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  EladDv said:
C) would you want to work at a company which forbids you from posting stuff about your current project on your personal account (as long as it dosnt harm development)

That describes most companies, actually. (In particular any companies that are publicly traded.)

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  Esme said:
Then he should have more sense, quite frankly. And I'm not whining; I'm making a perfectly good point; kindly mind your manners Eladv.

The issue is that Max has a habit of making these sorts of tweets, much to the chagrin of the Kommunity. If it were a one time thing, I don't think there would be much of an issue.

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  mikegarrison said:
That describes most companies, actually. (In particular any companies that are publicly traded.)
  regex said:
Oregon's latest change in laws may have something to do with any perceived confusion. Or not.

Of course not. We're saying it would be really nice if they would, thank you very much.

They have no problem doing that on Maxmaps Twitter account, why not here?

This has nothing to do with the discussion, which is about where information is available and how many accounts you need to have and follow to keep up on development of the product.

while i agree i went off on point C i still stand by the others- point B especially- and what you seem to confuse is the difference between maxmaps and squad- they are not the same entity and KSP does have a twitter account where they post stuff (where Kasper and Badie are in charge IIRC) maxmaps posts tweets on his own decisions and squad has nothing to do with that just as much as you leaking a feature wouldnt be a matter of squad and they are not responsible for it.

now let's get back to those 8 word scoops you like so much- where would you put it that would feel substantial and not a hollow remark?i would feel like i could have gotten a better more informative article instead of this little scoop- i rather them keep working on these rather than post snippets of information for people to drool over

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  EladDv said:
now let's get back to those 8 word scoops you like so much- where would you put it that would feel substantial and not a hollow remark?i would feel like i could have gotten a better more informative article instead of this little scoop- i rather them keep working on these rather than post snippets of information for people to drool over
The original OP of this thread is less than 140 characters and spawned a big discussion. Why not put such things in the Announcements subforum? Seems better for "official" announcements than Maxmaps' personal popularity counter.
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  EladDv said:
i am honestly astonished how hellbent you are after censuring a person in his own account for posting scoops on his project-

A) squad has no obligation to post these scoops on the forum.

B) let's say they would- would you want them to post 8 word scoops once in a while or actually take the time to get a good informative post done professionally?

C) would you want to work at a company which forbids you from posting stuff about your current project on your personal account (as long as it dosnt harm development)

I don't believe anyone is honestly demanding they change company policy to begin censoring personal social media accounts (though as a business operating in the social media age I'd be surprised if they didn't already have some sort of policy regarding just that). What I, and I believe others, would prefer is for information that is worth sharing be given a "press release" type of treatment and posted here on the forums. If an employee is that excited about it that they wish to put it on their personal social media then a headline and link to the forum posting should suffice (even if it means waiting a day or two for the article to be written). What happens now with these 140 characters or less posts eventually makes it back here and just causes a stir and doesn't really tell anyone anything; it is just a tease that isn't always followed up by official, accurate information. I'm happy to see that the latter part of that statement isn't true in this instance.

On topic: I'm looking forward to finding out more about the 64-bit build and the 1.1 update when the article is posted.

Edited by Mako
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If this would work I could finally be less strict about part count on my bigS colony ships

on my last hangar ship I had to leave holes in the hangar as that would save me around 80 parts, turned out to be quite pretty though

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I'm not entirely sure why this is as big of a deal as it's being made. Yes, Squad employees will post things on other social media platforms than the forums, but I don't think some people are seeing that all important information about the game is posted on the forums. Some examples: the patchnotes/feature lists of updates after they've been released are always here, the Devnotes are posted every Tuesday with great insights into the inner workings of Squad's development cycles, and most of all, we get those excellent blog posts about game features (such as Harv's occasional posts, or KasperVld's aforementioned post on 64-bit coming tomorrow).

The stuff posted elsewhere is primarily Maxmaps giving Twitter followers a sneak peek of features, news which will eventually come to the forums. In this case, it's taking only two days to write a nice in-depth (I'm presuming, as they usually are) report on the mechanics of how 64-bit will work with the new engine. Quite frankly, I'd prefer that rather than Max posting a quick sentence in KSP Announcements about it.

