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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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  Angel-125 said:
Thanks, glad it's working for you. :)

Good question. I don't use CTT, so I've placed the parts in the early to mid portion of the stock tech tree. I'd have to look at CTT to see what nodes would be appropriate. The basic idea is that habitation elements (Ponderosa, Casa, foundation modules like Saddle, Switchback, and Buckboard) are available in the pioneering phase of exploration, followed by the science elements (Doc), and finally the industrial elements (Hacienda, Homestead, Stockyards).

I have a feeling the colonization nodes at the bottom would work well for the ground-based modules, and the structural tree leading to orbital megastructures for the orbital pieces. This would give people 2 wildly different choices on where to go in the tech tree.

I currently have USI OKS/MKS to fill those nodes, but the entire mod is really redundant with pathfinder, and I honestly wish I could just un-install it.

edit: I forgot you added the buffalo. That would probably fit well in the exploration branch.

Edited by CajunInABox
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  Rho-Mu 34 said:
Hey there, Angel. First of all i would like to thank you for this wonderful mod - Pathfinder combines fun, utility and nice looking models in one kickass package. Keep up the good work!

Now, there's several issues that sorta interfere with the whole pathfindin' business for me:

- Jumping bases. Despite meticulously seeking out as-flat-as-posbibble sites for construction and ensuring that most of the structures are bolted to the ground, bases keep randomly wrenching Saddles from the ground and lifting several buildings slightly above the ground. God forbid i try to accelerate time during mining or spaceship construction, then the whole installation flies good 50 meters into the air before crashing upside down. Thus, Duna and Laythe violently rebuffed any colonization attempts. Can you advise on this? Is there specific things to be avoided?

-Nullrefers. Usually start after bolting down first Saddle and persist until scene is reloaded. May sometimes return if Saddle's KAS port is disconnected, while KAS-powered Mineshaft seems to be unaffected.

-Buffalo hitch framerate drop. No exceptions thrown at all, and yet mere presence of this part in VAB or outside of editor causes FPS drop down to ~30. Have no idea what might cause this.

While we at it, i'd like to make couple of suggestions regarding hardware.

New wheels are well made overall, but still could benefit from further tuning. Just as with their predecessor, Mountain Goat are somewhat small in diameter which means that particularly steep slopes have a nasty habit of destroying front mounted equipment (like winches), so it might be a good idea to give MG larger clearance. Suspension and "wide wheelbase" mode are *kinda* lacking given that Buffalo tends to be top-heavy.

Or, perhaps, it would make more sense to leave m1a1 alone and consider making some sort of m1a2 heavy duty wheels - less portable, but more suitable for heavier utility vehicles, like mobile crane or ore hauler. Or particularly rough terrain.

Would also like to request 2 parts: 4x buffalo base and some sort rear end cover for cab, b/c slapping flatbed section to cover useless door is kinda... meh. Something like Buffalo-to-1.25 adapter, just without that ugly port.

- Jumping bases: I have two bases on Duna right now and have only seen this problem with a base that's on a hill. The other one works just fine.

- Null Refs: Without logs and a picture of your base, I can't help.

- Buffalo hitch: what part are you talking about?

Thanks for the suggestions on the parts.

  CajunInABox said:
I have a feeling the colonization nodes at the bottom would work well for the ground-based modules, and the structural tree leading to orbital megastructures for the orbital pieces. This would give people 2 wildly different choices on where to go in the tech tree.

I currently have USI OKS/MKS to fill those nodes, but the entire mod is really redundant with pathfinder, and I honestly wish I could just un-install it.

edit: I forgot you added the buffalo. That would probably fit well in the exploration branch.

Thanks, I'll look into CTT. Actually, if you have a list of the CTT nodes and want to try placing things, I'll be happy to work with you on what could go where.

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I need to preface this post with the fact that amazingly drunk right now. YMMV.

