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[Plugin/Parts] Kerbal Foundries - Continuation [Latest: 1.9g]


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I understand some of your frustration with CKAN. If you would be interested, I'd be happy to work on that side to make sure that CKAN installs the mod properly, etc.

Try to look at it from the player's side: A player can have over a hundred mods installed. Trying to keep track of each and every mod and it's updates can become a nightmare. Using CKAN, it can automatically detect changes and update those which need updating.

It does have a few problems, but overall, it is a big help to most people using it. And yes, I include myself among those.

Let me ask you this: If you were going to come out with a 2.0 release, how difficult would it be to use a slightly different versioning system. Instead of letters and numbers, why not just have 4 numbers, which would be use ad the following:



a = major version number

b = minor version number

c = patch number

d = build number (optional).

This would also let you be able to include a .version file which would be usable by the KSP AVC mod, which simply notifies players about new versions when available.

The work on your side would be minimal; Simply use a new system for versions, and keep the .version file up-to-date with each release.

Here is an example .version file:

"NAME":"Better Science Labs Continued",

The ksp avc online site will actually make this for you, once you enter the correct info. Or, I'd be happy to. Once you have the file, the only thing you would need to update would be the version numbers.

Let me know if you are interested. I think this is a really great mod, and think it would be a shame to prevent some people from using it simply because it wasn't in CKAN.


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Hello? Gaalidas?? This is a rather serious bug here. :P

  smjjames said:
Hey, I found a REALLY major bug, I'm using the wheels on a VTOL craft that I'm using trying to test something with TCA and when I pause the game with esc, the game doesn't actually pause. Those dustfx errors I mentioned earlier are happening at the same time.

Not sure why nobody has noticed it before now actually, or has it been?

Edit: Output log: http://sta.sh/0285g412sycp

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  smjjames said:
Is there a way to remove the dustFX from the folder? I would like to use the KF wheels, but there is something going on with the dustFX and the pause menu which is making the game not actually pause.

I reported this bug to Gaalidas a while ago when getting my IR Mecanum wheels ready for pre-release. Would be great if it could be fixed so I could push ahead with a full release.

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Honestly, guys, I have no idea what is going on with your pause issues. I do not experience anything like that at all.

With 1.0.5, I was watching a video today on YouTube and noticed the KF app-launcher icon is duplicating itself a ton again. I'm really annoyed by this considering I fixed that already a long time ago. Why must Squad screw everything up again?

Disabling DustFX for the "folder" isn't something you do here. In KSP, there are no "folders" since everything is loaded into memory under a database of some sort. Now, if you mean to disable it for the parts, yes... you could remove the module from the parts. However, the code is set up to re-add that module if it doesn't already exist. When I get around to updating this mod properly, that will change to a certain degree. Right now, the in-game toggle only toggles the spawning of the individual effects for the dust. I'm working on a way to disable the module completely on all parts in the game when that toggle is in the off position so it stops even checking for the "enabled" variable. It's all a work in progress though.

I'm afraid it's going to take a bit more time before I can get an updated github repository up and release an update. So sorry that this is delaying other releases, but I'll see if I can accelerate things a little bit. In the mean time if anyone has any information about why previously working mods are now having their app-launcher icons duplicated again, and what needs to be done to fix it, I'd love to hear it.

As well if anyone has any thoughts as to why the pause thing is broken, I'm all ears. I have the pause events registered in my code, and I have methods for handling those events which disable the effects on pause, and reverse them when un-paused, but I don't see how anything I'm doing (which is pretty much the same thing other mods have been doing forever) would be stopping the game from actually pausing itself. Nothing I do in the code is overriding any of the original KSP code, so it shouldn't be causing any malfunctions in said original code unless KSP has a bug of its own. Like I said above, I do not experience this bug in my game.

- - - Updated - - -

  linuxgurugamer said:

I understand some of your frustration with CKAN. If you would be interested, I'd be happy to work on that side to make sure that CKAN installs the mod properly, etc.