All-in-all, the Squad employees' mentions of upcoming features are a positive thing, as it diversifies the information being spread (I'm sure there are some who can't/won't visit the forums), and that information will make it here as well, often in more detailed updates.

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  Mako said:
I don't believe anyone is honestly demanding they change company policy to begin censoring personal social media accounts (though as a business operating in the social media age I'd be surprised if they didn't already have some sort of policy regarding just that). What I, and I believe others, would prefer is for information that is worth sharing be given a "press release" type of treatment and posted here on the forums. If an employee is that excited about it that they wish to put it on their personal social media then a headline and link to the forum posting should suffice (even if it means waiting a day or two for the article to be written). What happens now with these 140 characters or less posts eventually makes it back here and just causes a stir and doesn't really tell anyone anything; it is just a tease that isn't always followed up by official, accurate information.

i know it's not substantial or very informative this is why i am ok with this being on personal twitter accounts- it gives you something to be excited about and waiting for the eventual article that would explain everything and will be much more informative-stuff that are nearly impossible on twitter. People rage out on little snippets of data not yet fully realized even though we have been getting all the news on the forums-for example the relay system and the 1.0 updates were on the forums as the newest Xbox One announcement (;))

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  EladDv said:
well maxmaps isnt squad and his ramblings arnt always suited to the forum- plus all the details we got was that they are MAYBE getting 64bit going and that he was just out of a meeting about it-is this really worthy of a forum thread? it's not that squad dosnt recognise the forums or dosnt want to post here they just want it to feel official and substantial and not activating the hype train for things that are not certain or not complete. can you please stop whining about the devs having PERSONAL twitter accounts and that they occasionally post minor bits of info on their PERSONAL ACCOUNTS​?

Kindly mind your manners, EladV. I was making a perfectly good point, not whining; if you cannot make a response without resorting to childish insult, then you might wish to reconsider whether you should make your post at all.

If SQUAD's devs think that leaking snippets in other places first won't annoy those on what are supposed to be the KSP offical forums - and thus, implicitly, the official channel for the release of news of the game - particularly when they have been told many times that it's annoying, then criticism is what they should expect. I do recognise that with things changing so rapidly on the internet these days, that conceptions of what is acceptable netiquette may be rather fluid and even be wildly different from one individual to another, but it's a mystery to me why SQUAD don't seem to realise why this sort of thing irritates, having had it explained, clearly, so often. And the reason that I feel impelled to speak on this subject again is because the lack of a stable 64-bit Windows build has clearly been a source of some disappointment to our friends here that run Windows (I use Linux, personally) (and I'm quite as critical of those who seem impervious to SQUAD's perfectly reasonable explanations that the problem is with Unity, not KSP, incidentally.).

Clearly anything that even hints at a stable 64 bit Windows build is going to attract a lot of attention and raise hopes, and cause much discussion here. MUCH better to make a proper disclosure here rather that 'tease' elsewhere for something that important to so many.

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  Esme said:
Kindly mind your manners, EladV. I was making a perfectly good point, not whining; if you cannot make a response without resorting to childish insult, then you might wish to reconsider whether you should make your post at all.

If SQUAD's devs think that leaking snippets in other places first won't annoy those on what are supposed to be the KSP offical forums - and thus, implicitly, the official channel for the release of news of the game - particularly when they have been told many times that it's annoying, then criticism is what they should expect. I do recognise that with things changing so rapidly on the internet these days, that conceptions of what is acceptable netiquette may be rather fluid and even be wildly different from one individual to another, but it's a mystery to me why SQUAD don't seem to realise why this sort of thing irritates, having had it explained, clearly, so often. And the reason that I feel impelled to speak on this subject again is because the lack of a stable 64-bit Windows build has clearly been a source of some disappointment to our friends here that run Windows (I use Linux, personally) (and I'm quite as critical of those who seem impervious to SQUAD's perfectly reasonable explanations that the problem is with Unity, not KSP, incidentally.).

