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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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22 minutes ago, ComatoseJedi said:

CKAN: You don't suppose that you having your mod on Curse has anything to do with this, @Shadowmage? Perhaps -someone- submitted this mod to the CKAN repository? I don't use CKAN so I don't know how it exactly works to get the mods. 

....Well... it's actually not on CKAN, I've been downloading everything through it and got really confused as to why I couldn't find the textures for it on CKAN... I'm guessing I actually didn't :blush:

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15 minutes ago, ComatoseJedi said:

CKAN: You don't suppose that you having your mod on Curse has anything to do with this, @Shadowmage? Perhaps -someone- submitted this mod to the CKAN repository? I don't use CKAN so I don't know how it exactly works to get the mods. 

Could be.  I was under the impression that only mods on KerbalStuff / SpaceDock / whatever it is called now were auto-indexed, but I could be wrong.

In the end there is little that I can actually do about it; as long as they are following the license requirements, I have no legal standing to stop them from redistributing it (as far as I know; not a lawyer).

I don't have a problem with the principal of CKAN; my problem comes from the... problems... it creates, and its propagation of the 'its okay if you don't know what you are doing...here let us do it for you' mentality.  Perhaps if you can't install a mod yourself you shouldn't be using mods at all?  I know, others will argue that it is more convenient/timely for them to use it; which is valid point, however there is no way to separate the 'added convenience' factor from the 'CKAN causes problems' factor.  So.. I'll just say that I will -not- be supporting any problems with CKAN installs, and leave it at that.

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@Shadowmage Two more requests I just thought of.

Saturn Nova Eight engine mounts, both the cross and circular version.
Cross: https://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/HIGH/9902050.jpg
Circled: http://martins-models.co.uk/Sales/144/C-8/saturn%20c-8%20c.jpg

And The eight circle J-2 and J-2X mounts seen in the circled pic above.

Please. ^^

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27 minutes ago, GoldForest said:

@Shadowmage Two more requests I just thought of.

Saturn Nova Eight engine mounts, both the cross and circular version.
Cross: https://mix.msfc.nasa.gov/IMAGES/HIGH/9902050.jpg
Circled: http://martins-models.co.uk/Sales/144/C-8/saturn%20c-8%20c.jpg

And The eight circle J-2 and J-2X mounts seen in the circled pic above.

Please. ^^

you can get the eight radial from here:

just make a new .cfg file with the data above and either make a new .cfg or add this at the bottom:

			name = EightRadial
			defaultMount = Mount-Nova
				name = Mount-None	
				canAdjustSize = false
				name = Mount-Nova
				rotateEngines = 180
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
				name = Mount-Generic
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
			name = EightCross
			defaultMount = Mount-Nova
				name = Mount-None	
				canAdjustSize = false
				name = Mount-Nova
				rotateEngines = 180
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
				name = Mount-Generic
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
			name = EightRadial
			defaultMount = Mount-Nova
				name = Mount-None	
				canAdjustSize = false
				name = Mount-Nova
				rotateEngines = 180
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
				name = Mount-Generic
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
			name = EightCross
			defaultMount = Mount-Nova
				name = Mount-None	
				canAdjustSize = false
				name = Mount-Nova
				rotateEngines = 180
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10
				name = Mount-Generic
				size = 7.5
				minSize = 6.25
				maxSize = 10

Just a heads up that I quickly ported that over from RO, so the mount size can be off...

I'll check my gamedata for the cross one, I think I still have that... I'm pretty sure I posted the cross layout in the thread a long time ago....

EDIT: you need only the EightRadial layout, the others doesn't matter... unless you want 14x and 18x engine layouts...

EDIT 2: add this to your engine layout cfg file:

	name = EightCross
		x = 0.5
		z = 0
		rotation = 0
		x = 0
		z = -0.5
		rotation = 90
		x = -0.5
		z = 0
		rotation = 180
		x = 0
		z = 0.5
		rotation = 270
		x = 1.5
		z = 0
		rotation = 0
		x = 0
		z = -1.5
		rotation = 90
		x = -1.5
		z = 0
		rotation = 180
		x = 0
		z = 1.5
		rotation = 270

since I couldn't find the one I made before I made this right now, so I didn't test it, but it should work...

I'll also update the patch above to include them, but the scale will be off as I know that this one takes more diameter space

Edited by JoseEduardo
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been having a weird issue with the soyuz craft. I build it from the 3 parts (orbital, reentry, propulsion) and it works well. However if i reload the game when the craft is in flight, I see it all for a split second and then I only see the reentry module (which is the root part). I changed the root to the orbital module, and then I only see that one when I reload. 

I use RO and RSS. Is this a common thing with an obvious solution? Full list of mods i got:

KSP: 1.0.5 (Win32) - Unity: 4.6.4f1 - OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (6.1.7601) 64bit
Filter Extensions -
Advanced Jet Engine - 2.6.1
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.4.9
Connected Living Space -
Contract Configurator - 1.9.10
CustomBarnKit - 1.1.4
Deadly Reentry - 7.3.1
DMagic Orbital Science - 1.2
Ferram Aerospace Research -
Firespitter - 7.1.5
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.4
KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.1.2
Procedural Parts - 1.1.11
RCS Build Aid - 0.7.7
RealChute -
RealismOverhaul - 10.9.6
RealSolarSystem - 10.6.2
RemoteTech - 1.6.9
Saturatable RW -
SCANsat -
ShipManifest - 5.0.1
SolverEngines - 1.15
TextureReplacer - 2.4.12
TAC Life Support -
TweakScale - 2.2.6
VenStockRevamp - 1.9
[x] Science! - 4.14


not sure why SSTU doesnt appear in my list of mods. I use the SSTU-0.3.30-pre-1 version. 

