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[WIP][1.8.x] SSTULabs - Low Part Count Solutions (Orbiters, Landers, Lifters) - Dev Thread [11-18-18]


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I can see the usages of the radial decoupler (I.E. STS Main Tank Jettison). But, I can also see a part bloat just to get  a rocket off the ground. If you can implement an all in one booster/decoupler, that would be something unique. I wouldn't know how to implement that as far as coding/modelling is concerned. I would think it would be pretty complicated to shove all that into one package? While the current system works fairly well with the radial dc and booster set up. Maybe that's why I haven't seen something like this already? If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, lol. 

FAR - When I see someone complaining about how this mod doesn't work with yours, do they realize that this is a development thread? And to -force- you to try to implement something you wouldn't do otherwise, just makes my eyes roll in the back of my head and I obtain the giant facepalm pose. Like you keep telling these people: If they want to apply FAR, make a pull request and go for it. If they want to do all the work to develop this for that mod, they can go for it. I wouldn't capitulate an inch to make this work with FAR if that's not where you want to go. No one is twisting their arm to use this mod and you are certainly not going to allow someone to twist your arm to add something you could do without. 

I probably will get a lot of flack out there from the FAR users, but that's the way you want to play your game, so be it. There are a ton of mods out there that use FAR that I won't go near and wouldn't even approach the developers of those mods to "change" it back to stock so I can play, too. You can't get everything you want in KSP. If you want to make something like this, you get blender, unity and an image editor and go to town and make it FAR compatible to your hearts content.


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1.) Length does not to be adjustable in really small steps like what you have in mind: the current LF tanks have a good selection in length adjustment. I just meant to maybe use smaller segment steps than the Shuttle SRBs segments (3 - 5.5 segments) which are quite big steps if you use these on smaller scaled boosters. There really is no need for 0.25m increments like with the Procedural parts booster. I did not mean to imply that, just something in the middle to allow smaller boosters down to 0.625m with some sort balanced length adjustments. I take it the problem with textures lies in the segment markings like on the current boosters, what I meant with the second part would be to have one with a smooth texture like:




2.) Cool, I thought they needed to still be used in combination with the radial decouplers. If the decoupler is intergrated, than yezzz, all for #1 !!!!

3.) Integrating the decouplers/ejectors into LRB would be awesome for asparagus-staging, this would mean you could basically run them without needing to do manual staging, wouldn't it?

4.) Such is life :)

5.) I like the Atlas V SRB noses, and ofcourse the more conventional ones like on the Ariane V (basically the current one but not so pointy). I can get some clear pics if you need.





PS: Have you ever thought about a Modular Launch Tower? :)

Edited by Jimbodiah
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6 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

1.) Length does not to be adjustable in really small steps like what you have in mind: the current LF tanks have a good selection in length adjustment. I just meant to maybe use smaller segment steps than the Shuttle SRBs segments (3 - 5.5 segments) which are quite big steps if you use these on smaller scaled boosters. There really is no need for 0.25m increments like with the Procedural parts booster. I did not mean to imply that, just something in the middle to allow smaller boosters down to 0.625m with some sort balanced length adjustments. I take it the problem with textures lies in the segment markings like on the current boosters, what I meant with the second part would be to have one with a smooth texture like:

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2.) Cool, I thought they needed to still be used in combination with the radial decouplers. If the decoupler is intergrated, than yezzz, all for #1 !!!!

3.) Integrating the decouplers/ejectors into LRB would be awesome for asparagus-staging, this would mean you could basically run them without needing to do manual staging, wouldn't it?

4.) Such is life :)

5.) I like the Atlas V SRB noses, and ofcourse the more conventional ones like on the Ariane V (basically the current one but not so pointy). I can get some clear pics if you need.

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PS: Have you ever thought about a Modular Launch Tower? :)


1.) Well, technically, the segments don't -have- to have segmenting lines/geometry, so you could still get a smooth body; and with pre-compiled models, technically it doesn't even need to be segmented (as long as the whole thing would fit on the texture at least).  And as stated, there is nothing enforcing a set segment size; so you might have a 10m tall booster with 4x 2.5m segments, or an 8m tall booster with 4x 2m segments, or a 7.5m booster with 3x 2.5m segments.  (And as segments scale with model diameter, smaller diameters will have smaller height increments; same functionality as the MFTs).