Try to look at it from the player's side: A player can have over a hundred mods installed. Trying to keep track of each and every mod and it's updates can become a nightmare. Using CKAN, it can automatically detect changes and update those which need updating.

It does have a few problems, but overall, it is a big help to most people using it. And yes, I include myself among those.

Let me ask you this: If you were going to come out with a 2.0 release, how difficult would it be to use a slightly different versioning system. Instead of letters and numbers, why not just have 4 numbers, which would be use ad the following:



a = major version number

b = minor version number

c = patch number

d = build number (optional).

This would also let you be able to include a .version file which would be usable by the KSP AVC mod, which simply notifies players about new versions when available.

The work on your side would be minimal; Simply use a new system for versions, and keep the .version file up-to-date with each release.

Here is an example .version file:

"NAME":"Better Science Labs Continued",

The ksp avc online site will actually make this for you, once you enter the correct info. Or, I'd be happy to. Once you have the file, the only thing you would need to update would be the version numbers.

Let me know if you are interested. I think this is a really great mod, and think it would be a shame to prevent some people from using it simply because it wasn't in CKAN.


When things calm down around here and I have more energy to spend working on this mod, I'll look into it. What gives me grief and headaches are when I get messages from people asking me to fix my mod so that they can use a 3rd party program to install the mod that I only just took over. I really have nothing directly against mod install helpers. Heck, I use one with all my Bethesda games and they're pretty much as simply to install for, manually, as KSP is. What I don't like are demanded updates to a mod because of a bug with the 3rd party program that I am, supposedly, obligated to implement a work-around for. Thus, I had to make it clear that I was not going to add any extra files or code-fixes or anything just because a 4rd party program didn't like what the original author did with his version numbers.

Thanks for providing such clear information, however. I'll stick it in my to-do list.

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  Gaalidas said:
As well if anyone has any thoughts as to why the pause thing is broken, I'm all ears. I have the pause events registered in my code, and I have methods for handling those events which disable the effects on pause, and reverse them when un-paused, but I don't see how anything I'm doing (which is pretty much the same thing other mods have been doing forever) would be stopping the game from actually pausing itself. Nothing I do in the code is overriding any of the original KSP code, so it shouldn't be causing any malfunctions in said original code unless KSP has a bug of its own. Like I said above, I do not experience this bug in my game.

It's an exception that's at fault (I PMed you the error back when I encountered it a month ago). Because the exception isn't handled in your code it gets pushed in to KSP to handle, causing it to not finish all of its pause procedure. The solution is to prevent the exception from occurring or catch it when it does. I found it 100% reproducible with my mecanum wheels. Maybe try a fresh install of KSP with the Kerbal Foundries files bundled with those parts and see if it occurs then?

Regarding the icon, that may have been an issue in 1.0.4 too. I know I encountered it after doing a database reload. See if you can get in contact with Ziw as he fixed the problem completely for Infernal Robotics.

Edit: Here was the exception I encountered:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at KerbalFoundries.KFDustFX.OnPause () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at FlightDriver.SetPause (Boolean pauseState) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PauseMenu.Display () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at PauseMenu.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Edited by ZodiusInfuser
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Ok, that's interesting. Just downloaded 1.0.5 and copied over the version of IR & Kerbal Foundries I was using before, as well as the test craft that I encountered the bug on, and the pause menu is behaving fine for me. Assuming nothing crops up in my testing, I may actually be able to properly release my mecanum wheels! Is a 1.0.5 compatibility patch planned in the near future for KF? If not can I distribute the 1.0.4 version as per our PM discussion a while ago?

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Nope, still happens in 1.0.5. I grabbed a fresh download of KF as I wasn't completely sure on the version (theres no version file) and checked with the small wheels and the bug is still there.

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[quote name='smjjames']Nope, still happens in 1.0.5. I grabbed a fresh download of KF as I wasn't completely sure on the version (theres no version file) and checked with the small wheels and the bug is still there.

