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[1.2 - 1.4] Lithobrake Exploration Technologies 0.4 (2016-10-12)


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One suggestion I would like to see in this mod is a inline command module where the Top and Bottom have the same 2.5m diameter It should be spacious enough for 3 Kerbonauds

Although the are many command module parts, none of them have the same diameter at the top and botom

Edited by FreeThinker
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15 hours ago, FreeThinker said:

One suggestion I would like to see in this mod is a inline command module where the Top and Bottom have the same 2.5m diameter It should be spacious enough for 3 Kerbonauds

Although the are many command module parts, none of them have the same diameter at the top and botom


You mean something like the stock 2.5m lander can, but a consistent diameter, and as a 3-seater? Yeah, I could see that. The stock one always looks goofy as an inline pod since it's skinnier than the rest of the stack.

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1 hour ago, NecroBones said:


You mean something like the stock 2.5m lander can, but a consistent diameter, and as a 3-seater? Yeah, I could see that. The stock one always looks goofy as an inline pod since it's skinnier than the rest of the stack.

Exactly, the stock inline command center is butt ugly, but it's the only one with a good form enough factor for large  multi mission planetary ship

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I just had a look at RealChute mm patches and they seem rather complicated, each set of patches has it's own texture library in realchute I dunno which would be the closest approximation and I guess the textures he uses are for smaller chutes anyway

perhaps post your chute specs in his thread and ask for some help?

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8 hours ago, lude said:

I just had a look at RealChute mm patches and they seem rather complicated, each set of patches has it's own texture library in realchute I dunno which would be the closest approximation and I guess the textures he uses are for smaller chutes anyway

perhaps post your chute specs in his thread and ask for some help?


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. That's the main reason I haven't added support already, is it's just not clear how it's supposed to be configured. Or he could add support form his side. Either way is fine, but I'll probably need to find out what everything does before adding it on my side.

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11 hours ago, NecroBones said:


Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. That's the main reason I haven't added support already, is it's just not clear how it's supposed to be configured. Or he could add support form his side. Either way is fine, but I'll probably need to find out what everything does before adding it on my side.

I asked and was told if it's about chutes not working in FAR (for me it is partly) then the next release will fix this and apparently I had the bad luck that the three configs I opened were the only three with their own texture library

I will try to make a patch and test it, actually one chute has it's patch if I saved the file, let's see how it broke everything :D




    maximum_drag = 0.32
    @category = Utility
    @cost = 1600
    @mass = 0.9


        name = RealChuteModule
        caseMass = 0.9
        timer = 0
        mustGoDown = false
        cutSpeed = 0.5
        spareChutes = 5

            material = Kevlar
            preDeployedDiameter = 5
            deployedDiameter = 10
            minIsPressure = true
            minPressure = 0.04
            deploymentAlt = 1000
            cutAlt = -1
            preDeploymentSpeed = 0.2
            deploymentSpeed = 0.6
            preDeploymentAnimation = semiDeployLarge
            deploymentAnimation = fullyDeployLarge
            parachuteName = canopy
            capName = cap

        name = LithoChute
        currentCanopies = Chute

                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_parachute_open
                volume = 1

                channel = Ship
                clip = sound_parachute_single
                volume = 1

                channel = Ship
                clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut
                volume = 1

                channel = Ship
                clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack
                volume = 1


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  • 1 month later...

I'm actually here about the same thing @NecroBones. I'm in the process of making RealChute patches for this mod, but I can't figure out if your radial chute is supposed to be a drogue chute or a regular chute. The tags suggest drogue, but the temperature values and altitude deployment suggest regular. I'm really not sure how to approach it since it's 2000 drag value blows everything else away and there isn't a close analogue. Suggestions?

Regarding your above discussion, I think your reluctance/hesitation for RealChute support was something about the textures of the canopy getting overridden by RealChute? I don't know much about it, but there is a module that you add the parachutes that specifies the texture library (see below). There is then a TextureLibrary.cfg in Realchute (link to relevant github page here) that has textureURL's (see below). That's what I've managed to piece together from looking at it for a few minutes. Not sure if that's actually your question, but that's the one I'm answering:sticktongue:.

Maybe just make a new textureLibrary in the Module, make a patch that adds it to the TextureLibrary.cfg with textureURL's pointing to the relevant files, and...?


Nevermind, found a working (presumably) example: SDHI Service Module.

It would seem  you can disregard pretty much everything I said above. Link here to sumghai's config with a RealChute with custom canopy.

        name = ProceduralChute
        textureLibrary = StockReplacement
        currentCanopies = Main chute

        name = Main chute
        textureURL = RealChute/Parts/RC_canopy_main


Edited by Deimos Rast
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5 hours ago, NecroBones said:

 yeah it's supposed to be a regular chute. I probably just copied the wrong set of tags. My hesitation on making RealChute configs myself was just the complexity and the fact that I had no idea what most of the settings did.

