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[WIP][1.2.2] Keridian Dynamics - Dev Thread [Last Update: 2017-01-21]

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Keridian Dynamics presents Vessel Assembly. This Mod adds new parts to build vessels everywhere!


imgur (Old, new album in progress)

This pack contains converters like Furnaces, 3D-Printers and a Chemical Reactor to produce RocketParts from Ore or MetalOre. The RocketParts can be used by Kerbals to assemble new vessels anywhere. Launchpads or Survey-parts are used for the construction of new vessels and are also included in this pack (requires Extraplanetary Launchpads mod that is not bundled with this pack). A wide variaty of storage tanks comes with this pack to keep all the precious resources safe. If the recovery of vessel is too much effort, it can be recycled and converted to RocketParts again.

Download from Spacedock

Download from GitHub


Dependencies for full functionality (I consider them dependencies but you don't need them to make the parts show up in the VAB/SPH):

Supported / recommended:



  1. Make backups of your save-files and/or customised configs.
  2. Delete older versions of Keridian Dynamics - Vessel Assembly.
  3. Copy the 'GameData' folder inside the zip file to your Kerbal Space Program directory.



**2017.01.21 - Recycling Everything - v0.8.2**

* Moved parts to customisation: KD-STXXXXFS. New Adapters included.
* New part: KD-FurnaceSmall.
* New part: KD-FabricationContainer (Metal --> Rocketparts; needs an engineer).
* New part: KD-PAM (Planetary Assembly Management aka SurveyStation); has no IVA currently.
* New part: KD-PAMSmall.
* New part: KD-RecyclerSmall.
* New part: KD-RecycleSite (Needs KAS).
* New parts: KD-T125XFS (X=variant) 1.25 m Storage Tanks in 3 sizes(1, 2, 4 m)).
* New part: KD-T2001FS (1.25 to 2.5 m storage adapter).
* Re-exported most of the models with improved shading and materials.
* Re-worked most of the animations. Except the tanks all parts use ModuleColorChange for glow animations (can be changed in cfg).
* Overhauled resource storage and mass for ALL tanks.
* Added ScrapMetal setup.
* Added LFO setup (temporary, for balancing. Will be replaced in the future).
* Added surface attach to some parts (Launchpads for example).
* Fixed Furnaces MetalOre extraction ratio. Now really 70% (was 100 before).
* Recycling produces ScrapMetal and small amounts of Metal.
* Added ScrapMetal-->Metal converters (Furnaces,ChemicalReactor).
* Changed SpecialistBonus for KD-Furnace.
* Changed SpecialistBonus for KD-3D-Printer.
* ChemicalReactor can now extract RareMetals and ExoticMinerals from Dirt (if OSE Workshop is installed).
* Changed dependency for Metal,Ore-->SpecializedParts converter to require UmbraSpaceIndustries.
* Changed SimpleConstruction support: If SC is installed the following changes are applied:
1. No MetalOre Harvester.
2. No MetalOre-->Metal converters.
3. Ore-->Metal converters give 70 times more Metal.
4. Metal tanks storage-capacity is increased by factor 5 (ingame units, not mass!).
* Changed FS/IFS priority. If both are installed IFS module will be used.
* Added optional config to use RocketParts with OSE Workshop instead of MaterialKits, RareMetals & ExoticMinerals (KeridianDynamics-OSE-RP.cfg).


**2016-11-26 - Balancing update one - v0.8.1**

* New part: KD-ChemicalReactor (Ore --> Metal+LFO)
* New parts: KD-T250XFS (X=variant) 2.5 m non-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 2, 3 m).
* New parts: KD-T375XFS (X=variant) 3.75 m non-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 3, 6 m).
* New part: KD-T3252FS 3.75 m to 2.5 m non-passable Storage Tank adapter (2 m).
* Removed parts: KD-T125FS and KD-T250FS.
* Increased Furnace conversion speed (~15 times faster, extr.-rate remains 1%-mass).
* Added MetalOre --> Metal converter to Furnace by default (~70%-mass extr.-rate).
* Added MetalOre harvester to Stock drill (Big one only).
* Increased 3D-Printer conversion speed (~21 times faster, conv.-rate remains 100%-mass).
* Reduced 3D-Printer mass to 1.85 tons.
* Included compatibility patch for SimpleConstruction.
* Updated converter specialty to ExperienceEffect (3D Printer,Furnace = ConverterSkill; ChemicalReactor = ScienceSkill)
* Added Bulkheadprofiles.
* Added tags.
* Added ScienceExperiment: OreScience to Stock Drill (Big one only).