Oh wow was just coming to report this.
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I thought that particular bug had been whacked, I have to admit. I'd be willing to bet its reappearance is probably caused by me stripping some of the superfluous stuff from CollisionFX out. I'm afraid I don't have much more to add - haven't looked at the code as I've probably forgotten most of the stuff I did by now. Is *Aqua* still about?
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[quote name='lo-fi']I thought that particular bug had been whacked, I have to admit. I'd be willing to bet its reappearance is probably caused by me stripping some of the superfluous stuff from CollisionFX out. I'm afraid I don't have much more to add - haven't looked at the code as I've probably forgotten most of the stuff I did by now. Is *Aqua* still about?[/QUOTE]

They're still acive, yeah, just haven't posted in this thread yet I guess.
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Alright guys, I'll continue to poke around with this. My time is extremely limited. Quarter ends in the next few weeks I think, which means I can spend some time looking into this mess at that time. Thank you for the video, that is actually more helpful than simply providing the error message. I'm not as well versed in this stuff as others on these forums are, so the error reports mean very little to me. What does get my attention is a visual representation of what is happening so I can try and reproduce it.

What confuses me about the pause menu is that the event for the pause state [I]is[/I] handled, in every module that runs during that time in the game. When I pause in my local game session, it pauses perfectly. I suspect some other mod is causing a conflict somewhere, but trying to nail that down is like trying to find a needle in an infinitely sized haystack that is expanding infinitely at the speed on light, what with the exponential growth of different mods available that make sweeping changes to one system or another is the KSP process. Not to mention official updates that throw extra crud into the fan.

That's why I have made pleas to the community to help me nail this down. This is for the other mod developers mostly, as they will have access to source code (and know how to read it) and/or experience with managed code decompilers like ILSpy in which to figure out what could be doing what to cause a problem.

Either way, I want you all to know that the only way this is going to be abandoned is if I come in here and declare it. Thus... lack of activity does not mean lack of attention. It simply means I'm super busy learning how to make delegates and derivative classes and interfaces (not to be confused with user interfaces, which would be easy in comparison) and developing API and/or console-level pseudo physics engines for simple arcade game interaction without helper assemblies to invent the wheel for me, metaphorically speaking that is. It's brain-twisting and not very conductive to that sense of "I wanna go home and mod KSP now!" So, I'm afraid all I can do is come in here and provide a status update from time to time. I will gladly look into anything constructive that is provided here, however. No promises that it will pan out, or end in a new release of any sort, but it's a step in the right direction. Ultimately, I'll have something updated before the new year (and I don't mean 5 minutes before... more like weeks.)

So... hang in there, and pray (if you do that) that 1.1 doesn't screw it all up.
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[quote name='Gaalidas']Alright guys, I'll continue to poke around with this. My time is extremely limited. Quarter ends in the next few weeks I think, which means I can spend some time looking into this mess at that time. Thank you for the video, that is actually more helpful than simply providing the error message. I'm not as well versed in this stuff as others on these forums are, so the error reports mean very little to me. What does get my attention is a visual representation of what is happening so I can try and reproduce it.

What confuses me about the pause menu is that the event for the pause state [I]is[/I] handled, in every module that runs during that time in the game. When I pause in my local game session, it pauses perfectly. I suspect some other mod is causing a conflict somewhere, but trying to nail that down is like trying to find a needle in an infinitely sized haystack that is expanding infinitely at the speed on light, what with the exponential growth of different mods available that make sweeping changes to one system or another is the KSP process. Not to mention official updates that throw extra crud into the fan.

The video was done with just stock, KF, and exception detector (and maybe hangar extender, I forget if I included that), so there weren't any other mods.
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[quote name='Gaalidas']That's why I have made pleas to the community to help me nail this down.[/quote]
[code] void OnPause()
isPaused = true;
kfdustFx.particleEmitter.enabled = false;
_[B]repLight[/B].enabled = false;
[code] public void SetupParticles(bool repulsor)
if ([B]repulsor[/B])

void SetupRepulsorLights()