Will I include a set of smooth models with the initial offering?  ... Maybe, if I have time to do the modeling.  But there would be nothing preventing them from being added to the part in the future, or even setup as a separate part.


2.) Yep, exactly.  My one problem will be figuring out how to get MJ/KER to properly calculate DV with these connected -- they have severe issues with any part that has both engines and decoupler (even if decoupler staging is disabled).

3.) In theory, yes, as long as you ran the fuel lines properly (and enabled the auto-staging for the LRBs), the rest would take care of itself.  The only caveat would be #2 (dV calc).

5.) Aye, if you wouldn't mind locating some images, that will at least save me some time from searching (and save me from guessing at the model geometry as I did with the existing nosecones).

Modular Launch Tower - no, not really.  I don't even use the stock launch-clamps aside from holding down engines during on-pad testing.

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42 minutes ago, ComatoseJedi said:

I can see the usages of the radial decoupler (I.E. STS Main Tank Jettison). But, I can also see a part bloat just to get  a rocket off the ground. If you can implement an all in one booster/decoupler, that would be something unique. I wouldn't know how to implement that as far as coding/modelling is concerned. I would think it would be pretty complicated to shove all that into one package? While the current system works fairly well with the radial dc and booster set up. Maybe that's why I haven't seen something like this already? If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, lol.

I've already implemented such a booster-with-decoupler -- the BPCs use exactly such a mechanism for their jettison capability; and I would likely use that same (or very similar) mechanics for these parts.  The one complication is trying to get MJ/KER to work for dV calc for such parts (they see a decoupler, and ignores the engine, even if the decoupler staging is disabled; just the module being present on the part causes issues).

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Just now, 123nick said:

has MFT compatability been added? its been a while since i asked, although i dont want to be too pushy though :P

Yes, MFT should be supported for the SC-TANK-MFT and SC-TANK-MUS parts, though it does not allow all of the fuel types (it only allows stock fuels).  Apparently this is a non-trivial issue (purposefully coded into MFT), mostly unsolvable on my end, and the entire reason for the MFT/RF split -- if you want non-stock fuels (LH2), you pretty much need to use RF.


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Just now, Shadowmage said:

Yes, MFT should be supported for the SC-TANK-MFT and SC-TANK-MUS parts, though it does not allow all of the fuel types (it only allows stock fuels).  Apparently this is a non-trivial issue (purposefully coded into MFT), mostly unsolvable on my end, and the entire reason for the MFT/RF split -- if you want non-stock fuels (LH2), you pretty much need to use RF.


thats odd- i dont use realfuels, yet somehow i still have all sorts of strange fuels available in my tanks, including LF and O, stock fuels, i think its interstellar that does that. but ok, thanks @Shadowmage

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Anxious to see what you come up with regarding the boosters :)

FYI: Mechjeb already messes up dV values in the VAB with basically everything. Only on the launchpad, or even when already in orbit for upper stages, will it give the correct dV for the particular stage. I find it very unreliable as-is.

I'll dig up some nose cone pictures.

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  • SC-GEN-FR-N - Customizable Fairing - Standard - integrated decoupler, configurable diameter and fairing split options
  • SC-GEN-FR-W - Customizable Fairing - Wide - integrated decoupler, configurable diameter and fairing split options

Wait this has fairings? i dont have any! why!



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23 minutes ago, SpaceBadger007 said:
  • SC-GEN-FR-N - Customizable Fairing - Standard - integrated decoupler, configurable diameter and fairing split options
  • SC-GEN-FR-W - Customizable Fairing - Wide - integrated decoupler, configurable diameter and fairing split options

Wait this has fairings? i dont have any! why!




10 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

In aerodynamics with the petal adapter.

Indeed it does; they use the stock fairing modules, and are fairly shameless clones of the KW rocketry parts.  Also, I apparently forgot to add the ability to set the # of panels... but they -do- have in-editor texture swapping.  And also include a decoupler for the payload.  If you are not seeing them.... umm... might need to update?  I generally do at least one release update/week, and those parts were added fairly recently (< month I think).

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Well, I've got the initial batch of FAR issues solved.  Pods now re-enter the proper way, BPC's don't flail randomly on jettison, and parachutes are now physics based rather than drag cube.  Which should work in stock as well, and gives me formula-based control over how much area is needed for a given payload (will be essential for procedural-sized parachutes, for MSRM potentially).

