disabled the brakes in SPH. Torque is set to full on all wheels and it's still not slowing down. Aaahhh! Save us, Martystu, save us!

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Umm, that really sucks. I suppose if you're going slow enough you could try retracting the gear. :(

Maybe you could unlock steering for the front gear and guide the craft away from the water. :(

I can't really imagine how this is going to end up in one of those...

Happy landings!

edit: OTOH it might be fitting if Kenlie's work was consumed by flames. :)

Edited by Starhawk
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Umm, that really sucks.

I know! I was soooo mad, I mean this is indeed the very FIRST time flying the 7P (though yes I've had experience with similar airframes) and I managed to drop it from ?!@$% orbit to the absolute front center of the ?!@#$ *&@#! runway--- ^&!@$ deadstick mind you! And then this happens. That is IT I've had it with this game and I'm not playing KSP any more until after work.

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I know! I was soooo mad, I mean this is indeed the very FIRST time flying the 7P (though yes I've had experience with similar airframes) and I managed to drop it from ?!@$% orbit to the absolute front center of the ?!@#$ *&@#! runway--- ^&!@$ deadstick mind you! And then this happens. That is IT I've had it with this game and I'm not playing KSP any more until after work.

I always quicksave before landing on the runway. Especially when coming back from orbit.

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You know how Air Service guys always say "Any landing you can walk away from?"

Absolutely! Neither pilot is Air Service, but I'm sure that's on their minds.

Maybe deploying all the control surfaces will save you?

Whoops, too bad I never bound those to the brake key--would be nervous about deploying them one at a time asymmetrically, but yeah that's an option.

I always quicksave before landing on the runway. Especially when coming back from orbit.

Me too--in fact I quicksave nearly as often as I take a screenshot. (hm, maybe I should bind those to the same key...) If Bill was aboard no doubt he'd go in the file and fix the brakes somehow--but he's not, so it's up to Kenlie to make sure everyone walks away from this!

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Did the brakes actually stop working ingame? lol

Also, unless Kuzzter literally paused the game right there and left it running since you can't save while moving on the ground, I think whatever happens has actually already been concluded.

Anyways, time to show that he really can be a hero! :)

Also, I swear those two girls are playing along with the whole Martysu thing.

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