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[Plugin/Parts] Kerbal Foundries - Continuation [Latest: 1.9g]


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  On 12/12/2015 at 5:10 PM, CommanderSpock said:

Copy to any file?


no, make a new file, name it something.cfg ( no spaces) and in that text file paste 

    -MODULE[KFDustFX],* { }

and it should work.

  On 12/12/2015 at 5:22 PM, CommanderSpock said:

All you have to do is go into the space center view, and there is a button for it, and you can disable surface FX and fix it.


that doesn't stop the bug though, least it didn't when i tried.

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Yeah, that doesn't work very well I'm afraid.  Lo-fi had this great idea of making DustFX initialize from the KFModuleWheel module itself.  If it does not find DustFX on the part, it will add it with default configurations.  It's a feature that I may, in the end, remove to simplify things in the end especially now that I know how to better detect the presence of the wheel module on the part and modify the dust emission to match.  This change would also make DustFX available to non-KF parts again like it was it my first iteration of this feature.  Fun fact... DustFX was a derivative from CollisionFX (pizzaoverhead) that I made and then integrated into KF after a few months of work.  It barely resembles its original form now.

However, I won't put it past the detection and auto-adding of the DustFX module being the culprit here.  It's possible that it's still adding multiple copies of the module to a part, though I have no idea why it would still be doing that.  Can anyone confirm that removing the definition for that module from the part file fixes the issue?  If so, I'll put extra effort into disabling the auto-detection and adding of the module from the KFModuleWheel code and see if I can get it to function with a part-based definition again.  In that case, you won't want to remove it from the files anymore, and if you still want it turned off you'll use the GUI option I made available to disable it.

My best theory right now is that everything is working as intended, but it's working too well.  if the DustFX detection system in KFModuleWheel is failing to detect it properly when initializing the part, or is trying to detect it before the DustFX module has been initialized by the flight scene, then it is trying to add it a second time.  When you pause, the first of the modules properly sets the pause state for the module.  The second module updates itself in the mean time and detects that it doesn't have the paused variable set, and so continues doing its thing.  The KFModuleWheel module continues to make calls to the DustFX module it thinks is the proper one, which is the one it added when it couldn't find the original one, and that module happily keeps on deploying particles to a paused game, which causes the game to not remain paused.  From there, all hell beaks loose and you get these erroneous paused-but-not-paused states for the game.

My plan now is to start working on the code again over the next few weeks and try to get this thing properly rebooted sometime before the holidays kick into gear.

As for MM patches in general, I don't think spaces in the file name are a concern here.  Your file name can be anything you like as long as it's a legal file name for KSP to load.  What matters is what is in the config node itself.  Once the file is read by KSP, the file name no longer matters.  As far as this related to KF, I'd suggest you be careful with that.  Once I get this all ironed out, you'll want to leave the DustFX module in the part files alone because I'll have togglable in-game and hopefully not doubling itself or breaking paused states.

  On 12/13/2015 at 1:29 AM, CommanderSpock said:

it does for me. Just disable surface FX and it stopped completely. At least for all of the tracks and medium wheels.


I didn't think surface FX would affect this at all, since it doesn't even make use of the stock surface effects module.  Unless you're just misinterpreting DustFX as surface FX?  DustFX predates the stock surface effects by a pretty large margin.

  On 12/14/2015 at 6:00 PM, Kershu5 said:

Worked for me too, oddly enough.  Kind of a pity though, since I love the DustFX..  But I love the tracks themselves even more.


Worry not, I'll get this thing figured out eventually.

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No rush, Gaalidas.  I was in college once too and fully understand the pressures and difficulties.  I care less about the FX and more about "do the wheels/treads/hoverbits all work properly."  So far they have been all behaving nicely, ergo it is not too much of a concern.

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hi! after i load my save game and chosen  my rover on other planet and  i  saw that KF long track more than other.I use scale 1.8 for everyone track.If i use scale  2 nothing happens but rover  begins to move both ісе.Pictures http://imgur.com/a/hnbEe


And yet in motion one of track  always shows a negative RPM.