_[B]repLight [/B]= _kfRepLight.AddComponent<Light>();[/code]
_repLight won't be created for non-repulsors so your OnPause and OnUnpause methods will always throw if there's a loaded wheel anywhere with dust enabled
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Okay, I think I see what's happening here. That was left over from lo-fi's code I think. Alright, I'll see about getting that patched up and updated sometime soon. I'm in class right now, but I'll see what I can do.
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[quote name='Lego8_bit']say I've been having a problem with the all the repulsors. the craft wants to flip over all the time and I don't know why might be my building or not but i'm just putting this out there[/QUOTE]

Could you post a screenshot of your craft?
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[quote name='lo-fi']Is *Aqua* still about?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, guys!
I'm moving to a new place and didn't had much time. May be I have more time in december. Also I didn't noticed this new thread till now. :(

Didn't you said you'll pause development until KSP 1.1?

So... Gaalidas is in charge now? Edited by *Aqua*
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[quote name='Svm420']Please update for the pause issue. That is the most glaring issue atm, and I understand if you are busy IRL, so please take this as a polite plea. Thank you for continuing the mod :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I don't mind if you have to temporarily rip out the dust effects in order to fix it.

[quote name='*Aqua*']Sorry, guys!
I'm moving to a new place and didn't had much time. May be I have more time in december. Also I didn't noticed this new thread till now. [IMG]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/images/smilies/k_sad.gif[/IMG]

Didn't you said you'll pause development until KSP 1.1?

So... Gaalidas is in charge now?[/QUOTE]

He is, however, he's been busy with his own RL things, mainly college related.
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Yeah, I moved on from KSP months ago and handed over. Sounds like we're all busy IRL, myself included.

xEvilReeperx posted a clue to what's wrong - it shouldn't be hard to fix if one of us gets a few minutes to poke about with it. I'll have a look if I've still got access and the dev tools, but it'll be a while.. Absolutely 100% no way I'll be in a position to reinvent the wheel again when 1.1 drops, though; got far too much on!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, this forum change over really stinks... (I couldn't even log in until an administrator reset my password for me.  The standard password reset was failing to do the job.) )but I won't bore you all with my complaints and whatnot.  "Finals" week is upon me and that means I'll be trying to get a new release for KF out sometime in the near future.  Most likely I'll release it as a new entry on KerbalStuff (meaning it won't be an update to the old mod, but rather a re-release) so that I'll have full control over the KerbalStuff page.  This will allow me to update the mod's background image, the description, the title, and everything else to match the current state of the mod.  The down side is that anyone using automated update tools will have to uninstall and reinstall from the new entry.  It's a small price to pay for cleaning things up though, so I'm not going to dwell on that.

I'm still trying to figure out why KF is causing the pause to fail, but I will be looking into that as a priority.  There are a few new features and some reworked features going into the next release, but it's been so long since I've looked at the code that I forget what has been done.  I'll have to get back to you on that.

I will be honest now... I've become really burnt out on KSP.  Long load times, coupled with memory issues and crashes, have driven me to insanity.  There's only so much hair one man can pull out before it stops growing back and I'd like to quit pulling at it while I still have hair to grow... though if it did stop I could also save on hair cuts... so there's that.

While I dread the next major step for KSP (1.1) I am also thinking it is the only thing that will likely get me interested in KSP as more than a programming challenge to tackle in my spare time.

The future of the mod is something I really can't say much about right now.  I'm not a model maker or texture designer, and I don't have any degrees in physics or mechanical engineering on the wheel or any other ground-based propulsion techniques.  I barely have any understanding of astrophysics or even standard physics.  Heck, I know more about theoretical physics than any other form of physics... in theory of course... so there's unlikely to be any new content for this mod in the near or even far future.  This is sad.  My goal right now, when I get my interest in redesigning this mod again, is to try to work it out as a sort of framework for the KF style of wheel modules to then be plugged in to by other mod makers.  I'd like to make every separate feature into a module that can run on it's own or in conjunction with the other modules the mod provides.  This means the possibility of having a wheel that uses only the steering mechanisms but none of the others, but another wheel that might use only the suspension and not the steering while still allowing yet another wheel to use all of the features available.  This also means allowing the dust module to be applied to parts that do not use any of the other modules, but still allowing for the dust to be scaled with the suspension system if it is present.  I know now, after my recent classes in C# programming, how to make this happen, but it's a lot of freakishly boring coding sessions to make it all happen and includes using some more advanced coding techniques (for me at least) that are still a bit confusing me to (delegates, derived classes, abstract classes, etc.) so it'll take a while to get it all fleshed out, much less debugged and prepared for use.

