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[WIP][1.3.1] North Kerbin Dynamics - Nuclear Bombs and Heavy Ordnance Pack (and other things) v0.84b


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Gentlemen, the CBU-57. It's like a zillion aerially deployed RPGs. Bomb splits into eight aerially deployed submunitions, each with four sub-submunitions that seek targets, then somehow destroy the target by exploding in such a way that the penetrator just manages to hit the target. Exactly how is likely a military secret, and I can't even begin to figure out how the tracking software of the smart skeets would work. Just code each smart skeet as a (GPS? Laser? Legacy?) guided missile with a very short, very high total impulse burn, nearly nonexistent drag cube, and you'll get the same effect. And replicating the trademark "thwap-thwap-THWAP-thwap-thwop" would be awesome too. Nerfing the munition would be required,as 32 submunitions in an already target-rich environment would lag your computer to death. 16 oughta provide a plenty big punch.

*checks thread*
OK, I think we've broken the record for ITAR violations in a single thread on this forum...
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Gentlemen, the CBU-57. It's like a zillion aerially deployed RPGs. Bomb splits into eight aerially deployed submunitions, each with four sub-submunitions that seek targets, then somehow destroy the target by exploding in such a way that the penetrator just manages to hit the target. Exactly how is likely a military secret, and I can't even begin to figure out how the tracking software of the smart skeets would work. Just code each smart skeet as a (GPS? Laser? Legacy?) guided missile with a very short, very high total impulse burn, nearly nonexistent drag cube, and you'll get the same effect. And replicating the trademark "thwap-thwap-THWAP-thwap-thwop" would be awesome too. Nerfing the munition would be required,as 32 submunitions in an already target-rich environment would lag your computer to death. 16 oughta provide a plenty big punch.

*checks thread*

OK, I think we've broken the record for ITAR violations in a single thread on this forum...

I seriously wish I could do that... But even thr thought brings up many problems

How would you target each munition?

And plus, BD's cluster bomb module involves no guidance, and I'm not even sure the submunitions are actual objects!

On the bright side, I may be able to start a plugin modification, as I'm using some spare time to learn how BD's and KSP's source code work

Outstanding work:)

Thanks. Sadly I can't make it require a kerbal... And manual control is difficult because I'd have to mess with aero

So it's a cruise missile with the kerbal being optional!

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Also for the cluster bomb the bomblets are not parts but essentially mini cannon shells. I belive you CAN add guidance but I dont know how. I had wanted to do that so I could make the M30 instead of the M31 missile. Which I am making the fins for fold so they fit in the tubes you have. I do kind of want a blast effect for mt 9K270 Iskander M but maybe you can nust tell me how to make ghem so I can save you some time. I promise I will not abuse the knowlege and compete for big explosions with you

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We really need a surface radar module for that Exocet

The Exocet is coming along great, but sadly... realistically it has an active radar... which isn't part of BDArmory


I could try experimenting with BD's plugin... definitely no promises though.

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I can't wait for the mirv's. I've been doing it with mechjeb but switching crafts locks the process for the previous craft; any engines/thrusters that are on for fine tuning will just keep firing until propellant is exhausted. It's a bit daunting getting them all lined up one at a time before they start re-entry, and mechjeb's landing process can't be fired via action group yet. Can you make it possible to assign gps coordinates per-weapon before firing them? e.g. fire 5 mirv's at once each with their own target

Also, can you make a standalone nuclear warhead like a larger small explosive warhead?

And fusing options? Altitude, proximity(distance), impact, command(action group triggered).

Edited by ginsuguy585
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Can you make a video explaining the MGM tubes? Because if i put an MGM cap over the MGM tube the missile explodes when i fire it instead of breaking out like a real missile would

The MGM is actually a bit broken... I'm working on it don't worry

And a video will come at some point

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The MGM is actually a bit broken... I'm working on it don't worry

And a video will come at some point

Speaking of MGM missile tubes and such, we should try and implement the Vertical Launching System. The U.S. has ships called Ticonderoga-class Cruisers that can hold up to 2x61 Vertical Launching Cells. Imagine the damage these could cause!



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I've actually looked into it, but I'm not making them until I find out what type of missile I want to make/form it around

If you want to become more ambitious, you can contemplate adding the RIM-161 Standard Missile 3, an anti-ballistic missile used in the VLS.


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Hello, first I want to say that your mod is just perfect, I use it way to much.

I would want to know if you could someday do the Fenrir's cloaking device from Ace Combat X (not real life but who cares)

If you don't know what it does look at this cinematic https://youtu.be/6FQuIEfh1f0?t=219

The plane turns golden and then almost invisible with a golden trail, it's also almost invisible to radar and heat detection I believe.

I know it would be hard to be but this would be pretty nice (maybe along the Falken OP laser)

That's it, if someday someone can make some of the weaponry used in the Ace Combat series I would be the happiest little kerbal.

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Hello, first I want to say that your mod is just perfect, I use it way to much.

I would want to know if you could someday do the Fenrir's cloaking device from Ace Combat X (not real life but who cares)

If you don't know what it does look at this cinematic https://youtu.be/6FQuIEfh1f0?t=219

The plane turns golden and then almost invisible with a golden trail, it's also almost invisible to radar and heat detection I believe.

I know it would be hard to be but this would be pretty nice (maybe along the Falken OP laser)

That's it, if someday someone can make some of the weaponry used in the Ace Combat series I would be the happiest little kerbal.

welll uh... I'm actually not sure how to respond to that

I don't think I can manage the cloaking device, but the laser...

the laser is possible!

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Maybe it's possible to change the opacity of the parts "on the fly" but I don't know anything about this, other that that it would just be a very strong jammer.

And for the laser you just have to type "falken laser" on google but it shows you the plane using it. It's pretty hard to find a picture of the actual laser system so it took picture from the psp with my phone


The name of this thing is "TLS" for "Tactical Laser System", it's fixed and can pretty much instakill anything but it can only fire like 10 times, it's also fixed and blue.

You can also look at the wiki page of it http://acecombat.wikia.com/wiki/Tactical_Laser_System

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Yup, there's an entire unity module dedicated to changing the opacity of parts. Root around on the dev forums a bit I think there was an entire thread dedicated to a rudimentary cloaking plugin...

I guess you are talkin about that http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/137092-1-0-4-Cloaking-Device-%28v0-02-10-18-2015%29?highlight=cloaking

In fact it would be pretty easy, just add the pretty golden trail and jam the radar/heat detection.

EDIT: Just tried it, works perfectly but the parts stay invisible when detached from the device. It also requires a lot of electric charge but 2 turbojets at full power are enough to power it for a long time.

Edited by Fluburtur
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