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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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Okay, sorry this took so long! I went out of town for the weekend, and left the chapter ready to post. However, I couldn't login on Imgur on my smartphone for some reason, so it had to wait untill I came back home. Well, let's not wait any further!




















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More fun than a multiverse full of Kerbals!

Well, it looks like there will be some long-term corruption of the various S.A.V.E.s.

I mean, really, what was 'Walter-Bill' thinking introducing them to hydrazine?

I think neither universe will ever be the same again.

Happy landings!

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Good to see Kerbfleet Bill returning the favor with a little crossover 'corruption' of his own. And "Crash course in being Bill Kerman" goes down as one of the top KF-Bill lines of all time, bar none! :D Now, let's see where he ends up... could be anywhere, really. If any of you notice a proliferation of wonky .sfs files or slurred speech in your station crews, please PM me.

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1 hour ago, Parkaboy said:

Okay, sorry this took so long! I went out of town for the weekend, and left the chapter ready to post. However, I couldn't login on Imgur on my smartphone for some reason, so it had to wait untill I came back home. Well, let's not wait any further!


Oh sure... get me hooked, then take off a couple days....   :sticktongue:

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47 minutes ago, SaturnianBlue said:

The bit when Bill says Jeb has Yellow balloons and a different font type makes me wonder. Do they see sound?!

The 4th wall is pretty weak over in Kerbfleet--Kenlie thought PK-Jeb had been taking engineering classes because his balloon was red. Then there was the time on Eve when Jeb got himself confused with Tedus due to their identical EVA suits and yellow balloons :) 

Edited by Kuzzter
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So... If i understand it right...


All our fanfics and fanarts are an expanding Kerbal Multiverse?


Did it will continue to expand? Did the multiverse will converge into an multiplayer transdimensional layer or did it will perish under a entropy of fandoom?


So many questions!

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Well, the three theories for the end of the kerbal universe are:

  1. "Big Crunch": Eventually, the rate of updates and fan work releases will slow down, stop, and then reverse, slowly stripping the game of its features and plots. This one is mostly discredited due to the fan growth formula and update theory.
  2. "Big Update": The rate of updates and fan work releases will increase forever, eventually resulting in a constant stream of updates that will make the game impossible to play and all fan stories impossible to follow.
  3. "Big Boredom": The rate of updates and fan work releases will increase for a while, and then remain constant, resulting in all creativity being evenly distributed and unable to move, making the game and assorted fan works boring.

Fortunately, none of these are supported by experimental evidence, which currently predicts a die-down as soon as spacecraft start costing $40 USD.

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8 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

@Just Jim I'm glad you liked this little homage! One of the messages we're trying to transmit with this crossover is that all our stories can coexist nicely, and that the kerbal multiverse is only improved by having more and more people writing.

Agreed!  :D

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40 minutes ago, Parkaboy said:

@Just Jim I'm glad you liked this little homage! One of the messages we're trying to transmit with this crossover is that all our stories can coexist nicely, and that the kerbal multiverse is only improved by having more and more people writing.

That's the best part of Squad having very little canon in regards to the game. I hope it stays that way. 

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Great job collaborating without derailing either story.  Well done!

I recognize the first three stories Artie referenced but the last (picture of what appears to be a long-range nuke powered transport) was a new one for me.  Would anyone have that link handy & care to share?

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