Clearly anything that even hints at a stable 64 bit Windows build is going to attract a lot of attention and raise hopes, and cause much discussion here. MUCH better to make a proper disclosure here rather that 'tease' elsewhere for something that important to so many.

well i would call what has been happening here "whining" because it really is-you are going after a particular person for posting stuff on his twitter- so yeah it's a small tease about game features but honestly he owes you and me nothing as he is entitled to post anything on his account as long as it's within the law- people saying "but it's annoying me" is whining in my opinion, this is not name calling and i wasnt referring to you in particular this is how i see the turn on things currently.

now to the subject at hand.

Yes i agree that these forums are the official channel to news about the game but so is the reddit, the Twitter account, the twitch channel and every social channel that squad is operating, and the personal channels of the devs arent a part of this group- and while it is bothering some they will have to frankly deal with it like adults because you cant always get what you want and you cant control what a person is publishing on social media, not to mention that these kinds of sensitive topics (and even new ones like the relay system) were always followed by an article on the forum. it's a forum and it's important but it dosnt have to be the first source of news for everybody and it dosnt have to be the first place where it all goes

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  johnnyhandsome said:
Is there any particular reason Mac users shouldn't be rejoicing? It's. 64 bit OS.

the mac version isnt the most stable at the moment and we dont have any information about it getting better with 1.1

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  regex said:
Wooooo! Two days after the tweet, fantastic! I can't wait for my outdated news!

Hopefully they'll post something on the forum to tell us where the news is.

And it's not hard to make short twitter-like posts on a forum. Start a thread in the Announcements section, sticky it, and lock the thread and only let the devs post to it. You know, use the Announcements area to announce things? It's not brain surgery, people. Not posting information to your own website is just jackassery. Post it everywhere you can, fine. But also post it to your own damn site, too.

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  CalculusWarrior said:
I'm not entirely sure why this is as big of a deal as it's being made. Yes, Squad employees will post things on other social media platforms than the forums, but I don't think some people are seeing that all important information about the game is posted on the forums. Some examples: the patchnotes/feature lists of updates after they've been released are always here, the Devnotes are posted every Tuesday with great insights into the inner workings of Squad's development cycles, and most of all, we get those excellent blog posts about game features (such as Harv's occasional posts, or KasperVld's aforementioned post on 64-bit coming tomorrow).

It is a big deal, because this is the official forum for Kerbal Space Program. It is logical, and basically expected that updates about the game will be made here. What makes this a big deal is this: We are basically being forced to check social media which some people, myself included will not use for a variety of reasons, reddit or disturbingly enough, other game forums, where announcements of this games dev progress are being made, and then being later posted here by either sharp eyed forum users or by squad after the fact. We are feeling by and large I would wager, that this forum is an after thought. I would posit to you the following question: Would you expect say, Marvel to post to this website first about progress being made on the Deadpool movie? No. You would NOT expect that, you would expect, and very rightly so, that Marvel would post to THEIR website first with those updates and THEN let them filter hither and yon.

  CalculusWarrior said:

The stuff posted elsewhere is primarily Maxmaps giving Twitter followers a sneak peek of features, news which will eventually come to the forums. In this case, it's taking only two days to write a nice in-depth (I'm presuming, as they usually are) report on the mechanics of how 64-bit will work with the new engine. Quite frankly, I'd prefer that rather than Max posting a quick sentence in KSP Announcements about it.

Heres the thing, someone said this already, but, it needs repeating, Maxmaps spoke of stuff in a vague way on his PERSONAL social media account and failed to say anything here in an official capacity. This has touched off this wildfire debate or argument or what ever descriptor tickles you. He should have either A. not said ANYTHING, B. Said something across all channels at once or C. Spoke of it on this forum only. I would have chosen <if I was him> to use option B. Look, its simple really, this forum is most likely the first and ONLY contact with KSP that people have with Squad, and rely 100% on this site. Heck, I learned of this game thanks to my family and steam before I knew of this website. I like a goodly portion of the users rely strictly on this forum for information pertaining to the game. Ignoring this forum, or as someone put it, missing the point about what we are all in a fit over, and saying a post is in the works, is salt in a community wound.