Now you get cool stuff like this (note how it hangs angled from the chute attach point, as it really should)(even in stock!):



Ahh...math...  (area * dynPres * dragCoef = drag)....

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Well, my shuttle hack with this mod's radial decoupler is bonked. It's actually a bit of a chuckle to see the srbs in the decouplers running in the VAB, but that's what you get for putting a reaction wheel in something like this. Funny, it hasn't done this before, which I find puzzling. But, oh well, back to the drawing board. lol

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Second set of FAR updates done; modular parts now recalculate properly, and fixed up the degenerate triangles problem (which really didnt do anything bad).  The parts probably work better in FAR now than they do in stock.  Will look into packing this stuff up tomorrow for testing and such, see what all I missed :)

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12 hours ago, ComatoseJedi said:

Well, my shuttle hack with this mod's radial decoupler is bonked. It's actually a bit of a chuckle to see the srbs in the decouplers running in the VAB, but that's what you get for putting a reaction wheel in something like this. Funny, it hasn't done this before, which I find puzzling. But, oh well, back to the drawing board. lol

Hmm.. that is usually caused by something null-reffing prior to the engineModule doing its FX setup.  Anything of note in the log?

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4 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Hmm.. that is usually caused by something null-reffing prior to the engineModule doing its FX setup.  Anything of note in the log?

I'll have to re-create the instance, because I didn't use the part when I discovered it was activating in the VAB. I'll keep you posted. 

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With the last update some parts were altered and basically broken (craft files still load without error though as the part name still exists). I noticed the SC-C-SM would fire all RCS blocks in the VAB (not o the pad), but once you activated it in orbit or focussed view on existing craft using that part, they would go completely bonkers. Removing it and replacing it with the new parts fixed that.KSP keeps the old parts specs on saved .crafts instead of reloading the part when loading the .craft file, so if a new update for that part comes it could be broken even though it shows up when you load the .craft. It's safest to rebuild ships that are using parts which were overhauled. Not sure this is your problem, but I know the radial booster decouplers were overhauled last update.

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S41Wmtq.jpgI built this shuttle with the new parts. The only thing I did was make a copy of the decoupler to add the reaction wheel element in it (I done this before and it worked) and left the original one alone, which may of been the reason why it was misbehaving. The log did indicate it was a null ref.

[EXC 12:37:50.376] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	SSTUTools.SSTUExtensions.GetStringValue (.ConfigNode node, System.String name, System.String defaultValue)
	SSTUTools.SSTUExtensions.GetStringValue (.ConfigNode node, System.String name)
	SSTUTools.FuelTypeData..ctor (.ConfigNode node)
	SSTUTools.Module.SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler.OnStart (StartState state)
	Part.ModulesOnStart ()
	Part+.MoveNext ()

I don't keep craft files on developing mods, since they are always changing. It's just easier to rebuild them when a new version comes out (thanks for being on the same page, Jim :))

What I'll do is just delete the copy and find some wrap around reaction wheels to put on the tanks, which isn't a big deal. I just thought it was a tiny chuckle to see that in the VAB. I am amused by fire, especially when there's not supposed to be fire. Just to make it clear, the original decoupler works as intended and this was an experiment on my part, which is why I made a copy and renamed it (probably not a good idea, but hey, I'm full of those now a days). 

Edited by ComatoseJedi
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Hmm... does it need the grid-fins on the side? (maybe even deployable, though would not be a proper aero surface)


(Trying to get a few of the WIP things finished up this week... and this is probably the most WIP of the ones I want to get finished; still not done with geometry on it=\)


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3 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:

Hmm... does it need the grid-fins on the side? (maybe even deployable, though would not be a proper aero surface)


(Trying to get a few of the WIP things finished up this week... and this is probably the most WIP of the ones I want to get finished; still not done with geometry on it=\)


Personally I think the grid fins look cool and contribute a lot to the look of the fairing. :)

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Just now, ComatoseJedi said:

I built this shuttle with the new parts. The only thing I did was make a copy of the decoupler to add the reaction wheel element in it (I done this before and it worked) and left the original one alone, which may of been the reason why it was misbehaving. The log did indicate it was a null ref.