I did just remember a new feature I was working on before my burn-out.  If anyone here remembers the critter crawler, you'll get what I'm talking about here.  Sticky feet was some amazing stuff.  At the core it was nothing more than what extreme craft builders were already doing: applying thrust to increase friction with vertical surfaces so that could climb walls and such.  The difference is that sticky-feet could compensate for the slowed movement of such craft by adjusting the angle of thrust when movement was detected along the relative-horizontal axis.  There is some KF code already owing its existence to that mod, and I've been experimenting with the sticky-feet feature to make something I've talked about on and off in the old thread a lot: Anti-repulsion.  Designed to work in conjunction with repulsors, this would allow the craft to regain a percentage of the lost friction with the ground due to being repulsed from the surface.  When used with wheels, this would allow the craft to be "glued" to the surface in varying degrees to allow for better performance in low gravity environments, and allow for steeper climbing on normal and/or high gravity worlds.  I developed it with the plan of allowing it to be an extended feature for the standard repulsor parts, as well as a separate part with only this feature for use on craft with no other repulsion technology present.

I'm going to conclude this wall of text here and end with this: Work continues, slowly.  For those of you who have contributed in the past and feel you have something worth sharing, feel free to do so.  I don't want this mod to simply be another solo-administrated mod in the future.  I'd like it if I could break it apart and make if more of a framework for other mods to hook into so that new content could be developed, and new features could be coded without having to modify the base mod's code, so that it could continue to live on past my interest in the game itself.

And now I need to go.  Still have finals to prepare for.

  On 11/24/2015 at 7:44 PM, smjjames said:

He is, however, he's been busy with his own RL things, mainly college related.


That is correct.  I'm slightly autistic, so school was a real pain in the arse for me in the past.  In my late 20s/early 30s I've finally gone back to college to try and get an education.  I'm well on my way to doing so, but my older age is making it a bit of a slow process.  I rarely give up completely on anything, however, so KF ain't going to die any time soon.  It's just in a state of... suspension.  Alive, but not really living.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 6:31 PM, Gaalidas said:

Alright, this forum change over really stinks... (I couldn't even log in until an administrator reset my password for me.  The standard password reset was failing to do the job.) )but I won't bore you all with my complaints and whatnot.  "Finals" week is upon me and that means I'll be trying to get a new release for KF out sometime in the near future.  Most likely I'll release it as a new entry on KerbalStuff (meaning it won't be an update to the old mod, but rather a re-release) so that I'll have full control over the KerbalStuff page.  This will allow me to update the mod's background image, the description, the title, and everything else to match the current state of the mod.  The down side is that anyone using automated update tools will have to uninstall and reinstall from the new entry.  It's a small price to pay for cleaning things up though, so I'm not going to dwell on that.

I'm still trying to figure out why KF is causing the pause to fail, but I will be looking into that as a priority.  There are a few new features and some reworked features going into the next release, but it's been so long since I've looked at the code that I forget what has been done.  I'll have to get back to you on that.

I will be honest now... I've become really burnt out on KSP.  Long load times, coupled with memory issues and crashes, have driven me to insanity.  There's only so much hair one man can pull out before it stops growing back and I'd like to quit pulling at it while I still have hair to grow... though if it did stop I could also save on hair cuts... so there's that.

While I dread the next major step for KSP (1.1) I am also thinking it is the only thing that will likely get me interested in KSP as more than a programming challenge to tackle in my spare time.

