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KSP Won 2 Unity Awards!!!! Golden Joysticks Voting Still Open: Vote Kerbal Now!!!

The Yellow Dart

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I just put waterlubber as my name. For your birthday, put April Fools, but that's only because of filthy US laws certain age restrictions. Either way, KSP won all of them, but seriously, best of console exclusives? None of us play those! I voted mostly Elite: Dangerous and KSP

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I too backed out when they asked for info. And no, I'm not setting up some extra email account just to vote in an insignificant online poll - please stop suggesting that. They've made this work in previous years without needing any information.

I agree, it is stupid that they require an email, but the internet is full of stupid websites trying to get your email and info. All the more reason to have a "dummy" email setup for this, and many other such occasions.

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I agree, it is stupid that they require an email, but the internet is full of stupid websites trying to get your email and info. All the more reason to have a "dummy" email setup for this, and many other such occasions.

I do have one set up, and it isn't just the email address they wanted. Had they asked for it upfront or not required four other pieces demographic data I might have given it. Instead I had to wade through 12 pages of "ballot" which had an ad between every selection on said ballot. They're basically requiring you to pay to vote, which is absurd.

Sure, I could've put in fake info, and historically I would've done that. But some folks won't... and a name, an email account, your birthday, and the city and country you live in is enough to learn almost everything about anybody. Plus, if they needed the exact birthdate for COPPA reasons, they're supposed to ask for it up front.

The correct answer (for me) is to entirely avoid sites like that, not to create a throw-away email account and enter fake information.

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Just updated OP, KSP is now also up for 3 Unity Awards from Unity3d. FYI, You have to register before you can vote. Check it out here:https://unity3d.com/awards/2015

See, now that's how you do it. Says upfront on the first page "you must sign in to vote." Seeing as I'm already registered as a Unity dev (or whatever), I've nothing to lose.

Must admit it was a tough choice between KSP and TIS-100 for best gameplay..... The actual gameplay of KSP (the contract/science grind) is about as misery inducing at times as writing asdembly code. And I had no clue when it came to a couple categories... like things from the Unity Asset store that I have no use for and no reason to look at. So some folks got some free votes. Cheers.

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See, now that's how you do it. Says upfront on the first page "you must sign in to vote." Seeing as I'm already registered as a Unity dev (or whatever), I've nothing to lose.

Must admit it was a tough choice between KSP and TIS-100 for best gameplay..... The actual gameplay of KSP (the contract/science grind) is about as misery inducing at times as writing asdembly code. And I had no clue when it came to a couple categories... like things from the Unity Asset store that I have no use for and no reason to look at. So some folks got some free votes. Cheers.

You don't have to vote in all categories. I abstained from most of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Hi there, you should let people know that by clicking your link you automatically vote for KSP.. Yeah yeah we will most likely all vote for KSP but I feel like my vote was cheated out of me.

Reason #1 why I don't click on any of these url shorteners and actually have many of them blocked router side as well as hosts file. There is no telling where they really go to. If someone has to twist my arm like that to vote, IMO it is not a valid vote and would try to vote something else just on principle.

You ought to have a spam email. Any time I have to give an email and name for something when I don't want to, I give one of my spam emails and a nonsense name.

This is the primary reason why I use my own domain & services. I have a handful of legitimate addresses I check (nobody has them), everything else is just a front facing email address and anytime I need to use an email I create a forward so if later on that email gets released in a security breach, or spam comes in.. I know where it came from and can delete the forward and never get mail from that address again. Even my email here and in the ksp store is a forward.

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