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Weirdest kerbal names in other languages


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A bunch of us 'engineers' bored at work nothing to do one evening decided to gather around my gaming laptop for a session of 'hold my kerbal beer and watch this'.

We were talking about the misadventures of one Jaca Kerman when an Indonesian engineer answered to that name and wondered why we were talking about "her" for an hour or so! (His name is Djaka, which is pronounced identically)

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Once (in a previous save) I had a Jongun Kerman. In retrospect I should have built a big flag-covered podium for him to stand on and watch parades of rocket trucks.

I had to rescue him from orbit! I maintain that he was a Kerean defector ;) Apparently Kerman Jong-Un changed his name order to suit conventions of his new homeland :)

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The game generated me a Heidi Kerman, a native german name, and i like it a lot!

I got also a Enemy, from early 0.9 career on... and there is a Gusoly, sounds kind of russian, he is allways very calm and likes the booze too!

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Worryingly I had a Cersei Kerman and a Jaime Kerman appear on the same induction. Cersei has been confined to surface operations, Jaime has been sent to colonize Eeloo.

Wow! O_O

Having hired some four hundred during the preceding week, I am now the proud employer of Catlian, Aryin, and Sansy. Judging by the names of the discarded masses, possible future combinations include Robert, Ednard, Danrys, Joefrey, Obely, and mayhaps Theoryn.

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