[EXC 12:37:50.376] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	SSTUTools.SSTUExtensions.GetStringValue (.ConfigNode node, System.String name, System.String defaultValue)
	SSTUTools.SSTUExtensions.GetStringValue (.ConfigNode node, System.String name)
	SSTUTools.FuelTypeData..ctor (.ConfigNode node)
	SSTUTools.Module.SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler.OnStart (StartState state)
	Part.ModulesOnStart ()
	Part+.MoveNext ()

I don't keep craft files on developing mods, since they are always changing. It's just easier to rebuild them when a new version comes out (thanks for being on the same page, Jim :))

What I'll do is just delete the copy and find some wrap around reaction wheels to put on the tanks, which isn't a big deal. I just thought it was a tiny chuckle to see that in the VAB. I am amused by fire, especially when there's not supposed to be fire. Just to make it clear, the original decoupler works as intended and this was an experiment on my part, which is why I made a copy and renamed it (probably not a good idea, but hey, I'm full of those now a days). 


Hmm.. that log indicates that you didn't set the fuel type in the new/updated part config properly.  Or rather it didn't load with any proper fuel type set/could not load a fuel type from the config nodes that were present.  Would you mind posting the config for that part?  It may be that you were using an old-config with the new plugin, and hence the old config did not have the fuel-type value.  The module for that part should be setup such as:

	name = SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler
	anchorName = SC-RBDC-Base
	explosiveNodeID = srf
	modelRadius = 1.25
	height = 2
	radius = 1.25
	topMountName = SC-RBDC-MountUpper
	bottomMountName = SC-RBDC-MountLower
	useRF = false
	resourceVolume = 0.25
	scaleThrust = true
	engineThrust = 300
	thrustScalePower = 3
		name = start
		maxDiameter = 1.25
		maxHeight = 10
		name = advRocketry
		maxDiameter = 2.5
		maxHeight = 20
		name = largeVolumeContainment
		maxDiameter = 3.75
		maxHeight = 30
		name = veryHeavyRocketry
		maxDiameter = 10
		maxHeight = 100
		name = Solid

Note the FUELTYPE node near the end; it is mandatory, and without that (or with an improper fuel name specified), you will get the NullRef you posted.

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Why was the reaction wheel added to the decoupler, to keep the tank straight while ejecting? That would be cool idea to keep them from flipping around like a lunatic upon seperation :)

Gridfins: I'm all for realistic detail, but didn't even notice they were missing. It's one of those parts that you just use for nostalgic parts rather than anything useful for game play (it only adds weight and cost in career mode effectively). I still use it on all the launches with the Orion capsule though :)

Edited by Jimbodiah
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22 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Why was the reaction wheel added to the decoupler, to keep the tank straight while ejecting? That would be cool idea to keep them from flipping around like a lunatic upon seperation :)

Gridfins: I'm all for realistic detail, but didn't even notice they were missing. It's one of those parts that you just use for nostalgic parts rather than anything useful for game play (it only adds weight and cost in career mode effectively). I still use it on all the launches with the Orion capsule though :)


I'm aiming to fix the 'only adds mass and cost in career' mode, by adding some proper shielding/occlusion mechanics to them.  This would mean that during ascent, the only part exposed to the airstream would be the BPC, reducing overal vessel drag, and in theory, making for a more efficient ascent (i.e. less dV wasted on drag), as well as increasing overall stability of the rocket (less drag at the nose = good).

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34 minutes ago, Shadowmage said:


Hmm.. that log indicates that you didn't set the fuel type in the new/updated part config properly.  Or rather it didn't load with any proper fuel type set/could not load a fuel type from the config nodes that were present.  Would you mind posting the config for that part?  It may be that you were using an old-config with the new plugin, and hence the old config did not have the fuel-type value.  The module for that part should be setup such as:

	name = SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler
	anchorName = SC-RBDC-Base
	explosiveNodeID = srf
	modelRadius = 1.25
	height = 2
	radius = 1.25
	topMountName = SC-RBDC-MountUpper
	bottomMountName = SC-RBDC-MountLower
	useRF = false
	resourceVolume = 0.25
	scaleThrust = true
	engineThrust = 300
	thrustScalePower = 3
		name = start
		maxDiameter = 1.25
		maxHeight = 10
		name = advRocketry
		maxDiameter = 2.5
		maxHeight = 20
		name = largeVolumeContainment
		maxDiameter = 3.75
		maxHeight = 30
		name = veryHeavyRocketry
		maxDiameter = 10
		maxHeight = 100
		name = Solid

Note the FUELTYPE node near the end; it is mandatory, and without that (or with an improper fuel name specified), you will get the NullRef you posted.