2016-07-06 - Storage update - v0.8
    -New part: KD-OrbitalHangar. Big Launchpad for orbital construction and other stuff.
    -New parts: KD-ST250XFS (X=variant) 2.5 m crew-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 2, 3 m).
    -New parts: KD-ST375XFS (X=variant) 3.75 m crew-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 3, 6 m).
    -New part: KD-ST3252FS 3.75 m to 2.5 m crew-passable Storage Tank adapter (2 m).
    -Community Resource Pack now triggers storage configurations for MaterialKits,... (instead of OSE because CRP is bundled with OSE).
    -Added JSI Advanced Transparant Pods dependency.
    -Added support for ConnectedLivingSpace.
    -Added optional config that allows the 3D-Printer to make MaterialKits from Metal in customisation.
    -KD-MobileVAB: Minor model tweaks. Airlock moved to the bottom; Fixed IVA light.
    -LaunchSite: One arm glows in a darker blue now.
    -Launchpads and MobileVAB have proper names for EL GUI.
    -All parts have been rebalanced in cost, cost to unlock and tech-node (Stock and CTT).
    -Changed capacity for MaterialKits, RareMetals, ExoticMinerals and Monoprop. on old tanks.

2016-05-16 - Universal Assembly - v0.7
    -New part: KD-MobileVAB. Acts primary as Survey Station and offers a high productivity factor for up to 12 Kerbals.
    -New part (previously experimental): KD-LaunchSite (reworked). Acts as Survey Stake.
    -New part (previously experimental): KD-SledgeHammer. Needed to attach the LaunchSite to the ground.
    -All parts above need Kerbal Inventory System to work properly.
    -Added support for OSE workshop.
    -KD-3D-Printer can convert Ore to MaterialKits.
    -KD-MobileVAB can be used as OSE workshop and OSE recycler.
    -KD-T125FS and KD-T250FS have 2 additional setups (Materialkits and RareMetals/ExoticMinerals).
    -InterstellarFuelSwitch is not a dependency anymore but still supported and highly recommended.
    -Added support for Firespitter (FSmeshSwitch & FSfuelSwitch).
    -Added MM-config that autodetects if Firespitter and/or InterstellarFuelSwitch is installed and applies the corresponding modules to the tanks. (If both are NOT installed, two tanks for RocketParts and two tanks for Metal are available.)

2016-05-01 - PECUNIA PER KERBULUS - v0.6.1
    -Reexported models with Unity 5 and PartTools 1.1.
    -New Company Motto: PECUNIA PER KERBULUS. (Thanks to DaniDE for translation!)
    -Reworked Logo and Flags.
    -Used "Icon_Hidden" tag. (Thanks to Badsector for the hint!)
    -Added ExperimentalSection (needs KIS).
    -New experimental part: KD-Fundament. (Thanks to colmo for the suggestion!)
    -New experimental part: KD-LaunchSite.
    -New experimental part: KD-SledgeHammer "Susie".

2016-04-16 - Recycling - v0.6
    -Added Interstellar Fuel Switch dependency. (Tank names have changed, be careful with savegames!)
    -Reworked models. (Colliders have not changed.)
    -Added Normal maps.
    -Added Emissive maps.
    -Added new animations.
    -Reworked Furnace behavior. No more seperate heating needed.
    -Furnace needs much less EC but produces more heat.
    -New part: KD-Recycler. (Roll-animation and ExRecycler need to be activated seperately)
    -Updated CTT-compatibility.