Having issues with the normal link in CTT's main thead, but w/e. Here's an imgur link to a picture of the tech tree: http://i.imgur.com/87SeFtQ.png

Here's a picture of the entire CTT, with the zones I was mentioning circled in red: http://imgur.com/r2LmnP3

from top to bottom: the structural tree, the exploration tree, and the colonization tree

In retrospect, the colonization tree's top branch focuses on orbital, so I guess you would want to put the ground structures in the bottom tree?

So I spent like an hour typing out about half the full names in the tech tree, and then I found the config file with the actual shortened names you would need to implement CTT in Pathfinder. Here's the copy paste of my config file:


// DX (row) = 191
// DY (row) = 80

// Unhide Nanolathing
@hideEmpty = False
@pos = -1118,1412,-1

// adjust positions of lower tree
//pos = -1519,1355,-1
@pos = -1519, 1300,-1
//pos = -1521,1278,-1
@pos = -2209,930,-1
// Aero Row 1
//pos = -1521,1278,-1
@pos = -2170,1180,-1
//pos = -1521,1278,-1
@pos = -1946,1180,-1
//pos = -1521,1278,-1
@pos = -1723,1180,-1
//pos = -1521,1278,-1
@pos = -1521,1180,-1
//pos = -1310,1278,-1
@pos = -1310,1180,-1
//pos = -1118,1278,-1
@pos = -1118,1180,-1
// -956,1278,-1
@pos = -927,1180,-1
// Aero row 2
// pos = -1519,1207,-1
@pos = -1519,1120,-1
// pos = -1310,1207,-1
@pos = -1310,1120,-1
// pos = -1120,1207,-1
@pos = -1120,1120,-1
// Landing
// pos = -1519,1142.4,-1
@pos = -1723,1050,-1
// pos = -1519,1142.4,-1
@pos = -1519,1050,-1
// pos = -1309,1142.4,-1
@pos = -1309,1050,-1
// Motors row
// -1521,1082.2,-1
@pos = -1946,1020,-1
// -1521,1082.2,-1
@pos = -1723,990,-1
// -1521,1082.2,-1
@pos = -1521,990,-1
// pos = -1309,1067,-1
@pos = -1309,990,-1
// -1118,1067,-1
@pos = -1118,990,-1
// pos =
@pos = -927,990,-1
// Science stuff
// -1520,1020.4,-1
@pos = -1520,930,-1
parentID = simpleCommandModules
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// -1519,963.9,-1
@pos = -1723,870,-1
// -1519,963.9,-1
@pos = -1520,870,-1
// -1309,963.9,-1
@pos = -1309,870,-1
// -1118,963.9,-1
@pos = -1118,870,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -927,870,-1
// ion
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1118,755,-1
// Probes
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1946,620,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1723,680,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1520,680,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1309,680,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1118,680,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -927,680,-1

// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1309,620,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1118,620,-1
// Electrics
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1723,560,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1520,560,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1309,560,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -1118,560,-1
// -952,963.9,-1
@pos = -927,560,-1

// ====================
// Nuclear Power Branch
// ====================
id = nuclearPower
title = Nuclear Power
description = Nuclear reactors can make power too! Start your own with this handy kit.
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_nuclearPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -1309,1791,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = nuclearPropulsion
lineFrom = TOP
lineTo = BOTTOM

