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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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Thanks for answers!

BTW, ATM, When startup mod loading starts, the ModuleManager spams the update message for SSTU, asking for download of the version. Altho the latest release on GitHub is named "", the file linked below it is still ""

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I am having a very hard time trimming down my mods. Maybe some of you can help me.
I wont put in required plugins, utility mods like MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer and flags and such but here is my mod list. Just Part mods. Total I have 104 mods including plugins and utility mods.

Here are the mods I need help trimming. Things that SSTU already does. I want a career play through that is more SSTU focused.

Airline Kuisine
B9 Aerospace - I guess I need this if I ever want to make a real space plane
Configurable Containers
Cryogenic Engines - Never really used them but I like the idea
DMagic Science
Feline Rover
Ground Construction
All USI Stuff
Kerbal Atomics
Atomic Age - Been looking around to see how well this works with Kerbal Atomics but I know thats not here.
Kerbal Foundries
KW Rocketry - This one I am considering removing but I do so love their models
Lithobrake Technologies - Havent really explored this mod yet. New addition
Malemute Rover
Mk2 Expansion
Mk3 Expansion
Modular Rocket System
All Near Future Tech
Phoenix Industries
SpaceY Heavy Lifters
Stock Alike Mining Expansion
SXT Continued - Beautiful parts but...I never really find a use for them
Universal Storage
Vens Stock Part Revamp - Technically not a part mod but still heavy resources


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First of all i wanted to say that this is propably the best mod out there and it absolutely revolutionized my kerbal life (especially with the completely custom coloring)

There are a few things i wanted to ask about tho.

First of all is there any working plugin (or is it planned) to add clustering for stock engines ? the only thing ive found seems to be quite massively outdated.

Second i wanted to make a little patch that allows container to store snacks from snacks since that is the ls mod ive been using so if one does exist yet please tell me

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@TheKnave, SSTU has everything you need to launch rockets so you could easily do without most of your rocket parts mods: KW, Vens, SpaceY, Cryo Engines, MRS. I use SXT myself but I delete the Saturn rocket parts and a few others (I mostly want the airplane stuff). I get a bit fussy about having too many redundant parts in the VAB so I tend to prune big mods down to just get the parts I want. 

Edited by Nightside
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4 hours ago, obijan999 said:

First of all i wanted to say that this is propably the best mod out there and it absolutely revolutionized my kerbal life (especially with the completely custom coloring)

There are a few things i wanted to ask about tho.

First of all is there any working plugin (or is it planned) to add clustering for stock engines ? the only thing ive found seems to be quite massively outdated.

Second i wanted to make a little patch that allows container to store snacks from snacks since that is the ls mod ive been using so if one does exist yet please tell me

Thanks :)

Stock engine clustering -- nope.  Doesn't make sense (or work well) with the massive tank-butts on the engines.

Snacks patch -- yes, easily doable.  Take a look at this patch for ideas/hints/how-to (it adds USI resources as an available option to the fuel tanks; can be adapted to add life-support/snacks/whatever):  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/GameData/SSTU-OptionalPatches/USI-MFT-AddResources.cfg


1 hour ago, TheKnave said:

One thing I am really sad about is SSTU is not compatible with Smart Stage or at least it appears to be

Should have any problems, as long as that mod is respecting the stock staging setup.  At least, it shouldn't have any problems that MJ doesn't have  (some parts in specific uses will mess with MJ's dv calc, would likely do the same to SS).

What part(s) are you experiencing problems with?

Disclaimer:  Have never used SmartStage, don't really know what it is for, or why one would need it.


1 hour ago, TheKnave said:

Yea I might to that. Just prune existing mods down. SpaceY Heavy Lifters only has one part that I absolutely love. Its a decoupler with built in seperatrons. 

SSTU has a decoupler w/integrated separation motors as well, the ISDC.  As a bonus it is resizable/scaleable, with thrust adjustment on the engines.  Might not be as pretty as the SpaceY one, but certainly functional.

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56 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Thanks :)

Stock engine clustering -- nope.  Doesn't make sense (or work well) with the massive tank-butts on the engines.

I could try making one for ven stock revamp since it gets rid of the thicc butts of the engines.

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12 hours ago, Shinka said:

Thanks for answers!