2016-02-27 - 2016 update - v0.5
    -Reworked tanks. (Names have changed, so be carefull with savegames!)
    -Changed RoverPads to TopPad and SidePad. (Names have changed, so be carefull with savegames!)
    -New mesh-colliders for all parts (be carefull with savegames!).
    -Toggleable Spawn Marker for all Pads added. A vessel from SPH will point in the direction of the arrowtip. VAB vessels will still point upwards.
    -KD-OrbitalPad, KD-SidePad, KD-TopPad and all tanks now share the same texture (KD-OrbitalPad.dds).
    -Added thermal properties to KD-Pad and KD-OrbitalPad to prevent overheating-explosions during vessel-launch (might be exploitable ...).
    -Added thermal curves to KD-Furnace and KD-3D-Printer.
    -The Furnace needs to heat up before Metal can be extracted. CoreTemperature must at least reach 1800 K to start the extraction! Heating needs a lot of ElectricCharge. Once the extraction has started the heater can be turned off.
    -The 3D-Printer needs 20 ElectricCharge instead of 10. It needs RoomTemperature to operate (300 K). Heat production is rather low.
    -Some minor model and texture changes.
    -Added 512x512 textures to Customisation.
    -Added "KD-Example Craft.craft" to Customisation.
    -Updated CTT-compatibility.

2015-08-23 - License update - v0.4
    -License changed to CC-BY-SA 4.0 International
    -New experimental parts: KD-RoverPad & KD-RoverPad2
    -KD-Furnace: CoM -0.1 down
    -KD-Pad: CoM -0.87 down
    -KD-OrbitalPad: CoM -0.47 down
    -Moved MM-patches for EL into one config. (Delete old versions before updating!)

2015-08-10 - Orbital Assembly - v0.3
    -New part:    - KD-OrbitalPad
    -KD-Pad fixes:     - Now transparent in Editor when not attached.
            - Model and texture refined.
            - Center of mass adjusted.
    -KD-3D-Printer:    - Model and texture refined (a little).
    -Added support for AVC.

2015-08-03 - Hotfix - v0.2
    -Fixed MM-config for MetalOreFurnace and MetallicOreFurnace.
    -Reconverted textures to DDS.

2015-07-27 - Initial Release - v0.1
    -New part: KD-Furnace
    -New part: KD-3D-Printer
    -New part: KD-Pad
    -New part: KD-TankHex1-Metal
    -New part: KD-TankHex1-RocketParts
    -New part: KD-TankHex2-Metal
    -New part: KD-TankHex2-RocketParts


This project is under development. I'm trying to learn blender/gimp/unity and this is what I've got so far. These are my first parts and I don't have much experince so any feedback, ideas, tutorials, etc is very welcome! The models are not finished yet and some are further developed than others.

Future plans:

  • Further balancing.
  • Deploayble LaunchPad.



Vessel Assembly by EleusisLaArwall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at EleusisLA@gmail.com.


taniwha and skykooler for ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.
sarbian for ModuleManager.
cybutek for KSP-AVC.
FreeThinker for Interstellar Fuel Switch.
KospY, Winn75 and Igorz for Kerbal Inventory System and Kerbal Attachment System.
ObiVanDamme and Enceos for OSE Workshop.
Snjo and RoverDude for Firespitter.
RoverDude for Community Resource Pack.
JPLRepo for JSI Advanced Transparant Pods.
Codepoet and Papa_Joe for Connected Living Spaces.
MatterBeam and RealGecko for SimpleConstruction.

Thanks to everyone who gave feedback! It's very important for me and highly appreciated.

Special thanks:

Sigma88 for the ModuleManager-configs and support! (Check out his awesome stuff here if you haven't already).
Cpt. Kipard for the Mod Development Links Compilation and other tutorials.
Everyone else who made modding tutorials.
wasml for the recycler suggestion.
colmo for the Fundament suggestion.
DaniDE for the name-suggestions and the translation of the company Motto - PECUNIA PER KERBULUS.
Joshwoo69 / Joshwoo70 for the Orbital Hangar suggestion.
Dr Farnsworth for support, testing and balancing.
linuxgurugamer for the CKAN support.

Edited by Eleusis La Arwall
Updated to 0.8.2; Added picture; Restructured
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That's wonderful, but... Is there a way to avoid the EPL dependency? EPL is a wonderful mod, but really heavy and with some serious bug...

EPL is the plugin those parts work with I reckon, so no, unless he would rewrite it the dependency will not get removed. As to the "heaviness", you can easily delete everything you do not want from EPL.