id = nuclearFuelSystems
title = Nuclear Fuel Systems
description = Because that nuclear fuel won't just recycle itself. Or move itself. Or do much of anything except stare at us angrily, really.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_nuclearFuelSystems
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_automation
pos = -1118,1871,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = nuclearPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = largeNuclearPower
title = Improved Nuclear Power
description = Remember, don't place your reactors too close to your habitats. You don't want your Kerbals glowing in the dark for Halloween!
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_largeNuclearPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -1118,1791,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = nuclearPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advNuclearPower
title = High Energy Nuclear Power
description = Fry an egg in seconds. In fact, fry anything in seconds.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advNuclearPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -927,1791,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = largeNuclearPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = fusionPower
title = Fusion Power
description = The holy grrraiiiil of power generation. Cheap fuel and lots of power.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_fusionPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -736,1791,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advNuclearPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advFusionReactions
title = Advanced Fusion Reactions
description = Turns out you can fuse nearly anything, including Jeb's cheese sandwich!
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_fusionPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_metamaterials
pos = -545,1751,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = fusionPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = fusionRockets
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = exoticReactions
title = Exotic Fusion Reactions
description = With enough research funding, we can buy newer materials to bombard with high energy particles.
cost = 4000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_exoticReactions
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_science-experimental
pos = -354,1791,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advFusionReactions
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = antimatterPower
title = Antimatter Power
description = Harnessing the power of really small particles to create alarmingly large explosions.
cost = 4000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_antimatterPower
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_science-experimental
pos = -354,1631,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advFusionReactions
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = ultraHighEnergyPhysics
title = Ultra High Energy Physics
description = Turns out, it is science fiction!
cost = 10000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_ultraHighEnergyPhysics
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_science-experimental
pos = -163,1180,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = antimatterPower
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = highEnergyScience
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = exoticReactions
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// =========================
// Nuclear Propulsion Branch
// =========================

id = improvedNuclearPropulsion
title = Improved Nuclear Propulsion
description = Hotter cores, and better engines.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_improvedNuclearPropulsion
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -1118,1711,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = nuclearPropulsion
lineFrom = TOP
lineTo = LEFT
id = advNuclearPropulsion
title = High Efficiency Nuclear Propulsion
description = Research into increasing the power of our nuclear thermal engines. It's unlikely to get any better than this, boss!
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advNuclearPropulsion
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -927,1711,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = improvedNuclearPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = fusionRockets
title = Fusion Rockets
description = These rockets are going to do their best to make everything else obsolete.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_fusionRockets
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_propulsion-nuclear
pos = -736,1711,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advNuclearPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = experimentalRocketry
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// ====================
// Rocketry Branch
// ====================

id = experimentalRocketry
title = Experimental Rocketry
description = Don't take "experimental" lightly.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental
pos = -927,1635,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = veryHeavyRocketry
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = giganticRocketry
title = Gigantic Rocketry
description =Despite our detractors' repeated claims to the contrary, we CAN build it bigger.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_giganticRocketry
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental
pos = -736,1635,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = experimentalRocketry
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = colossalRocketry
title = Colossal Rocketry
description = Another one-up on our competitors. We may need a larger launch pad...
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_colossalRocketry
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental
pos = -545,1635,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = giganticRocketry
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// ====================
// Fuel Storage Branch
// ====================

id = specializedFuelStorage
title = Specialized Fuel Storage
description = Due to fuel seeping through the sides of some of our tanks, we've planned several improvements to fuel containment systems.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_specializedFuels
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_largeVolumeContainment
pos = -927,1470.2,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = exoticFuelStorage
title = Exotic Fuel Storage
description = Storing those really expensive and really fancy fuels could get really expensive and really fancy.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_exoticFuels
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_largeVolumeContainment
pos = -736,1470.2,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = specializedFuelStorage
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = exoticAlloys
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// ====================
// Construction Branch
// ====================

id = exoticAlloys
title = Exotic Alloys
description = Only the toughest and lightest of alloys are allowed into this exclusive club.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_exoticAlloys
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_composites
pos = -927,1412,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = nanolathing
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = offworldManufacturing
title = Off-World Robotics
description = Research into how to create complex robotic systems, including factory assembly lines... in space!
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_offworldManufacturing
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_construction-advanced
pos = -927,1355,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = metaMaterials
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = experimentalActuators
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT


id = orbitalMegastructures
title = Orbital Megastructures
description = The biggest and heaviest Kerbal construction projects.
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_orbitalMegastructures
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_generic
pos = -545,1385,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = orbitalAssembly
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = orbitalAssembly
title = Orbital Assembly
description = Building things on Kerbin is overrated. Building things in orbit is now merely overly expensive.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_orbitalAssembly
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_engineering-precision
pos = -736,1385,-1
scale = 0.6