BTW, ATM, When startup mod loading starts, the ModuleManager spams the update message for SSTU, asking for download of the version. Altho the latest release on GitHub is named "", the file linked below it is still ""

Hmm...  sounds like I made a typo in my version files / release naming somewhere.  As long as the build # matches up (the last set of numbers), it should be the same version.  Hopefully that will be fixed up for the next release :)


21 minutes ago, obijan999 said:

I could try making one for ven stock revamp since it gets rid of the thicc butts of the engines.

That would make more sense than trying to use the existing stock engines.

Sadly due to limitations in module manager (and inconsistencies in stock part configs/model scales/scaling), it is not easy to rework the stock engines (or other mods engines) into clusterable variants.  Might be easier with Venn's, as he redoes quite a few of the stock models entirely, but the limitations in MM still make it more difficult than it should be.

Probably a good example / place to start is the one stock engine that I've converted to the clustering system, the NRV engine:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/GameData/SSTU/Parts/ShipCore/engines/SC-ENG-NRV.cfg

Essentially I had to create an entirely new part config in order to redefine the order that the modules are specified in the config file (and thus the order they are loaded in) -- specifically, the SSTUEngineCluster module must be in the part config BEFORE the ModuleEnginesXXX module (the engine cluster code needs to run prior to ModuleEngines init code to make sure the model is setup properly).

Let me know if you need more pointers/etc on how to get things set up.  And once you do have things working for stock engines (or other mods' engines), feel free to submit a PR with the patches if you feel so inclined, I have no problem hosting/distributing some configs for better mod integration.

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2 hours ago, Shadowmage said:

SSTU has a decoupler w/integrated separation motors as well, the ISDC.  As a bonus it is resizable/scaleable, with thrust adjustment on the engines.  Might not be as pretty as the SpaceY one, but certainly functional.

This is my favorite part in SSTU :wink:   You can make a ullage and a retro version with it and also make an integrated fairing like on the Saturn/SLS.

Configurable Containers is not needed with SSTU, as SSTU has it's own tank configuration to add anything you want (even NF Propulsion fuels with the next release :wink: ).  I even dropped Procedural Parts now, and am hoping Mage will someday make some Procedural fairings of his own (softening him up a little first).

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Jesus, is there anything SSTU doesn't have?! lol. I have only gotten up to teir 3 or 4 parts in Career mode so I havent had a chance to see everything yet.

As for the Smart Stage issue. When I use SSTU parts it puts them all in the same staging sequence. Smart Stage is great because it will auto place things like parachutes/decouplers/seperatrons/and even asparagus's in the correct order. Sure you could arrange it manually but Smart Stage by passes that. Its not 100% perfect but it saves a ton of time. Its like Smart Stage just doesnt recognize the parts. Which is weird because I have used ALOT of mods and SSTU is the only one it has issues with.

Edited by TheKnave
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52 minutes ago, TheKnave said:

Jesus, is there anything SSTU doesn't have?! lol. I have only gotten up to teir 3 or 4 parts in Career mode so I havent had a chance to see everything yet.

As for the Smart Stage issue. When I use SSTU parts it puts them all in the same staging sequence. Smart Stage is great because it will auto place things like parachutes/decouplers/seperatrons/and even asparagus's in the correct order. Sure you could arrange it manually but Smart Stage by passes that. Its not 100% perfect but it saves a ton of time. Its like Smart Stage just doesnt recognize the parts. Which is weird because I have used ALOT of mods and SSTU is the only one it has issues with.

Interesting;  I took a look over the SmartStage code, and there is a very refreshing lack of special casing/hard coding.  So its not a lack of configs or lack of support at a plugin level, but would have to be something specific with the parts.


What specific parts does SS have a problem with?

I need to know specific parts, because nearly every part in SSTU is setup differently (and with special consideration to the features of the part).  Some might have plugin/module level conflicts, others may simply be some errors in the configs.

From a quick guess, I would think that the petal adapter, ISDC, RBDC, and the recolorable/resizable stock fairings might have problems (these parts all have problems with MJ dv code to some extent, depending on use; mostly due to multiple decouplers).  Possibly some of the command pods as well due to their integrated decouplers.  Engines should be fine for the most part, except perhaps the RL-10s with nozzle extensions (though... from the SS code, those should work as well).




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39 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Just a few things, but they are in the planning :wink:


Absolutely beautiful images there :)

Edit:  Those back-lit solar panels make me smile every time I see them.  Such a neat effect, and very close to what the real panels look like when back-lit by the sun:




@Jimbodiah -- you mind if I borrow those images to put up on the front-page?  Looks to be very good promo material to me :)


Here are a few more, probably less interesting, images....