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Thank you all for the positive feedback! I'm really glad you like the parts :)

That's wonderful, but... Is there a way to avoid the EPL dependency? EPL is a wonderful mod, but really heavy and with some serious bug...

As Tellion mentioned, the vessel construction depends on EPL and at the moment there is no way to avoid that dependency. I don't know any other plugin that could be used instead and I can't code at all (learned TurboPascal in school a long time ago and that's pretty much all I know about coding :D).

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The only other plugin that could be used to a similar effect would be the hangar mod. In this case your hangar would be virtual (since you can't pack a whole rocket into the interior of that tiny little launch pad) and when unpacked, it would show up on the launch pad provided. You'd have to pre-pack the vessels you want to launch from it though, and the launchpad would gain the mass of the packed parts. EPL is then the best solution.

I wouldn't mind getting the assets available to Kerbal Konstructs though, for use in permanent bases.

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Thanks again for all the feedback! I really appreciate it :)

A suggestion for another ELP part replacement - the recycle bin.

Can't make promises yet but I'm working on it. Got some ideas for that part.

I wouldn't mind getting the assets available to Kerbal Konstructs though, for use in permanent bases.

I will change the license in the future to make it possible. I tend towards CC-BY but I wanna make sure that I'm aware of (all) the consequences. Once applied it can't be reverted.

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Just a little hotfix, no new stuff. Download from Kerbalstuff

2015-08-03 - Hotfix - v0.2

-Fixed MM-config for MetalOreFurnace and MetallicOreFurnace

-Reconverted textures to DDS

2015-07-27 - Initial Release - v0.1

-New part: KD-Furnace

-New part: KD-3D-Printer

-New part: KD-Pad

-New part: KD-TankHex1-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex1-RocketParts

-New part: KD-TankHex2-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex2-RocketParts

Cool parts! Are they balanced to have the same mass and production capability of the default EPL parts?
Very fine work with those models. Congrats. I hope senp--taniwha will notice you. :D

Thanks for the feedback! :)

The parts are not balanced yet. I want to use stock Ore to make it as simple as possible (MetalOre would at least require another drill or a patch for stock-drill and another storage-tank). There is a MM-patch included that replaces Ore with MetalOre for the Furnace but it's even less balanced.

I'm open for any balance suggestions because I have no experince with that. I've tested the parts and the conversion rates seemed 'reasonable' to me (I assume few Metal in Ore, so the rate is pretty slow; 3D-Metal-printing is very slow afaik).

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New part has been added: KD-OrbitalPad (2.5 m diameter)


Download from KerbalStuff

2015-08-10 - Orbital Assembly - v0.3

-New part: KD-OrbitalPad

-KD-Pad fixes:

- Now transparent in Editor when not attached.

- Model and texture refined.

- Center of mass adjusted.

-KD-3D-Printer: Model and texture refined (a little).

-Added support for AVC.

2015-08-03 - Hotfix - v0.2

-Fixed MM-config for MetalOreFurnace and MetallicOreFurnace

-Reconverted textures to DDS

2015-07-27 - Initial Release - v0.1

-New part: KD-Furnace

-New part: KD-3D-Printer

-New part: KD-Pad

-New part: KD-TankHex1-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex1-RocketParts

-New part: KD-TankHex2-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex2-RocketParts

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This is what EPL has been crying out for. What's the minimum required files from EPL? I don't want to go hunting hexcans!

Might I suggest a launch platform for rovers and planes too, something you can roll a craft off?

Many moons ago I suggested a 'use once' foundation; the purpose is to build permanent structures - the part becomes part of the structure it 'launches', is depleted and not used again. All they'd need is something to get them nice and level, and the KAS ground anchor function to attach them to the terrain - can't have buildings sliding around when we bump into them, can we?

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Thanks for the feedback and suggestions :)

This is what EPL has been crying out for. What's the minimum required files from EPL? I don't want to go hunting hexcans!

Absolute minimum is the Plugins folder, Resources folder and the EL_MM.cfg file. The Textures folder should also be kept since it contains the icon for the toolbar and nothing else (EL 5.2.2).

Might I suggest a launch platform for rovers and planes too, something you can roll a craft off?

I'm thinking about a launchplatform for rovers aleady, I'll add it to the Future plans. Have some ideas but nothing concrete yet.