The future of the mod is something I really can't say much about right now.  I'm not a model maker or texture designer, and I don't have any degrees in physics or mechanical engineering on the wheel or any other ground-based propulsion techniques.  I barely have any understanding of astrophysics or even standard physics.  Heck, I know more about theoretical physics than any other form of physics... in theory of course... so there's unlikely to be any new content for this mod in the near or even far future.  This is sad.  My goal right now, when I get my interest in redesigning this mod again, is to try to work it out as a sort of framework for the KF style of wheel modules to then be plugged in to by other mod makers.  I'd like to make every separate feature into a module that can run on it's own or in conjunction with the other modules the mod provides.  This means the possibility of having a wheel that uses only the steering mechanisms but none of the others, but another wheel that might use only the suspension and not the steering while still allowing yet another wheel to use all of the features available.  This also means allowing the dust module to be applied to parts that do not use any of the other modules, but still allowing for the dust to be scaled with the suspension system if it is present.  I know now, after my recent classes in C# programming, how to make this happen, but it's a lot of freakishly boring coding sessions to make it all happen and includes using some more advanced coding techniques (for me at least) that are still a bit confusing me to (delegates, derived classes, abstract classes, etc.) so it'll take a while to get it all fleshed out, much less debugged and prepared for use.

I did just remember a new feature I was working on before my burn-out.  If anyone here remembers the critter crawler, you'll get what I'm talking about here.  Sticky feet was some amazing stuff.  At the core it was nothing more than what extreme craft builders were already doing: applying thrust to increase friction with vertical surfaces so that could climb walls and such.  The difference is that sticky-feet could compensate for the slowed movement of such craft by adjusting the angle of thrust when movement was detected along the relative-horizontal axis.  There is some KF code already owing its existence to that mod, and I've been experimenting with the sticky-feet feature to make something I've talked about on and off in the old thread a lot: Anti-repulsion.  Designed to work in conjunction with repulsors, this would allow the craft to regain a percentage of the lost friction with the ground due to being repulsed from the surface.  When used with wheels, this would allow the craft to be "glued" to the surface in varying degrees to allow for better performance in low gravity environments, and allow for steeper climbing on normal and/or high gravity worlds.  I developed it with the plan of allowing it to be an extended feature for the standard repulsor parts, as well as a separate part with only this feature for use on craft with no other repulsion technology present.

I'm going to conclude this wall of text here and end with this: Work continues, slowly.  For those of you who have contributed in the past and feel you have something worth sharing, feel free to do so.  I don't want this mod to simply be another solo-administrated mod in the future.  I'd like it if I could break it apart and make if more of a framework for other mods to hook into so that new content could be developed, and new features could be coded without having to modify the base mod's code, so that it could continue to live on past my interest in the game itself.

And now I need to go.  Still have finals to prepare for.

That is correct.  I'm slightly autistic, so school was a real pain in the nethers for me in the past.  In my late 20s/early 30s I've finally gone back to college to try and get an education.  I'm well on my way to doing so, but my older age is making it a bit of a slow process.  I rarely give up completely on anything, however, so KF ain't going to die any time soon.  It's just in a state of... suspension.  Alive, but not really living.


can one just completely delete the collisonfx plugin, if there is one, or just disable collision FX in the menu as a temporary fix?

if you cant reply, due to IRL or being busy, can someone else?

edit: i found a fix! deleting the KFDustFX module line seems to fix the bug, atleast it worked with the tiny wheels, so it should work with all other things.

double edit: here should be a simple module manager config to fix it by automatically removing the module from all parts, here:

    -MODULE[KFDustFX],* { }

this should work, just copy to a file that ends in .cfg and has no spaces in the name, and it might work.

Edited by 123nick
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  On 12/12/2015 at 4:16 PM, 123nick said:

can one just completely delete the collisonfx plugin, if there is one, or just disable collision FX in the menu as a temporary fix?

if you cant reply, due to IRL or being busy, can someone else?

edit: i found a fix! deleting the KFDustFX module line seems to fix the bug, atleast it worked with the tiny wheels, so it should work with all other things.

double edit: here should be a simple module manager config to fix it by automatically removing the module from all parts, here:

    -MODULE[KFDustFX],* { }

this should work, just copy to a file that ends in .cfg and has no spaces in the name, and it might work.


Copy to any file?

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