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[WIP][Kopernicus] Alternis Kerbol Rekerjiggered v.03: Redone Duna and Laythe and Tylo!

Whirligig Girl

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Here is a txt file of the original Alternis Kerbol (I recompiled the dll to let it work on KSP 1.0.4) with all the information about the planets (orbital, atmosphere, science values and timewarp).

It is a bit messy and some info is not needed for kopernicus files, but it has all the needed info except the planet descriptions.


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Descriptions that changed:


Long known as Kerbin's sister moon, Laythe was seeded with life hundreds of millions of years ago when a large asteroid struck Kerbin - catapulting boulders with various life forms into orbit around Jool. Given its proximity to Kerbin, some of this impact debris found its way to Laythe, depositing a precious cargo of microbes and, according to some theories, whole plant seeds. This life quickly spread across the moon, until it became the lush green world we know today.

(There are, however, fringe theorists who believe that life started on Laythe and was brought to Kerbin, but that's just absurd)

Bop (when set in orbit around Kerbin)

A worthless lump of unusually-dense rock in a hopelessly unstable orbit. Despite the apparant instability, its orbit never seems to change. This merits further investigation...

Reference: Source code

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  GregroxMun said:
I'd have to find a compatible version. AKAIK it was only ever compatible with 0.23, I have no remaining 0.23 saves. I might have 0.21 perhaps, and maybe 0.22, but I don't think I have 0.23.

Squad, please let us download old versions of the game.

EDIT: I found my 0.21 game, and it looked like Alternis loaded (its settings menu did anyway) but when I started a game it sorta locked out of control.



It loaded! Woohoo!

EDIT: Wow, the middle child of space centers. Far apart, disconnected buildings, but with the new models.

EDIT: Well it didn't change any planets, just the lighting.

EDIT: Yes! I found an unmarked KSP_win in my backup. Loaded it up. It's 0.23! Woohoo! Got an old copy of EVE and Kethane on it.

I'm glad you found it. I still have a version of .23, with Alternis even installed, that I could offer to help with if necessary.

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  Gojira said:
Are you also going to change Kerbin's atmosphere to be a bit warmer, like in the original?

It's actually the it was the solar lighting that became warmer. I'd like to do that though. That would be neat. But it is not possible just using Kopernicus, to my knowledge.

Edited by GregroxMun
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  GregroxMun said:
It's actually the it was the solar lighting that became warmer. I'd like to do that though. That would be neat. But it is not possible just using Kopernicus, to my knowledge.

In other news, I'm streaming right now.

I'm pretty sure it's possible; Sigma's Galactic Neighborhood has a number of colored stars with properly colored starlight.

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@GregroxMun, I think you missed my post about changing the solar lighting. Here:

  MrHappyFace said:

As for the sun, there are parameters to specify the sunlight color, but I'm unsure if they work. You can try them out though, and see if they work.

sunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
sunlightIntensity = 0.825
sunlightShadowStrength = 0.95
scaledSunlightColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.825
IVASunColor = 1, 0.92, 0.85, 1
IVASunIntensity = 0.825
sunLensFlareColor = 1, 0.85, 0.75, 1
ambientLightColor = 0, 0, 0, 1

Alternis Kerbol also replaces the atmosphere gradients to make them warmer. I'm not sure how to do that, but I'll tell you if I figure it out.

FYI, I'm pulling these values from the Alternis source code.

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  _Augustus_ said:
What if you made Jool's clouds animated using KE?

I would consider it, but only after everything else is finished. I saw what happened in Amarius' pack when you rush the procedural textures on a planet so beautiful as alternis!Jool. It doesn't look great.

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  RyanRising said:
Will Laythe have alien trees in the future?

No, but it might have Kerbin trees. I believe Nova intended to model the alien trees. I'm not creating any new art for this mod unless I have to, so unless Nova has a tree model he'd be willing to lend me, it's not going to be any more alien than an oak tree.

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Another thing I found is some ideas for expanding the system to have new planets and moons.

Here is is:

-Scraper: The asteroid moon of Moho. Orbits REALLY CLOSE. Or at least as close as it is plausible to do so.

-Sitrus: A smallish yellow moon of Eve. Has an eccentric, highly inclined orbit, making missions here unlike Eve missions despite orbiting Eve.

-Tours: A dwarf planet between Jool and Tylo. Great for tours, hence the name. Has three moons.

-Lop: Pol's evil twin or something.

-Putty: Looks like Silly Putty.

-Goof: Has an eccentric orbit.

-Rebol: The system after Tylo. A brown dwarf and practically a miniature system.

-Staanli: Barely habitable world closely orbiting Rebol.

-Kostner: A dwarf Neptune/ocean world.

-Belan: A moon of Kostner meant to make the planet interesting. How is it interesting? Well, it's a moon of a moon as far as the game is concerned.

-Edmund: The much-discussed "peaks in vacuum" world.

-Victor: A dwarf planet orbiting a dwarf star. An icy body mainly useful for refueling.

-Invurs: Like the original Tylo, but a parent body. No atmosphere. Outside Rebol's orbit.

-Jaeger: Titan-like. Orbits Invurs. Possibly has oceans. Meant to make aerobraking into the Invurs system "interesting."

-Blip: A little moon for when you don't want a challenging landing to go with your challenging insertion.

-Jinks: Gray and green gas giant. 4 moons with a lopsided mass distribution. Outermost planet other than Eeloo.

-Fuzzle: Low gravity, incredibly thick atmosphere. Great for spaceplanes, if you can get them there.

-Squeak: A tiny irregular moon. Getting a lander here is like hauling a pencil to Antarctica.

-Tumble: Has terrain that can only be described as spiky.

-Beast: A subdued version of Thud from PlanetFactory i.e. very large but not absurdly so.

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  _Augustus_ said:
Another thing I found is some ideas for expanding the system to have new planets and moons.

Here is is:

I will not be adding to the system until after it is fully complete, and then it will likely be a support for the Outer Planets Mod, rearranging that whole arrangement. THe only thing I know for certain about that pack is that Neidon will low-orbit Kerbol, Moho will orbit Neidon, and Urlum will be green, and Sarnus will be a brown dwarf.

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  MrHappyFace said:
@GregroxMun, I think you missed my post about changing the solar lighting. Here:

I tried the config and it didn't work.

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  GregroxMun said:
I don't have a good converter. If someone else were to do it I'd credit them and rebundle them with the download. (Assuming they worked in-game and din't have any strange glitches)

Doing right now, after I downloaded the new version

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Do you want the png's in the Kopernicus/Cache also in dds?

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K I should just kill my Alternis Reloaded thread because you have waaay more time here and there's no point in a modder space race. Hey, can I at least help you with some ....? I already have some models intended for alien trees so... PLS say yes, I don't want to make people confused. Send me a PM with details. I can provide tree textures, models and good configs, as well as proceduraly generated planet textures, using entirely the PQS system (no vertex based mods). Cheers and good job! You realy are a dedicated player to this comunity! :):D

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