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[1.0.4] ShipEffects Sound Mod: Dynamic Sound Effects (Maintenance) - v1.0.3 [10/12/2015]


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After finding this plugin and realizing that the original plugin has had it's development haulted as of 07/27/15, and despite my non-existant experience with modding KSP (Though I do have some C# knowledge), I have decided to go ahead and run a maintenance thread for

ShipEffects Sound Mod: Dynamic Sound Effects (Original Thread). I would like to thank the original mod author ensouensou for creating this awesome plugin and credit him for the creation of the original mod.

I currently do not plan to add features to this plugin as I feel it is feature complete enough for the moment and am creating this as a maintenance thread to keep it updated with new versions of KSP, however I may reconsider adding new features if convinced that it could be made better. If the original author returns I will close this thread and pass along any changes I have made to him so that he may continue developing the plugin.



We all wished we could hear our spaceship cry while entering Eve, or accelerating with a bunch of Mainsails. This mod fills in the remaining gap in the sound effects part. This adds rattles, vibrations, and stress sounds to your ship depending on how much thrust, gravitational and atmospheric forces your ship is enduring.



source included | licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license

Download the Latest Version here



  • Delete the old version completely
  • Extract and merge the folder "GameData" with your existing "GameData" directory









1.0.3-1.0.4 | 10-12-15
- Updated Source Code

1.0.2-1.0.4 | 08-28-15
- Removed Debug Line that was spamming KSP output log
- Code optimizations

1.0.1-1.0.4 | 08-23-15
- Fixed Compatibility issues with the Real Fuels mod by NathanKell

1.0.0-1.0.4 | 08-23-15
- Maintenance Build, code updated for functionality in KSP 1.0.4

0.2.6-0.90 | 04-18-15
- Improved Thump Sounds response, now it wont play unless the ship experienced a sudden increase in GeeForce fast enough
- Added Heavy Thump sounds for Higher GeeForce Peaks
- Added Stress Sounds response starting from 6G and beyond
- General House Keeping within the code
- Two new Settings, Resistance Multiplier and ReEntry Multiplier

0.2.4-0.90 | 04-16-15
- fixed dynamic response locking at high TWRs causing sounds to not ease
- replaced Thump Sounds to final, replaced code thump code handler
- Docking and Undocking Sounds implement

0.2.3-0.90 | 04-11-15
- Code Re-write, alot more stable, better calculations and ram/cpu friendly
- Better Dynamics response, now takes into account Rotation, Atmosphere Pressure and DeltaV differences (calculated and actual)
- Removed old stress sounds. going to be replaced with a better system
- Engine Response is now more realistic because of better Dynamic response. rattles caused by the engine will ease out when final velocity is reached.
- Audio widen with Unity 3D Audio

0.2.1-0.90 | 04-07-15
-Engine Response is back and better, reworked code
-Fixed Flickering audio at High TWR and super G-forces by redoing the Dynamic Volume control and limiting it
-Converted sounds to wav, easier to the game for a sacrifice of size.
-Redid Re-entry response, code borrowed from KerbQuake

0.2-0.90 | 04-05-2015
-improved and new sounds!
-Thump Sounds (open parachute, land) are powered by Acceleration = Gravity/Mass
-Aerodynamic and Atmospheric features are now in! 
-Now sounds respond to Atmospheric Entries. 
-cleaner code, new calculation method for dynamic responses
-EngineResponse Disabled for now, was working but is throwing nullexceptions when paired with other mods that uses moduleengines

0.1.4-0.90 | 04-04-2015
- added ProbeControlRoom Support, disables sounds when using ProbeControlRoom IVA.
- redid settings to respond a little bit better.

0.1.3-0.90 | 04-04-2015
- fixed null exceptions
- added thirdpersonview sounds
- added velocityEaser to easeGForces when at lower velocity or stationary, getting rid of rattles while landed

0.1.2-0.90 | 04-03-2015
- Added Configuration Options

0.1-0.90 | 04-03-2015
- Release Version
- new sound loops
- Added layers of sound
- added engine thrust response


Edited by CoriW
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  Doughy said:
may be an upload problem. nothing happens when i click download on the kerbalstuff page.

Hey it should be fixed now, I didn't realize that I could only use .zip, originally I tried to upload a .rar and apparently it didn't notify me that it was invalid.

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  Svm420 said:
Thanks for taking up support of the mod. THe only thing I would love to see added to the mod is RealFuels compatibility. Ensouensou had been trying to get that working, but never was successful. Some details about it here. Maybe try contacting nathanKell the author of RealFuels.

Hey @Svm420 I looked into it and I believe that I have managed to fix the compatibility issues between this mod and Real Fuels, let me know if you have any other problems with compatibility.

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  Mitchz95 said:
Are the sound effects IVA only, or can you hear then outside as well?
  Doughy said:
is it possible to make the sounds happen without being IVA?

Currently you can only experience the sound effects while in IVA mode, however I will look into the possibility of non-IVA sound effects.

EDIT: Nevermind that last statement, looking again it appears the original dev added an option that I had overlooked -- In the "ShipEffects.cfg" file within the "ShipEffects" folder inside your GameData folder, simply change "OnlyInIVA = true" to "OnlyInIVA = false"

  Ghosty141 said:
I have a question, does this mod work with AtmosphericSoundEnhancement ?

I'm not sure, the only way to know would be to test it... I can probably test it at some point -- If you do end up trying them together let me know if you experience any issues.

Edited by CoriW
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  CoriW said:
Currently you can only experience the sound effects while in IVA mode, however I will look into the possibility of non-IVA sound effects.

Thanks for the quick response. Is there a way to make the current sound effects work outside the ship in the meantime?

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  Mitchz95 said:
Thanks for the quick response. Is there a way to make the current sound effects work outside the ship in the meantime?

Hey I went to look into adding the option just now, and realized the original dev did already implement an option that I had overlooked -- There is an option in the "ShipEffects.cfg" file within the "ShipEffects" folder inside your GameData folder. Simply change "OnlyInIVA = true" to "OnlyInIVA = false"

Edited by CoriW
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey just wanted to check that the mod is working alright for everybody? I can't help but notice that version 1.0.1 is getting a lot more downloads than the most recent version 1.0.2, and wanted to make sure it's not a problem with version 1.0.2 that's keeping people from downloading it?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to Version 1.0.3

1.0.3-1.0.4 | 10-12-15

  • Updated Source Code

All this update does is update the source code included in the download as I apparently forgot to make the new source code available in version 1.0.2. :blush:

Edited by CoriW
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  Avera9eJoe said:
Awesome! Are you excited or discouraged by the U5 update? I've heard many claims that it has great options for sound engineering, but I'm not sure how much work it would require to update ShipSounds.

Honestly while Unity 5 is going to be a great thing, I only intend to keep this mod compatible with KSP. If there is an improvement in sound quality or function as a result that's awesome, but otherwise it will likely still be the same as it's always been.

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  CoriW said:
Honestly while Unity 5 is going to be a great thing, I only intend to keep this mod compatible with KSP. If there is an improvement in sound quality or function as a result that's awesome, but otherwise it will likely still be the same as it's always been.

Great to hear! I hope it's not too hard. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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