Fear not, good sir! I made you a thing. It should work out of the box (untested) as long as you get rid of the second ProceduralChute module. Or the first. You really only need one of them! The first one is the bare bones, the second one does fancy things (like allow you to resize it in the VAB with the RealChute Editor), but the costs are kind of weird.

The way apparently all RealChutes parts work is that the smaller the chute gets, the more expensive it gets, and the bigger it gets, the cheaper it gets (at least that's my interpretation). You can adjust it as you see fit obviously, but I followed that guidance below. You don't have to even bother with that at all actually (and getting rid of the ProceduralChute module entirely is also an option, but it kills the player's ability to use the editor, but it can be useful in niche scenarios).

Anyway, I explained everything to the best of my ability, line by line. It's a mess if you read it on the forums - best to copy to a text editor, preferably one with syntax highlighting as my explanations are in comment formating.

The Legal Bit: my knowledge is piecemeal at best, cobbled together from basically repeated trial and error and peaking at other people's configs. It's probably not 100%, but it's probably enough to get you started in the right direction, if you so choose. Warranty Void if found to be less than 100% accurate (also please let me know if so!). When I get around to it, I'll see about posting some more configs.

Oh, how I got the numbers, since they should work as is. Regular Radial Parachute (stock Mk2-R) has 500 drag deployed; your's has 2000, so I figured your parachute is 4x as effective. I just flat multiplied the deployment diameters by 4 from the RealChute patch for the Mk2-R, while leaving everything else unchanged, except for a few adaptations to bring it inline with your chute's values (weight, cost, altitude, etc). Not the cleverest of solutions, but it's something. Just make sure this really is a regular chute and not a drogue chute, because drogue chutes this size kill everyone (with gravity mods) and rip a part things. If you want to make a drogue chute, scale down the diameter, bump up the altitude(s), lower the pressure, and switch the material to Kevlar. Either way, this is more for instructional purposes.

Also, a lot of of the values/variables from a stock parachute, as you'll see, straight translate to a RealChute. Thanks for adding "automateSafeDeploy" to your chute by the way, I didn't know about that one!

And that should be enough to get you started.


re: Tags = yeah they reference "drogue orange"


//-----------NEVER MAKE A REALCHUTE PhysicsSignificance = 1!!! Not that anyone would ever do that. :)


	maximum_drag = 0.32 //--------------------Not sure why they do this
	@category = none //--------------------Not sure why they do this
	@cost = 1600 //--------------------This is mainly important for the procedural portion, if you're resizing it; we're not
	@mass = 0.75 //----------------Your mass here (this is important later)

	!sound_parachute_open //---------Deletes sounds; adds its own later
	!sound_parachute_single //---------Deletes sounds; adds its own later

	!MODULE[ModuleParachute]{} //---------Destroy stock parachute Module; adds Realchute Module

		name = RealChuteModule
		caseMass = 0.75 //--------------Your mass here (this is why we had it set again above)
		timer = 0 //------------------I think this is a delay to open; I've only ever seen a zero here
		mustGoDown = false //-------------I like this as true, but it defaults as false; makes it so the chute only deploys when your "falling" e.g. going down
		cutSpeed = 0.5 //------------How fast the chute gets cut I guess; always 0.5 I believe
		spareChutes = 5 //----------------RealChutes come with Spares! Engineers (configurable) in Career, or everyone in other modes, can repack a "spent" Parachute, using a spare, and it's good as new. Note: RealChutes also get the "Disarm" option, in addition to "Cut" and "Deploy"
		//ParachuteType = Drogue // if you wanted to make a Drogue, you could add this; I believe it's mainly for the RealChute editor calculations - not strictly necessary; only included for instructional purposes
			material = Nylon //---------------What the Chute is made out of. Different materials have different thermal, toughness factors, and more importantly drag coefficients. Can make your own; included are Silk, Nylon (default for Main) or Kevlar (default for Drogue)
			preDeployedDiameter = 2.8 //-----how big the Chute will be during the predeployment phase
			deployedDiameter = 68 // same as previous, but for deployment phase
			minIsPressure = true // false; does the predeployment phase minimum to open correspond to pressure a la stock?
			minPressure = 0.01 // if the above is true, what is the minimum pressure required to open the chute?
		//minDeployment = 35000 // if minIsPressure = false, then get rid of minPressure entirely, and use minDeployment instead, which is the minimum altitude for the chute for predeployment.
			deploymentAlt = 1000 // default deployment altitude
			cutAlt = -1 // default altitude the parachute is auto cut at; -1 means ground contact basically. If you have a double chute, you can set it so the first chute gets cut at the same height as the second chute opens for example (RealChute has a chute like this included)
			preDeploymentSpeed = 2 // speed at which chute opens during predeployment; might be useful to tweak if you want to reduce abruptness of opening
			deploymentSpeed = 6 // same as above
			preDeploymentAnimation = chuteSemiDeploy //---you already know this stuff; it's the same as what it is on the chute you're converting
			deploymentAnimation = chuteFullyDeploy //---you already know this stuff; it's the same as what it is on the chute you're converting
			parachuteName = canopy //---you already know this stuff; it's the same as what it is on the chute you're converting
			capName = cap //---you already know this stuff; it's the same as what it is on the chute you're converting