parentID = offworldManufacturing
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = exoticAlloys
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// ====================
// Robotics Branch
// ====================
id = advActuators
title = Advanced Actuators
description = Advanced techniques for making everything mobile with the help of motors.
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advActuators
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_generic
pos = -1309,1300,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = actuators
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = experimentalActuators
title = Experimental Actuators
description = You can never have too much mobility.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_experimentalActuators
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_generic
pos = -1118,1300,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = composites
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = advActuators
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Aero Tech Branch
// ====================
id = subsonicFlight
title = Subsonic Flight
description = Sometimes, it's not enough to be fast.
cost = 160
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_subsonicFlight
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_aerospaceTech
pos = -1519,1240,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = aerodynamicSystems
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = specializedFlightSystems
title = Specialized Flight Systems
description = Sometimes, you need a little less jet.
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_specializedFlightSystems
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-advanced
pos = -1309,1240,-1
scale = 0.6
parentID = subsonicFlight
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = expAircraftEngines
title = Experimental Aircraft Engines
description = Engines intended for planes, not rockets. I guess you could get creative, though.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_expAircraftEngines
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_flight-hypersonic
pos = -736, 1180, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = aerospaceTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = aerospaceComposites
title = Aerospace Composites
description = Light, heat resistant and tough.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_aerospaceComposites
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_composites
pos = -927,1120 , -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = experimentalAerodynamics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Command Branch
// ====================

id = enhancedSurvivability
title = Enhanced Survivability
description = Decrease the number of tearful goodbyes by increasing the survivability of our pilots.
cost = 45
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_enhancedSurvivability
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_commandmodules
pos = -1946, 930, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = survivability
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = simpleCommandModules
title = Simple Command Modules
description = Command modules for those baby steps into space.
cost = 90
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_simpleCommandModules
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_commandmodules
pos = -1724, 930, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = enhancedSurvivability
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = heavyCommandModules
title = Heavy Command Modules
description = Big spacecraft need bigger command modules.
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_heavyCommandModules
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_commandmodules
pos = -1309, 930, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = commandModules
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Mining Branch
// ====================
id = advOffworldMining
title = Advanced Off-World Mining
description = Mining facilities with more than one drill have opened up huge possibilities. We're looking into hiring oil rig workers to help out.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advOffworldMining
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced
pos = -736, 870, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = experimentalScience
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = resourceExploitation
title = Resource Exploitation
description = There's money to be made here! Drill baby drill!
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_resourceExploitation
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-advanced
pos = -545,870 , -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advOffworldMining
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Science Branch
// ====================
id = specializedScienceTech
title = Specialized Science Tech
description = Science technology whose instruction manuals are thicker than the devices themselves.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_specializedScienceTech
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_scienceTech
pos = -1118, 810, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = scienceTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = longTermScienceTech
title = Long Term Science Tech
description = Some science experiments require ludicrously long durations.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_longTermScienceTech
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_telescope
pos = -927, 810, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = specializedScienceTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = scientificOutposts
title = Scientific Outposts
description = Entire bases dedicated to science sound like great ideas to us.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_scientificOutposts
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_science-experimental
pos = -736, 810, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = longTermScienceTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = highEnergyScience
title = High Energy Science
description = Doing science inside a particle accelerator since 2001.
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_highEnergyScience
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_science-experimental
pos = -545, 810, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = scientificOutposts
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Robotics Branch
// ====================
id = mechatronics
title = Mechatronics
description = The rumours of robot-led world domination are greatly exaggerated.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_mechatronics
anyToUnlock = False
icon =
pos = -927, 620, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = automation
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = artificialIntelligence
title = Artificial Intelligence
description = Smarter computers to help with the "good decisions" our pilots make.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_artificialIntelligence
anyToUnlock = False
icon =
pos = -736, 680, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = largeUnmanned
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT


// =======================
// Electric Engines Branch
// =======================
id = advIonPropulsion
title = Advanced Ion Propulsion
description = The R&D department has assured us that these technologies will make great publicity photos.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advIonPropulsion
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_propulsion-ion
pos = -927,750 , -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = ionPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = plasmaPropulsion
title = Plasma Propulsion
description = We've discovered a fourth state of matter! It's only very slightly dangerous to handle.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_plasmaPropulsion
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_rocketry-experimental
pos = -736, 770, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advIonPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advEMSystems
title = Advanced Electromagnetic Systems
description = After studying how electricity behaves with magnets, we now can use these results to direct jets of burning gas.
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advEMSystems
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electrics-specialized
pos = -545, 770 , -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = plasmaPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = specializedPlasmaGeneration
title = Specialized Plasma Generation
description = How do you confine a plasma that doesn't want to be confined, and would rather wander into the lab next door?
cost = 4000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_specializedPlasmaGeneration
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electrics-specialized
pos = -354, 770, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advEMSystems
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advGriddedThrusters
title = Advanced Gridded Thrusters
description = Some engineers wanted to call this covalent propulsion, but luckily we convinced them not to bond with that idea.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advGriddedThrusters
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_propulsion-ion
pos = -736, 730, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advIonPropulsion
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = expGriddedThrusters
title = Experimental Gridded Thrusters
description = In the dark future of the third millenium, there is only ion propulsion.
cost = 2250
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_expGriddedThrusters
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_propulsion-ion
pos = -545, 730, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advGriddedThrusters
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// =======================
// Solar Tech Branch
// =======================
id = advSolarTech
title = Advanced Solar Technology
description = The discovery of the lens has our electrical engineers all abuzz about the possibilities for solar energy generation.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advSolarTech
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electrics-large
pos = -1118, 470, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = largeElectrics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advPVMaterials
title = Advanced Photovoltaic Materials
description = New, stronger, intentionally bendy photovoltaic cells!
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advPVMaterials
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electronics
pos = -927, 500, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advSolarTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = cuttingEdgeSolarTech
title = Cutting-Edge Solar Technology
description = These new exotic panels are well grounded in reality.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_cuttingEdgeSolarTech
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electrics-large
pos = -927, 440, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advSolarTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Electrics Branch
// ====================
id = highTechElectricalSystems
title = High Tech Electrical Systems
description = Unifying electrical systems for distribution and power.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_highTechElectricalSystems
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_electrics
pos = -736, 590 , -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = experimentalElectrics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = microwavePowerTransmission
title = Microwave Power Transmission
description = Using a really long cable, we plan to... nah, just kidding.
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_microwavePowerTransmission
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_probes-large
pos = -736, 530, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = experimentalElectrics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Heat Management Branch
// ====================
id = heatManagementSystems
title = Heat Management Systems
description = Research into heat radiators to keep the snacks from overheating.
cost = 160
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_heatManagementSystems
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-heavy
pos = -1520, 380, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = electrics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = advHeatManagement
title = Advanced Heat Management
description = More advanced heat management technologies to keep the A/C running.
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advHeatManagement
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-heavy
pos = -1118, 380, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = heatManagementSystems
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = specializedRadiators
title = Specialized Radiators
description = Impressive, unwieldy radiators for immediate release!
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_specializedRadiators
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_aerodynamics-heavy
pos = -736, 380, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = advHeatManagement
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
// ====================
// Life Support Branch
// ====================
id = recycling
title = Recycling
description = Reduceable, reuseable, recyclable technologies.
cost = 90
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_recycling
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_automation
pos = -1724, 320, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = basicScience
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = hydroponics
title = Hydroponics
description = Growing things without getting soiled!
cost = 160
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_hydroponics
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_evaTech
pos = -1520, 320, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = recycling
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = storageTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = shortTermHabitation
title = Short Term Habitation
description = A Kerbal, a tiger, a zebra, a chimpanzee and a hyena all walk into a space capsule...
cost = 550
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_shortTermHabitation
anyToUnlock = True
icon = RDicon_evaTech
pos = -1118, 320, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = hydroponics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = logistics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
id = longTermHabitation
title = Long Term Habitation
description = Advanced psychological and material studies dedicated to the advancement of Kerbalkind.
cost = 1000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_longTermHabitation
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_start
pos = -927, 320, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = shortTermHabitation
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = colonization
title = Colonization
description = When spreading Kerbalkind through random explosions is just not enough.
cost = 4000
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_colonization
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_start
pos = -354, 320, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = orbitalMegastructures
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = longTermHabitation
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT
parentID = advLogistics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