Edited by ragusila
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3 hours ago, tmccreight651 said:

can someone give me a link to where i can find the .craft files for this

They do not exist; no craft files will be provided until the mod is in a stable state (after the 1.1 update is finished)


2 hours ago, ragusila said:

been having a weird issue with the soyuz craft. I build it from the 3 parts (orbital, reentry, propulsion) and it works well. However if i reload the game when the craft is in flight, I see it all for a split second and then I only see the reentry module (which is the root part). I changed the root to the orbital module, and then I only see that one when I reload. 

I use RO and RSS. Is this a common thing with an obvious solution? Full list of mods i got:


not sure why SSTU doesnt appear in my list of mods. I use the SSTU-0.3.30-pre-1 version. 

Please ask for RO support in the RO thread.

Now, if you can duplicate the issue with just SSTU on an otherwise stock install... by all means post it here / open an issue ticket.

Edited by Shadowmage
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On 3/24/2016 at 11:30 PM, GoldForest said:

That's not it. This is what I'm talking about.
@Shadowmage I didn't say the SLS or Saturn V mounts had anything wrong with them, I just said they didn't fit the feel of ARES mount.

I'm curious ... what are the main engines depicted there?  They don't look like RS-68s or RS-25s.

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18 minutes ago, blowfish said:

I'm curious ... what are the main engines depicted there?  They don't look like RS-68s or RS-25s.

IIRC they are RS-68, even though they don't look like it

from what I remember Ares V only had two options for the core stage, RS-25 or man-rated RS-68

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Updated testing release is available:


Tons of fixes and enhancements, got rid of a few major memory leaks, a few new adapter parts, adds a large selection of swap textures for various parts (tanks, nosecones, adapters, shuttle; most by JoseEduardo), and much more.  See the link for full change-log and downloads.


1. This update removes the old engine cluster part configs; they have been disabled in the editor for several weeks now, but if you still have any craft using the old parts they -will- break.

2. You need to delete your previous texture-sets folder before installing the new one; if you merge the folders there will likely be errors.


Buran shuttle texture variant by JoseEduardo (in texture-sets folder)



Shorter Soyuz nose adapters, better suited for stock-sized craft.  MFT-D Tank texture variants by JoseEduardo (in texture sets folder)




Apparently there are some issues/bugs with the texture swapping stuff that I am looking into.  Will likely have an updated release in a few hours.


Further Edit:

Fixed and updated;  please redownload from the link above if you have already downloaded the release and are using the texture packs/texture switching.


Edited by Shadowmage
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Yes, awesome work Jose. So far, the shuttle is looking and performing fantastic. The new shuttle airlock/docking ports work like a charm. Nothing to report as far as I can tell. The extendable one, extends and docks just fine, too. Even docked with Mechjeb and it worked very well. Never really played around with the Soyuz parts until today. Awesome work on that, too. And there is a noticeable performance increase as well. Everything appears to be in working order. Good job 'Mage! This mod is definitely shaping up to be one of those mods you -can't- do without. 

I do have one thing to ask though. I was thumbing through the specs on the Saturn I and Saturn I B and noticed that these used the H-1 in a 8 cluster engine spec. Is having 8 H-1's too overpowered for stock, in your opinion? I'm only asking if this has been brought up by the RO/RSS community when recreating these rockets to add that extra engine. 

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There appears to be a problem with the top fairings on the MUS-CT and -SB. They've lost a dimension and no longer cover the curve at the top of the tank and if you increase the top size of the fairing, you get a flat ring, perpendicular to the top of the tank.

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4 hours ago, Sudragon said:

There appears to be a problem with the top fairings on the MUS-CT and -SB. They've lost a dimension and no longer cover the curve at the top of the tank and if you increase the top size of the fairing, you get a flat ring, perpendicular to the top of the tank.

Noted and fixed;  will be available with the next update (likely later today).

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6 hours ago, benjamin_arahal said:

Why stop KSP loading at GameData / SSTU / Parts / ShipCore / deprecated / SC-ENG-AI10-137 / SSTU_ShipCore_ENG-AI10 -...?

Try removing and re-installing SSTU.  If that doesn't work, post your logs for us to inspect - instructions on how to do that are in the first link in my signature.

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Fair warning / heads up --

I'm changing how the engine clusters define their layout and mount options to be more of a global / procedural / calculated setup.  This removes 90% of the work of setting up a new engine, or adding a new mount type (previously was hours of work to get all the spacing/etc setup), and allows for all engines to have all layouts and all appropriate mounts with auto-calculated min/start sizing.  Overrides exist on a per-part basis for modifying and specializing the default/calculated values, removing layouts and/or mounts, and everything else that was previously possible.

Now, if I've done everything properly, this should not break anything.... but please be aware that the possibility exists (esp. where for some reason an engine is now missing a mount or layout that it had previously).  If something does break, it is likely an error in the configs/setups that should be corrected -- so please let me know if you encounter any broken vessels, and let me know what part/layout/mount it was that was broken.  I'll be loading up some of my old craft for testing, but that certainly will not handle every possible combination.

Hoping to get it finished and available for testing later today/this evening.  So far I've got the global setting stuff working, customization working, and mostly just need to setup the auto-sizing code (auto calc starting, min, and max size per mount per layout per engine).


This all came about because I was going to add a few new generic mount types (re-used textures, altered geometry), but was going to take many hours to add the mounts to all the engines for each layout.  The problem would only get worse as more engines, mounts, and layouts are added.

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