KSP 1.0.5

KF 1.9g

TweakScale v2.2.5(Nov-9)



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  On 10/2/2015 at 9:26 AM, qm3ster said:

Thank you!

IMO, CKAN is great for mods with frequent updates, and dependencies/conflicts.

There used to be a Beta_19.b(typo) on KS, which set the major version to 19, so ckan was ignoring the latter versions like 1.9defg.

Since then, you deleted that release version off KS altogether, after which I asked for the epoch (invisible thing before major version) to be bumped in CKAN, so everyone who had the 19.b installed would still receive the auto-update to now objectively latest 1.9g (and whatever else you next plan to release in the same schema).


Hi there,

While I don't understand various people's issues with CKAN, I'd be happy to take over that part of the project.  In other words, I'll do what's necessary to make CKAN work properly.

I would suggest that you add a .version file for the AVC mod to work, and again, I'd be happy to do that for you.

The only thing I would suggest is to change the version number from the current thing with letters to a #.#.# 

This would let AVC work with it (it only works with numbers) and makes it easier for CKAN to work.  Other than that. there would be nothing you would need to do

I've done this for a few other mods already, as well as my own




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Alright, this holiday season has taught me one valuable lesson.  I'm not ready for the big time when it comes to mods.  Put plainly... I'm burnt out.  in fact, I think I burned out around the same time lo-fi did.  So here's what I'm thinking... there are a lot of talented modders out there who have the skills in both modelling and plugin development to make this thing shine.  I'm simply too focused on my education right now to be that person... and, besides that, I have nothing to bring in the modeling department beyond removing objects that are unnecessary from RAM hogging models and some simply re-texturing (recoloring really, and crappily done too) here and there.  So... with the approval of lo-fi, if he's concerned with it at all, in the basket... I would be willing to pass everything i have to such an individual who is qualified and not burnt out on KSP at the moment... with just one catch.  I don't want to simply pass it on and go my separate way.  I'd like to maintain access to the project so that I can make some of my still-brewing ideas see the light.  I joined this project when I simply wouldn't go away (not that anyone was asking me to) and it's become a pretty solid part of my KSP identity.  DustFX was, while a derivative work based on CollisionFX, a labor of love so to speak.

I also watch a lot of YouTube stuff these days which, in a few cases, has featured parts from this mod and I really want to maintain support for those who do that sort of thing.  I absolutely love watching Billy Winn Jr and I know he has a love for KF tracks and those smaller little wheels (I think they're literally called "small wheel").

There are a number of concerns I have with features of KF right now interacting with the game environment as it stands in 1.0.5.  Water is now more... um... liquid?  I imagine, if someone were to activate repulsors while under the water and attempt to rise, impact with the invisible water slider would happen near the surface and cause some issues.  Especially since I don't think it truly goes away if you disable the repulsors again, nor does it take into consideration your floating depth when sitting on the surface which could cause the slider to spawn inside the craft if it floats really low in the water and cause some spectacular unplanned dis-assemblies.  Also, now that one can easily scrape the bottom of the ocean, I'm unsure how the dust will function.  The camera method of grabbing the colors may not react too well to the water color or the light conditions under the water and, to provide support for water-surface dust (spray... sorta...), I actually have a hard-coded color override for the water-covered regions of the planet (whichever it may be) which will likely override the sample from the under-water surface.  There's also the pause-thingie to deal with, and various other things including tech-tree and mod distribution that I simply never had any interest in supporting.  Finally... KSP's move to Unity 5 looms in the distance, which could screw everything over royally.

And finally, I still want to see these useful features made more common in the KSP world which means creating some way that other plugins can reference KF and extend it for other projects.  These are things I work on as I learn how it works in school... but it's a slow process because my mind works out various ideas quicker than the educational material becomes available.

So, I'm putting this out there.  I'm not going away permanently anytime soon, but I can't be as active as a mod author should be.  Something like KF should be given far more attention than I can give it.