  CalculusWarrior said:

All-in-all, the Squad employees' mentions of upcoming features are a positive thing, as it diversifies the information being spread (I'm sure there are some who can't/won't visit the forums), and that information will make it here as well, often in more detailed updates.

All in all, it is Squads duty <as it logically is to me, seeing as this IS the OFFICIAL forum for the game> to use this forum first or in conjunction with other social media, and not to be ignored until the wild fire is spreading faster than light speed and then post here. This is my 2 cents, nothing more, nothing less.

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  EladDv said:
. it's a forum and it's important but it dosnt have to be the first source of news for everybody and it dosnt have to be the first place where it all goes

Doesn't HAVE to be, but since it's technically the only "official" ( other than perhaps the Twitter account @KerbalSpaceP; reddit, SA, Orbiter forums and Max' Twitter account are NOT official they're 3rd party sites... ) web site for KSP...it probably SHOULD be posted here first...

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  Ignath said:
Doesn't HAVE to be, but since it's technically the only "official" ( other than perhaps the Twitter account @KerbalSpaceP; reddit, SA, Orbiter forums and Max' Twitter account are NOT official they're 3rd party sites... ) web site for KSP...it probably SHOULD be posted here first...

and yet i see most people argue that it is the only official one and all communication between the devs and the world should be ceased- maybe cut off their arms and saw their lips together. and while i agree that the information has to get here it dosnt need to be firstly here especially when you have no real information but just teasing (which some will still complain about why they are doing this teasing on the forum but i digress...) you cant force the devs to post stuff here and the company as a whole always gets the news here- in better form and not a "we are teasing you for a feature we are still discussing" announcement damn i cant stop digressing...oh and yes it today's world "3rd party sites" like facebook twitter and such ARE considered official and if you dont believe me ask a web PR person

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  EladDv said:
and yet i see most people argue that it is the only official one and all communication between the devs and the world should be ceased- maybe cut off their arms and saw their lips together. and while i agree that the information has to get here it dosnt need to be firstly here especially when you have no real information but just teasing (which some will still complain about why they are doing this teasing on the forum but i digress...) you cant force the devs to post stuff here and the company as a whole always gets the news here- in better form and not a "we are teasing you for a feature we are still discussing" announcement damn i cant stop digressing...
No, you're just exaggerating. The argument is that it wouldn't be much, at all, to ask that the person making these little announcements elsewhere also bang out a minute-long OP saying exactly the same thing and put it in a special place here at the same time. That's what the argument has always been.
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  Higgs said:
It is a big deal, because this is the official forum for Kerbal Space Program. It is logical, and basically expected that updates about the game will be made here. What makes this a big deal is this: We are basically being forced to check social media which some people, myself included will not use for a variety of reasons, reddit or disturbingly enough, other game forums, where announcements of this games dev progress are being made, and then being later posted here by either sharp eyed forum users or by squad after the fact. We are feeling by and large I would wager, that this forum is an after thought. I would posit to you the following question: Would you expect say, Marvel to post to this website first about progress being made on the Deadpool movie? No. You would NOT expect that, you would expect, and very rightly so, that Marvel would post to THEIR website first with those updates and THEN let them filter hither and yon.

First of all, I agree with you that this is the official forum and the news from development should be posted here. However, I mean to argue that whatever information posted elsewhere is really quite inconsequential and most (if not all information) will be posted here as well. Take Max's twitter post, it is extremely vague and to me is in no way an official announcement, more of like a teaser for the official announcement and post being made tomorrow. I make the case that it doesn't really matter if Max posts that sort of thing, as those who only follow the forum get that information anyways when Squad officially announces it. Also, Max is human and it sounds like he was very excited about the meeting (presumably about the 64-bit decision) and decided to let the community know through a quick Twitter update, rather than a full communications update, which will (presumably) occur tomorrow.

