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Do something nobody has done before

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S.T.A.R. O.F. T.H.E. M.A.G.I. THE DOES EVERYTHING IN Kerbal Space Program, STOCK PARTS, SPACE CRAFT!!! It can be assembled into many different configurations to do pretty much everything you can think of. Think of it like Voltron. It is able to traverse the entire solar system in the game without ever requiring to return to its origin. Minus the 3 stage Eve space plane it is %100 reusable, can submerge underwater, drive across all terrain, fly, and can go to every planet in the Kerbal system and back to Kerbal in one trip (takes approx. 50 years) the space craft has three ejection pods for each vehicle including the artificial gravity orbiter. The ship even has two missiles! MURICA!  The original acronym/name for it was P.R.A.G.M.A.T.I.C. S.C.A.B.S. which sounded like a company that had all its workers go on strike to only then hire foreigners... it was a terrible name and would be a terrible reason to hire astronauts in such a way lol. I wanted something poetic. Since the ship aerobrakes and would appear like a star crossing the heavens I came up with Star of the magi which to me sounds way better. Plus the name goes with my flag which has a cross and also matches the name of my space agency.  This ship is massive it uses class D and C asteroids and at full mass weighs around 800 tons when attached to an asteroid. The ship also carries multiple relay satalight and can set up a communication network able to access the entire solar system to kerbal.  the main lander is actually a vtol that functions a lot like a drag race car to achieve orbit. It is assembled with a large ssto vtol (aka a heavy lander) andt hat craft can be used as well during a voyage to the outer planets. The ship can go to the outer planets first or the inner planets first. Three Kerbalnauts can be landed on ever planetary surface and taken back to the ship.

Edited by jjuwles
TO add more detail to discription
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  • 3 weeks later...

I made a mod! My first mod ever, with the help of some very good modders, and quite possibly the most balance-breaking thing ever even with intake tuning...

Explodium-Breathing Engines

Also built a challenge plane with it.

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(insert dislikes about Eve purity here) (/me ducks)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one is old for now, but anyway:

I made electricprop-rocket spaceplane SSTO.

Developed this rocket while trying to design even SSTO.

No single airbreathers included!

With better propeller engines out there nowadays, propeller-nuke SSTO is quite feasible. Though Eve sea-level SSTO is definitely out of reach.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Overland Will a seafloor elcano train be next up? :D

@Kergarin I'm always dang impressed with your work. Especially the stuff on Eve! Also, I dig the new emblem.

    I think at the moment that this is stock KSP's fastest manned non-space-plane. But in any case, I'm the first to achieve level aerodynamic flight traveling beyond escape velocity on Kerbin. Just to put the cherry on top, I did it going West! &)  While the shots in the slide reel show a large SAS wheel, it was replaced in later versions with a 2.5m service bay for cargo. The idea was to release probes to interplanatary space right from the comfort of Kerbin!

    ... but ...
   The probes kinda explode as soon as they're released. Yeah I shoulda predicted that. Still, the plane's neat!


It features:

  • An inflatable nose cone
  • Pretilted wings, designed to hold the plane down
  • 100% reuseablility
  • Gentle aesthetic clipping
  • A beautiful view (of fire)

Slide Reel

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   Because the upwards centrifugal force and downwards wing 'lift' both increase with speed, the plane has a lovely broad velocity range where it operates smoothly. The maneuverability also rises with speed, so the plane can be crept higher and higher (into thinner atmosphere) as it speeds up to prevent firework impersonation. Its primary limit right now is fuel!

Edited by Cunjo Carl
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  • 4 months later...

Aircraft carrier pure stock K-atapult (r) for take-off and arrestor hook  after landing (build new aircraft carrier, new videos soon)


(main speed reduction by hook)


epic spaceplane take off from k-arrier with k-atapult, and then orbit Kerbin


Edited by *MajorTom*
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I have never gone to the North Polar before.  And now I really want to.  I think because one, I have been reading At The Mountains Of Madness again and two because I saw this:




I also have a Life Support System mod.  So now I want to try to make a land-ship of some kind.  It needs to be stable, have room and board for a few crew members and MAYBE a type of aircraft that could be unloaded (maybe unmanned) for exploring the frozen north.  :wink:

But do I have the time for such a project?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I delay my aircraft carrier project for this SSTO with sliding mk1 (empty tube) custom cargobay.

I seems to me no one build this kind micro-sliding-cargobays before (maybe  not?)

. craft here (sorry russian language there, but i also wanna put .craft at kerbalX in a day or 2) 


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