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Today, I have the honor and privilege of announcing a very special promotion on the Mod Team,

Everyone, please join me in a huge round of applause and congratulations for the first Global Moderator Promotion since I came on the team,

Ascensiam is hereby promoted to Global Moderator, effective immediately. Grats!

His dedication to his work, the community and his over all performance has made the decision an easy one to make. Ascensiam now takes over as the EU mod team lead, with our beloved Sordid stepping aside due to time constraints.


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I\'ll be shouldering the responsibility as the European team lead, so i\'ll be here to cover the European side of the clock and generally being here for the guys when you need it :)

That is my main task, otherwise i\'ll keep doing what i\'ve been doing, keeping an eye on the place and making sure everything is alright.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest butt head

congrats but what does this mean what can you do now that you couldnt do be for? or is it just a title to show thanks/respect and what was your \'\'rank\'\'? before

any ways here a bunch of pics i though were funny to put a smile on your face :D


side note is this picture appropriate for my avatar?


[gmod]Gratuitous image spam removed.[/gmod]

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