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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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Quick question, I recall reading in this forum that installing SSTU Labs removes all stock engines (and other stuff??) and that there was a way to prevent it from doing that if you still wanted stock items? Is this accurate or am I imagining things?? I'm in the process of updating KSP and I'm trying to keep track of some 80+ mods so... it gets to be a bit of a pain sometimes to try and read through everything on every mod... 


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  On 5/27/2017 at 4:38 AM, Calvin_Maclure said:

Quick question, I recall reading in this forum that installing SSTU Labs removes all stock engines (and other stuff??) and that there was a way to prevent it from doing that if you still wanted stock items? Is this accurate or am I imagining things?? I'm in the process of updating KSP and I'm trying to keep track of some 80+ mods so... it gets to be a bit of a pain sometimes to try and read through everything on every mod... 



Inside GameData, there is a directory called "SSTU-OptionalPatches". Inside that, there is one called "Stock", you can either delete the Stock directory, or the  PartRemoval-Stock.cfg file inside it.

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  On 5/27/2017 at 5:04 AM, Warsoul said:


There is a way to change X,Y,Z of the defaults spaces from Squad ?


In your part.cfg file, you need to add an 'offset' parameter to the INTERNAL node.  This is a Vector3 that specifies the x,y,z positions offset.

Example from the SC-E parts:

	name = SC-E-FS-IVA
	offset = 0, 1, -13


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  On 5/27/2017 at 2:16 PM, Shadowmage said:

In your part.cfg file, you need to add an 'offset' parameter to the INTERNAL node.  This is a Vector3 that specifies the x,y,z positions offset.

Example from the SC-E parts:

	name = SC-E-FS-IVA
	offset = 0, 1, -13



I love you so much right now ! Just wasted 4 hours trying to find that solution !

Modding documents are obsolete ! If you can update somes it will be really appreciated.

What that part mean ?

CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0
CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.2, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, 0.4, 0.0

Edited by Warsoul
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  On 5/27/2017 at 2:25 PM, Warsoul said:

What that part mean ?

CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.8, 0.0
CoPOffset = 0.0, 1.2, 0.0
CoLOffset = 0.0, 0.4, 0.0


@Warsoul I will answer these but it's not particularly polite to use someones else's thread to trouble shoot problems on entirely unrelated parts. please place these sorts of questions where they belong in Addon Discussions. 

CoMOffset is the offset applied to the center of Mass for the part

CoPOffset is the offset applied to the center of Pressure for the part

CoLOffset is the offset applied to the center of Lift for the part.

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Just got back into town yesterday from a business trip.  Noticed that 1.3 has been officially released.

Will be spending a bit of time today updating the existing dev branch for 1.3, and hopefully will be publishing a public 1.3-pre-release, mostly depending on if ModuleManager is available yet. Initially there will be no localization support, and probably won't be any for quite awhile (will need some minor back-end code changes, but the biggest bit missing/needed would be the actual localization files that I'm unable to create myself).

So there may be a 1.3 version available a bit later this afternoon, if all goes well.  Will update a bit later today with more info / links to releases as they become available.

WARNING -- These upcoming releases will not be fully compatible with craft/vessels/save-games from previous versions.  Depending on the craft configuration it may or may not load at all, and even when they do load it will certainly be missing textureset and coloring data.  If you are trying to bring over your 1.2.2 save, the only safe way to do it would be to remove any existing craft using SSTU parts, update, and then re-create your craft with the new updated parts and hyper-edit them back to where they need to be.

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Initial 1.3 testing release is available:


This should be treated as a pre-release / testing version / alpha.  Not much internal testing has been done, and there might still be more craft-breaking changes coming down if they are needed in order to fix any of the other problems (no breaking changes planned/anticipated, but always the potential for things to come up).  As with every major KSP update, the safest course would be to start new career games.

Please read the change-log carefully for the known issues, major changes, and list of potentially craft-breaking parts in this update.  Downloads and change-log available at the link above.


Will be keeping an eye out on the github issues page.  If you discover any bugs/issues/etc not already in the known issues section or on the issue tracker, please report them there.  Aiming to have another minor update tomorrow/Monday with whatever fixes and cleanup that I can get done.


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  On 5/28/2017 at 3:22 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Ok, st00pid n00bie question here: How do I prevent/minimize cryo fuel burnoff? Or is it even possible? I tried sticking radiators on a tank, still getting H2/02 drain rates of .05/.03. Radiators didn't seem to affect it at all.


Configure containers in the right click, and you can select zero boil off tanks.