// ====================
// Logistics Branch
// ====================
id = storageTech
title = Storage Technology
description = For those times when a cardboard box just won't do!
cost = 90
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_storageTech
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-highPerformance
pos = -1724, 260, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = basicScience
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = logistics
title = Logistics
description = Making bigger and better cardboard boxes!
cost = 300
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_logistics
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-highPerformance
pos = -1309, 260, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = storageTech
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

id = advLogistics
title = Advanced Logistics
description = Moving boxes from place to place... in space!
cost = 1500
hideEmpty = False
nodeName = ct_advLogistics
anyToUnlock = False
icon = RDicon_fuelSystems-highPerformance
pos = -736, 260, -1
scale = 0.6
parentID = logistics
lineFrom = RIGHT
lineTo = LEFT

edit: It occurs to me that the above list is probably going to be amazingly hard to follow. I'm going to try to dig up a picture with all of the node names adjacent to their place in the tech tree. If I don't find one, I'll damned well make one myself. Be back in a bit.

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i think i have a bug, when placing down a chuckwagon iFV, and converting to greenhouse, i have NRes spammed to my log, and i dont know why. i also cant right click the hacienda once attatched to vessel in editor, and when it turns green when placing, i makes a single ( i think) NRE too the log. any help?

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  123nick said:
i think i have a bug, when placing down a chuckwagon iFV, and converting to greenhouse, i have NRes spammed to my log, and i dont know why. i also cant right click the hacienda once attatched to vessel in editor, and when it turns green when placing, i makes a single ( i think) NRE too the log. any help?

Can you post your logs? That would help, thanks. :)

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I have two bases on Duna right now and have only seen this problem with a base that's on a hill. The other one works just fine.


ETsyhIYWell, even on flat surface northwards of KSC my test base managed to bork itself after time acceleration. Here's screen of pre-destruction wobble.

- Null Refs: Without logs and a picture of your base, I can't help.



Here they are. Note extra "tube" from Gaslight linking to already connected port - this stuff appears only after scene is reloaded. Unlinking such port is surefire way to get nullrefers.

- Buffalo hitch: what part are you talking about?

Buffalo's trailer hitch. The docking thingy with two KAS ports and short extendable ladder.

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  Rho-Mu 34 said:

http://imgur.com/ETsyhIYWell, even on flat surface northwards of KSC my test base managed to bork itself after time acceleration. Here's screen of pre-destruction wobble.



Here they are. Note extra "tube" from Gaslight linking to already connected port - this stuff appears only after scene is reloaded. Unlinking such port is surefire way to get nullrefers.

Buffalo's trailer hitch. The docking thingy with two KAS ports and short extendable ladder.

The base issues might be from the breaking force and breaking torque on the parts. I've upped them significantly for the next release; try adding a zero to the end so that a breaking force of 280 becomes 2800. Give the Switchback and the Ponderosas a breaking force/torque of 5000 and see if that helps. Meanwhile I'll look into the trailer hitch issue.

One thing I'm noticing is that if you're at a high timewarp and then drop to 1x, bases have issues. I've been warping down to 5x, letting the game settle, then warping to 1x, and that seems to help.

The cable issues comes from KIS, so I am at a loss about what to do about that.