The only thing I did was add a the reaction wheel module and changed the name/description to the part is all. I didn't mess with the fuel configs or anything. 

module = Part
name = SSTU_ShipCore_RBDC_RW
author = Shadowmage
TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 18000
cost = 0
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = SSTU - SC-GEN - Radial Booster Decoupler with Reaction Wheel
manufacturer = SSTU
description = A configurable radial booster decoupler with integrated separation motors and a high torque reaction wheel for STS launches.

	model = SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RBDC
rescaleFactor = 1

// nodes/attachment 
// node position specification: posX,posY,posZ,axisX,axisY,axisZ,size
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
node_attach = -0.1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.1
crashTolerance = 6
maxTemp = 2000
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
fuelCrossFeed = False
stageAfter = true
stageBefore = true
stageOffset = 1
childStageOffset = 1
stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage

	name = SolidFuel
	amount = 140
	maxAmount = 140
	name = ModuleEngines
	thrustVectorTransformName = SC-RBDC-ThrustTransform
	throttleLocked = True
	exhaustDamage = false
	allowShutdown = False
	ignitionThreshold = 0.1
	minThrust = 100
	maxThrust = 1200
	heatProduction = 100
	fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02
		name = SolidFuel
		ratio = 1.0
		DrawGauge = True
		key = 0 220
		key = 1 220
	name = SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler
	anchorName = SC-RBDC-Base
	explosiveNodeID = srf
	modelRadius = 1.25
	height = 2
	radius = 1.25
	topMountName = SC-RBDC-MountUpper
	bottomMountName = SC-RBDC-MountLower
	useRF = false
	resourceVolume = 0.25
	scaleThrust = true
	engineThrust = 300
	thrustScalePower = 3
		name = ModuleReactionWheel
		PitchTorque = 2500
		YawTorque = 2500
		RollTorque = 2500
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 6
		name = start
		maxDiameter = 1.25
		maxHeight = 10
		name = advRocketry
		maxDiameter = 2.5
		maxHeight = 20
		name = largeVolumeContainment
		maxDiameter = 3.75
		maxHeight = 30
		name = veryHeavyRocketry
		maxDiameter = 10
		maxHeight = 100
		name = Solid

Yes, Jim. This is how I launch an STS is with reaction wheels. I got the idea from an sts tutorial off youtube. It's a "hacky" way to do it, but it works well if you want to do a an STS launch. When I had KW Rocketry, I'd make a copy of the wrap around reaction wheels for a 5 m tank and jack it up to ridiculous amounts of torque to counteract the instability of a heavy tank with a lighter aerodynamic component strapped to the back of it. I applied this to SSTU's radial decoupler, because it's a wrap around component, not to mention it reduces the part count to add jettison srbs to the tank. 

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Grid fins - initial geo pass (~2k tris for the full set of 4):


Still needs the mounting brackets, proper angling, and animations setup.

Note -- these will likely -NOT- work as proper stabalizing fins due to limitations on how KSP does drag.  In FAR they will probably work as intended.

2 minutes ago, ComatoseJedi said:

The only thing I did was add a the reaction wheel module and changed the name/description to the part is all. I didn't mess with the fuel configs or anything. 

module = Part
name = SSTU_ShipCore_RBDC_RW
author = Shadowmage
TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 18000
cost = 0
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = SSTU - SC-GEN - Radial Booster Decoupler with Reaction Wheel
manufacturer = SSTU
description = A configurable radial booster decoupler with integrated separation motors and a high torque reaction wheel for STS launches.

	model = SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RBDC
rescaleFactor = 1

