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[1.0.4] EVA Enhancements - pitch/roll/navball and more!


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EVA Enhancements - Version 1.1.1 - December 6, 2015





This mod adds some features that I always thought were missing from the standard EVA experience.

Current Features

- Kerbal profession and level is now visible in the right-click action menu. No more wondering if Frolie Kerman is supposed to be an engineer or a scientist.

- Pitch and roll can now be controlled with the keyboard. No more awkward mouse clicking and dragging... you can now do backflips and cartwheels on the Mun! By default the controls are mapped as follows:

Pitch Down - Alpha2

Pitch Up - X

Roll Left - Z

Roll Right - C

I have found these work well in conjunction with the standard WASDQE controls (while letting you keep your right hand on the mouse for camera control). If you wish to remap them you can use the "Settings" window, accessible from the stock application launcher or Blizzy78's toolbar.

- the EVA "rotate on camera move" setting can now be toggled any time by hitting the SAS toggle (default T). Enabling it can make some EVA navigation a bit easier, but disabling it gives you more control.

- jetpack power can now be modified any time through a slider in the EVA right-click action menu. Fuel usage is scaled accordingly.

- the default jetpack power level can be set via the "Settings" window.

- precision controls can now be toggled using the same key as in normal flight mode (default is CapsLock). This automatically sets your jetpack power to 10% for finer control.

- finally, some Nav Ball customizations for EVA mode. The throttle gauge will display your current jetpack power level between 0 and 100%. The RCS indicator will light to show your if jetpack is enabled. The SAS indicator will light to show if "rotate on move" is enabled (only if the jetpack is on though).

Download Links

Curse: http://curse.com/project/233788

CKAN: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067

GitHub: https://github.com/seanmcdougall/EVAEnhancements/releases


GitHub: https://github.com/seanmcdougall/EVAEnhancements

License: MIT


- TriggerAu for the KSPPluginFramework. Copyright © 2014 David Tregoning, used under the MIT license.

- nlight for the original EVAController module, part of Advanced Fly-By-Wire. Copyright © 2014 Alexander Dzhoganov, used under the MIT license.

- Blizzy78 for the ToolbarWrapper. Copyright © 2013-2015, Maik Schreiber.


1.1 - 2015/12/06
- fixes some KSP 1.05 compatibility issues
- removes some custom EVA navball functionality (since it's now stock)

1.0 - 2015/08/09
- initial public release


Edited by Snark
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  5thHorseman said:
Very very cool. Haven't downloaded yet but will. I'm wondering how well it would play if you remap all the eva keys to match vessel controls, WASDQE and IJKLHN.

With, of course, appropriate remapping of "Lights" and anything else on those 2nd set of keys.

I played around a bit with those keymappings, but felt like I needed a third hand on the mouse to control the camera. Might just be me though :-)

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  seanmcdougall said:
I played around a bit with those keymappings, but felt like I needed a third hand on the mouse to control the camera. Might just be me though :-)

Can't be worse than docking, can it? EVA allows Locked Mode, right? You may even be able to use Chase Mode though I'm not 100% sure it'd work.

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  5thHorseman said:
Very very cool. Haven't downloaded yet but will. I'm wondering how well it would play if you remap all the eva keys to match vessel controls, WASDQE and IJKLHN.

With, of course, appropriate remapping of "Lights" and anything else on those 2nd set of keys.

So we need a button in the settings to auto-remap the EVA controls by using the ships control config, to save 5min per people, so save 01123581321 Wh of electricity, and so save the world of global warming! :P

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  5thHorseman said:
Can't be worse than docking, can it? EVA allows Locked Mode, right? You may even be able to use Chase Mode though I'm not 100% sure it'd work.

Actually EVA doesn't have a Locked mode for some reason... you just get Free, Orbital and Chase... and even then, Chase doesn't work the same as in regular flight mode so you can't get the camera to stay fixed behind the Kerbal. I have been experimenting with trying to get Locked mode working though, but it's still pretty flaky.

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So I've been trying to implement the "locked" camera mode for EVAs, but I'm not having much luck. The game appears to be actively resisting any attempt to force the built-in locked mode, so I'm left with trying to manipulate one of the existing modes which hasn't produced anything terribly useful yet.

However I did come across something which I think is even better. Hullcam VDS adds a first-person EVA camera, which when combined with the keyboard pitch/roll controls and navball from my mod actually gives a pretty cool experience. It's like the locked camera mode, except more immersive. Just install Hullcam VDS, then hit "-" when on EVA to switch to first person mode. Hitting "=" will get you back out.

Check it out!

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  seanmcdougall said:
So I've been trying to implement the "locked" camera mode for EVAs, but I'm not having much luck. The game appears to be actively resisting any attempt to force the built-in locked mode, so I'm left with trying to manipulate one of the existing modes which hasn't produced anything terribly useful yet.

However I did come across something which I think is even better. Hullcam VDS adds a first-person EVA camera, which when combined with the keyboard pitch/roll controls and navball from my mod actually gives a pretty cool experience. It's like the locked camera mode, except more immersive. Just install Hullcam VDS, then hit "-" when on EVA to switch to first person mode. Hitting "=" will get you back out.

Check it out!


can someone clarify the difference between the "locked" mode and "EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE" Switch?

i always thought ist the same: camera keeps in 3rd Person behind the kerbal with ist head facing "up", isnt it?

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  Speadge said:

can someone clarify the difference between the "locked" mode and "EVA_ROTATE_ON_MOVE" Switch?

i always thought ist the same: camera keeps in 3rd Person behind the kerbal with ist head facing "up", isnt it?

Actually I kind of see them as opposites. "Locked" would be what you're describing, with the camera staying fixed behind the Kerbal and moving with you automatically as you rotate to always stay fixed behind you. With "rotate on move" instead of the camera automatically moving, your Kerbal rotates so that thrusting forward with W turns him to face away from the camera. So "locked" would move the camera to follow the Kerbal, but "rotate on move" moves the Kerbal to follow the camera.

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  seanmcdougall said:
Actually I kind of see them as opposites. "Locked" would be what you're describing, with the camera staying fixed behind the Kerbal and moving with you automatically as you rotate to always stay fixed behind you. With "rotate on move" instead of the camera automatically moving, your Kerbal rotates so that thrusting forward with W turns him to face away from the camera. So "locked" would move the camera to follow the Kerbal, but "rotate on move" moves the Kerbal to follow the camera.

thx very much!

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  • 1 month later...

Is there a way to have the Kerbal face left and right (like it does now) but also up and down with the camera? And then a couple keys to rotate, and I'd be a happy camper.

Even better would be to follow the camera but from a "2nd person" perspective, so instead of having the camera directly behind the camera, it would be behind and slightly above.

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  Glyph said:
Is there a way to have the Kerbal face left and right (like it does now) but also up and down with the camera? And then a couple keys to rotate, and I'd be a happy camper.

Even better would be to follow the camera but from a "2nd person" perspective, so instead of having the camera directly behind the camera, it would be behind and slightly above.

Just to be pedantic that would be 3rd person still. Also do you mean camera behind the kerbal?

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