Can you post your logs so I can take a look? Thanks. :)

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I finally ran into the base exploding issue on my second test base on Duna, and it appears related to an interaction with the terrain and the Saddle attached to the terrain. I started to notice it when the plane I brought with me started jumping around after timewarps. It was really profound when loading the base. It seems that when physics is applied to the scene, that is when the base has issues. Interestingly, my other test base has no problems and it too is on sloped terrain. The only difference is that the unaffected base uses a Ponderosa and the glitched base uses a Switchback. I will see if I can salvage the base with the Switchback and replace it with a Ponderosa as the root base element. That might make a difference. Maybe it's not the terrain, but the Switchback that is causing the problem.

Edited by Angel-125
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The base issues might be from the breaking force and breaking torque on the parts. I've upped them significantly for the next release; try adding a zero to the end so that a breaking force of 280 becomes 2800. Give the Switchback and the Ponderosas a breaking force/torque of 5000 and see if that helps.

That seems to help somewhat, test base failed to destroy itself this time, but the problem with wobble still remains and i'm positive that similar base on Duna would still uproot itself at very least.. In fact, 99% of the time it's chukwagons and and haciendas tend to initiate the whole jump: once loaded with resources this modules sag under added weight and press against\clip through the ground, so perhaps this is the main problem. As far as i know, such sag and wobble come from weak attachment node, so strengthening those might help.

One thing I'm noticing is that if you're at a high timewarp and then drop to 1x, bases have issues. I've been warping down to 5x, letting the game settle, then warping to 1x, and that seems to help.

Can confirm this, gradually slowing down timewarp helps noticeably.

Can you post your logs so I can take a look? Thanks.

Which logs are you talking about? There were no crashes, so no usual log+dump.

I finally ran into the base exploding issue on my second test base on Duna, and it appears related to an interaction with the terrain and the Saddle attached to the terrain.

Containerised Ponderosa is no different from switchback, at least in my experience. Worst of all is Ponderosa -> Hacienda -> Chukwagon combo, as 2 modules without Saddle wobble like hell during loading or timewarp, and that's why i try to use Saddles as much as possible. It does help with wobble, but does noting against sagging.

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I've got a minor bug report for you (didn't take logs I should have thought about that, but I'm not sure they would be useful anyway)... I installed latest version on a FRESHLY installed KSP (fresh from steam). TERRAIN scanner works for the initial scan, but the on-going monitoring doesn't seem to be working.

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  rottielover said:
I've got a minor bug report for you (didn't take logs I should have thought about that, but I'm not sure they would be useful anyway)... I installed latest version on a FRESHLY installed KSP (fresh from steam). TERRAIN scanner works for the initial scan, but the on-going monitoring doesn't seem to be working.

I've run into something like that. With a bunch of mods installed, I can run the initial scan but I don't see the resource overlay. I just tried stock M700 and have the same problem. I tried just stock KSP and my mods, and things work fine. Not sure where the problem is at the moment. Of course I'm running with the 1.0.5 update, which isn't quite done yet..

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Got another minor one, bucket boards and similar don't show the mount option when placed on muncrete slabs that have been "attached". However you can hold H and attach and it seemed to be ok, though I did not try time warp. Ran out of time for that session.

I do have to say that was the smoothest session of ksp in memory. Usually I'd have to quick save after just about each operation due to explosions or other kraken events. This time I drove a buffalo out of a plane cargo hold, went 30ish m/s with it for a sustained time, then setup two modules along with a solar tower and some lampposts.

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  rottielover said:
Got another minor one, bucket boards and similar don't show the mount option when placed on muncrete slabs that have been "attached". However you can hold H and attach and it seemed to be ok, though I did not try time warp. Ran out of time for that session.

I do have to say that was the smoothest session of ksp in memory. Usually I'd have to quick save after just about each operation due to explosions or other kraken events. This time I drove a buffalo out of a plane cargo hold, went 30ish m/s with it for a sustained time, then setup two modules along with a solar tower and some lampposts.

Thanks for the feedback. :) I will have the 1.0.5 update tonight. The Buckboards not having the mount option: I got rid of the KIS part Mount module that lets you auto-mount the Buckboards to the Saddle (and other parts too) since I didn't want users hitting that Release button and causing Kraken issues.