		name = ProceduralChute //----This is what allows you to edit the parachute with the RealChute editor in the VAB/SPH
		textureLibrary = StockReplacement
		currentCanopies = Main chute // other option that I know of is "Drogue chute"
//-----RealChute's ProceduralChute module allows you to resize and reshape parachutes with its editor, if the module looks something like below. For basic editor functionality, you only need the above version.
		name = ProceduralChute
		textureLibrary = RealChute
		type = Radial
		currentCase = Main
		currentCanopies = Main chute

			size = 1, 1, 1 //-----------Size of the Parachute; presumably 1 corresponds to "normal"
			sizeID = Radial 2
			caseMass = 0.75 //----------This is why we set the mass again above, in make sure it was this number
			cost = 1600 // 300 //----------This is why we set the cost again above, in make sure it was this number

			size = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 //----------- 1.5x Size
			sizeID = Radial 3
			caseMass = 1.5 //---------2x the mass
			cost = 1280 // 250 //----was originally ~80% the cost of Full Size (300); Bigger Size Costs Less?

			size = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 //----Half Size
			sizeID = Radial 1
			caseMass = 0.375 //---------0.5 the mass
			cost = 1920 // 350 //----was originally ~117% the cost of Full Size (300); Smaller Size Costs More?

	EFFECTS //----------RealChute has its own sound library, which replaces the stock sound FX (remember it deleting the stock FX in the beginning)
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_parachute_open
				volume = 1
				channel = Ship
				clip = sound_parachute_single
				volume = 1
				channel = Ship
				clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut
				volume = 1
				channel = Ship
				clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack
				volume = 1



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On 5/29/2016 at 3:14 AM, Deimos Rast said:

Fear not, good sir! I made you a thing.


Awesome! Thanks! I'll poke through it and see if I understand. I've pasted a copy into my dev environment so I can play with it. I've also fixed the tags. :)



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Anytime, just do yourself (and me) a favor and give it test before any sort of general release, as I'm in the middle a mighty debug battle and don't really have many mods installed (including RealChute or LETech). The RealChute git is here if you didn't know; I'm sure stupidChris would be glad to help if you get really stuck, as he seems a helpful fellow. The RealChute mod has a lot of MM patches for stock (and modded) chutes included, as well as a few custom chutes of its own, so alternatively, you could look at what they do there (their double drogue/single chute is pretty cool).:)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for making this wonderful collection of mods :)Even though I'm running 64bit my pc isn't quite comfy with all the KW Rocketry parts, so the SpaceY is a real blessing for me.

I have a question though. I noticed when adding a docking module to the top of the 4 man capsule it's not possible to transfer crew through it. Is this by design, or is there something wrong with my install?  It seems to me a shame if the only way to enter a station from it is via a spacewalk.  


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Hey Necro,

Just wondering what have you got planned for Lithobrake in the future? i noticed you have writen a few times refering to a bucket list. but I'm asking about new items.

I just want to see what you have wishlisted & planned for LET. ya know get our juices flowing ;-p

I really enjoy the quality of the mods you do Thanks!

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That's a good question. I still want to do the IVAs, of course, and I want to make some sort of ramp system for the lander bays. Beyond that I'm not 100% sure. This pack would be a natural fit for some rover and probe parts too, but I just haven't decided what to do. :)


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On 11/6/2016 at 10:00 PM, Chippy the Space Dog said:

Thank you for making this wonderful collection of mods :)Even though I'm running 64bit my pc isn't quite comfy with all the KW Rocketry parts, so the SpaceY is a real blessing for me.

I have a question though. I noticed when adding a docking module to the top of the 4 man capsule it's not possible to transfer crew through it. Is this by design, or is there something wrong with my install?  It seems to me a shame if the only way to enter a station from it is via a spacewalk.  


I use [always] this pod, especially for modular crew transportation ship and have no worry to transfer crew from this pod to any other ones, vanilla or modded. Something weird is happening to you (or to me and I'm lucky :sticktongue: ) What can be problematic is to make the transfer window to pop up, sometime I have to move the cursor all around the pod hatch, and that happens too with almost all pods.

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1 minute ago, Vahal said:

I use [always] this pod, especially for modular crew transportation ship and have no worry to transfer crew from this pod to any other ones, vanilla or modded. Something weird is happening to you (or to me and I'm lucky :sticktongue: ) What can be problematic is to make the transfer window to pop up, sometime I have to move the cursor all around the pod hatch, and that happens too with almost all pods.

Do you use CLS Vahal? Maybe it is my attachment. I'll adjust and check, but I get a specific not in same zone error. 

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