  Higgs said:
I, like a goodly portion of the users rely strictly on this forum for information pertaining to the game. Ignoring this forum, or as someone put it, missing the point about what we are all in a fit over, and saying a post is in the works, is salt in a community wound.

I argue that it really is not a huge deal because that information is coming out anyways, Max just let slip this a little earlier than the official announcement. I'm just not seeing why it's being made as big of an issue as for some people to urge Squad to forbid employees from posting game information anywhere else but the forums.

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  regex said:
No, you're just exaggerating. The argument is that it wouldn't be much, at all, to ask that the person making these little announcements elsewhere also bang out a minute-long OP saying exactly the same thing and put it in a special place here at the same time. That's what the argument has always been.

"Just got out of a big meeting regarding the Unity upgrade. Considering the size, we're calling 1.1 now. And it ain't far." "We got like... 64 reasons to be excited about 1.1"

i dont expect anyone to go on every single media announcing such a tease after a meeting i would think that with the amount of times this will occur you(plural) will find it annoying and start complaining about flooding the forum with meaningless announcements (i have to stay on topic more). on this occasion it's totally fine to get on the easiest platform to post these short teases and not just flood the forum with them- if it conjures up enough interest it will find itself into the forums- i havnt seen that every single one of max's tweets go on here.

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  regex said:
No, you're just exaggerating. The argument is that it wouldn't be much, at all, to ask that the person making these little announcements elsewhere also bang out a minute-long OP saying exactly the same thing and put it in a special place here at the same time. That's what the argument has always been.

This right here ^. Regex is spot on. The argument isn't whether or not the announcement should have been made or that it was made on Twit-ter, but that it was ONLY made on Twit-ter. Also, you have been highly drama-filled and over-exaggerated in EVERY post you've made EladDv. That amount of hyperbole will not win you any arguments...nor will people take anything you say seriously if you continue to go on like that...

  CalculusWarrior said:
I argue that it really is not a huge deal because that information is coming out anyways, Max just let slip this a little earlier than the official announcement. I'm just not seeing why it's being made as big of an issue as for some people to urge Squad to forbid employees from posting game information anywhere else but the forums.

No one urged SQUAD to forbid employees from posting game information anywhere but on the forums...that was a straw man that was created by EladDv earlier in the thread.

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  CalculusWarrior said:
First of all, I agree with you that this is the official forum and the news from development should be posted here. However, I mean to argue that whatever information posted elsewhere is really quite inconsequential and most (if not all information) will be posted here as well. Take Max's twitter post, it is extremely vague and to me is in no way an official announcement, more of like a teaser for the official announcement and post being made tomorrow. I make the case that it doesn't really matter if Max posts that sort of thing, as those who only follow the forum get that information anyways when Squad officially announces it. Also, Max is human and it sounds like he was very excited about the meeting (presumably about the 64-bit decision) and decided to let the community know through a quick Twitter update, rather than a full communications update, which will (presumably) occur tomorrow.

thats the thing tho, max rambles on his personal account, and because max IS the lead dev far as last i heard, his word is treated as gospel so, anything he says is treated as an announcement, which is like a slap in our faces when, several days or more elapse w/out anything from him or any other dev here. The other thing is, we should not have to wait more than minutes between social media and the forum getting word officially and not some user driven scavenger hunt across the the world.

  CalculusWarrior said:

I argue that it really is not a huge deal because that information is coming out anyways, Max just let slip this a little earlier than the official announcement. I'm just not seeing why it's being made as big of an issue as for some people to urge Squad to forbid employees from posting game information anywhere else but the forums.

it is a huge deal, but, my above, says why.

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  Robotengineer said:

Mightn't it be easier to implement a company policy in which development info can't be posted on personal accounts?

  Higgs said:
thats the thing tho, max rambles on his personal account, and because max IS the lead dev far as last i heard, his word is treated as gospel so, anything he says is treated as an announcement, which is like a slap in our faces when, several days or more elapse w/out anything from him or any other dev here. The other thing is, we should not have to wait more than minutes between social media and the forum getting word officially and not some user driven scavenger hunt across the the world.

it is a huge deal, but, my above, says why.

straw man? i dont think so

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