The exploding base issue is related to terrain and KIS; thus far it is hit or miss. As far as I can tell, I've set up the Saddle to be just like the KIS concrete pylon. It's possible that you might need to put down a Patio and then mount the Saddle on top of that in areas where the terrain is questionable. I'm going to try that with my test base that exploded due to collisions and see what happens. I don't expect that issue to be solves with the upcoming update though.

Regarding the sagging inflatable modules: I think this is also KIS related but I'm not sure. Still investigating..

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New Part

- Added the Smoke Pipe portable cooling tower. It is good at radiating heat. Be sure to keep it charged with electricity and fill it with water; it needs both.

Gold Digger

- Increased efficiency on the drill, but it now also generates heat. Be sure to plan accordingly.


- Added the Claw Marks Strip Miner. Credit goes to AdmiralTigerclaw for the concept, thanks AdmiralTigerclaw! :)

Hot Springs

- The Hot Springs now generates heat. Be sure to plan accordingly.

Sunburn Lab

- Added Ore, Water, and Minerals resources to help with conversions.


- Added Organics, Ore, and Minerals resources.


- Removed KIS part mount module; it was only applicable to a small number of parts.

- You can now surface-attach parts to the flatbeds.


- Anybody can now stack Buckboards.


- Added ability to switch between different resources to the stock shuttle and airliner wings.

- Increased breaking torque and breaking force on all base parts.

- Updated to KSP 1.0.5

Bug Fixes

- The TERRAIN satellite will now benefit from Antenna Range if installed.

- Added missing resources to the Brew Works.

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I think the sag in the base parts is caused by two things: excessive weight in the module, and the size zero nodes being used to attach other parts. In my test build, I have changed the connection node sizes to size 2 (used on 2.5m parts) and that helps. I also reduced the storage capacity in the Chuckwagon. Terrain is definitely a factor; some locations are fine for attaching a Saddle to the ground and building bases off of it, other locations can't, and will explode after timewarps. I'm finding that if the base starts to shake a lot after a timewarp then chances are it will explode. Interestingly, my second base, the one that exploded, mostly just lost its saddle and is now resting comfortably on the ground. So some areas are ok with bases just sitting on the ground and don't jump around. It could be that large sprawling bases just don't work in some areas..

Anyway I found a couple of minor issues and will have a hotfix in the next day or two.

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I looked through a few pages and didn't find my question. If it was covered, I apologize.

I grab the 'Chuckwagon' habitat and rotate to where I want it. Is there a way to get it from standing on end when you inflate it or am I missing something?

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  Fr8monkey said:
I looked through a few pages and didn't find my question. If it was covered, I apologize.

I grab the 'Chuckwagon' habitat and rotate to where I want it. Is there a way to get it from standing on end when you inflate it or am I missing something?

No worries. :) Like many parts in Pathfinder, the Chuckwagon is designed to clip together with other base elements. The Wiki describes all the parts and how to use them. The Getting Started guide should give you an idea of how the Chuckwagon is used in better detail. Hope that helps, if you have any questions, just let me know. :)

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  Fr8monkey said:
I'm an idiot... wasn't putting the unit on one of the saddles, just on the ground by itself... :sticktongue:

Actually, you might not be that far off. I'm finding that sometimes just putting the base on the ground works better than mounting it to the Saddle. If the base jumps around a lot even when attached to the Saddle, then try just resting it on the ground. It seems that you need a different setup depending upon the terrain itself.

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- Increased the node size on all the base attachment nodes.


- Moved center of mass for the Chuckwagon to the center of the dome.

- Adjusted storage capacity after taking a closer look at the mesh's volume. No more Tardis Chuckwagon...

Bug Fixes

- You can now carry the Smoke Pipe.

- Some inflatable modules have resources that are kept even when switching templates. Now, those resources won't be affected by the part being inflated or deflated.

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