// nodes/attachment 
// node position specification: posX,posY,posZ,axisX,axisY,axisZ,size
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
node_attach = -0.1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.1
crashTolerance = 6
maxTemp = 2000
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
fuelCrossFeed = False
stageAfter = true
stageBefore = true
stageOffset = 1
childStageOffset = 1
stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage

	name = SolidFuel
	amount = 140
	maxAmount = 140
	name = ModuleEngines
	thrustVectorTransformName = SC-RBDC-ThrustTransform
	throttleLocked = True
	exhaustDamage = false
	allowShutdown = False
	ignitionThreshold = 0.1
	minThrust = 100
	maxThrust = 1200
	heatProduction = 100
	fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02
		name = SolidFuel
		ratio = 1.0
		DrawGauge = True
		key = 0 220
		key = 1 220
	name = SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler
	anchorName = SC-RBDC-Base
	explosiveNodeID = srf
	modelRadius = 1.25
	height = 2
	radius = 1.25
	topMountName = SC-RBDC-MountUpper
	bottomMountName = SC-RBDC-MountLower
	useRF = false
	resourceVolume = 0.25
	scaleThrust = true
	engineThrust = 300
	thrustScalePower = 3
		name = ModuleReactionWheel
		PitchTorque = 2500
		YawTorque = 2500
		RollTorque = 2500
			name = ElectricCharge
			rate = 6
		name = start
		maxDiameter = 1.25
		maxHeight = 10
		name = advRocketry
		maxDiameter = 2.5
		maxHeight = 20
		name = largeVolumeContainment
		maxDiameter = 3.75
		maxHeight = 30
		name = veryHeavyRocketry
		maxDiameter = 10
		maxHeight = 100
		name = Solid

Yes, Jim. This is how I launch an STS is with reaction wheels. I got the idea from an sts tutorial off youtube. It's a "hacky" way to do it, but it works well if you want to do a an STS launch. When I had KW Rocketry, I'd make a copy of the wrap around reaction wheels for a 5 m tank and jack it up to ridiculous amounts of torque to counteract the instability of a heavy tank with a lighter aerodynamic component strapped to the back of it. I applied this to SSTU's radial decoupler, because it's a wrap around component, not to mention it reduces the part count to add jettison srbs to the tank. 

Your error is -where- you put the reaction wheel module.  You stuck it right in the middle of the decoupler module.  Move it outside so it is its own node, and I bet your problem will go away :)


module = Part
name = SSTU_ShipCore_RBDC
author = Shadowmage
TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 18000
cost = 0
category = Structural
subcategory = 0
title = SSTU - SC-GEN - Radial Booster Decoupler
manufacturer = SSTU
description = A configurable radial booster decoupler with integrated separation motors.

	model = SSTU/Assets/SC-GEN-RBDC
rescaleFactor = 1

// nodes/attachment 
// node position specification: posX,posY,posZ,axisX,axisY,axisZ,size
// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision
node_attach = -0.1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2
attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

// --- standard part parameters ---
mass = 0.1
crashTolerance = 6
maxTemp = 2000
breakingForce = 2000
breakingTorque = 2000
fuelCrossFeed = False
stageAfter = true
stageBefore = true
stageOffset = 1
childStageOffset = 1
stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = true

fx_exhaustFlame_yellow_tiny = 0.0, -0.17, 0.163, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, running
sound_vent_medium = engage
sound_rocket_mini = running
sound_vent_soft = disengage

	name = SolidFuel
	amount = 140
	maxAmount = 140
	name = ModuleEngines
	thrustVectorTransformName = SC-RBDC-ThrustTransform
	throttleLocked = True
	exhaustDamage = false
	allowShutdown = False
	ignitionThreshold = 0.1
	minThrust = 100
	maxThrust = 1200
	heatProduction = 100
	fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.02
		name = SolidFuel
		ratio = 1.0
		DrawGauge = True
		key = 0 220
		key = 1 220
	name = SSTUCustomRadialDecoupler
	anchorName = SC-RBDC-Base
	explosiveNodeID = srf
	modelRadius = 1.25
	height = 2
	radius = 1.25
	topMountName = SC-RBDC-MountUpper
	bottomMountName = SC-RBDC-MountLower
	useRF = false
	resourceVolume = 0.25
	scaleThrust = true
	engineThrust = 300
	thrustScalePower = 3
		name = start
		maxDiameter = 1.25
		maxHeight = 10
		name = advRocketry
		maxDiameter = 2.5
		maxHeight = 20
		name = largeVolumeContainment
		maxDiameter = 3.75
		maxHeight = 30
		name = veryHeavyRocketry
		maxDiameter = 10
		maxHeight = 100
		name = Solid
	name = ModuleReactionWheel
	PitchTorque = 2500
	YawTorque = 2500
	RollTorque = 2500
		name = ElectricCharge
		rate = 6




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