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Some SC-E part expansion ideas... Note that the early concepts for Shuttle C were basically shuttle minus wings and crew compartment---which is literally snipping those parts off the extant SSTU Shuttle, so presumably not too much work. The HLV concept in the bottom image uses a simplified payload carrier, but is obviously a completely new part to have to make, so less desirable (actually, it's slicing the OMS stuff off the back). The ATV carrier is basically something that any of us could build in SSTU already using the Near Future trusses.

https://www.nasa.gov/pdf/361842main_15 - Augustine Sidemount Final.pdf 






Edited by tater
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Finally updated to 1.3, this time it felt good as the +40 customized mods was starting to be a real burden on my system. It felt particularly good as the only mods I absolutely need are SSTU, mechjeb, AtmosphereAutopilot, kopernicus and sigma dimention. Eventualy I will install USI LS or kerbalism back and Nertea NFT and FFT, his new radiation stuff should be really fun.

@tater Extracting the engine mount of out of the SC-E and adding a rounded cargo bay plus nosecone would do the trick I think. I would take that SSTU cargo bay. Given the new procedural texture stuff we got on the last update, we could have the bottom painted black and with that stuff we could start to create rudimentary horizontal lander. Something @Shadowmage could use as inspiration to create new part from.

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I tried to make a shuttle C last night... it ended badly. Honestly the first time I have had the "kerbal" experience of blowing stuff up in longer than I can remember. Thrust balancing is... non-trivial. 

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I've given SSTU a whirl on the 1.3 release and it seems to be generally working well. I built an SLS Block 1 and noticed a few little things.

The main trouble I noticed was that the SC-C Service module side panel would not release in flight, though they could be toggled in the VAB.

The only other thing was that several tanks and the SRB were using a texture with thick vertical black stripes as a default when I assume they should be plain white. This was my first time using the new coloring setup so I may have overlooked some setting.

Thanks for your work @Shadowmage!

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  On 5/29/2017 at 5:44 PM, Nightside said:

I've given SSTU a whirl on the 1.3 release and it seems to be generally working well. I built an SLS Block 1 and noticed a few little things.

The main trouble I noticed was that the SC-C Service module side panel would not release in flight, though they could be toggled in the VAB.

The only other thing was that several tanks and the SRB were using a texture with thick vertical black stripes as a default when I assume they should be plain white. This was my first time using the new coloring setup so I may have overlooked some setting.

Thanks for your work @Shadowmage!


Glad you are enjoying it :)

Yeah, still a few issues to sort out.  I've added some notes to take a look at the SC-C fairings, should be able to get those cleaned up.  Texture sets for SRBs as well, thought I had a note to set them to white/white/white, but apparently missed that when putting the release together.


  On 5/29/2017 at 6:21 PM, GeorgeD said:

Lights are a bit too powerful :)
Other than that, I had a lot of fun building a space station using these parts. Great mod, looking forward to improvements!



Thanks :)

Lights -- bit of a known issue with KSP and its use of scaled spaces.  I -think- I might have a solution available, but it will require a bit of research and possibly re-exporting quite a few parts.


  On 5/29/2017 at 2:54 PM, RedParadize said:

Finally updated to 1.3, this time it felt good as the +40 customized mods was starting to be a real burden on my system. It felt particularly good as the only mods I absolutely need are SSTU, mechjeb, AtmosphereAutopilot, kopernicus and sigma dimention. Eventualy I will install USI LS or kerbalism back and Nertea NFT and FFT, his new radiation stuff should be really fun.

@tater Extracting the engine mount of out of the SC-E and adding a rounded cargo bay plus nosecone would do the trick I think. I would take that SSTU cargo bay. Given the new procedural texture stuff we got on the last update, we could have the bottom painted black and with that stuff we could start to create rudimentary horizontal lander. Something @Shadowmage could use as inspiration to create new part from.


SC-E additions -- possibly in the future.  Would mostly depend on how hard it would be to split those meshes off / what extra texturing would be required.  As it stands right now, it would be impossible; the entire shuttle fuselage is one giant manifold mesh, with no extra space on the textrues available for texturing any replacement meshes (which would be needed where the thing gets cut at where the bay meets the engine block).



Have added the reported issues to the issue tracker and TODO lists, please let me know of anything else you guys run across.  Will hopefully have an updated release sometime this week / weekend.

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  On 5/30/2017 at 6:33 PM, Shadowmage said:

SC-E additions -- possibly in the future.  Would mostly depend on how hard it would be to split those meshes off / what extra texturing would be required.  As it stands right now, it would be impossible; the entire shuttle fuselage is one giant manifold mesh, with no extra space on the textrues available for texturing any replacement meshes (which would be needed where the thing gets cut at where the bay meets the engine block).


At that point, creating a new mesh would be better. Anyway, it would be better if it doesn't have a flat bottom. No pressure but I will holding my breath until we have a cargo bay! Your stuff is just too good!

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