Many moons ago I suggested a 'use once' foundation; the purpose is to build permanent structures - the part becomes part of the structure it 'launches', is depleted and not used again. All they'd need is something to get them nice and level, and the KAS ground anchor function to attach them to the terrain - can't have buildings sliding around when we bump into them, can we?

First of all I'm pretty sure this would exceed my skills, but lets see if I undstand that correctly. You want a part that would be sent out as a probe, land on a body and attaches itself to the ground. Afterwards it would launch/add one vessel to itself?

If that is correct you would have to send all the required RocketParts with that probe or have a second vessel attached, that has the RocketParts aboard. In what situation would that bring a benefit?

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Keridian Dynamics presents Vessel Assembly. This Mod adds new parts to build vessels everywhere!

Nice work. I admit EL's models aren't the hottest around, but they've been rather low on my list of priorities.

That's wonderful, but... Is there a way to avoid the EPL dependency? EPL is a wonderful mod, but really heavy and with some serious bug...

Why re-invent the wheel? EL does its job and does it quite well (regardless of anyone's opinion on the models themselves). What do you mean by "really heavy"? And if EL has some serious bugs, why have you not reported them?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Delete old versions before updating to 0.4!

New experimental parts have been added: KD-RoverPad & KD-RoverPad2


Click on the image to view the imgur-album. Infernal Robotics was used for the screenshots and it's very useful to deploy rovers and planes savely to the groundlevel :)

Both parts are mostly identical, they just have different spawn positions for new vessels. KD-RoverPad has the spawn position 4 meters to the side and KD-RoverPad2 has the spawn position 10 meters to the side for bigger vessels. The spawn position is indicated by the orange spawn markers, that can be toggled off and on. The rightclick-menu for these parts is sadly located at the spawn markers.

As mentioned these two parts are experimental and I'd like to get some feedback on the concept:

- (No) Collider below spawn position?

- Collider-part at the side, above or in front?

- Distance of the spawn position from the collider-part.

The last update didn't change any center of mass at all. Now they are correct and Kerbals can finally walk on the KD-Pad.

Last but not least the license-update:


Vessel Assembly by EleusisLaArwall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at EleusisLA@gmail.com.

Download from KerbalStuff

2015-08-23 - License update - v0.4

-License changed to CC-BY-SA 4.0 International

-New experimental parts: KD-RoverPad & KD-RoverPad2

-KD-Furnace: CoM -0.1 down

-KD-Pad: CoM -0.87 down

-KD-OrbitalPad: CoM -0.47 down

-Moved MM-patches for EL into one config. (Delete old versions before updating!)

2015-08-10 - Orbital Assembly - v0.3

-New part: KD-OrbitalPad

-KD-Pad fixes:

- Now transparent in Editor when not attached.

- Model and texture refined.

- Center of mass adjusted.

-KD-3D-Printer: Model and texture refined (a little).

-Added support for AVC.

2015-08-03 - Hotfix - v0.2

-Fixed MM-config for MetalOreFurnace and MetallicOreFurnace

-Reconverted textures to DDS

2015-07-27 - Initial Release - v0.1

-New part: KD-Furnace

-New part: KD-3D-Printer

-New part: KD-Pad

-New part: KD-TankHex1-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex1-RocketParts

-New part: KD-TankHex2-Metal

-New part: KD-TankHex2-RocketParts

I haven't forgotten the recycler but had some problmes with it. Couldn't figure out how to make it actually work as recycler and I'd highly appreciate some help with that :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late reply - missed the 0.4 update. I've been playing with the rover pads and the only thing I see is the icons in the VAB parts list are very small. The ten meter one is just a dot. I'm not sure what causes this but I've seen it in other mods too - may be a stock bug? Other than that had some fun spawning things way above the ground and inside other objects (in addition to normal spawns) and every thing worked as expected.

A suggestion. Have the spawn point a tweakable. (I'm thinking this probably requires a plugin but thought I'd throw it out there).

I had looked at the recycler at one point and was unable to figure it out. I had imported the mu file into blender and noticed it had what looked like a collision box to trigger the recycle - I got the idea somewhere that the collision box had a special layer (could easily be wrong) but still couldn't get it to work and I can't remember where I got that idea.

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