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[0.25] Lionhead Aerospace Inc. - Icarus v0.4 updated


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Here are the rescaleFactors for 64% scale for Thor probe parts, if s1 is still trying to figure them out:

Capsule    - 0.57
AdvSAS - 0.5365
Engine - 0.5365
Heatshield - 0.57
Mechjeb - 0.5365
Parachute - 0.34535
Pod - 0.5365
SciTools - 0.5365

This are made laregely by eye, using trial and error, so you might want to wait for Yogui to come up with official ones.

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I had the same problem on the previous page, use theunarchiver to unzip if you have it.Or if you don't use an unzip command in terminal by writing "unzip" pressing the spacebar dragging the file in(so it can find the location of the file) and space again. It'll either work or throw a huge error.

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What about Prometheus/MER? What are the rescale factors needed to fit in bosssquirlez 64% Delta II?

I haven't used it yet, now I'm strugling to make cruise stage from resized stock parts (0.8 scaled xenon tank filled with rocket fuel and with Command module bc the thor pod faces heatshield first on launch and MCCs so additional pod is needed to control launch and MCCs (I added separate configs for them to their folders, it seems that part.cfg can be named whatever.cfg and you can have as many of them as you want in a folder as long as they use the same model, giving you separate parts in game) 0.25 sized radial engines, 0.1 sized girder segment to fit panels, resized small stack decoupler, and, unfortunately s***load of struts bc it fell appart on launch otherwise. And I still had to adjust the Delta II config to be able to circularize with second stage).

Does Prometheus come with reentry capsule (it should have similiar capsule as Thor and Pandora, which also functions as kinda skycrane) or only the lithobraking shell? Opportunity used similar cruise stage and capsule to Curiosity, but smaller. If it comes with both, just resize the capsule until it's diameter is just below the diameter of the wider part of fairing (in case of Thor it was the narrower part/fariing base), than divide the new rescaleFactor of capsule by the old one, and multiply this ratio by rescaleFactors of other parts to get the new ones.

If it does only come with lithorbraking shell, than you should make a resized verison of Pandora's capsule (just make a copy of part.cfg on them, call it e.g. part2.cfg and do resizing there so you have both parts) or Thor' capsule (not sure which fits the shape of original Opportunity/Spirit capsule, though I think Thor capsule + Pandora cruise stage fits the best) add some KAS and engines to the capsule (there are some animations on youtube showing what Opportunity/Spirit landing looked like) and resize the Lithobrakeing shell to fit the capsule.

I'm gonna look into this one once I'm done with Thor. And nice job on Viking Yogui!!!!

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Sorry if it's already been stated but 92 pages is a bit much to sort through for a simple question.

Anybody make the Prometheus solar rover use it's solar panels yet? Was going to figure out how to do it myself but looking at the solar panels i'm confused as to how they work now. Haven't messed with solar panel code since before squad made solar panels, and they did it quite a bit differently.

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Is there any chance you could get a model of the Federation Carrier from Escape Velocity Nova? http://evn.wikia.com/wiki/Federation_Carrier?file=Federation_Carrier.png

No, I'm not interested in that project, moreover I've got too many projects to finish first.

Sorry if it's already been stated but 92 pages is a bit much to sort through for a simple question.

Anybody make the Prometheus solar rover use it's solar panels yet? Was going to figure out how to do it myself but looking at the solar panels i'm confused as to how they work now. Haven't messed with solar panel code since before squad made solar panels, and they did it quite a bit differently.

For now, none of my rovers consumes electricty (CleverBobCat plugin don't allow it) do Prometheus don't need to produce electricity with its own solar panels.

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I noticed something strange - parts of Thor lander don't work with Deadly Reentry - they don't get heated at all and you end up flying at ridiculous speed with flames everywhere and temperature readings showing negative temperatures. It may have something to do with those rovers being converted from earlier versions. There are no errors in log, parts simply are invincible to heat.

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is any body having an issue with the DLS lander missing the head? when i load it it tells me it can not load due to it missing the head

You have an issue with the sunbeam plugin. Re-install it correctly.

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Thanks Yogui that's what 'im doing thanks for the quick response

i see you pulled the sojourner off your development list...what happen i was really looking forward to it

uninstalled all Lionhead items and reinstalled and still same issue. is teh sunbeam something that does not come with the download?

Edited by Big_Ron
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i see you pulled the sojourner off your development list...what happen i was really looking forward to it

He didn't pull it, the pic is just broken. The name is still there.

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Thanks Yogui that's what 'im doing thanks for the quick response

i see you pulled the sojourner off your development list...what happen i was really looking forward to it

uninstalled all Lionhead items and reinstalled and still same issue. is teh sunbeam something that does not come with the download?

The soujourner pic is linked again.

The sunbeam plugin must be downloaded from the Spaceport, the link is in the Instructions file in the archive.

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What is the Rescale on DSL rover to make it fit in the capsule the wheels hang out the bottom... i tried the rescale that m4ti140 posted on Pg 91. but that looks like it's shrinks the capsule to fit a 2.5 diameter coupler

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