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I already guessed it'll be like that.
During the time I programmed a bit for KF I saw you jumping at every issue, bug, etc. This kind of affection coupled with a few programming difficulties and at the end being the only dev can cause a lot of stress. It was inevitable you would burn out. :(

Instead of giving up completely I propose you just pause until KSP 1.1 is out. The update will most likely break KF completely and I estimate it is still a few months away. When the update comes out how about rewriting KF together with me? We can also invite other people who are interested and then fix one feature at a time.

Edited by *Aqua*
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  On 1/6/2016 at 8:18 PM, *Aqua* said:

I already guessed it'll be like that.
During the time I programmed a bit for KF I saw you jumping at every issue, bug, etc. This kind of affection coupled with a few programming difficulties and at the end being the only dev can cause a lot of stress. It was inevitable you would burn out. :(

Instead of giving up completely I propose you just pause until KSP 1.1 is out. The update will most likely break KF completely and I estimate it is still a few months away. When the update comes out how about rewriting KF together with me? We can also invite other people who are interested and then fix one feature at a time.


I'm not a plugin writer, but I did help lo-fi with a couple of his side projects a while back. If you and Gaalidas would like an extra set of hand I'm more than happy to pitch in some cfg bashing and minor IVA setup stuff. Also be glad to help make some promo videos. I love KF and couldn't imagine KSP without it.

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It's a hell of a thing to take on, and I have huge respect for those that keep on at it. Yep, 1.1 is likely to break the KF plugin totally, at which point a rewrite would be prudent. If you're willing to tackle it, I'm happy to help you untangle my (mostly uncommented) code, should you need it, Aqua. I'll PM you my email address, as I rarely check the forums these days. Might be an idea to ask one if it's possible to get a pre-release version of 1.1 to work with - I'm sure I heard they were letting certain people loose, and KF has grown fairly popular. Anyway, good luck!

Good call to not let it get in the way of your schooling, Gaalidas, but don't forget that it's also a really good thing to have on your CV when job hunting! :)

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I received your PM, lofi. Thank you! Now I know where send spam to. :P :D

I find your code isn't that unreadable. I recall I once sat down and dissected it. After two hours I was pretty sure I understood the important parts. That was right before I suggested a different class layout (if you remember).

I already send a pm to a KSP dev about 1.1 and he said that you can get the pre-release only 1-2 weeks before it's released. Sadly this isn't enough time to (probably) revamping everything on time. :(
I assume we (I?) have to start over with KF.

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  On 1/12/2016 at 10:10 PM, lo-fi said:

Good call to not let it get in the way of your schooling, Gaalidas, but don't forget that it's also a really good thing to have on your CV when job hunting! :)


Truth! It was modding and other programming projects that helped me get my first software development job.

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I'm not surprised, Zodius, it shows so much more about ability and work ethic than a straight degree :)

I'm pretty sure the wheel collider will want different config parameters and the behaviour will be different, so KF very unlikely to work out of the box. Might get away with patching it to match whatever the new bits are called without a total re-write, but only time will tell!

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Just a quick recommendation, because other than testing and cfg writes, I have nothing to bring. At some point, find someone that is interested in, as well as being good at, the PR side of handling a really good mod like Kerbal Foundries.  It helps to take the load off the Plugin, Modeling/Texture exc people.  Finding someone capable and willing(Rare Combination)to handle all the PR work, would keep the others from getting burned out due to dealing with the public. 

If at any point I can help with testing, pm me.  Wish I had more to offer, I love this Mod, have since .18! Might even be a bit before that.  

Thanks lo-fi, hope to see you back after 1.1

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Thanks Arkael, and not a bad suggestion if someone is willing. I haven't played the game in ages, and got involved in many other things not KSP related, so probably won't be doing much other than lending a hand understanding my brand of crazy and casually looking in on the beast these awesome people helped me create :)

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  On 1/15/2016 at 7:33 PM, lo-fi said:

Thanks Arkael, and not a bad suggestion if someone is willing. I haven't played the game in ages, and got involved in many other things not KSP related, so probably won't be doing much other than lending a hand understanding my brand of crazy and casually looking in on the beast these awesome people helped me create :)


Well there are plenty of us that love this mod and are more than willing to help. Thanks for unleashing your brand of crazy on us all lo-fi!

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