Nearly finished LMAE textures (only going to get a bit more noise added to the whole thing, perhaps some edge damage on the sharper edges, and some sort of detail on the very plain/bland looking combustion chamber):


First/early revision on LMDE textures:



Quite a bit of... subtle... detail in those textures that really doesn't show up until you zoom in / under specific lighting conditions.

These textures are actually coming along very nicely, and I might well have them wrapped up for the weekend.  Now we'll see if I have time to do the model exports, part configs, and package up a release over the weekend as well.

Edited by Shadowmage
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Quick question. So I use USI Life Support. I really like it.
I have just now realized how "Habitation" works in the mod. Basically its not just supplies for them to eat and drink but also the "Room" they have to stretch. Basically you could have 2 years of supplies but if you dont have a big enough area the living space can be so cramped they could only have 10 days of "Habitation". They basically go "Crazy" in 10 days and stop accepting orders.

My point is.... Is there any modification I can make to currently exsisting SSTU habs to give them "Habitation" Bonuses? Like a patch? I can use all the SSTU station habs. Have huge space for them to live in but USI doesnt recognize the habs and the overall "Habitation" is still like 10 days.

I could go poke around USI habs. Find out where the "Habitation" stat is and copy, adjust it over but I feel like im gonna break the mod if I do that lol. Any suggestions? Or should I just switch back to TAC Life Support?

Edit: NEVERMIND Im once again an idiot. Didnt configure the procedural hab right.
Edit Edit: Going to try to get help or make one my self. Maybe a patch for USI Life Support and SSTU

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4 hours ago, TheKnave said:

Quick question. So I use USI Life Support. I really like it.
I have just now realized how "Habitation" works in the mod. Basically its not just supplies for them to eat and drink but also the "Room" they have to stretch. Basically you could have 2 years of supplies but if you dont have a big enough area the living space can be so cramped they could only have 10 days of "Habitation". They basically go "Crazy" in 10 days and stop accepting orders.

My point is.... Is there any modification I can make to currently exsisting SSTU habs to give them "Habitation" Bonuses? Like a patch? I can use all the SSTU station habs. Have huge space for them to live in but USI doesnt recognize the habs and the overall "Habitation" is still like 10 days.

I could go poke around USI habs. Find out where the "Habitation" stat is and copy, adjust it over but I feel like im gonna break the mod if I do that lol. Any suggestions? Or should I just switch back to TAC Life Support?

Edit: NEVERMIND Im once again an idiot. Didnt configure the procedural hab right.
Edit Edit: Going to try to get help or make one my self. Maybe a patch for USI Life Support and SSTU

Unless RD has changed his modules/etc around, those patches already exist (last tested in 1.2.2):


Should add habitation base time and multipliers to most SSTU crewed parts.  And life-support supplies as well (including keeping the same relative part mass/dV balance).


Is there anyone else currently using USI-LS that can verify if the modules/etc have changed recently, or if the patches are working/not working in general?


11 hours ago, Nightside said:

@Shadowmage, the new engine textures look great! 

I am trying to add in my own custom SSTU fuel type. 

Do I have to add it directly to the Data\fueltypes.cfg or can I have the file in another folder (or add it with MM)? 

You should be able to use a patch.  See this for an example:  https://github.com/shadowmage45/SSTULabs/blob/master/GameData/SSTU-OptionalPatches/USI-MFT-AddResources.cfg

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Is this mod balanced for the stock kerbol system?  There are engines that take Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, and you have said that the lander cores are for stock, but the hypergolic fuels/engines seem to give much more deltav than stock LFO ships of the same size.  MrMeeb also used larger scaled planets in his trailer.  And even if it was meant for RSS, would it be too overpowered in stock?

Edited by checkyostagin
forgot a thing, making question clearer
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6 hours ago, checkyostagin said:

Is this mod balanced for the stock kerbol system?  There are engines that take Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer, and you have said that the lander cores are for stock, but the hypergolic fuels/engines seem to give much more deltav than stock LFO ships of the same size.  MrMeeb also used larger scaled planets in his trailer.  And even if it was meant for RSS, would it be too overpowered in stock?

I am no expert on this mod pack but I agree slightly. The engines are pretty powerful. Especially those modular solid boosters. Those things are nuts. They are expensive though. 

Edited by TheKnave
more info
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